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Civil War: House of M #4
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Avengers Vol.3 No.70 Cover: Scarlet Witch By J.G. Jones
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Polaris: X-Men Blue By Jorge Molina and Manipulated/Extrapolated By J.C.-Art (Me)
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Polaris By Jacob Chabot
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Polaris By Jan Duursema (Manipulated/Extrapolated By J.C.-ART)
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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Polaris and Havok By Thony Silas
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Nick Bradshaw
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Chris Johnson
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Polaris by Kevin West
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a doodle i did this morning 
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Deadpool & the Mercs For Money #7 (2017) pencil & ink by Iban Coello color by Guru-eFX
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Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #2 - Polaris by Patrick Zircher *
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X-Men Blue: Cry Havok
Hi Everyone. Welcome to one of the most interesting, viral, popular events written by Cullen Bunn. Welcome to Mothervine! As we all know this is going to be about Lorna Dane, aka Polaris, because I absolutely love her. After all she’s the badass in this event and had the best lines throughout the book.
I’m surprised for those who are considered Polaris “fans” have not written anything about this particular event aside from Mojo Worldwide which they didn’t either. For more information about the Mojo Worldwide you can visit here :) Of course they wouldn’t want you to know the excellent side of her. Anyway there is no time to waste.
Well, it’s been a year and yeah, X-Men Blue is still here. Let’s not waste an opportunity to see what Lorna has become lately throughout the X-Men Blue book. I was amazed how she continued to be an important character in the X-Men Blue tittle. Finally we see Bunn making the most of Lorna and that has been a long time coming. This development is great to see.
Cry Havok Part 1
X-Men Blue #23 gets back on track with the plot Bunn has been setting since the start of this series a year ago. The issue starts on an intriguing moment with Lorna Dane (Polaris) where she confronted her uninvited guests at their very doorstep In Madripoor.
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However, Lorna has never been one to be underestimated. 
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Unsurprised by ninjas, she instead caught THEM off guard, raised them up with her electromagetic energy and interrogated them. This is the Lorna who we can relate to. Look how beautiful she looks in those panels :)
The Raksha explained to Lorna they were simply worried after not hearing from the O5 and wanted to tell Magneto that they’ve encountered with some Hellfire Club members. A few minutes later, Polaris walks in with the young Ninjas and brought them to her father.
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Magneto is trying to stop the main villains from preparing to launch Mothervine that’s causing a secondary mutation. As we all know a secondary mutation enhances the abilities of a mutant. Fortunately, it seems like we’re going to see the pattern repeat itself again. As I discussed previously, Polaris is the first subject to experience her second stage. She was the first ever and all thanks to Christ Claremont. Though, I don’t think Bunn wants to give any boost to Polaris since she’s already extremely powerful. Powerful enough to stop those with secondary (or third) mutation :)
Polaris discusses Havok with Gazing Nightshade, whose powers reveal a bit about how Lorna feels. She does give a short explanation as to how Havok’s personality changed and the reason for their breakup. Many of you know during AXIS, Havok was affected by the inversion spell (yep, the same exact event that we discovered Magneto and Polaris were not related to the Maximoff twins. It all happened in AXIS #7).
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Here is when things started getting more interesting. Ferris called Lorna because he was getting concern over a piece of jewelry. A charm that was in Marvel Girl’s drawers. It was a gift from Miss Sinister. 
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Polaris’ reaction is priceless. As soon as she realizes she is holding a torment in her hands, she instantly remembers having a very unpleasant experience about the necklace.
Nevertheless, at the end of the issue (wait for it), Malice possesses Polaris once again. Though, it seems Polaris exposed herself to get possessed by Malice! Why? Well like I previously stated she didn’t hesitate because she wanted to test her potential against an entity that can’t be seen or touched. She believes she can be successful in breaking herself free. I guess we’re about to find out.
