undeadarcticfox · 4 years
You know the world is nuts when a man almost gets canceled because he doesn't have eyes on the back of his head and doesn't realize his chair got pushed back a little too far, hitting the legs of a woman standing behind him, when he got up fast, as directed by the script. He's not responsible for blocking the scene, only for playing his character.
Did she say anything right then and there? If not, it clearly wasn't that big of a deal. He's focused on his role, not what someone behind him is doing. It would be the director's job to notice that.
So no assault or aggression there, veiled or otherwise. At worst, he was a bit rude.
Asking privacy during rehearsals isn't a thing exclusive to him, by the way.
And the whole thing with him getting people fired? Lies, as proven by the producers.
Believe victims, yes. When their story is clear on what exactly happened and doesn't contradict itself or immediately get proven false. An actual victim coming out would have details and wouldn't change tune the minute someone asks for them.
Fuck all you people who jumped on the cancel bandwagon because of translations by people who say they speak the language but every translation contradicts the others. Were you really fans of his in the first place if you were this quick to turn on him?
And now I'm gonna shut up about this.
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undeadarcticfox · 4 years
So the whole thing WAS a misunderstanding and blown completely out of proportion. As I thought.
So what we know for a fact is that Ms Franco (allegedly) witnessed Adam do something involving a chair and that she didn't like it. She told the production team, who told her they're deeply sorry but can't really do anything about it and that she's of course allowed to leave the production if she wants to. She refused.
My thoughts on this.
I'm not saying she's lying. From what I've heard, she's a classy lady who wouldn't do something like that. Would someone on the internet looking for engagement blow something out of proportion? Likely. Wouldn't be the first time someone decided to start stirring drama.
As for the chair bit, sounds to me like he got frustrated about something, possibly cursed and kicked a chair. Professional, no. Understandable, yes.
Perhaps, as a proper lady, she found his behavior unprofessional/childish, not violent/scary. Why would she stay in the production if she was that scared of him?
And the prima donna bit, others have pointed out that extras not being allowed to interact with the leads outside of scenes is a thing people have gotten fired for. And really, is it that unreasonable of him to ask that people not directly involved with the scene not stand around and stare at him? If it makes him more comfortable and doesn't make other people's jobs harder, is it really him being a prima donna?
The Portuguese article I saw making rounds said he "behaved badly", which could mean just about anything.
Until she makes an official statement clarifying what exactly she's claiming he did, I'm not making judgments either way.
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undeadarcticfox · 4 years
oh my god just get better taste
Oh my god just get courage to use your name instead of hiding behind anonymous asks
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undeadarcticfox · 4 years
So what we know for a fact is that Ms Franco (allegedly) witnessed Adam do something involving a chair and that she didn't like it. She told the production team, who told her they're deeply sorry but can't really do anything about it and that she's of course allowed to leave the production if she wants to. She refused.
My thoughts on this.
I'm not saying she's lying. From what I've heard, she's a classy lady who wouldn't do something like that. Would someone on the internet looking for engagement blow something out of proportion? Likely. Wouldn't be the first time someone decided to start stirring drama.
As for the chair bit, sounds to me like he got frustrated about something, possibly cursed and kicked a chair. Professional, no. Understandable, yes.
Perhaps, as a proper lady, she found his behavior unprofessional/childish, not violent/scary. Why would she stay in the production if she was that scared of him?
And the prima donna bit, others have pointed out that extras not being allowed to interact with the leads outside of scenes is a thing people have gotten fired for. And really, is it that unreasonable of him to ask that people not directly involved with the scene not stand around and stare at him? If it makes him more comfortable and doesn't make other people's jobs harder, is it really him being a prima donna?
The Portuguese article I saw making rounds said he "behaved badly", which could mean just about anything.
Until she makes an official statement clarifying what exactly she's claiming he did, I'm not making judgments either way.
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undeadarcticfox · 4 years
The ants have come out of the woodwork, I see.
Still pathetic and annoying, I see.
Blocked. Every. Single. One.
Much better.
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undeadarcticfox · 4 years
I had an...experience today. I finally watched TROS(for the first time at all) with a friend. This friend is someone who is as GA as it gets, and only saw eps 1-8 this year. Also, before watching TROS she said that while she herself would prefer F/R (because it's cute and wholesome, her words), she does think it's painfully obvious that Ben's got a crush and Reylo would be infinitely more dramatic (and therefore quite in character for this series).
