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EVAN BUCKLEY IN SEASON SEVEN ↳ I mean, sure, I'll check out a hot guy's ass, but that's normal.
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thinking about why bucktommy feel so different and why maybe so many of us have latched on to them the way we have and I can’t speak for everyone else but for me, it’s very simply - the romance of it all. one of the elements I’ve always found to be missing or lacking in buck’s previous romantic relationships was the romance. and this isn’t a dig at his past relationships, honestly the writing didn’t set them up for success. but with buck and tommy, there’s such a strong level of romance injected in their moments that it’s hard not to fall for them, fall with them.
i mean, it’s there from the beginning. there’s romance present in the way buck reacts to and remembers tommy’s mouth static. in the way he reaches out and places his hand on tommy’s shoulder after seeing bobby and athena reunite; in the way tommy reaches back. it’s present in the way buck tries and tries and tries to spend time with tommy before he even knows what his feelings are; in the way tommy comes over in person to check in on him. there’s romance present in every “evan”, every “hey”, and every “of course” that escapes tommy’s lips. there’s romance written all over their first kiss. in the way tommy says “i can teach you” and in buck’s head tilt and “okay, and will that be right after our flying lessons.”
there’s romance in tommy topping up buck’s beer and paying for their date (even though buck is the one who owes him the beer). it’s present in the way buck can’t stop thinking about tommy, and in the way they both meet each other half-way after a bump in the road. it’s in the way buck fusses over tommy’s lack-of-a costume; and in tommy’s dry, deadpan response to buck’s fuss. there’s romance in buck’s pouty-ness when he realizes tommy has to leave the party and in the way tommy shows up at the end because he promised he’d try. there’s romance present in the way buck brings tommy into the hospital room after the ceremony — like he’s the guest of honour; in the way they make their relationship known to his loved one’s; and in the way they look for each other’s reactions after ravi makes a joke at the medal ceremony buffet.
there’s romance in the way they look at each other; smitten, piercing. in the way they listen to each other; laser focused, hanging on to every word. in the way they touch each other; gentle, passionate, eager, soft. there’s romance in tommy’s “you okay”, and in the way they can read each other’s moods — when to keep going, when to stop, when to change the topic. there’s romance in the way they can go from serious and vulnerable, to flirty and horny in the span of a minute; in their comfortability with each other. there’s romance present in the way they don’t know everything about each other but are willing and wanting to try, to learn. and there’s romance in the way buck hasn’t had to talk to bobby, about tommy, like he had to about his past partners.
really, there’s so much romance in their whole story thus far, in the big moments and the little ones, and this is just the beginning. and also, the potential for more romance — a deeper, aching, fulfilling, forever-kind-of-romance — is so so so great.
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tommy is just so gentle. and it's something he's grown into!! you see the tender way he looks at buck, how he lets him down so softly when the date goes wrong even though it would be understandable if he was even just a little bitter, but he's not! and he makes it look so natural but then you go back to the begins episodes where he's all sharp edges and mile high brick walls and you really start to ache for how much work, considered and purposeful, he's put in to becoming a kinder version of himself. maybe a version of himself that he wishes he could have had as someone in his corner, back then.
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i miss him so bad. give him back to me right fucking now.
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literally just tommy walking
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unfinishedroadtolove · 8 months
saving for late because i need old aaron gifs for aaron’s new era
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Aaron + gel free
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1.05 → 2.08 → 3.04
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Would you be interested in writing a fic where Gwen has has the baby (and it’s Owen’s). The 126 are in the waiting room and tk overhears them joke about not letting this one near drugs or something and he runs out crying to Carlos and the 126 go to give Gwen and Owen a piece of their mind? Sorry it’s so long/specific x
This took me a long time, and im sorry, but I hope this is what you had in mind 🙃
also- unrelated- but this is how I found out that my sister and best friend learned to play poker while i was in the surgery once so fhfbf
TW: Substance addiction mention,
Since I Wasn’t Born Perfect//1.3k//
"Dad, drive faster!"
“Tk, I'm already speeding."
TK pursed his lips and trained his eyes on his mother again. "Breathe, mom."
"Owen, if you don't drive faster," she manages from the passenger seat. She's holding TK's hand tightly over her shoulder. "I swear to god, I'll-"
She lets out a cry and tightens her hold on TK, who winces slightly. He feels his phone buzzing next to him and he smiles at the name flashing across the screen.
