unholyfangirling · 6 days
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unholyfangirling · 7 days
i’m okay with change and i’m fine if things are no longer the same i embrace change
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unholyfangirling · 7 days
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unholyfangirling · 7 days
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would you?
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unholyfangirling · 7 days
when i got my medical certificate i very confidently answered the question "what do you do if a person becomes unconscious?" with "remove from the room immediately" only to be met with puzzled silence by the instructor and that's when i learned that the deeply ingrained nautical fear and grim reality of seamen and their rescuers asphyxiating in enclosed spaces due to build up of toxic gas or especially lack of oxygen does not translate to land.
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unholyfangirling · 8 days
thinking about how my dad fled his home country at 19 in the middle of a war and then after 9/11 came to my preschool to educate kids on middle eastern culture/food/clothing so they wouldn’t be scared of people in traditional/religious dress or worry when they heard someone speaking arabic
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unholyfangirling · 8 days
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unholyfangirling · 8 days
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unholyfangirling · 8 days
one time i was having sex and i was going “i’m yours i’m yours i’m yours” and then my partner stopped all of a sudden and said “can we talk about new kinks before we introduce them during sex” and i was like yeah what but it turned out she thought i was saying im a horse im a horse im a horse
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unholyfangirling · 9 days
i don't usually make posts like this, but this is a truly upsetting topic to me as a lifelong cat owner, so i feel i have a duty to share my knowledge with others.
there is a type of automatic litterbox for cats being sold that is EXTREMELY dangerous and has killed numerous cats through blunt force trauma, suffocation, etc. this litterbox is being sold under different brand names and logos, so i will include the picture of the model and two links to informational videos with more evidence and eloquence than i am able to provide.
please consider not having this type of litterbox in your home for your furry friends. me and my 16 year old tortie, puddy, want the best for all your kitty friends
image of litterbox below:
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here are my two video links that provide proof and testimonials of this harmful product:
This Scam is Killing Cats by penguinz0
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market by One Man Five Cats
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unholyfangirling · 9 days
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unholyfangirling · 9 days
There’s a little rat inside your head.
This rat doesn’t know anything, but it knows that sometimes snacks fall into its cage, and sometimes the floor shocks its feet.  It likes the snacks, and it hates the shocks.  It will tell you to do things that produce snacks, and it will tell you not to do things that produce shocks.
This little rat is not the only power inside your head, and it might not be the strongest, but it’s there and it has influence.
So pay attention to how you’re treating the little rat.
If every time you learn something new, you say to yourself “ugh, I’m so ignorant for not already knowing this,” you’re shocking the rat.  You’re teaching it to be afraid of learning new things, to associate it with embarrassment and self-criticism.
Remember to feed the rat instead.  Tell it “now I know, and that is good,” and let it eat its snack in peace.
If every time you take care of yourself and your home, you say to yourself “ugh, I never do this enough, and I’ll never get it right,” you’re shocking the rat.  You’re teaching the rat that it was safer when you didn’t try to take care of things.
Feed the rat instead.  Praise what you have done, forgive what you haven’t, so the rat can feel safe.
When the rat takes a step in the right direction, even if the step is too small or slow or not in quite the right direction, feed it.  Don’t shock it for being imperfect; it’ll only learn not to take any steps at all.  Feed it, and let it get bolder, and take bigger steps, and give it bigger rewards for those bigger steps.
Be kind to your little rat.
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unholyfangirling · 9 days
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unholyfangirling · 10 days
some of you bitches deserve a nap and a milkshake tbh
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unholyfangirling · 10 days
when I was younger I didn’t understand why “may you live in interesting times” was considered a curse in ancient greece.
I get it now.
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unholyfangirling · 10 days
“Which spices go with which foods” lists are of limited value to me because, like, I have functioning taste buds. What I really need is a “spices that need to be added at the start of the cooking time in order to properly develop versus spices that need to be added in the last five minutes because extended heating fucks up the flavour profile” list – that shit is not intuitive.
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unholyfangirling · 10 days
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