Do you have any references for centaur foals? It's really hard to find any references that's not adults
Yea! Enjoy a dump of all my centaur babies! They're mostly a bit older drawings but I think they still hold up haha and I don't think many people draw them cause they can be a little funky- what with the chunky little bodies on big ol spidery legs 😅 But I still think they're cute 💜
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And a lot of my drawings of the bitties are in slings, as that's how I built in infant care with an L-shaped infant 😂
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and of course, some goofy little baby Sunny doodles <3
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I saw this on twitter and thought I’d share Fiero’s personal preference XD ~<3
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Mythical creatures and their ‘opposites’. 
Check out part 2 HERE
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the worst centaur
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Dance Dance Centaur!
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A centaur with the top half of a penguin and the bottom half of a sheep. 
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Horses are really fragile animals. Is it still a death sentence for a centaur if one of their equine limbs gets hurt? Or can they help it somehow?
Oh god, now I'm thinking of amputees and how those would work
Horses are SUPER fragile, or maybe more like delicately balanced.. but particularly their crazy spindle-legs which centaurs get to deal with! But a big part of why hurt legs are a death sentence for horses has less to do with "It kills them" and more to do with quality of life, which a centaur can get around! A horse with a broken leg doesn't understand it can't put ANY weight on that leg for an extended period and will attempt to go about their daily life and act normally, which basically guarantees re-injuring the bad leg and a high chance of injuring the other 3 legs as they try to cope with the change in balance and weight distribution. It all leads to a really poor quality of life with almost no chance of truly healing properly. The story of all they did trying to save Barbaro the racehorse is a long sad story that illustrates a lot of the issues even with modern veterinary medicine with trying to deal with a broken leg in horses.
Thankfully with centaurs, They understand the need for healing, are able to manage their own quality of life and have the gear to support themselves in the time it takes for the injury to heal!
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Also perfectly good for long term use in the case of aging, amputation, or general disability! Which is common with the front legs and lower backs of centaurs given the unusual stresses caused by their body-plans. They were created with thicker and more robust front legs to cope with the permanent added weight of the torso instead of a horse head, but injury and disability in that area is still very common!
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Injuries to the hind are less common and usually less severe, and given the hind legs bear less direct weight than the front they can usually get away with wraps and limping until it gets back to weight-bearing. Something like a rear amputation or ruptured tendon would probably require a custom harness/brace attached to a wheel like these and/or basically a peg leg!
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I only use my ability to draw passable horses for evil. Related: centaur equestrianism.
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Yall have whipped me up so much I had to finally put down my thoughts on centaur skeletons. Also it’s practically spooky season, so enjoy this doubley spooky skelington!!
The few centaur skeletons I have seen constructed/illustrated always have the spine just continuing smoothly up into the human half, but I argue the pelvis is too important for core muscle attachment(particularly important when your default position is upright but leaning slightly forward!!), organ support, and also some extra protection for what would be a very delicate area filled with all sorts of important vessels and valves flowing through there!! Also the fused vertebrae of the back of the pelvis would help support the spinal cord through that hard right turn the spine takes into the human portion.
As usual, I have a lot of thoughts.
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how do the centaurs sleep? and how do they stretch after a good sleep?
Ok this is one I’ve been wanting to cover for a while and my cooldown sketches got out of hand, so buckle up and enjoy the picturebook!
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The easiest options is exactly what you think, the flop. In a home, thick carpets or tatami-like mats would provide at least some sort of cushion for the horse-half and various sized cushions and pillows to lift and support the top half. And they CAN sleep standing up, like horses, but it does require both a special harness/corset and practice. And it’s not very comfortable for anything deeper than a doze or catnap for most, so it’s mostly reserved for bad situations, naps, or guard duty.
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Most common are recliners, or ‘hammocks’. Easy to fold and carry for cultures on the move, or make fancy for the city-folk they are probably the most ubiquitous of centaur furniture. A simple adjustable A-frame supporting some sort of flexible fabric-ish sheet for the top half to lean against and sleep. Usually paired with some sort of large blanket or padding on the ground to lay the horse-half on!
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When you don’t have no fancy recliners, your herd will do! The preferred sleeping method of closely bonded herds is to simply rest on your buddies cushy backside! Roaming bands can often form long chains of sleeping centaurs with the unlucky first taur either on guard duty, sleeping sprawled, or with the group’s only hammock.
Mix and match to your character and herd’s personal preference!
Also stretchies!
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Guys do centaurs have to eat both horse food and human food?
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Symbiosis by Kimonas Theodossiou
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@somelazyassartist has a mermaid-centaur oc and I can’t stop thinking about her
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