“Don’t let the concept of change scare you as much as the prospect of remaining unhappy.”
— Timber Hawkeye
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The sage battles his own ego. The fool battles everyone else’s.
Sufi Proverb
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“Be kind. Even on your bad days.”
— (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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What a way to actually control the globe. it came from a wet market. Really? Who else believes this was created in a lab? The way to control people is to make them fear is it not? Of course there is a virus but i don’t believe the statistics 100 percent. Also there is no way ill be getting some programmable chip to go on with my life to prove im free from coronavirus. What a sad year. Thoughts?
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Nothing ever happened to you, the choices you made because of what happened to you, happened to you.
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For generations we have been wasting our potential. We are caught up in the way of society, our problems, what we don’t have. When will we wake up and be grateful to be alive? To realise the potential to make a difference, to thrive! We are beings with the life span similarly to an hour glass timer.
Time is wasting, negative patterns prevail. The world itself is stagnate. Who will make a difference?
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Be kind to everyone who comes in your path. You just don’t know what is going on for them in the background.
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You are not your thoughts, you are merely the operator of them.
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When I write.
One thing I am always trying to achieve is to create the flow of positivity. We all have negative thoughts sometimes but to realise that it is purely just a thought and to release it is a way to create a life of abundance. What you think ultimately becomes your reality. Believe you can, believe you will receive and believe in the uttermost best. This is a spiritual practice, but watch how your life transforms once you have these in place.
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A late night ponder.
Why is it that for those who believe in science completely disregard the metaphysical or spirit world? Or vice versa. Why as human beings do we limit ourselves to one or no beliefs at all? Why can’t science and metapyshics both be correct at the same time? Why can’t there be more than one explanation for this big wide universe? Have we ever thought about that? Why do we disregard new information because we have learnt another way? Who is to say that only one way of explaining things is correct? I think we need to open our minds at the possibility that the universe cannot be explained by one theory or definition, but a whole information network that is simultaneously connected.
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There comes a point in life where no matter what happens to us. We can’t dwell on it. We need to keep going. Get up. Hold our heads high. You see that’s the thing about acceptance. No matter the circumstance you just deal. resistance is only torturing yourself for something you can’t change. This is a practice I must and will live by.
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There is enough love and compassion for everyone to endure. Spread it everywhere!
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Allow yourself to flow with the rythym of the universe. If you want something bad enough resistance will only keep what ever that is further away. Flow.... it just might flow right at you 😉!!!
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I am a wild fire, soaring through the deepest depths. The warmth within me can light up the whole sky. I am all or nothing. I need oxygen to fuel me, to ignite my insides. I will comfort you in the darkest of days.
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You are more than the limits of the physical body and mind. You are an entire soul. You exist beyond these.
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There is endless possibility in you. Do you believe it? You need to listen to your inner world to find your purpose and your path. You will never exceed to find these externally. How can you create things you love and adore in the world to assist others? How can you learn to be more open to the information you receive without judgement, ego or beliefs? How can we expand beyond our potential? Listen! But listen within.
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The power of creation
We as beings don’t understand how actually fundamentally creative we are. We need to dive into our senses, write, paint draw and express ourselves. We need to do this is some shape or form daily. We get too caught up in the chaos of our daily lives and in stuff we don’t actually care for.
Today my form of expression is a poem;
‘I am infinite, my strength is limitless
I have the ability to be who i really am
Look to the stars and feel the warmth in their shine
For i am you and you are mine’
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