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Shockingly Lorna was possessed once again but for how long?. Oh my. This was a good read and the fact that there was so much depth in this issue I really enjoyed it! Let’s move forward to the next issue shall we :)
Cry Havok Part 2
Speaking of moving forward, there’s some nice Lorna character development in X-Men Blue #24. The Polaris sequence is especially deeply satisfying, as it allows for more character growth for Lorna. Once possessed, she started acting out as Malice’s puppet.
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Unfortunately, Malice infiltrates the Madripoor mansion through the body of Polaris. Malice was on a mission send by Miss Sinister. Lorna is going after the young ninjas where we see she wiped the floor with them and injured most of them.
Malice/Polaris managed to almost kill the Raksha.
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Polaris defeated them so easily. Fortunately just before she could do more damage, Lorna was able to break free of her control and defeated her as well. 
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Lorna was able to regain control over herself and destroyed Malice. I repeat, she was able to repossess control and killed Malice. After her consciousness emerges from Malice possession, Lorna was softened, shocked, and touched by all that had occurred while she was possessed, especially by the mysterious fulfillment she had by beating Malice. I have to admit these scenes were causing intense surprises. Who would of thought what Bunn had in store for us? This is why I don’t speculate my ass out so then apologize for jumping to conclusions like some people do. Anyway Thanks to @cullenbunn, we have another badass Lorna Dane :)
For more information about Polaris/Malice (or her complete history) you can visit here for the continuation of the discussion :)
Cry Havok Part 3
X-Men Blue #25 it’s just another epic book. Look how Lorna became the center of this story. She looks beautiful in this cover :)
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Love how Polaris looks in this cover.
Polaris, who was free from Malice’s control was shocked at the damage she had done and for almost killing the Raksha. Just remember she was Malice at that point but eventually she beats Malice internally.
And just like that she raised them up with her electromagetic energy and transported them to the medical bay.
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Polaris was feeling terrible for causing this terror. Lorna ordered Ferris to prepare the medical bay so the young mutant ninjas can get the recuperation they need for their injuries and assure Gazing Nightshade that she will help them and that her friends will get back on their feet.
Later in the infirmary, Lorna was still feeling blue for what Malice made her do. Meanwhile Jimmy, Xorn and Bloodstorm arrived, Xorn was able to detect their injuries and luckily he was able to fix them but it will take sometime to do so. Even Xorn thought that this was…..
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…terrifying. Cullen gave Polaris another moment to shine, even having Xorn comment about how powerful and dangerous she was. Goes to show that Cullen is really fond of developing her characterization; and will not hesitate to explore her skills as well. This is why I never had a problem with Bunn writing Lorna because he’s been doing quite amazingly awesome with her character and developing her very well. I always had faith in this amazing writer despite other negative commentary :)
The best part is the introduction of Polaris’ new team, which was refreshing!
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A new team of X-Men is born and Polaris is the new X-Men’s leader. YAAASSS! Polaris… the new leader of this new era. She looks very confident. Self-confidence is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows. This was another entertaining book from the awesome creative team. Alongside her new team, Daken, Jimmy, Xorn, Bloodstorm and Gazing Nightshade are taking the spotlight as a replacement of the O5, which kept me invested. I mean look at her what a badass girl and I have to say she’s the one with the badass outfit :)
Cry Havok Part 4
In X-Men Blue #26 we can see Polaris on the top of the splash page. Bunn’s intention is that she IS the new leader of the New X-Men in this new era :)
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Polaris’ replacement X-Men, finally jump into action. Polaris leads this new group, doing it as a favor for her father. 
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They are here to stop mothervine. Sadly, Havok is behind the master plan and he’s satisfied that Mothervine is working. Havok became evil during AXIS when a spell “reversed” several heroes and villains. Ever since he became a different person. Havok wants the Mutants to be the dominant life on Earth (just like his brother Cyclops). People with no powers, depowered mutants and active mutants are gaining first, second and third power sets.
Lorna is being treated like the badass heroine she is.