"Hey, babe- ow!" He pulls his hand out of Gwyn's grip and switches his phone to his now throbbing hand.
"Is everything okay?" He can hear the concern in Carlos's voice.
"Yeah, sort of. I can't talk long though."
He smiles slightly. "Mom went into labor; we're on our way to the ER."
"Oh," Carlos says. "Do you need-"
"No, finish your shift," TK insists as they pull up to the hospital. "I've got to go. Be safe, I love you."
"I love you too, cariño. Text me updates."
TK shoves his phone into his pocket and helps his mom out of the car. He slips into paramedic mode, spouting all the things that the doctor needs to know. Owen follows her but a nurse steps in front of TK apologetically.
"I'm so sorry, but I need you to wait in the waiting room."
He opens his mouth to argue but nods instead. She leads him to a room full of chairs and panicked families where he sits by himself, leg bouncing wildly. What feels like an eternity later, the rest of the 126 shows up.
"How's she doin'?" Judd asks, sitting next to him. TK just shrugs and tugs at the strings of his hoodie.
"They haven't told me anything yet." He frowns for a moment. "Did Dad call you guys?"
Paul shakes his head. "Carlos."
TK smiles. Mateo and Marjan sit on his other side and Mateo pulls out a deck of cards.
"Slap Jack?"
"I'm looking for TK Strand?"
After 13 excruciatingly slow hours, the words are music to his ears.
"That-that's me," he says, scrambling to his feet. "Is she okay? Is the baby? Did something go wrong? Is-"
"TK, let her speak," Judd laughs. The doctor smiles a little.
"Everything went fine; they're both okay." TK lets out a breath. "Do you want to go see them?"
"Yes, please."
"Alright, follow me."
When they get to the room, the doctor leaves TK standing in the doorway. His parents are watching the baby, oblivious to his presence. He smiles a little to himself, taking in the scene.
"Maybe this time we should keep the painkillers on the top shelf?" He hears his father say and TK feels like he was just punched in the gut.
"We can just wrap him in bubble wrap so he'll never need them."
He has never wanted to cry more.
Carlos looks around the waiting room, smiling as his eyes land on the members of the 126.
“Hey, any news?”
Marjan looks up from the card game she’s playing with Mateo. “They’re okay; TK just went back.”
He lets out a breath, “Thank god.” Someone bumps his shoulder from behind, rushing past him. “Sorry, I- TK?”
His fiancé turns to look at him and Carlos can see he’s on the verge of tears, relief and pain mixing in his eyes.
“Whoa, whoa, what happened?” TK ignores his question and instead hugs him tightly, burying his face in Carlos’s shoulder. Carlos looks around at the crew- hoping for answers- but they’re all just as confused as he is. “Okay, cariño, you have to talk to me. How can I help?”
“They’re making jokes,” TK mumbles. Carlos frowns and moves back, cupping TK’s face in his hands. The paramedic wipes his face with his sleeves, looking anywhere but at Carlos.
“What do you mean ‘they're making jokes?” Carlos prods.
“My- My parents,” he hiccups out. “They're making jokes about-about painkillers a-and-and bubble wrap- and about not fucking this kid up.”
Carlos can feel his blood boiling as TK breaks down in his arms. He pulls him close, shooting a look at Judd- who looks like he’s about to hit someone.
“Take a breath, Ty,” Carlos says, softly, pressing a kiss to his head.
Judd stands and starts in the direction TK just came from.
“Shit,” Paul mumbles as the rest of the crew get to their feet to follow. Carlos cards his fingers through TK’s hair.
“Hey, babe?” TK makes a noise, then sniffles, but doesn’t move. “I’m really proud of you.”
"Cap, you got a minute?"
Judd is leaning against the door to their room, arms crossed. Owen looks up from the sleeping baby in his wife's arms.
"Hey, you guys. Where's-"
"We need to talk."
Owen frowns and looks at the Gwyn and the baby before meeting them in the hall. "Where's TK?"
Marjan waves her hand dismissively. "You're making jokes about painkillers? What are you thinking?"
Owen stiffens. "How much did he hear?"
"No, Cap," Judd says, shaking his head. "That is not the point. You've got a kid who was in and out of rehab most of his teen and adult life and you're makin' jokes?"
Owen scoffs. "I don't need to get reprimanded by my employees."
