#purple paw muses
son1c · 1 year
is that maria?? shes so cute in ur style 🥺🥺🥺
yes :]
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outofthiisworld · 1 year
🐶 for a role play related pet peeve.
when I check out a really cool blog and the mun seems really rad and their muse hits just right but they write in double space between all their words and—
—large inhale of air—
while that’s cool cause it’s your space you do you BUT it bums me out cause I cannot COMPREHEND IT!! Busts my brain wide open!! Nothing but dial up noises, babeey!!!
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the-haunted-office · 7 months
i dont have a specific plot in mind ;; id just like to rp w/ you again sometime ;w;
Sure, we can! We can rp any time you like! I don't have any specific plots in mind myself right off, but I usually start getting ideas after our muses interact more. If there's any of my muses who stand out to you, I can send them your way. Otherwise, I can just pick somebody and toss them your way and see what happens. :p
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
yellow and turquoise!
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Thank you! I try my best to be positive, as much as possible!
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mixed-up-multiverse · 11 months
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// Thamk you guys, and thanks to everyone else for all the (early) birthday wishes!
@foretoldwings @purple-paw-muses
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xxlordalexanderxx · 11 months
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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I think it's important to understand that nobody owes anyone an explanation for blocking you. Sometimes it's good to sit down and talk things out granted both parties are willing to be civil and adult about things, it depends on what kind of relationship you may have with that person.
But at the end of end of day, blocking indicates that someone does not want contact with you and or to see your content and you should respect that and not block evade and continue to bother people who do not want to talk to you.
I hate this trend where people want an explanation as to why they were blocked. Like I guess I can understand wanting to learn WHY and trying to better yourself but if you have been TOLD once or more and you continue to offend someone and they block you? Move on. Leave people alone, get over it, and move on.
Because confronting someone and block evading feels mildly hostile, awkward, and or uncomfortable.
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clown-demon · 11 months
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((Your art is SO cute. At some point I want to commission you to do one of my OCs-- but I've been tight on money AND I don't know what OC I would love to see in your style.. LISTEN I HAVE SO MANY MONSTERS/LA CREATURES It's hard to pick one for someone to draw!
We don't chat much, but you've been following me for a while now! I adore seeing you around on the dash. And kudos to you for being around in dead fandoms! Cuz I don't think the Ty RPC is very big.. At least I haven't seen anyone else in it.
You're also just a really nice person, and we SHOULD chat more.. I'm just a shy bean tho... Talking is NOT my forte...
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
dark type!
Send me a Pokémon Type and I’ll make a Team for my muse using only Pokémon of that type.
Sableye, Purrloin, Zoroark, Morpeko, Honchcrow, Absol
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fairymint · 1 year
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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the most common thing is muse mood or mun mood being inconsistent; i can be into something one moment, and then the muse will just fuck off somewhere else. Makes me worry about feeling inconsistent, playing faves, etc.
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windsofredemption · 1 year
what foods does Zamasu hate?
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' ' ... I hate bitter food mostly. I can only drink coffee with cream and sugar... Black coffee is the worst.' '
He knew he sounded childish, but he didn't care... Bitter food is gross!
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villains4hire · 2 years
🔥 (unpopular opinion on... fandom?)
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I think one I have is that people are often too charitable to their fandom creators not even in a way that I want to harass, criticize them as a person when unneeded, but overall writing or direction of a show. I think a good example of this is ViziPop or w/e her name is, as she has enough ooc problems herself for her past and with her employee treatment that I don't need to go into, but I find her fans that believe her at face value to be annoying and when they praise arguably bad writing or characterization such as with 'Stella' who's basically a cardboard cutout for a character when she's rather important to Octavia, Stolas, but rather she's simply there to be 'bad' which is fine.