Going into TROS I knew everything and she knew nothing, other than the fact that I didn't like it. And I think I might've managed to convert her. At least partially.
The whole time she was questioning everything, like this doesn't make any sense why did they change that why did they do that are they stupid. Also, having the PT fresh in her memory, she was thoroughly convinced that the so-called good guys weren't so good after all. As in, she thought it was downright cruel of Obi-wan to leave Anakin alive on Mustafar since he was clearly suffering. Like, if you're gonna mutilate him like that, at least finish what you started.
We had a lot of fun laughing at Rey constantly abandoning her friends and like five minutes later Ben shows up. Every time.
She thought Hux's reason for turning spy was childish. She had no idea who tf the knights were and the fact that they didn't do anything but stand around menacingly didn't help. She thought reforging the mask was stupid. She thought throwing away the saber was stupid.
And one of the biggest complaints she had was everything about Palpatine. Why bring him back? Why make Rey related to him when Rey Nobody was great as she was? And it's stupid as fuck that Luke and Leia somehow knew and didn't hold it against her because she wasn't afraid. Yet they seemed terrified at the idea of Ben being anything like Anakin (even though they are just as much related to him as he is...).
As it turns out, she's all for Ben's redemption and saw no reason whatsoever why he couldn't have lived. She thought the previous films showed that he's never been all that evil to begin with and he doesn't even do much of anything in this one, besides keep asking Rey to join him. She thought it might've actually been not-bad for her to agree. Them both going and killing Palpatine together sounded pretty reasonable. Why spend half the movie looking for the wayfinder when he's offering to take her there right now. And since Palpatine was behind it all the whole time and was manipulating him, he's more of an anti-villain in her eyes. I, of course, informed her that the dudes on Mustafar weren't exactly good guys, and that he directly contradicts what he said in TFA re: kidnapping kids vs using clones. To name a few.
She thought the whole Force healing thing was stupid and contrived, and when Ben crawled out of the pit she was all "Is he now gonna heal her or something? Or like give his own life force to save her?" And I couldn't help but laugh. Exactly that, my friend. She compared it to Titanic. Reylo being confirmed canon she seemed to have no problem with.
She thought Rey taking the Skywalker name was as stupid as it gets. She would've preferred Rey go "Yes, I'm a Palpatine. So what?" and own it, since the movie was all "don't be afraid of who you are". She did think my joke, that if they wanted to go full Titanic on this, there was another S-name she could've chosen, hilarious.
At the end, she told me she didn't expect it to be that bad and that it had to be just my biased opinion. Now she agrees that it absolutely was horse shit. From start to finish. (You should've seen the look on her face when I told her that while this was bad, the Trevorrow script was worse.)
As for me, I knew it would suck and I was right to think so. I can't say I enjoyed myself. I could've lived without seeing that. Time to read some fix-its.
(And cherry on the shit sundae, the subtitles were constantly mistranslated. Not enough to be funny (ie Backstroke of the West levels) but enough to be annoying.)
The point of all this is to share a little story with you all and to show, once again, that people in the GA have very much the same complaints we do. We're not crazy. Or delusional. Just fucking disappointed.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
Well, you didn't.
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“Whenever we talked about Ren we talked about him as the former Ben Solo, as the protegée of Snoke, as the once protegée of Luke, as the Prince of Alderaan, as all the richness that he is coming from, you know, the lineage of Han and Leia, so I hope we can do justice to the fact that he is a complicated character with a rich lineage.”
— Chris Terrio
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
I can't find the quote right now but I read JJ said something about wanting the audience to feel like he did when he was 10 years old and watching Star Wars.
I was 10 when Revenge of the Sith came out. To this day I've watched it maybe three times. I just can't bring myself to do it. It's too tragic.
Mission accomplished I guess.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
Holy shit listen to this I'm crying again.
