ungray-days · 1 month
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I gasped when I read this
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ungray-days · 2 months
Tw: rape
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[CONT] affiliated to the government
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While you're reading all of this, you have to remember that Israel has kidnapped thousands of Palestinian men, women, and children who are currently being tortured in various camps around the occupied territories
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ungray-days · 2 months
I look incredibly disheveled and a tad bit mysterious just like god intended
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ungray-days · 2 months
I think artists should draw their male ocs in seth rollins outfits
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ungray-days · 2 months
I think the thing that's been bothering me about the "is it okay to use ChatGPT to plot/make characters/etc" is that at the end of the day, these are not tools that are helping your writing, they are shortcuts that are undercutting it.
These things are supposed to be hard, because you need to learn how to do them.
And listen, I know this sucks. I've got to knock off 4k of words from my current novel to make it more sellable, which seems like a completely arbitrary thing to do, but things like printing costs absolutely do factor into traditional publishing. It took me five drafts to figure out a completely obvious in hindsight plot point that explains why a character does what he does. It takes a few tries to pull together a detailed outline into a workable story, and it always will.
I would have loved to figure this all out way earlier, but I had to learn how to spot the gaps in my writing before I could fix them. Generative AI isn't ever going to bridge the gap between sitting down and learning how to work things out, because if you don't do that, you never will become a more competent writer. If that wasn't part of the point, none of us would be doing this in the first place.
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ungray-days · 2 months
it really hurts me to see so many gazans asking us for help, though that's through no fault of their own. they've been forced to use a social media site that they're probably not familiar with (because tumblr has kind of faded out of popular consciousness), to interact with us in a second language, to distinguish themselves from the scammers who are taking advantage of genocide, and to ask strangers for help. i don't think there are any cultures where it's easy to ask for help like this, but i'm intimately familiar with how humiliating it can be in arab culture. please be kind, gracious and helpful to the gazans in your inbox. this is a desperate time for them, and in addition to the physical danger inflicted by "israel", the prices of basic resources in gaza are extremely high due to scarcity, and those that manage to escape to egypt are financially exploited by landlords there and have an extremely difficult time finding work due to their unofficial status as refugees. these families will continue to need our help and i hope we can all continue to provide it to the best of our ability.
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ungray-days · 2 months
Just a random thought but can you imagine how much information about Palestinians and our history exists in Hebrew sources and we don't have access to that bc the vast majority of us don't speak it, let alone read and write it?
esp because Israel destroyed our archives so there's probably information we don't know that was sealed into those archives and are now gone forever
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ungray-days · 2 months
Farha (2021) is a movie about the Palestinian Nakba that’s just been put on Netflix, it’s a portrayal of the violence experienced by Palestinians during Israel’s creation from the perspective of a 14 year old girl - to my knowledge, this is the first film about the story of the Nakba on Netflix. (If you don’t know the history of the Nakba - this post can explain it quickly)
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The movie is being received with a lot of praise from Palestinians online, however, the movie is currently being review bombed by zionists and condemned by the Israeli press and there have been threats towards showing of the film by Israel’s finance minister, this is the IMDb review page as of posting this:
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If you would like to help support this film and Palestinian history being portrayed, please leave a positive review, and if you have Netflix, watch the film. The story of the Nakba has one that has long been silenced and it’s so rare to see it even acknowledged in media, my family survived it, many others didn’t, what they all experienced was real, and it’s about time there has been recognition of it.
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ungray-days · 2 months
I'm honestly not sure how credible this image is. But I got it way back when csm anime first announced the people making the op and eds. A highlight of that time was when people on twitter were making jokes that hachi and syudou saw each other in mappa studio and started beefing.
Edit: I found the source of the image
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woah wait syudo was talking about hachi in jackpot sad girl???
In a way its an answer to Sand Planet.
Full context: Sand Planet is a song that Hachi made saying that the vocaloid community was dying. Which feels like a spit to the face of those that were still making songs at the time, and while some popular ones were stepping out, some stayed (Syudo, Giga for example, but there's more) and new, not as famous ones, were still making music, Hachi was one who had stopped back then, only made this song then dipped out.