//Not to compare such a high budget film and production, but Jack Horner comes to mind of a simple, classic villain done right of being entertaining, characterized and really just stealing the show of what he does best, being a cartoonishly evil bad guy and a good one at that in a simple manner. It's why I'm okay with such a basic 'bleh bleh she's actually a big abuser!' but it feels like a bigger writing crutch to the story of why Stolas cheating on her was okay, as we all sympathized with Stella at first and with Stolas and their situation, but it was rather clear that Vizi wanted to change that perception in the dumbest way possible, along with Stella being all around eh, pretty unlikable in canon even from a villain standpoint? As to me, it's bad writing to play the sympathy/empathy card to get you to like a character in a rather sudden hamfisted way, but eh, it is what it is. I'll admit I've lost interest in the media as my attention will go to other things that I'm interested in eventually if there's not enough to show for it.
//As for people I would say the people are nice in that fandom, but ultimately are also extremely horny for a decent chunk of them, which is fine? I like writing smut with people I trust or like a lot, but as I tried to rp Verosika for a while but it always devolved into sex even after plotting, which is fine... but it got grating after a while when I was being approached solely for that when it came to her to the point I like rping her and using her, but I got bored and eventually tossed her aside despite being in my primary. I like rping with her and still do, but even with my rp partners I try to at least characterize them a plot point that'd interest their character but also not over-do it with the smut as I had gotten 20+ smut requests her at one point when Helluva Boss was really popular at the time. Other than that? I have no real problems with anyone, as no one I follow is a drama hog and I don't think anyone I've ever interacted with is a drama hog from that fandom, but I do know that's a problem in the fandom as well that a lot of messed up things happen in the bg or ppl rp things like non-con, incest openly with ZERO fade to black in a fucked up fetish rp in public of all places, though rarely anything pedophilic happens thankfully from what I know.
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the-haunted-office · 11 months
Who was your first OC?
Oh gosh, my very first OC ever that I can remember was this absolutely ridiculous take on Sonic and Tails. Their names were Poop Squish and Pee Splash. They ran around in the sewers having all sorts of crazy adventures, fighting this evil toilet plunger guy. I was like eight years old when I created those guys. xD
Roleplaying OC. I think it was my DBZ self-insert. Her name was Aqua and she was Vegeta's younger sister. I brought her to life way back in the 90s when AOL was new and dial-up was how we accessed the internet. There were chatrooms, and there I was introduced to roleplaying. It was then that I released her into the wild. I remember she made friends with someone's Krillin. x)
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pcrplevenom · 1 year
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
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Because she's originally from space (A planet in a short sense, called Alternia), some the culture hasn't left. Though being a second highest royalty, Soldan never liked the idea of acting like it-yet knows how to dress the part. Now residing in Ionia, Runeterra. The culture is different, and took time to adapt to. There's some that haven't fully clicked yet, such as languages from other areas; that being Shurima, a fairly close one but dangerous due to the Great Sai desert.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
i assume you enjoy spicy food
Make assumptions about my muse in my ask box and my muse will respond to them.
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"I don't know the concept of spicy, I'm always on fire from within."
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
what type of neighborhood did they grow up in?  do they still live there?
What type of neighborhood did they grow up in?
"Well ... My parents were both highly successful engineers an' were quite well known in our home town, Dawnsburgh ... We weren't extravagantly rich or anything like that, but .. we were very well off. We lived near the center of town .. which's probably what some would call the .. 'upper middle class' .. There were many families with kids that lived there back in my old neighborhood, so there was always some sort of little events that occur during the seasonal holidays .. It was rather nice .. An' ... I sometimes kinda miss those days, honestly"
Do they still live there?
"I do not! ... After my parents' deaths .. I was sent to live with a so called family friend who was claimed to be in their will ... I stayed with that man for nearly seven years before I was old enough ta leave on my own ... I now live near the edge of the city .. Not too far from the city slums ... I've managed ta make a decent home for myself an' am able to support myself well enough"
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ultimarobo · 7 months
↕ Ty (who is 3'5")
Comparing heights!
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As expected. Omega had already met Ty in person, it didn't need a chart to see that it was almost twice as tall as him. But providing the image did make it more amusing to display rather than simply stating facts.
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"You are far smaller than me, you may hang this on your wall in case you forget."
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