unbotheredkid · 3 years
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
Story time. Soooo, the boyfriend was sick for 3 days. And I really dont know anything about taking care of a patient, sick person whatsoever. Like, what to do? Should i change his clothes while he's sweating at 2am, which food to cook that he can eat, which meds to drink, etc. And i realized.. I wish i could call my mom (or his mom) to ask what to do. You know usually moms are good at these kind of situations. Agree?
But then yeah, i dont have the means and we're adults now so we gotta deal with it on our own. I just asked whoever I can reach . My cousin (who is very well rounded with a lot of meds and whatever) My pharmacist friend. Also called a doctor using my medical insurance. And just monitor his temperature every 6 hrs or so.
Also we were both onvinced it was covid. But then his pcr result was negative so. Idunno. tried my best to cheer him up and sent him this email. The child&writer in me -has her own ways.
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I may not know shit about medical stuff but I know one thing is for sure.. it's that I care for this man and I got his back whatever happens.
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As of writing, he's not sick anymore but his gums and throat still hurts. Hay erkegim. Seni seviyorum. Please get better soon.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
“You are your own beginning. Every day, every hour, every minute, you start again. There is no point wishing you were someone else, you are who you are—start there.”
— A. M. Homes, Music for Torching
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
It wasn't an escape. It was a start over.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
Right now. I think happiness is.. about letting go of what you thought your life was supposed to be and just embracing where you are now and how special it is.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
Life at 25
at 5 the girl has no idea of what she's doing but pretty sure she was innocent and pure like every child, watching her younger brother learn how to walk as he was born in 2000, me at '96.
at 10 she was that kid who watches her parents fight who are on the verge of annulment, trying to make friends, finding a place where she belongs, always outside to play with random people, avoiding chaos at home.
at 15 pretty much enjoying her high school life, settling in a new town after her parents separated, found her dearest friends, figuring out what to take for college, always fights with her mom, and studying hard.
at 20 she started her first job in which she will last for 4 years, started dating after college, drinking from here and there, having fun, and exploring different things.
at 25 she never changed I guess, sure she grew up, got COVID positive twice, living in a new city, working at her new job, trying to spend her money wisely, creating memories with her loving partner, but still figuring things out for her future.
Quarter life it is but happily experiencing everything.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
I love the silence of early mornings before the rest of the world wakes up. I love waking up to make my coffee and drink it as if everything will be easy after I finish a cup of my usual medium roast.
More than that, there are days that me and my man are lucky enough to wake up beside each other. I love opening my eyes and the first thing I see is the person who makes me feel I'm home.
Finding time, making love, living life.
Our morning kisses before we go out of the house when it's time for us to go to office or separate ways. Even our random kisses after shower, or while in the kitchen, actually anywhere and anytime of the day.
Our work from home together, figuring out what to eat after, hearing each other's complain about all the shit that is happening in the world *more like about work*.
I love how comf'table it feels whenever he's here within my reach yet I also love how he makes my day even from afar. Almost 50 kms away if im not mistaken.
I am loving my life and how I have lived so far. But nothing can compare to how peaceful, easier, bearable, and happier my life is now with him on it. I have loved my life a lot more because of him.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
there was a point in my life where I thought didn’t want to fall in love or need someone. I thought I would never understand how people call love as it is. I really didn’t want anything. but then you appeared and I started wanting everything.. 
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
Loving Someone Who Over-Worry
Relationships are hard for anyone. Especially for a newbie like me who’s just used to dating and not committing. Now, I am talking about relationships wow - what a major transition. Add anxiety into the picture and a partner who over-worry, it can be heavy sometimes. 
Moments of doubt and confusion. Worrying or overthinking about the future. Creating problems in your head that aren’t actually problems yet.
Overthinking can be a factor that ruins the fun in the early stages of relationship. But people who have worries just cannot help it. For sure they hope that someday they will meet someone who tries to understand them and can work around this flaw of theirs. It’s easy to say things like “I understand” but when you’re there, yes it can indeed be hard. But you know what? Just cross the bridge when you get there. No need to worry now. Discuss these things again when when it's already happening.
For now, nothing is more important than just enjoying the moments.