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For some reason Lorna doesn’t trust Daken and Bloodstorm with the kids, lol. Well, Bloodstorm will eat those kids just like she did with her previous team (and so). Unfortunately, not everything is always beautiful roses, unicorns, rainbows when it comes to Bloodthirst. She will need to feed in order to serve in combat. As for Daken, he’s a dick. Smart move, Lorna you are the leader :)
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Lorna is strong on stage. I love how badass she looks :) 
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She was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of her duty. 
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And her duty was to protect everyone and fight for what it’s right.
Cry Havok Part 5
Another strong cover of Polaris. I love how she’s in the center of everything :)
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In X-Men Blue #27 features a flash back of Polaris with her father Magneto. Magneto and his daughter Polaris take center stage. Polaris and Magneto each get cool moments. Like Magneto taking his daughter out for dinner :) 
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How lucky is Magneto to have a gorgeous daughter like Lorna Dane? :)
This issue begins with a father-daughter. Magneto wants Polaris to try and bring back the real Havok because he’s becoming more dangerous. He knows his daughter is the only chance to bring Havok back and later on it turns out he was completely right about that.
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The Importance of the Father-Daughter Relationship. Amazing how it shows that Cullen Bunn is really fond of developing both father and daughter; and will not hesitate to explore their skills as well. You’ve probably heard that having a strong male influence is important in a young boy’s life, but it’s equally important for daughters to have one as well.
X-Men continue their battle against the destructive power of Mothervine. Polaris and her team are dealing with a serious threat but that doesn’t stop her from being a true hero.
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Like I said, Bunn doesn’t want to update Polaris’s power since she’s already powerful and can beat those with secondary mutation. As you can see how she beats Wildside. I loved her dynamics and personality in this issue. Clearly she has become such a badass under Cullen’s pen. This issue continues to build Lorna’s characterization. Truly her development has been spectacular :)
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I don’t know about Bloodstorm but she’s creepy.
They finally found the place Lorna was looking for. Once again, I love how she’s in the center of everything. You can clearly see they’re making room for the Mistress of Magnetism :)
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suddenly and unexpectedly… 
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they were caught off guard.
Havok attacked Polaris but as we all know this was not the real Havok. He wanted Polaris to join his crew so she can have the opportunity to see what they’ve been working for. Mothervine, an airborne contagion that activates mutant abilities around the world.
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Oddly enough, we get to see Polaris and Havok having a conversation after few years of their absence and distances. For one moment we thought Havok was hovering on the edge of consciousness. 
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Obviously he did not regain consciousness till the event of AXIS. He’s still buried under that other personality. Emma seems like she had an idea on how to work on bringing Havok back as soon as she saw Havok holding Lorna’s hand.
Cry Havok Part 6
This issue continues to build the Cry Havok Arc into one of the most successful arcs in the X-Men Blue series. This cover here is not what some people speculated or wanted to be. Though what he thought and commented about (Lorna) in this cover was completely the opposite. Glad he apologized for jumping to conclusions. You can’t just say that inspirational shit and then go take a crap you know. That’s not how it works!
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Here Lorna is thinking what to do next while they’ve been captivated by Havok and Daken is so annoying as hell but glad Lorna’s ignoring him. X-Men Blue #28
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Polaris and the others realize that the psychic leash on them has been severed, and so Polaris uses her powers to bust out of the room they’re imprisoned in. 
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What a badass leader Lorna has become. I love how she SHRRAAAKKK the door and told everyone to get ready to fight. This panel here looks very powerful. Bunn wanted to assure us that you can’t mess with Polaris, the daughter of Magneto.
Polaris and her team ended up meeting Emma, Jimmy, and Bloodstorm. Polaris correctly guesses that Emma’s decided what Havok was doing was evil and the Mothervine stuff was bad, and so they come to terms enough to work together. How interesting to see Lorna and Emma working together :)
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So they are in combat once again. Love Polaris’ green lightning :) 
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Sadly Xorn died 
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Maybe he didn’t but one must wonder how they stay united since Xorn sucked Bastion into him.
Havok jumped into the scene attacking everyone.