You speak to me through dreams
Your love transcends mortality, oh
The thread of life is barely in my grasp
For I crave to be with you more than anything
I'm longing ocean deep
There's no remedy
Chasing ghosts and dreams
Lost felicity
Somewhere ocean deep
In my memories
The wound inside won't heal
Until we join in eternal sleep
You reach to me so serene
From beyond, where you rest in peace, oh
You stay a while then fade away with a smile
But never truly disappear
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
Somebody help me
Anybody who's seen the film please tell me everything. I need to know whether I need even bother to go to the theater or should I just go home and read fluffy fics instead.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
Well, shit.
Here I am at work, bawling my eyes out while scrolling the tag.
I got tickets for a showing in 5 hours but I don't even know if I want to see it anymore.
I don't know if I could handle it.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
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So, while browsing I came across this shirt. It says "Nothing will stop the return of the Sith", trying to be all edgy and shit.
Now who said to who "You're nothing"?
Nothing will indeed stop it, if you catch my meaning.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
There’s something that’s been bugging me for a while now. I’ve read so many post-TLJ fics where the author says something about Rey clipping Ben’s lightsaber to his belt before she ran off from the throne room. This is complete horseshit and I can prove it. With photographic evidence.
Note. The following images are from starwarsscreencaps.com.
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This is right after the last guard falls. You can clearly see his lightsaber in the middle like three feet from where he’s standing.
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This is after Rey runs to look at the fleet and then turns back to face him. The saber is now on his belt. The time she wasn’t looking at him was plenty enough for him to pick it up.
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Still there.
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STILL there.
Unless of course you mean to imply that it unhooked itself when the saber split and they went flying.
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Nope, still there.
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undeadarcticfox · 5 years
Storytime, part 3
Also known as the tale of how I lost the last shreds of my sanity in a galaxy far far away.
Today’s topic is something that has been on my mind in general for 20 years and in particular for a year and a half. Star Wars. Specifically a certain ship associated with the Sequel Trilogy. You’ll see.
Warning. Long as fuck text-only post under the cut. Also I may curse occasionally. I apologize.
Let’s first go back to 1999. I’m four years old and watching The Phantom Menace with my brothers (aged 8 and 10). I think it looks awesome. I’m terrified of Darth Maul. I want to be a Jedi, too. I don’t understand a word of English nor can I read fast enough to keep up with the subtitles. Doesn’t stop me.
Before someone gets uppity about us watching the prequels, we did watch the OT as well. It just happened that it was the PT coming out that got us into Star Wars in the first place.
I find it somewhat interesting that as much as I feared Maul, Vader wasn’t scary at all to me. I think it had something to do with the fact that he’s masked, but with Maul, that’s his actual face. Masks can be scary, but they’re not real. I did find Palpatine creepy as fuck, though.
Throughout the years I’ve seen I-VI so many times I can still quote all the scenes. I like ‘em and all, but I wouldn’t call myself a fan or anything. In 2015 I start to hear talk about more films coming out. I don’t know how I should feel about it. I choose not to watch them because I’m convinced it’s gonna ruin everything or something. I hear some plot- and character-related info but kinda disregard it completely.
Jumping forward to March, 2018. Right here on Tumblr, someone I follow for a completely different and unrelated fandom, reblogs a few images and gifs pertaining to TLJ. To be more specific, it was that bit where Rian Johnson talked about “closest thing to a sex scene in Star Wars“ and I’m like WTF is this what’s going on?
Jump again to June, 2018. I have a day off from work and for some incomprehensible reason I decide to watch both TFA and TLJ in a row. I somewhat knew what to expect, but not really.
To summarize, I knew these things:
TFA: -Han dies -The one who kills him is his and Leia’s son -The son is some kind of Vader-wannabe -I know what name he goes by (important wording, I assure you) and somewhat what he looks like (but no details) -The new hero is some random girl -They have a fight at some point, she wins
TLJ: -Luke dies -Apparently the scene I’ve heard so much about is here. It involves handholding? Between the two characters who were fighting last time. And it seems that shipping them together is a Thing. Interesting.
Well, having been thoroughly spoiled, TFA didn’t have a lot of surprises for me. I can only recall two, and they both involve a certain person in a mask. First surprise: Holy shit he’s kinda goodlooking now what is he doing that’s not how you interrogate someone now is it what the hell are you doing? Second surprise: His name is Ben? Han and Leia named their kid after Obi-wan? Cool. Dude what the fuck do you think you’re doing that’s your dad!