At the time, when people said "the voca community is dying" it meant "the ones i listened to stopped".
The "sand planet" is the community, and well, the lyrics had stuff like "No grass will grow for the next millennium, it's a sand planet", "Filled with no-entry signs, it's a sand planet" and "If you're still alive, then respond to me..."
And well, Syudo DID respond. "Sensei" in this case is Hachi, who was one of Syudo's inspiration, and not only does it work for Mafuyu, it also contains lyrics such as:
"Hey teach, this place is a lawless zone
According to you, it’s too late, for this place has withered and died out already like an Anökumene
Plants can’t grow and humans can’t inhabit it anymore
It’s a cheap and kitsch asteroid
Hey teach, aren’t you just an idiot"
In the bridge.
Sand planet was made in 2017, and jpsekai released in 2020, according that this is just the second ever event and the sonf was likely ready before release, the biggest amount of time that syudo started writing this song was just 3 years later, probably around 2.
So yeah, jackpot sad girl is a fucking spite song and i love it for that
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ungray-days · 2 months
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ungray-days · 2 months
Now that I think about it this isn't really likely... Mtp already has such a large cast, I feel as if adding 5 more would take up time that could otherwise go to developing already existing characters.
"Hey these characters exist by the way!!!" And then never mentioning them again feels rather cheap. So I think 00s wouldn't be mentioned at all.
Yeah so I don't know anything about the james bond novels (or films even), but with part 2 possibly soon I can't help but wonder...
Are we going to see the other 00 agents???
In particular the 5 agents Albert mentions in chapter 12. I always assumed that the rest of the moriarty gang became 00 agents when Louis took over mi6. So then what happened to the five others?? Who are they even?
Are they aware of the Moriarty scheme? In the three year timeskip did they ever work with the moriarty gang? Aside from that one mention in the chapter they were never brought up again. So with mi6 being the main focus of part two maybe there's the chance of them showing up.
Even if its for a brief appearance or a big role in the story I do hope these 5 appear...
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ungray-days · 2 months
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Today is 266 days, we are still alive. 🇵🇸🍉
Please don't skip! 🙏🏻🥺
Please consider sharing or donating, thank you! 🩷🍉
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ungray-days · 2 months
A new gruesome massacre that Israel had committed in a displacement camp in Mawasi. If you're finding the name Mawasi too familiar, it is because just a few days ago, Palestinians in Gaza were sharing the orders they received from Israel to move to that area specifically in Khanyounis.
At least 100 Palestinians have been killed and the number is very likely going to rise, considering there is only one hospital in the area, Nasser hospital, which is barely functioning with no fuel to generate power, not enough beds or manpower. Even mortuary refrigerators are reportedly too full.
The massacre took place in the very early hours of the morning when families were still in their tents, before embarking on their daily search for food and water. Israel knows this and yet deliberately timed this attack as if to maximise the number of victims.
The makeshift tents, made from plastic and nylon, were attacked by three F16 airstrikes, 10 drone strikes, and followed by live ammunition fired from quadcopters. The magnitude of this massacre is so massive that many families were actually killed by being buried by mountains of sand as a result of the explosions, which you can see in this footage of the early moments of the attack. A woman testified to one of the correspondents that she had her 2 month old baby in her arm but he flew out of her arms due to the huge impact of the explosions and that she was still looking for him.
Mawasi is one of the most densely populated areas in Gaza with over one million people crammed in it. Israel's weaponry, including the drones and quadcopters that were used in this massacre, have the ability to detect who is in the area. We have seen this pattern repeatedly for the past 9 months, so make no mistake that this is an annihilation campaign against Palestinians done literally in broad daylight.
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ungray-days · 2 months
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ungray-days · 2 months
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ungray-days · 2 months
I feel like I'm going insane. Multiple massacres in Gaza right now and no one is paying attention.
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ungray-days · 2 months
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Left-wing Israelis. This is the best that Israel can offer.
It's a given that Israelis have dehumanised Palestinians to a level beyond being sub-human to them, but it's seems that they have now abstracted Palestinians to the point of nonexistence so they can pretend Palestinians don't occupy the places they inhabit.
Red the full article.
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