“All due respect,” Paul starts, “but right now, we’re TK's friends."
"And we're going to treat you like any other asshole," Marjan says.
“Did you just call me an asshole, Marwani?”
She just shrugs. “You thought I wouldn’t call you out?”
Owen looks over the group. “Fine, will you go find TK, tell him I want to talk to him?”
“Carlos took him home,” Mateo says, looking up from a text from Carlos. Owen sighs and shakes his head.
“Okay, I’ll call him. On another note, thank you guys for being here.”
“Of course, Cap,” Paul smiles. “We wouldn’t miss this.”
Judd shakes his head and starts walking toward the waiting room again.
“TK, your phone’s ringing,” Carlos says from his place at the counter.
“It’s just my dad,” he mumbles dismissively, his eyes never leaving his computer. “What do you think about orchids?”
Carlos wipes his hands on a dishtowel and leans on the counter. “I think, you’re avoiding things. Again.”
“Mm, oh! What about hyacinths?” TK asks; the wide smile never reaches his eyes. “If we’re going to have a spring wedding, they’d be the perfect table… center decoration thingy.”
“You’re really not going to talk about this?” Carlos doesn’t know why he’s asking; he knows the answer. He’s been trying to get TK to talk to his parents all week. “Babe, your little brother is officially a week old and you have yet to meet him. All because you’re being stubborn?”
“No, wait,” Tk mutters, typing quickly. “What’s that one flower you like? It- like- represents your birth month or something?”
“Asters! Oh, babe, asters would be-“
TK trails off mid sentence, his fingers hovering over the keys. “Carlos, I don’t know what you want me to say. I told you I don’t want to talk about it.”
Carlos moves around the table and slowly closes the computer, leaning against the table next to his fiancé- who keeps his eyes trained forward.
“I want you to be okay.”
TK tugs on sleeve and chews the inside of his cheek. “After what happened in New York...my dad was the one who pushed rehab, the-the therapy, who insisted I live with him, you know? And then...”
He makes a face- almost wincing- and sniffles. “Then, he’s making jokes about how I fucked up.”
Carlos covered his hands with his own. “Do you want me to arrest him?”
TK laughs and leans closer to press his head against Carlos. “Could you do that?”
“I can if I want to.”
“What would you charge him with?”
“I’m sure I can find something,” he shrugs running his fingers through TK’s hair. They lapse into silence. “What can I do?”
“You’re here,” TK mumbles, pressing a kiss to his wrist. “That’s all I need right now.”
Chapter 2
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I guess some men are tolerable 🙄🙄🙄
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Lone Star Plot Ideas For Fics (Owen/Tk, Tarlos)
Hi! Due to my hyperactive brain, but my busy schedule does not lend itself to writing every last idea I get, so these are some plot ideas that I have that I have not yet written.
These will be organized into fluff and angst, then categorized by the type of story (canon, au, 5+1, etc).
5 times Carlos knew Tk would come home + 1 time he did not.
5 times Tk had his father by his side when he needed him + 1 time he did not.
5 times a call badly injures Tk/Carlos/Owen + 1 time (your first choice) watches it happen to someone else.
Army medic!Tk
Dad tarlos with a child dealing with mental illness
Angel!Tk, Demon!Carlos (or switched)
Natural disaster aus.
Missing person
Advanced terminal illness.
Ghost!Tk, living Owen
One liners, in order of who I feel would go better:
“Can you please just look at me?” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“I want to kill myself.” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“You look happier without me.” (tarlos, tk/owen)
“Why are you here?” (tarlos, tk/owen)
“You’re bleeding.” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“Keep him safe.” (owen/tk, owen/carlos, tarlos)
“Keep breathing.” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“Don’t you love me?” (tarlos)
“I really ned you right now.” (tarlos, tk/owen)
“I can’t breathe.” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“I miss him.” (tk/owen, tarlos)
“Open your eyes!”  (tk/owen, tarlos)
Short synapses:
Tk crying into Carlos’s chest.
“I thought I lost you” hugs.
Carlos dying in Tk’s arms (or vice versa)
Tk taking care of Owen after a particularly rough bout of chemo.
Carlos taking care of Tk after Tk takes care of Owen.
(Army medic!Tk) Tk comes home sooner than expected from deployment; its not looking good.
Carlos’s perspective on dealing w tk’s mental health issues.