Have to also point out that I was in awe that this guy is even conscious at the end. First getting shot in the side with a weapon that sends most people flying, then getting hit with a lightsaber on his arm, his shoulder, his leg, AND his face? Are you sure that guy’s human?
Well, that was an interesting movie. Give me more.
(This turned into a fucking memoir about TLJ now. I’m sorry.)
Seriously, you’re starting with a your mom joke? Are you kidding me? Funny and all, but come on. Luke why are you such an asshole what happened to you? Well look who’s here. Dude when did you last sleep you look worse than me. And wait a minute they moved the wound on your face. Fuck you Snoke I hope you die.
Dude what the fuck you gonna kill your mom next? Oh, you didn’t. I’m sorry I yelled at you, then. Holy shit Leia what you do that’s awesome!
Umm what? How are you two seeing each other this is intriguing. I have no idea what’s going on but I like it.
Again? What is this thing how is it happening I want to know. Wait a minute there’s water on his face how did it get there.
Sir, I do believe you’ve forgotten your shirt. I’m not complaining, though.
Now wait just a minute this is that handholding scene I read about. I like it. A lot. Luke you just killed the moment!
So what exactly happened, then, Luke? You almost tried to kill him and he ran off and everybody’s dead? There’s a lot we’re missing here.
Rey what the hell are you planning now...
Well, this is one interesting elevator ride you two are having. Rey! Ever heard of personal space? Seriously you two look five seconds away from making out.
Fuck you again Snoke I now hate you even more. Are you trying to be all Palpatine here or something?
Now wait a fucking minute what is your left hand doing there OHMYGODHOLYSHIT you killed him just like that. And now a fight. Awesome teamwork.
Dude you did NOT just propose did you? Holy shit that’s a bad choice of words you have there. Aaand everything’s going to shit. Again.
Well, that was an experience. I can kinda see why you would want to ship it.
A month later I watch them again. And a third time on August 3rd. This is an important date, because it’s the day I went fuck it I ship it and started reading metas and fanfics. Now it’s been over a year and I still haven’t stopped.
Of course, it took me this long to finally admit publically that I ship it because I've seen how other reylos got treated and I wanted none of that. Especially since I happen to fit the stereotype to a tee.
But now that there’s under two months til TROS I finally say it. I fucking ship it with all my being. Come at me.
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undeadarcticfox · 6 years
Could somebody please tell me why these random porn blogs are all over this tag?
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undeadarcticfox · 7 years
Berserk fandom in a nutshell
In this very moment someone will post an “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” with casca’s smiley blushy face due to chapter 355 revelations (I’ve done it too)
Somewhere a berserk fan is currently *fangirling/boying* over Guts’ handsome face and collecting all his pretty pics from the manga
likewise, somewhere on tumblr, a Gattsu fan will post yet another handsome Gattsu face compilation
At this very moment someone is posting yet another Donovan meme to reddit
Someone will discover rule 34 berserk material and will either like it, or be traumatized for life
Somewhere on social media a Casca fan posts pretty dress casca with the plea to Miura to make her come back (SHE IS BACK OMGOMOGMGOMasdfghj)
In this very moment a berserk fan discovers battle beast and beast in black and other bands making berserk related songs and is currently amused by the outtake references on the video comments
In this very moment, in the adventure to find fitting music to read the berserk manga, a berserk fan will find specimen of other berserk fans on epic music videos and their compilations
Somewhere a fresh berserk fan will have finished reading the eclipse rest in pepperoni and posted their reaction on social media
Somewhere a diehard Griffith fan will justify his actions especially during the eclipse without questioning his morality doing so
Somewhere a diehard Guts fan is in an argument on how Guts isn’t batshit insane and his sheer hawtness somehow makes up for that anyways (Totally not guilty of that >:3333333)
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undeadarcticfox · 7 years
I agree with you on that. But I think that his first reaction might be that he's the reason. And then he realizes it's the memories. Or maybe things are going to be just fine and I'm just used to expecting the worst.
Imagine how Guts must feel right about now. Casca’s finally back and what does she do when they’re reunited? Scream like she’s terrified. We as readers know it’s because she remembers the Eclipse, but he doesn’t. As far as he knows, it’s him she’s afraid of.
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