kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy kill kill crush hit smash kill kill kill kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill hit smash kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill maim stab kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy kill kill crush hit smash kill kill kill kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill hit smash kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill maim stab kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy kill kill crush hit smash kill kill kill kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill destroy destroy crush hit smash kill kill kill kill hit smash kill bite tear rip destroy kill kill kill maim stab shoot punch kill kill kill maim stab
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Babe ur graphic murder fantasies are so hot tell me more *twirls hair*
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the last guy's blood didn't splatter across my face and shirt sexily or aesthetically enough so i have to kill again. sorry.
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“The concept of “mental health” in our society is defined largely by the extent to which an individual behaves in accord with the needs of the system and does so without showing signs of stress.”
— Theodore Kaczynski
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I just need to kill 30 or 40 people and then I’ll feel better
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“Baby, you’re all that I want when you’re lyin’ here in my arms. I’m findin’ it hard to believe we’re in heaven. And love is all that I need and I found it there in your heart. Isn’t too hard to see we’re in heaven.”
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I actually knew eleven. Didn’t know him long, and I still regret it. This was our song.
You’re begging me to go Then making me stay Why do you hurt me so bad It would help me to know Do I stand in your way Or am I the best thing you've had
Believe me Believe me I can't tell you why But I'm trapped by your love And I'm chained to your side
We are young Heartache to heartache we stand No promises No demands Love is a battlefield
He was a mystery, and I couldn’t help but fall for Ethan. What was happening in that head of his? Eventually I used a pickup line—I knew he was into rock music— “Do you believe that love is a battlefield? ‘Cause I’d like to wage war on you.” Cheesy, but that’s my style. We were together about a week, and it became a disaster because I didn’t know what the hell was going on. Never do. Now, he was watching our school‘s basketball game. Nobody locks their car doors, since it was a small, trustworthy town. He left his driver door unlocked, so I was eventually waiting in the backseat. I pulled out song up on my phone, setting it for repeat just to be dramatic. He was alone, as expected. I waited until he started the car and checked his blood sugar before I pressed my knife to his throat. “Hello, Ethan. How’ve you b-b-been?” I said. Noticing that my stutter was coming back, I cringed. He sucked in a breath. “Whoa there, friend. I haven’t hurt you, why don’t you put away the knife? I haven’t got any money. The car’s got a tracker. Nothing here for you.” I pressed the knife into his neck a little harder. “Wrong, you’re here.” I leaned into the light better, and he recognised me. “[Dead name]?! What- what’re you doing here? I thought you-“ “Well, right nnnnow it ddoesn’t matter what you thought. And it’s Charles.” I was pissed, slightly. I hated that name and the pain it caused. But he didn’t know any better. “You’ve changed, Charlie. Darker. What are you going to do to me?” “Jjjust ddddrive. I don’t care if you crash the dddddamn car, it’ll be more painful for you, ‘specially since I ggggot my knife where it’ll certainly kill you. And at this point in my life, I ddddont care if I dddie.” I leaned back a little, and he looked at me in the mirror. He began to drive, and I gave him directions to one of the forest service roads. When I decided we were away enough, I told him to get out. Once he was halfway out, I followed and quickly had my knife at his throat again. “Now, I remember you were strong. Still working out?” I pulled a pair of handcuffs out of my pocket, and cuffed his left hand to the car door. “A little. What are you gonna do to me?” he inquired again. I ignored him, getting rope out of the car and tying him up more securely. He struggled a little, but I’ve been working out, too. I pulled my knife back out, but instead of his throat, I sliced a ring around his arm. “Agh! What the hell?!” he exclaimed. “You gonna torture me??” “Shut up.” I didn’t want him to shut up, I wanted him to beg. Why, though, I don’t know. I wanted to watch the blood. I cut his other arm, and cut his shirt off, all while making small cuts randomly all over. “Are you going to kill me?!” he gasped, closing his eyes. “Please, K— Charles. You don’t want to do that.” “You don’t know what I want,” I say quietly. “Wrong. I remember early February, you would sing ‘I want you to want me’ everytime I passed. I doubt that’s changed, right?” I was surprised that he remembered that. It was true, in a vain attempt at making him take me back, I’d sing all sorts of songs to show how I felt. I hated his comment, so I cut a chunk out of his cheek, sticking the knife into his mouth. He made all sorts of noises in pain. I smiled. “That’s enough of that,” I remarked. I cut his wrists, long ways, following a vein up nearly to the inside of his elbow. “Now, Ethan, for the grand finale.” I plunged the knife slightly above his bellybutton, curving it upwards under his ribcage, then yanked it out. He spluttered, if you could call it that, and I left him there. It wasn’t far to the highway, and I make a convincing hitchhiker.
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ready to fuckin tear somebody’s head off
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Blood is so pretty tho wtf
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murder literally doesnt hurt anyone
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Names starting with C have a weird magnetism for me. And for her, she was out of luck with that Irish look.
I think I fell in love again Maybe I just took too much cough medicine I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet The best worst thing You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out And you can kill me, kill me or let God sort 'em out Kill me, kill me or...
She's an American beauty I'm an American psycho
She was perfect. Not to be cliche, but she was too perfect. Chloe Byrne had the name of a rockstar, and she did do the drums well.
Drummers don’t get enough attention, in my opinion. So as I walked her home, playing the polite groupie I am, we were having a good time.
“Have a good night, ma’am!” I told her as she entered her apartment.
She giggled. “Why don’t you come in, Chuck? It’s so boring by my lonesome...” She trailed off, and I decided to follow her inside.
I’d been in her place before, without her knowledge, but she led me to the living room.
“Would you like something to drink?” she asked.
“Sure, water’s fine,” I replied.
As she turned toward the fridge, I pulled the knife out of my boot. (It had been in a sheath, don’t worry.)
Literal backstabbing is fun. I stuck the knife to the right of her spine, and she made a “kdhsckcn” sound, crumpling to the ground.
Taking the knife out, I laid her flat on her back as she bled out. Mostly just to speed things up, I cut in from the front and widened the wound as she cried, eventually passing out and dying.
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A place I’d dreamed of going to, and finally did. Not the old main drag, but a place everyone’s heard of. Jimmy McLennan lived there.
In the cold winter nights the old town it was chill But there were boys in the cafes who'd give you cheap pills If you didn't have the money you'd cajole or you'd beg There was always lots of tuinol on the old main drag
One evening as I was lying down by Leicester Square I was picked up by the coppers and kicked in the balls Between the metal doors at Vine Street I was beaten and mauled And they ruined my good looks for the old main drag
Walking the streets alone as most people like him do. I approached him as people like me do.
“Fuck d’you want?” he said in the accent people have that live there.
“Everythin’ that you want,” I said in the accent people have that live far away from there.
Jimmy stood up straighter, throwing his fists up. “C’mon, then!” He started to throw a punch, but I ducked and hit him under the belt, coming up and hooking one under his chin.
Not much for fighting, I pulled the gun out of his jacket and shot him in the heart. He was a cautious man, but not cautious enough. I took his bag of drugs and threw it on the street blocks away from there.
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Problems. I almost pity the people I took my anger out on, though.
I’m sorry, avid fans and appreciated friends. I have been restored to my former glory, as things have been unkind to me lately. Its been fixed.
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I’m sorry, avid fans and appreciated friends. I have been restored to my former glory, as things have been unkind to me lately. Its been fixed.
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