unauthourized-monster · 7 months
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Made this slender brother OC when I was like, by my best guess 14, drew him on paper, and forgot about him, It's been many years since then, and during that time I became religious for various reasons and I thought it meant I had to give up creepypasta forever.
But I realized interacting with the horror I love isn't evil or sinful in any way, that it was okay to enjoy whatever media I wanted, and that I wasn't a bad person for it.
So here he is. Redrawn from memory, the only thing I changed was my skill, and giving him a hat which I wanted to do at the time but I just really couldn't draw hats at all at the time. He is still on a white background he still has his hands awkwardly behind his back and he's still wearing a waistcoat.
The only issue is it's unclear what his name is, as one the original image is lost and two my handwriting was so horrendous it would likely be impossible to read what it said regardless, and what I know about him is he can hypnotize and eat you with his tendrils.
[I was getting into the science of hypnotism and sleep at the time I made him, I'm still unsure why]
and that's it aside from the fact the feathers in his hat are canonically stolen from Jason the toymaker and Laughing Jack.
So my guesses for what his name was originally are; Hypnotiser man [but that's a bit long] Trancer man [but that sounds- off] Mesmerizer man [Cause 1: thesaurus.com, 2: he be mesmerizing]
But yeah this is him. And I'm thankful I remembered him.
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unauthourized-monster · 7 months
Honestly, that reminds me of how many times it's been late at night and then me and my sister hear a bang or bump and DIDN'T investigate it, if we were in a horror genre we'd be fucking dead.
This is also already affecting my writing and I do not know how to handle that fact even slightly.
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unauthourized-monster · 9 months
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The day I come back I am greeted by live-action Pikachu Man, its good to be back Tumblr
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unauthourized-monster · 9 months
Stop calling me out urgently please
“how’s the writing going?” i’m glad you asked! my room has never been cleaner and i’ve decided to take up baking
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unauthourized-monster · 9 months
The human is autistic [Proof: human is me][I would not of noticed]
You run a secret, hidden café frequented by mythical beings. One day, a human somehow finds their way to the café. They have not noticed they are the only human, nor have the other patrons noticed them. Yet.
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Incase of mimcs.
The one terrifying thought that nobody seems to ask is, what was the evolutionary advantage of having our brains understand the concept of Uncanny Valley? That is, being afraid of something that looks human, but isnt…
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Last night {night for me at least} I watched Jello apocalypse’s stream on twitch where he drank an unhealthy amount of lemonades for charity. And during that stream he dropped some new lore for lord Remmington, that being he has a son named Geoffrey. 
I decided id like to draw both of them and because I could I asked the twitch chat what they thought both of them should look like and decided to let that inform my art which was all fun and really funny.
But then this person named funkyvampire_ in chat asked me to post my art somewhere and for unknown reasons I agreed.
Disclaimer: my art app comes with free tracing bases and well the art was meant to just be for me so that’s what I used but ask mx vampire asked me to post them I shall anyway. And yes all the ingredients on Geoffreys table are traced too from images provided by the app. but I drew that tie myself. and I decided to shade because I can 
Also I decided to share geoffrey with and without butter in his hair just to appease both people who said “hell yea put butter in his hair” and “hell no keep the butter out his hair”
Hope its good :D
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So! basically 1-2 years ago I was applying for college {I’m British and you HAVE to get education until your 18. but you do get the first few years of college for free as you need to get education until your 18 or get a job.} 
anyways my dad really talked up my writing to the college and I ended up having to send some of my own writing. to them. yeah. so I did. the story was called something like into the stars or beyond the stars {I know the name is cringe} and it was about a group of 5 going into space to stop crime. 
no. seriously. space crime.
anyways it was about this boy who was basically a plant human hybrid who was an amputee in one of his arms, and he joined this group called vesta {I do NOT remember why I named it vesta-} he joins this group at an inter-steller trade planet
the group was this big strong muscular lady who had scars, a poc female who is and inventor and the smart lady who does smart things, a rabbit neko man who had blue hair and was NAMED BLUE. and a lad called tank who was big muscular ect and irish {because when i wrote him it sounded kinda like jacksepticeye- yeahh-}
so yeah if a book or movie or game pops up with this very specific beggining ad characters- yeahh....
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hold on while I reblog this so I can find it later.
A dating service where matching is based on people’s search history exists. You’re a serial killer. You go on a date with a writer.
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LGBTQ+ writing ideas
1: Trans supportive villain.
Villain: MWAHAHAHAHAHA- woah woah woahhh hang on-
Hero: WHAT NOW!?
Villain: you arent trying to fight in a binder again... are you?
Hero: ......noooooo?
Villain: your top surgery is in two months i know better. get out of my lair and come back when youve got your tits removed okay? if the doctor asks for more money let me know.
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I sometimes browse the internets. and i have come to a conclusion.
yall are horny and yall need therapy.
and i am one of you.
f r i c k.
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idk why but I drew the gayly news.
idk what compelled me. except force of gay.
I don’t even know if this is a thing haha-
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Yknow that one device that has the thing?
Yknow what i mean? that one gosh darn thing on that one device you probably forgot the password for? yeahhhh I broke mine.
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Drew these two on tablet for something I can’t be bothered to finish. maybe i should show you all my other failed stuff? idk lmao.
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Turns out, i just saved these two next panels in the wrong place. yes that's actually one image. because they were intended for webtoon which has size limits. so yeah. i thought my two whole followers might like to see they exist.
maybe I should dig up more random art I did. idk.
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I was BRUTALLY reminded of when I tried to start a dark comic. {again} called arcadia {which btw, according to theasarus.com means paradise. your welcome.} I did lose some thanks to webtoon allegedly forgetting them? idk!
anyways i decided to post it to celebrate having one follower now.
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