ultraferal · 10 days
i love lolcow lore. this is a video interview of thewhitebowser (their president like that's who agrees with you) who is a proud "pro shipper" is a perfect example of how normal people "antis" react and respond to people like him. the outrage and disgust from individuals interviewing him is literally the voice of an everyday sane person and how we view people get off to lolicon as people who indulge pedophilia and hide under the constant excuse of it being cartoon characters.
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ultraferal · 11 days
I hope someone will one day report you for harassment and invasion of the privacy of minors. Because what you are doing IS illegal. You are blatantly calling all proshippers pedophiles, deliberately twisting the term "proshipper", and harassing/stalking content creators.
You are a disgusting human being. Enjoying dark fiction does not compare to actively wanting to harm people, AND HARMING REAL MINORS, like you are.You've harassed, stalked, and disturbed a 14 year old in the past. God knows how many minors you've already harmed. You sicko.
So who are you protecting? Not the minors.
You're just protecting your weak ego.
what 14 year old are you talking about? if you referring to the most recent minor who had approached my domain first by interacting with my post, the minor has lied about their age multiple times, so it can't be confirmed how old they are. as of now, they've said 15, but they've said their 15 for multiple years now. either way, it doesn't matter. they were an abhorrent disturbed sexual deviant, an absolute menace, threat, and risk to society, who had a specific sexual drive toward very young children. this person as I said many times weeks ago, should not be interacting with children or their parents in their day to day by exposing innocent people to their extremely horrific predilection for very young children as they often wrote in great detail about and very proudly too (hidden under the guise of fiction).
i couldn't give a fat fuck about them, as I see them as a huge threat, and they need to be rehabilitated and kept far away from unsuspecting parents and their children. just because someone is a minor, 14 for your example, doesn't mean they aren't capable of committing horrible acts on children much younger than they are. so I really couldn't care less about protecting the very proud pedophilia lovers on tumblr who believe they're being harassed and stalked with the 1000000 other "proshipper" deviants behind them. whatever your opinion of me, whatever your cult pedophile groupies opinion of me is, truly doesn't matter to me. so continuing to spout bullshit into my inbox on anon because you are a fat ass pussy and accusing me of harming "god knows how many" minors is just a pathetic hit in an attempt to demonize me.
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ultraferal · 12 days
I haven't heard from you in a while, are you doing well?
i’m okay! i got a lot going on rn health wise so i’ve been busy and will continue to be. i still check in on tumblr, just rarely post anymore.
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ultraferal · 28 days
Dude so glad so,ebody else is having these thoughts, it squicks me out especially that proshippers pretend to belong some sort of opressed group in a way already equating all that weird shit with being lgbt which is exactly what homophobes do… LOL
they really do talk like their oppressed 😭💀
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ultraferal · 1 month
maybe that anon who has been bugging you should go to therapy to unpack why they feel the need to furiously defend blatant pedophilia, seems like a more severe issue than touching grass or not. stay winning max!
thank you ☺️
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ultraferal · 1 month
I can only hope you grow enough in the future that when you look back at the time you’ve spent on social media legally conflating fictional characters to real children who experience real trauma, you’re embarrassed. Go to therapy.
if pedophiles believe i should be embarrassed for displaying their delinquent, federally illegal, pedophilic material, abhorrent freaks, proud of what they do, making sickos, then i did it right. i absolutely did something right and that is a hard win for me.
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ultraferal · 1 month
touch grass
you first cunt
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ultraferal · 2 months
fyi: t-stray deleted their tumblr in the following days after this post was made and blamed it on “hackers” (literally what????? hackers???? you got anonymous on your ass or something bro 😭). which if it isn’t obvious, a tell tail sign of guilt.
t-stray popping back on tumblr like the dude he helped wrangle children and young adults for to aid in his cult hasn’t been convicted of being a pedophile and on the registry. dude gonna come back like he didn’t participate in the act of helping ciel star to groom minors and young adults. now that he is active again, i want to warn people that is indeed a sick freak and to actively avoid/interact with him.
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ultraferal · 2 months
Hello, I'm following your blog, and I just wanted to say that you're doing a hero's work in persecuting all these creeps.
Have you considered filing a report against NSFW s*baciel artists on Twitter? Like @nyamiiscarex and @oefss
haven’t looked into them. although i find people drawing character cp abhorrent and worthy of punishment, as it is a federal crime, i would be putting all my energy into every little thing because unfortunately these sick freaks are EVERYWHERE. their like fruit flies. what i look for are red flags, like the ones i saw these last few days. i also can’t subject myself to all of it personally, because it is too horrific for me to really even glance at. it’s triggering to say the least and forces me to step into my own trauma. the one that user made about ciel being a 7 year old girl being raped by her babysitter had a huge fucking kick to the gut as i was once a 7 year old raped by a care giver. it definitely rocked me to my core. as much as i’d like to do this to prevent what i see as red flags, i’d be killing myself doing it. the only reason i confronted the people these past fews days is because one of them made a comment on my post, and the other bullied my friend into submission over a post about their belief on seba/ciel. otherwise, i just can’t make myself do it. as much as my justice sensitivity drives me to overcome it, i’m only human. i need a break, and i will look into them when i feel ready.
what i can do is provide ways in which to report these people and find more information about them to do it. i can’t do it all. so if you’d like to do your own investigation, dm me, and i can provide sources to do it with that private investigators use to digitally collect evidence. thank you!
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ultraferal · 2 months
i have a twitter fyi
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ultraferal · 2 months
faust lying they live in japan now is so funny because ciel star when he found out he had a warrant for his arrest he tried getting people to go on the lamb to japan with him LMAO
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ultraferal · 2 months
also why do they act like being a "pro-shipper" is their biggest personality trait like it's ALLLLLL they talk about being 😭
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ultraferal · 2 months
They talk like Yana came to them in a dream then in the morning told her about it
you think they play tarot cards together??? or monopoly?? you think they text each other memes??? 😭
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ultraferal · 2 months
yall literally kin that pedophile kelvin with how badly you want to sexualize ciel at every turn in your life 💀
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ultraferal · 2 months
they will find this impossible to believe but.... i (including people who are what you refer to as "antis") have never once seen any form of fiction, media, anything with a child in it, fictional character or not, and sexualized the child. even if what you believe was sexually implied. i still, did not sexualize the child. i have never once sexualized a child in any sense of the word. if being an "anti" means you don't sexualize children in any form of media whatsoever, even if it's what you believe the creator of the fiction sexualized the child on purpose and wanted it to be implied, i still have not sexualized a child. i have never once read black butler and sexualized the child characters. even when the creator put into the panel's of the children being horrifically ga/ng r/ped by a cult, and i never saw it as sexual. i saw it as a horrific crime being forced upon two innocent children. as much as they believe people can't read black butler without sexualizing the child and the relationship with the adult........ i don't. normal people with basic morals, known as "anti's" to the cult, do not either. telling other people that in order to understand and read this form of media you NEED to sexualize the child.... is wild, and i can't wrap my head around that.
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ultraferal · 2 months
they throw around the word "anti" like it's calling someone a nazi or some shit 😭 also why do they act like they got yana on speed dial and text her daily?? like they are on a first name basis and go out for coffee?? like yana already met their family and they bought an apartment together??? they talk about her like she's god.... and i can't wrap my mind around it
why do self proclaimed pro-shippers act like their being hate crimed all the time. 😭
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ultraferal · 2 months
why do self proclaimed pro-shippers act like their being hate crimed all the time. 😭
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