5 times Tk said no, + 1 time he said yes.
5 times Buttercup tried to weasel his way into the Strand-Reyes household + 1 time he made it in.
5 times Owen’s treatment was working + 1 time it didn’t have to.
5 times Owen sang Tk to sleep + 1 time tk returned/paid forward the favor.
5 times Carlos told Tk he couldn’t dance + 1 time he actually tried
5 times Owen tried to keep up with Tk’s interests + 1 time he got it right.
5 times Owen picked Tk up from a friend’s house + 1 time he picked him up from a boyfriend’s house.
5 times Owen pesters Tk about his crushes + 1 time Tk actually tells him.
Dog Trainer!Tk
Cat Dad!Carlos
A Capella Group!Tarlos
High school!Tarlos
Public Figure!Carlos
One liners (same rule as last time):
“I love you so much.” (tarlos, tk/owen)
“You looked comfortable.” (interchangeable)
“You make me so happy.” (tarlos)
“This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” (Owen/tk, tarlos)
“I’m happy you’re here.” (tarlos, Owen/tk)
Short Synapses
Tk Owen and Carlos + baking
Tk and Carlos scrapbooking
Slow dance tarlos.
Carlos visiting Tk on his medical leave.
Carlos and Tk go to a concert.
Tk takes Carlos to NYC for New Years.
Owen taking Tk Ice skating for the first time since they moved.
Tk and Calos adopt a dog.
Carlos walking in on Tk singing their child back to sleep at 3am.
Thats all I got rn! Feel free to twist these for any fandom, use them for a fic, or even role-play!
Come chat! My ask box and chats are always open.
Signing off,
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“𝗪𝗲’𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻.”
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Can’t wait to read chapter 13, but someone needs to turn this series into a pod fic?
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3am rush by @oceandawning
it’s callum. always is. always on his mind. ben dreams of him. maybe in another life they’ll be more than just a maybe.
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Prompt List
“I know that you’re in love with him.”
“I’ve been praying for a brighter day”
“Well..you’re being completely immoral”
“You can’t rush perfection.”
“You can always replace a masterpiece with a masterbeast but it’ll never be the same.”
“I know how it feels when you fall!”
“I can drink what and when I want to.”
“It’s my life to fuck up not yours.”
“I have a sour tooth because I prefer things with a little kick”
“I’m baking a bunch of go fuck yourself cookies for you”
“I haven’t drunk in like a week!”
“Chicken nuggets are my life! You can’t take the nuggets away from me”
“Well I fucked up again.”
“I can’t eat when it feels like someone’s stamping all over my soul.”
“I can’t take it anymore.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“You can’t die on me, not now..please!”
“I am very turned on right now.”
“You’re distracting me and it’s very irritating.”
“I want to spend the rest of my life annoying you.”
“Will you marry me?”
“Well..I’m pregnant.”
“Thank you for being my rainbow after the storm.”
“You’re the reason I smile.”
“I love the way you laugh.”
“I love the way you smile.”
“Everything reminds me of you.”
“There’s more to be said, but it can’t be said.”
“I’m crazy about you.”
“There’s no use in hiding it, I know you love me.”
“Let me love you.”
“You deserve to know what love can feel like.”
“Nothing could ever make me hate you.”
“You’re perfect.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
“Let me take care of you.”
“I want you, and only you.”
“You’re sweeter than cake.”
“You’re an absolute angel.”
“You brighten my day.”
“You smell lovely.”
“I could spend the rest of eternity here with you like this.”
“I love the shape of your lips.”
“Your lips are so kissable.”
“You’d look better in my shirt.”
“Every day I see you, and I can’t help but think about how lucky I am.”
“With every passing moment, I fall more and more in love with you.”
“I want to be with you forever.”
“You stole my heart like it was nothing.”
“Let me show you how much I love you.”
“You make me happy, not them.”
“I can’t run from my feelings anymore.”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“You’re one in a million.”
“No one, and nothing, can take me away from you.”
“I will never hurt you.”
“You are my sunshine.”
“We finish the same way we started, together.”