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Polaris and Emma team up to bring Havok back to the light after his inversion in AXIS a few years ago. Healing him mentally and physically. Polaris and Emma teaming up was so unexpected and (I don’t think anyone was expecting that) how well they handled the situation and how well they interacted. Havok attacks Polaris and Emma, but unfortunately for him, the two of them are on the same side. 
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FINALLY we have Havok back to his normal state and hopefully for good. 
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Lorna had ordered Elixir to heal Havok’s scar so he can have a fresh start where we would be seeing him leading his own team in Astonishing X-Men #13. I wonder if we would be seeing a flashback of Lorna or even mention in the Astonishing of how Lorna saved his life. Well this is it, the end of the chapter.
We are now entering to the review so get ready we going to have a whole lot to talk about. Let’s see the marvelous Lorna Dane aka Polaris’ development and characterization.
There are many great elements to Cry Havok.There was so much depth throughout those issues that I really enjoyed it! This was a good read…something very rare in X-Men now. Overall, I really don’t have a lot of problems with how Lorna was depicted throughout the book. With the Original X-Men lost in space, a new team is assembled by the daughter of Magneto, Polaris, but luckily with the same masterful writer, Cullen Bunn. He writes Polaris exceptionally well, so those issues play to all of X-Men Blue’s strengths. We must not waste an opportunity to Carry-On after everything Cullen has done for Lorna Dane :)
Happy to know Lorna got to lead a rare X-Men team with a variation of characters that everyone loves. She decides to assemble a new team of X-Men to take their place (O5) until they return. I know many of you, like me, want them to be the main X-Men Blue team. Truly we’re really enjoying (me especially) their story and would like to learn more from them. Like the daughter and father interaction for example where Bunn does a fine job of showing us Magneto being a good father. Lorna’s relationship with her father was one of the strongest parts of Bunn’s X-Men Blue run, and while there’s an attempt to rekindle that old magic, it ultimately feels satisfying. It’s crystal clear Marvel wants everyone to know that Polaris is in fact Magneto’s long lost daughter. Not only was she introduced as Magneto’s daughter back in 1968 but that she was his daughter regardless. Lorna has a lot of him in her but not the extremist. Only that she can easily let go of the past while her daddy lives it.
I don’t think many want the O5 to come back because that will disband the new x-team that keep us invested. I like the basic breakdown of this group under the leadership of Polaris. I would like to see the new Polaris team to stay in place for quite some time. Polaris continues to be a great character under Bunn’s pen. She’s been very useful in this run and usually has one of the best lines in every issue.
It was so good seeing Polaris in the book and drawn very well. The events involving Polaris in those issues are sure to be polarizing, no pun intended. I’m going to be honest. I personally think its strength comes from (mostly) one place: Lorna Dane, aka Polaris. The green-haired hero is finally getting the attention she deserves. She’s treated to the most incredible characterization across the entire (book) events. Cullen makes sure everyone gets their chance to shine but special mention has to go to Polaris, who has really been improving as a character. The outstanding quality of Cullen Bunn’s work with X-Men Blue book made it exceptional for Lorna. Maybe a solo book?
With that being said, there are no excuses for saying Marvel / Cullen has done nothing for Polaris when here she was well developed as a character and her leadership had improved before our very own eyes that Lorna earned her place as a true, strong, badass leader who can also lead her own book. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’ve seen “people” complain (constantly) about how Marvel “never” gives Lorna the opportunity to shine and become her own when clearly she has in this book just like in many other books she participated. This reminds me of when a few strangers were saying how she was never going to be played on screen when I was patiently (waiting) telling them that only time will tell and that she will get her time to shine like never before. Guess I was right. She already appeared on screen in one of the most popular shows called The Gifted (waiting for season 2). She played and started as a strong (leader) character and left the majority speechless. Just like she’s appearing and playing a significant role in one of the most popular books, X-Men Blue. I guess patience played a huge role in it :)
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Lorna Dane
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X-Men: Blue #27
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emmadumont Will of iron. Heart of gold. To bend but not to break. Metal that is. Another week until a new episode. Thank you guys for watching! 💚💚💚
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could have done a little more, but i didn’t want to spend too much time on this 
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