Create memories together so you can both remember these happy moments on your bad days. Yes, it is not always bright and shiny and laughs and kisses. There will be days that you just want to stay silent, rest, have your own time. 
So (Yani).. It is best to:
Understand Your Partners Mind
Understand your partner because they are paying really close attention to everything you say. To every look, every eye roll, every gesture.
Picking up on little things that might not mean anything to you. But to them they analyze it and think too much about it. Sometimes creating problems in their mind. Understand them.
Reassure Your Partner Often That Things are Fine
Whether anything happened or none at all, just tell them things are okay. That you care. That you’re there for them. And it sounds silly but for people who over worry, I think they will appreciate that. 
At the start of relationships, every little thing they are going to worry about it. They are almost too cautious sometimes. But once they grow to trust you more and become more confident in you, you’ll see these worries will fade soon enough. Believe and Trust. 
Be Someone Who is Always Sure
They are going to ask your opinion and what you think and what would make you happy. It’s not that they don’t know how to stand on their own feet but a lot of times they might have encountered people in the past who have made them unsure of themselves. Understand it isn’t their fault.
Read them Carefully When You Can
When they respond with one word, something might be off. When they use words like ‘it’s fine’ they probably aren’t. When they don’t reply they might just be cooling their head or resting in their bed. Everyone has their own mannerisms or traits. Things they might not even notice that they do.
Learn them. Learn every curve. Learn every flaw. Learn to love them and love the things about themselves they struggle to understand.
Value Communication Because That’s Essential
Their minds will wander and make every assumption possible. Talking things out is so important. Addressing an issue and finding a problem, NOT letting them think about it and dwell and spend time upset - alone.
They care. They care about saying and doing everything right and making their partners happy.
If you can understand his root of fears (maybe losing you as his partner), and that worrying just means they care, it will help you embrace them more.
Know How to Talk Them Down When They Worry
Understand there are some things you won’t be able to fix. Moments where you’re just going to have to ride this rollercoaster of emotions just listening to everything they say until it’s out of their system. Moments where you might see them get so aggressive, fall apart, and break down.. There are no words to fix it or anything you can do.
Sometimes just being there is enough so they know they aren’t alone.
Love Them for Exactly Who They Are
Whether it’s about work, or their insecurities, or their past relationships - as their partner, it’s your role to love them in those moments. It’s your part to be sure when they are doubting everything. It’s your task to hold them when they feel like their world is falling apart. It’s your part to not think much.
It’s all about balance and when you can do that. It will be easy.
In return for all of that, under every bit of worry that they have - there is a heart that cares so much. They will accept every part of you. They will love you unconditionally. They will always be honest. They will never stop showing you they care and appreciate you.
Someone who overthinks is also someone who overloves.
Overthinkers tend to overanalyze everything, and also overanalyze the people that they are with. Be prepared to have an answer for everything. And be prepared to sometimes have hard conversations (just like every other relationship in the world).
Loving an over-thinker can be a challenge, but isn’t every relationship a challenge?
Be yourself and let them know how much you care about them too.
An over-thinker can sometimes drive you crazy but they will love you, no matter how many weird habits you have or how much baggage that you carry. They will love you for not just putting up with them, but for loving them no matter what.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
"Even if you didn't ask it yesterday, I guess the first thing I would do today is write to you.
Another foggy morning, another starting with you, good morning.. ☕"
- someone just made my day. Getting better now.
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
“Sometimes it’s good to just live life silently. Pay attention to your thoughts as they come and go, and reflect upon your feelings. Sometimes being overly social can offset our inner peace.”
— Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
Here's to the woman I'm going be in 2021. May she be well dressed, glowing, succeeding, and happy. 🍷
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
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unbotheredkid · 3 years
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First Christmas alone 💕
so, why not spend it with a solo mini adventure 🥰
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unbotheredkid · 4 years
I realized I was never really proud of my father.
If your father is a good man. That's something to be proud of. Believe me. It's not just about being an intellectual. The power, popularity, position.
"Engineer tatay ko" & "Politician tatay ko"
"Ex mayor & Lawyer step dad ko"
I grew up having a lot of restrictions.
Yes, all the privilege, but I don't have my freedom.
Yes, I was fortunate than some people, but I wanted to escape the life that I knew.
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