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give us a rundown of ur thoughts about tonight's ep it's what we deserve
this is cute bc my rambly ass thoughts very rarely make sense and are just me screaming into the void generally but if u want it who am i to deny u!!!! also im sorry i know i promised u this yesterday but i had Stuff going on but anyways we’re here now!!!!
ok firstable let me direct u towards this post bc i have not stopped thinking abt it for the past few days and i cba to type it all out again but… Yeah
and actually i think i have MORE to add bc i just cannot get over how young ben looked throughout the whole scene like!!! and not even just his face (even tho his face looked so young too) but his body language!!! sittin there on his knees with his hands between his thighs looking so emotional and YOUNG and vulnerable like its fuckin me up sm
esp the way ben looked at callum’s hand when he signed ‘ok’ i think it was a moment of clarity for ben like he’s finally realized that callum is committed he’s in it for the long haul he’s willing to adapt and has already started!!! i feel like in a way it was a call back to when ben asked callum to prove that he really did love ben and that was ben realizing that callum HAS been proving it this whole time
and there’s smth to be said abt the fact that he could only allow himself to BE that overtly vulnerable BECAUSE callum had his eyes closed. like you can see the moment callum opens his eyes and looks at him ben catches himself and tries to put his walls back up and move on like none of it ever happened !! bc he’s scared of vulnerability!!! in his life vulnerability has always meant pain!!! but he’s trying!!!! he’s getting there!!! slowly but surely!!!
and the fact that callum knew exactly what ben was doing and why he was doing it and didn’t let him!!! not in a forceful way it was just like look at me!!! it’s fine!!! you’re safe!!! i love you too!!!! which only overwhelmed ben MORE to the point where he didn’t know what to do but kiss callum like god!!!!!!!!! god
callum telling him he loved him in sign!!!! the fact that that means callum has been sitting there in his flat googling ‘how to say i love you in sign’ and watching youtube tutorials and practising his signs wow rip
and everything callum said to even get to that point !!!!!! literally every word out of his mouth !!!! the fact that he apologised and said he didn’t mean to make ben feel bad was so important!!! the fact that he told ben how strong he is!!! and how amazing he is!!! and how amazing it is that he’s handling everything going on atm!!!! and telling ben that phil isn’t anywhere NEAR as strong as ben is and that if he doesn’t want anything to do with ben then that’s HIS problem not ben’s like that’s all i’ve ever wanted ANYONE to tell ben !!! i’ve wanted ben to hear that for so long!!!! and the fact that it was callum telling him those things and in such a beautiful vulnerable moment and the fact that callum assures him that even if he doesn’t have his dad at his side callum is there!!!! and he will continue to be there!!! just fuck off im crying and im never going to stop
i know i said it in my other post but the fact that ben bought so many presents for callum’s birthday and got up in the middle of the night to wrap them and they’re all in different paper……….. like once they get more in tune with each other’s love languages it’s over for us bitches
the fact!!!!!!! that ben telling callum he loves him!!!!!! put tears in callum’s eyes!!!!!! it made him want to cry!!!!! bc he knows!!!!! he knows it’s not an easy thing for ben and he knows ben means it and just!!!!!!!!! that has fucked me up sm u don’t even know
and just the absolute poetry in the fact that in that moment callum can’t see and ben can’t hear like they’re restricted and yet they’re communicating anyway and vikki summed it up way better than i ever could but there’s just this undercurrent of just like…. seeing and hearing each other properly and being honest even tho they CAN’T see/hear each other and whew it’s a lot
the way you can hear ben’s breath shaking as he kisses callum like he’s so overwhelmed!!!!!!!! my baby!!!!!!!!
literally i’m never ever going to be over the vulnerability and the love and the honesty in that moment
and the second scene!!! the way they were just laying there looking at each other!!!!!!!!!!! they were just laying in bed and staring at each other until the early hours in the morning like can u imagine being that in love w someone that u just wanna lay there and look at them?? wish i could relate
ben apologising to callum!!!!!!! was so important!!!!!! acknowledging that he’s been a prat !!!!! but then explaining it’s bc he doesn’t really know how to be vulnerable like can u believe it was just 2 scenes but we got so much #blessed
(also callum telling ben he hasn’t been a prat which he HAS but it was callum’s way of saying ‘i know, i get it, i understand, i forgive you’ all rolled into one bye)
the way ben stroked callum’s hair and face as he apologised……. the way callum literally just reached out and touched ben’s cheek bc he needed to touch him……. and the way ben leaned up into callum’s hand……. yeah.gif
callum firmly telling ben needs to learn sign language!!!! he get’s it and he forgives ben, BUT changes have to be made and one of those is ben learning sign language!!! and yeah ben goes to make a (probably rude) sign w his hands (and the way callum instantly reacts tells me that whatever he was gonna do, it wasn’t the first time lmao) but he doesn’t argue or resist he just accepts it which!!!! growth!!!
