universe-obligation · 28 days
Oh shit😭 but uh okay
Bellatrix : she’s pretty prideful in the fact that she can’t get caught or get punished for her psychotic behaviour and cannibalistic tendencies, mostly due to the fact that her biggest follower or right hand man is fucking Betelgeuse!
Castor (specifically Castor Aa) : He’s a wrathful guy who’s often just trying to protect his system and twin brother Castor from threats that are never there
Sirius A : she’s not really lustful per say as I said before no body in this timeline feels Lust she more or less just feels Extreme Love for her husband
Deneb : is a fatass, that’s it, but for all seriousness, he’s often buying large quantities of stuff for no reason other to than just have stuff, so this whole currency shit is kinda bad for him
Rigil (Specifically Rigil Ba) : she’s a diva queen who will probably steal your lunch and money on occasion and never apologise for it
Betelgeuse : he is slothful for the fact that he doesn’t do anything to stop Bellatrix’s actions and rather would admire her from the distance and wish he could have her than to see her real flaw of being a fucking psychopath
Toliman : he feels a lot of jealousy as he’s not as special or have any planets (that we know off as of now) what’s so special about this star? Nothing I tell you, he’s just a envious dude who wishes he could be more than what he is now
What one of the seven deadly sins represents each character best?
Pride : Bellatrix
Wrath : Castor
Lust : No one because no one feels lust, but for the sake of it, let’s say who has the most love I guess, that’ll be Sirius A
Gluttony : Deneb
Greed : Rigil
Sloth : Betelgeuse
Envy : Toliman
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universe-obligation · 28 days
What one of the seven deadly sins represents each character best?
Pride : Bellatrix
Wrath : Castor
Lust : No one because no one feels lust, but for the sake of it, let’s say who has the most love I guess, that’ll be Sirius A
Gluttony : Deneb
Greed : Rigil
Sloth : Betelgeuse
Envy : Toliman
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universe-obligation · 1 month
Who wants to commit arson with me?
Bellatrix comes running in including Sirius A
(Sorry for the fucking long ass time I took)
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universe-obligation · 3 months
Who gives the best hugs?
Rigil kentauri
While the worst hugger is Betelgeuse (he’s too big for his own good)
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universe-obligation · 3 months
Who are Rigils friends?
Also does Alpha Centauri ever visit Sol or Luhman 16?
He does visits Luhman 16 a lot but won’t visit sol as Sol is very strict on who can visit his system
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universe-obligation · 4 months
The sun’s closest neighbours
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universe-obligation · 4 months
The Trappist 1 system
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universe-obligation · 4 months
Are there any nicknames given to any of the characters by other characters?
“Crazy bitch” to Bellatrix by most characters
”Trixie” to Bellatrix by Betelgeuse
“Tom” or “Tommy” to Toliman by Proxima & Rigil
“Prox” or “Proxy” to Proxima by Rigil & Toliman
“Ken” to Rigil by Toliman & Proxima
”Ben” to Sirius B by Sirius A
“Husky” to Sirius A by Sirius B
“Bugs” or “Betel” to Betelgeuse by Bellatrix
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universe-obligation · 4 months
He doesn’t know. He never tasted bread before
(For proxima) Garlic bread?
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I’m sorry for taking 5 billion years to answer
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universe-obligation · 4 months
What’s each characters favourite colour?
I liked designing them
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universe-obligation · 4 months
(For proxima) Garlic bread?
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I’m sorry for taking 5 billion years to answer
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universe-obligation · 5 months
C an I has pro xima 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Give me 1 Million and I’ll consider it
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universe-obligation · 6 months
Who are Sirius A’s friends?
Procyon A & Procyon B as they both are main sequences and has a white dwarf partner. that’s basically all her friends cuz she’s pretty weird so not a lot of stars interact with her.
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universe-obligation · 6 months
Do any of the characters know that they’re in a story and can break the 4th wall?
Yeah the six kids since they can go into another story if they wanted to and kind of bellatrix
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universe-obligation · 6 months
Who cares the most about their hair?
Proxima centauri, Sirius A, and Bellatrix
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universe-obligation · 6 months
Who’s the most likely to send a pipebomb to my mailbox?
Sirius A, Bellatrix, Rigel, Trappist-1B, Alnitak, Mintaka, Pistol star a lot of stars actually
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universe-obligation · 6 months
Hey Trappist-1 planets, why do you hate your star? What did he do?
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Praise the lord I’ve answered
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