unemployeduterus · 22 days
Wowwwww I love my period so much I love putting in a Super tampon that should be good for 6-8 hours and stopping at a rest stop 5 hours later for a stretch and a pee and some water because I’m feeling a little dizzy and finding a veritable bloodbath in my undercarriage to the point that I am calling down blessing on Past Me for stashing extra panties in my bag Not That I’ll Need It Because I Have Plenty Of Time And Supplies But Just In Case
Good fortune too unto the woman in the bathroom who confirmed the miracle of no blood on my sundress, and to my eldest son who was chill while I ranted
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unemployeduterus · 2 months
hmmm why does my uterus hurt and why do i feel kinda off. weird. surely these are not the warning symptoms of a predictable biological process that occurs on a regular schedule. anyway. im going to wear white pants today.
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unemployeduterus · 2 months
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I Can’t Believe That My Cramps Were So Bad I Died And Reincarnated As A Slime…And Three Different Elf Princesses Are In Love With Me?!
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unemployeduterus · 3 months
"menstruation is punishment for original sin" is a fairly common doctrine (altho in my experience it's usually more implicit than just baldly stated like that)
anyway this implies that of all the animal kingdom, humans are not UNIQUE in sinning, but are joined by bats, the elephant shrew, and the spiny mouse species Acomys cahirinus. (according to my 5 seconds on wikipedia at least)
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unemployeduterus · 4 months
Anon feels like getting their first period was almost traumatic because of how deeply ashamed they felt about it, even though everything about it was normal and they knew it would happen.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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unemployeduterus · 7 months
why is there such a stigma against wearing pads? like why is it that people who wear tampons are seen as ‘strong’ and ‘cool’? y’all know that someone people can’t wear them bc it hurts them or that they just don’t like them? stop making it seem like people who wear pads are childish and weak compared to those who wear tampons 
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unemployeduterus · 11 months
endometriosis isn’t considered a protected disability by the ADA- and it’s ruining lives.
how is a disease that can cement your organs together not a disability? a disease that causes consistent pain enough to be disabling or even warrant hospital trips. a disease that can only be treated through surgery which takes weeks to months to even a year to fully recover from. i experience vomiting every 2-20 minutes for up to 10 hours when i have an endo flare up. brain fog, sweating, shaking, unimaginable pain and passing out. im unable to walk or hold conversation. but i could be fired for calling out of work too much for it.
people with endo deserve to have our struggles legally recognized. How can we change this ???
endometriosis is considered one of the most painful chronic conditions in the world. it’s time our society starts understanding that.
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unemployeduterus · 11 months
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This list includes doctors in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe!
Even if you're not the target demographic, please share for any of your friends who may be.
And if you or someone you know would like to be added to the list, there's a place for that!
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
OK, technically I am answering for my past self. It did vary over my life. I had one really bad period when I was fifteen that landed me in the infirmary, but usually I was just inconvenienced. BTW if you are in category four or even three, see a doctor and if they blow you off, see a different doctor until you find one that listens to you. It could be a sign of a secondary problem or it could be treatable, and you deserve to have your pain taken seriously. It's also 100% ok to get a friend to come and advocate for you if you have a hard time standing up to the medical establishment. You can even trade off if you're one of those people who's better at championing for other people than for yourself.
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
So for somewhere in the neighborhood of three decades the absolute most reliable indication that my period was about to start was a single mid to large sized zit on my face. Anyone who thinks I carefully watched the calendar and then deliberately neglected to wash my face only one night out of 28 for thirty years... well I don't know how a person would arrive at such a thought process. It was more like "ugh what is this thing on my jawline? ... ... ... oh, right. ok, better throw some pads in my bad before I leave the house." My skincare routine changes a lot over the years, but that warning zit? That warning zit was more reliable than a calendar.
literally no dermatologist on earth says acne is caused by bad hygeine/lack of a skincare routine btw. its genetic. every single piece of research ever done on acne says its genetic. feel like i need to restate this every time i see a post about skincare
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
When you unexpectedly get your period and suddenly all your weird health issues from the past week make sense
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
My uterus is retired. Mostly. It's called peri-menopause.
Idk I'm going through it and wanna see how other people feel on it
This is not exclusive to people w/ vaginas/uteruses either! Transfemmes are capable of experiencing period symptoms even if they don’t have a uterus! Here is just one source of this, and you can find more w/ a simple Google search! I just think it's neat :]
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
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unemployeduterus · 1 year
Retirement, what a concept
As it happens, while I did wander off Tumblr for a while, that's not the real reason this blog has gone quiet. You see, the joke was that whenever my period started I'd throw everything in my drafts folder into the queue and then if anything was left when it stopped they went back into the drafts until the next round.
And then my uterus stopped being unemployed. Via pregnancy? Goodness, no. Via menopause. My uterus is now retired.
Thing is, I do still have her, and my many years of experience with her foibles, and I still want to keep up the normalizing of talking about menstrual and other reproductive system stuff.
So please, if you have a uterus question and nobody in person to talk to, send me an ask or message and I'll pass along whatever crone advice I have on hand.
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unemployeduterus · 2 years
I've spent all day thinking about the idiocy of the Fallout universe and how very clearly it was written by dudes who haven't dealt with a single period.
Why do I think it's clear? Easy.
NO menstrual hygiene products. ANYWHERE. Not even as things to scavenge. Now, you could argue that whatever stock there was either burned or was looted, but I have to point out that there are aalot of places that keep shit like stimpaks and frikkin food and no one has looted it. As for burning, there's random cloth and paper everywhere.
In-universe, it would be fucking horrifying to have periods anywhere. There are animals who, today, can smell blood from pretty far off... How likely is it that mutated animals that have been surviving and thrived, wouldn't have sharper olfactory senses?
Now, there could be a case of "not enough nutrition for the body to afford having a period" but that in turn would mean that infertility would be at an all-time high. Sure there aren't many kids, but I have a hard time buying that lack of food is so harsh bc I have to point out.. there is alot of people i Fallout 3 and 4 who clearly aren't starving. Hell, not even the raiders.
The next idea for people not having periods would be: Radiation did something to egg-producing. I can buy that tbh but considering you play a vault dweller in both 3 and 4 and there aren't even pads in the vaults. Not even in 101, an active vault with kids etc. Fertility wasn't the issue there, it was space that limited growth.
Vault 81: No pads either.
In-universe, I would have been forced to lay low for 2 weeks every month unless I could convince some doctor to help me stop them. And considering how my periods act, I would've been a wreck.
I get that it's a game, but it's sloppy and stupid. I can find piles of gold plated lighters but not one tampon. Wtf.
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unemployeduterus · 2 years
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so first of all, the use of the word women without mention of any other group here absolutely needs work, but this is pretty cool to hear from a big national brand 
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unemployeduterus · 3 years
it’s a Cool History Thing™
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