Anon 5 - I think you’re looking for this one “https://archiveofourown.org/works/4329858“, It’s called “In Bloom” and I made a bookmark about that scene you remember.
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Please reply to this post if you know one of the fics mentioned in this ask. Thank you so much in advance!
Anonymous 1 asked:
Hi! I was hoping you could help me find a fic. Post WS, I remember at one point Nick sneaks on Bucky in a dinner I think, and tells him that he has this group of superheroes but they are a bit at loss because their leader is a mess because he’s so worried about Bucky and if Bucky will join the avengers so Steve can be functional again. I think it’s not the first time Shield tried to recruit Bucky and Phil had tried first. Thank you!
Anonymous 2 asked:
hi, ive been looking everywhere for this one nsfw fic i read like a year ago lmao, basically it was like a slice of life type thing where steve came out of the shower and then bucky rimmed him and they broke the headboard? thats all i can really remember, thanks❤️
Anonymous 3 asked:
i’m looking for a war-era fic where peggy and howard don’t drop steve in austria, he just goes AWOL without telling anyone, walks to austria, and then turns up like a week later with bucky and 400 POWs. i’ve had a look in the tags but would appreciate your help :)
sissi2d asked:
Does anyone know the title of a Stucky fic where Steve is in the kitchen singing “Superstar” (by The Carpenters) probably doing supper and Bucky arrives to their apartment and starts singing along? I’m not sure if it was pre war … it was definitely AU…
Anonymous 4 asked:
Hi! I can’t find a fic I read on AO3 some times ago, I hoped you could help me! It’s some kind of modern setting AU: Steve comes home from the hospital after almost dying and has to stay at home to get better; Bucky stays with him and accepts money from his parents to be able to afford more days off of wok to stay with Steve, who gets really angry when he realizes it. He’s really not coping well with everything going on. They get into a fight and then Steve realizes he’s been awful to Bucky… I’ve already tried the sick Steve search and any other search parameter I could think of.
doctorenterprise asked:
I read a fic ages ago where Bucky’s arm was damaged badly and he retreated in on himself, making Steve think he was in incredible pain. What was actually happening is that the wires were short circuiting and causing him to orgasm painfully every time he touched the wires to try fixing the problem. Eventually he allowed Steve to help him with it and the experience was fraught with sexual tension and angst. Cannot for the life of me find it on AO3. Any thoughts?
dottytigger asked:
hi!!! firstly thank you for everything you do!!! you guys are such legends omg!!! i am looking for a fic i read a loooong time ago where steve and bucky are living together and steve is careful of not touching bucky/doesnt touch him too much and then one day bucky approaches steve and steve asks what he needs/what’s wrong and i think he just figures out that bucky wants to be touched/hugged ?? and from then on it is touchy-feely central!! sorry it’s not super specific but thank you in advance <3
Anonymous 5 asked:
Hi! I was looking for a fic that I read years ago, it was about Bucky and he would go to a diner/restaurant (?) like daily and order food and he would have to separate it out into like the separate items and eat them one at a time. I really don’t remember much of the fic at all cause I read it probably like 4 or 5 years back but I just remembered it out of the blue. If anybody knows what it is, I would love to know! 🥰❤️
Anonymous 6 asked:
Hi, I’m looking for this fic I read a while ago and I can’t find it anywhere. It was a/b/o with omega Steve and alpha Bucky where hydra kidnapped him and gave him to Bucky. Bucky was the winter soldier and I think they were true mates. Then I think the avengers explode the base and they get out (but not with the avengers) and go to a safe house. I also remember that Steve was in a heat but it was forced upon home by hydra and Bucky was in rut. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
zakharovasmarguerite asked:
Hey! I’ve been looking for a semi-au mini series (it had three chapters) where Steve was rescued from the ice by an expedition team led by Bucky. The name should be an Arctic Monkeys song, but I’m not sure. Thanks!
whitewolfwintersoldier asked:
do you know the fic where steve is badly injured (maybe an assassination attempt? explosion? his injuries are bad enough that i’m pretty sure he’s covered in bandages but i could be wrong) and shield agent bucky has watch over him while he recovers
Anonymous 7 asked:
Hey! So there was this fic I read a while ago, it was post cw/ws but was then canon divergent. I remember it being quite long and it was mainly about Bucky and Sam, Sam figured out that Bucky loves Steve and he tries to deny it etc. They met up with Steve at the end after fighting Tony and driving all across the country. Sorry if this is really vague lol but do you know this fic? 
