unhingednerdyredhead · 3 months
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Remember when that cop pepper-sprayed students in 2011? UC Davis paid $175K to scrub it from the internet’s memory https://t.co/5prbgrx1WL
— Xeni (@xeni) April 14, 2016
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unhingednerdyredhead · 3 months
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unhingednerdyredhead · 4 months
Doing more than one? Choose whichever you found the most helpful. ❤️
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unhingednerdyredhead · 5 months
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unhingednerdyredhead · 5 months
Idea for a tale:
Able likes to drink, but in his words, "This bitter (untranslatable, goes on for about 15 seconds) Is. NOT. Beer. "
Bes, being a god of mirth and brewing/fermentation, hears this and wants to know why the pretty Sumerian is pissed off.
Able: "This."
Bes takes a sip, spits it out,and spends the next ten minutes gagging. "What vile trick is this!?!"
And from then on, an idea is formed. The resurrection of "real" beer.
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unhingednerdyredhead · 7 months
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unhingednerdyredhead · 9 months
You know what day it is, friends and foes!
Merry Shitscram!
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unhingednerdyredhead · 9 months
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unhingednerdyredhead · 10 months
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I don't know what version is better so you can have both-
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unhingednerdyredhead · 11 months
Two-year-old Albert Apsassin feeling the spirit at National Indigenous Peoples Day in Camrose, Alberta.
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Tucked in boy
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This is the Nugget of Friendship.
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It is not given lightly. Yet I give it to you.
Yes. I mean YOU.
Now shoo.
Pass on the Nugget of Friendship.
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Caïn: I don't know man, seems like all the fighting is just an excuse to touch and be touched by muscular men
Able: Shut the fuck up it's not that, it has nothing to do with the pretty men !
Caïn: I never mentioned pretty men, why are you mentioning pretty man Able hmmmmmm ?
Able: SHUUUUUUT UUUUUUP ! SILENCE AT WONCE YOU FILTHY MINDED SLUUUUuuuuu not calling you that even though you are because it would make mama sad
Ironically they are both gay
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Ask, and you shall receive
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51 notes · View notes
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It’s done! (And it’s almost 5:30 am I am so tired😂)
The whole time, I had my iPad on grayscale, so I couldn’t see the color palette
I am absolutely digging these colors
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