ben looking at callum like this goodbye
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callum’s thoughtful gift!!!! a watch that vibrates!!!!!! best boyfriend in the world award goes to callum highway
the fact that ben was like WELL SEEING AS THO WE’RE GIVING GIFTS and let callum open one of his 15 presents :-(
‘officer highway breaking all the rules ay?’ does he ever stop
it’s just the way the whole bed scene was just so soft and intimate but still THEM u know w the banter and the teasing like it didnt feel ooc it just felt like them :-(
and last but by no means least: ben saying ‘we’ll make a mitchell of you yet’ and the way callum just smiled and looked at ben???? like he can’t quite believe it??? which mood bc i can’t either??? i’m literally gonna be in my grave thinking about it like i don’t know how im ever supposed to move on
ben is going to make a mitchell of callum one day they’re going to get married thank you and goodnight
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prompt list i. ♡
“(Name)! Open the door!”
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“You lied to me!”
“You can’t see me.”
“If I’m a monster, what are you?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“Get the hell out.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m not losing you again.”
“Why do you care?”
“Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
“You’re not safe here.”
“That sounds a lot like ‘goodbye.’”
“You broke my heart.”
“What is this? What are we really?”
“I’m sorry but.. who are you?”
“Why aren’t you with her?”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“This isn’t you.”
“You’ve hurt me enough already.”
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
“I won’t forgive you for this.”
“There was never an ‘us.’”
“I never loved you.”
“It was never supposed to come to this.”
“Do you really think I’m happy?”
fluff & romance.
“Tell me again.”
“Marry me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“It’s freezing. Come here.”
“I’ve got you.”
“Because I love you.”
“Don’t ever let me go.”
“I’ve loved you for years.”
“Stay. Please.”
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Look, a shooting star! Make a wish.”
“Is that.. my shirt?”
“I think I love you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Can I stay with you?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“Take my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“It made me think of you.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re basically a marshmallow. Perfect for cuddling.”
“It’s always been you.”
“Move over.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Truth or dare?”
“I could kiss you right now.”
“I love you, but stop talking.”
“Quit it! You’re hogging the blankets!”
“I’d hurt anyone who ever left a scar on you.”
“You’re cute when you’re half asleep.”
“Did you just hit me? With a pillow? Oh. It’s on now.”
“Why did you choose me?”
“Are you.. blushing?”
“Take my hand.”
concern & upset.
“You’re shaking.”
“Call me when you get this. It’s urgent.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“What happened back there?”
“Wake up. Please wake up.”
“Let me help you.”
“Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Please don’t leave me alone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“Hear that? I’m alive. I’m right here.”
“I don’t want your apology.”
“Stop pretending like everything is fine!”
“Have you lost your damn mind?”
“I’m begging you. Please.”
“You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.”
“I know hurts, but you have to stay awake, okay?”
“Of course I care.”
“You’re safe now.”
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Let me take you home.”
“What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
“Shh. Don’t cry.”
“You need to rest.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
“Put the gun down.”
“I’ll do it even if it kills me.”
“Let her/him go!”
“Take me instead.”
“Don’t touch her/him.”
“How is this possible? I watched you die.”
“Break them.”
“(Name)! Take my hand!”
“Don’t you die on me!”
“Open your eyes!”
“What have you done?”
“Save yourself.”
“You’re not gonna die on me.”
“Lucky shot.”
“Why can’t I see you?”
“Come back to me.”
“I’ve already lost her once. I won’t lose her again.”
“Get out of here! It’s a trap.”
“What are you doing here? It’s too dangerous!”
“Do you want to die?”
“Helps on the way. You just have to hold on a little longer.”
“Bite me.”
“I didn’t believe you cared.”
“You’re jealous.”
“Hmm. So you do have feelings.”
“I dare you.”
“You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
“You know what? Forget it.”
“Did you really think I’d fall for that?”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on the matter.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Watch me.”
“I’m fully capable of kicking your ass.”
“How did my back feel when you stabbed me?”
“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.”
“If you want me, come and get me.”
“Such poison from a pretty, honeyed mouth.”
“You’re dead.”
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