Anonymous 8 asked:
i need help!!! i’m looking for a fic where bucky was essentially homeless and lived under a bridge? and there was a cat!!! and steve was like… all hunky dory, and ran into bucky who’s works at a fruit and vege, and broke his ankle??? he normally rides a bike to work!!! i want to reread it again SO bad
Anonymous 9 asked:
I’ve been looking for this fic where Steve and Bucky met as teenagers when Bucky was smoking on a swing set and Steve sat with him. Bucky joined the military and they lost touch and reconnected as adults when they saw each other at a bar. Bucky had an abusive Dad that passed away when he was in high school. When Steve and Bucky start hanging out again they make tacos for dinner and Natasha is Bucky’s roommate. I hope these details help you find it I would really appreciate it!
Anonymous 10 asked:
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a fix I’ve lost. It’s kind of like a farm au, though really it’s more of a really small town au. Basically what I remember is Bucky has to go there for some reason, and Steve lives there with his mom. I do t remember a lot of the plot, though I do remember that Steve wore suspenders, which Bucky had a weird fascination with. I don’t remember the rating though I do know there are some more smutty drabbles set in that universe. I read it on Ao3. Thanks
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Do you have any fics that deal with Bucky struggling with physical touch and contact?
Found you these:
Exposure Therapy by Defiler_Wyrm (oneshot | 222 | T)
The doctors call him touch-averse but the truth is he’s starving for it.
oceans between you and me by Imagineitdear (oneshot | 1,603 | T)
“You don’t have to, Buck. Don’t feel pressure to—”
“I’m not feeling pressure. I’m feeling . . .” Bucky bites his lip, looking down at his hands. The metal one is wringing at the flesh one, like they often do when he’s left baffled by his emotions. At the moment, a loaded cocktail of heartache, fear, anxiety and want.
Counting out the time (I hope this lasts) by bangyababy (oneshot | 1,000 | G)
Bucky watches him form a moment, then moves to stand up. “Well, next time we’ll go together.” Steve gives him a small smile. “I’d like that.” And then Bucky gives him a friendly punch on the arm and gets off the couch like it’s a normal day, and he hasn’t just touched Steve in a non-violent manner for the first time since 1945 and goes to take a nap.
Steve holds on to what he's got.
Part 3 of Happy Steve Bingo
All The Motions of Ordinary Love by waitforhightide (oneshot | 3,112 | G)
“I’m making coffee, if you want it." Steve said. "I thought we could finish Hill House today, or you could try that photo project you were talking about.”
A long pause and then a sigh was his answer from the lump in the bed. “I dunno, Stevie. Don’t wait on me.” Don’t wait on me in Bucky-speak meant several things, but when said from under a duvet at mid-morning, it meant roughly, I am too triggered to get out of bed today.
Fever by LieutenantSaavik (oneshot | 3,174 | T)
Bucky gets sick.
Touch by rattlemeoldbones (complete | 31,768 | E)
Steve found Bucky. Now it's a long road to recovery. A gentle hand or a kind touch isn't something Bucky has known for a long time, but now that he has a choice, now that he's getting better, maybe with time he can know what that's like again.
Ursa Minor, Ursus Mine by justanotherStonyfan (complete | 5,902 | E)
Bucky discovers, when Steve kisses the little Bucky Bear on its head instead of kissing Bucky, that maybe there's a way around Bucky's touch-aversion after all. If Steve's willing to defile a stuffed toy, that is.
Or, the one where Steve fucks Bucky Bear.
Part 15 of Hydra Trash Meme 2014 ongoing - blanket dub/non consent warnings
Part 8 of Mission Fics
If I missed any, feel free to add them in the replies! 
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How does my cat not understand, after all these years, that those are my feet under the duvet. It’s not a small creature for you to attack.
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I’m pretty sure my cat has PTSD.
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