unheardradical · 2 months
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A nalbinded 4 corner hat. It is an experiment that I am doing. Patons Classic Wool worsted, Dalby stitch F2.
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unheardradical · 4 months
In my opinion only: it seems that since an American president booted people off their land so the survivors of the Holocaust could have a country the survivors have the right to treat people like America treated the Indigenous peoples of America. My opinion only
#war #genocide
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unheardradical · 5 months
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unheardradical · 5 months
Something is wrong if you can knit and can't read a pattern. Do they design and can't record what they do. I have a fisherman's sweater my mother knitted me, I was a commercial fishing deck hand, people have told me it is infringement to reverse write a pattern from it. To me it wouldn't be wrong if Icused Anne Budds top down recipe for a sweater. . It isn't infringement to reverse write a pattern of a heirloom if you want.
I am noticing the disturbing trend of people who know how to knit or crochet not learning how to read patterns. Video tutorials are nice especially if you have a specific stitch you need demonstrated, but what is nice with written stuff is you can read and go at your own pace. Maybe I am showing my age but I learned before there was YouTube and if you wanted a video tutorial you would have to get a dvd or vhs and try to follow it in front of the TV. Again, this whole pattern illiteracy disturbs me a bit.
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unheardradical · 8 months
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What's left of my frozen pizza dinner. I really do feel that there's a conspiracy going on between t h e frozen pizza companies and the pizza restaurants. Since the local take and bake pizza shop moved on I have had to eat store bought frozen pizza. I have learnt that if I thaw the pizzas out for an hour before I preheat my oven they are astonishingly good to eat. I bake them at a slightly cooler oven (maybe my oven runs hot so 375 degrees) and almost as long as the package says I have a great pizza. I was an Army cook so I say there's a conspiracy going on where I don't have to pay $50 for a pizza meal when I can have one at home for $7 plus energy costs and a little elbow grease. Ranting conspiracy again. We don't need to talk about government sponsored UFO sightings when they are testing cruise missiles. #conspiracies #frozenpizza #UFO'S
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unheardradical · 11 months
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A couple of cowls and a hat and a hat in progress that I have nalbinded lately. The blue and straw cowl is done in Jamieson's Double Knit and the fabric is exquisite. Yeah, I scored some Happiness by the Yarn Snob. The different colored cowl is done in Tropical Fish by the Budget Knitter. The hat in progress is in City Tweed by Knit Picks.
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unheardradical · 11 months
Being Awake
After stepping into the street while smiling at the woman holding her big German Shepherd so I didn't walk through the family unloading a vehicle, I got to thinking when I woke up. After I realized that freedom isn't doing what ever I want to satisfy myself but changing me so I can love my neighbor as myself. I concluded that is when I became awake. Love is a all encompassing action, it can be a whole lot of related actions.
P.S: I wondered if this post is enough so Tumblr will let me see who likes my sh**t.
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unheardradical · 11 months
This photo is so burlesque, do very burlesque
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unheardradical · 1 year
I turned in my license
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unheardradical · 1 year
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unheardradical · 1 year
I want to hit the laugh icon
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You come here often, cowboy?
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unheardradical · 1 year
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unheardradical · 1 year
There's all kinds of notes talking about sources that I am too old to know about. The book I read as a kid that the song Puff the Magic Dragon is based on, or was the book after the song
✨Dragon Poll!🐉
For the purposes of this poll, “Harry Potter” does NOT COUNT as a valid answer. If it is the media that introduced dragons into your life, ignore it and please enter the next media with dragons that came into your life after HP.
IF you first heard of dragons somewhere else, please SPECIFY the name of that media IN THE NOTES. I was going to add an “Other (please specify in notes/tags)” but I have apparently run out of available answers. Also it seems I’m only able to run the poll for a week maximum, so that’s how long it’ll run. I hope to have fun with your answers :)
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unheardradical · 1 year
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A nalbinded hat in Dalby stitch, homespun Cheviot 2 ply woolen. Various colors of Cutch
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unheardradical · 1 year
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500ish yards of 2 ply sportish weight from the Malabrigo Nube wool top my mom got me for Christmas! Still loving my electric Ashford.
#handspun #handspunyarn #spinningwheel #ashford #ashfordespinner #ashfordespinner3 #yarn #homespun #knit #knitting https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfmuOBJHc5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unheardradical · 1 year
When Cary Grant was young, he was an acrobat, & part of a troupe in England that came here to tour the US.
When watching Arsenic & Old Lace, a single moment in a scene features Cary Grant's acrobatic prowess & other assets.
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unheardradical · 2 years
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