unknowncatastrophee · 9 months
Do you ever feel like you’re jumping from one anxiety inducing environment to the next? I feel that way constantly and it’s suffocating me. It’s as though every time I try to catch my breath the ability I have to breathe gets weaker and weaker each time. It is hard to keep yourself functioning when you aren’t breathing in the amount of oxygen you need.
I don’t remember the last time I was able to breathe freely with my entire body feel light and not gasping for my air just to have more weight added to me.
Yes, I do want to be a psychologist but that doesn’t give people the right to take their trauma fueled anger out on me. And not right now when I’ll struggling to keep myself alive. To just be nice to myself. So just because I will try my hardest not to rise to your emotional state because that helps no body, doesn’t mean you keep going. I not prepared nor able to de escalate the situation properly. *plus I’ve had some wine. So please if you can’t do this right now or have me here then kindly leave my in my own anxiety bubble because I can’t handle being part of yours too.
I just need the world to fucking leave me alone right now. I’m holding on by tiny threads.
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
i hate how sometimes i can’t find the right words to describe what’s going on in my mind.
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
We’ve been unknowingly waiting for that one thing we really want our whole lives.
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
Life can sometimes be like not remembering the whole drive, you sometimes end up at your destination not realizing how you got there.
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
“But never have I been a blue calm sea. I have always been a storm.”
— Stevie Nicks
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
I understand why people become heartless
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
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oh my god im missing you //  the amity affliction
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
“Do you know how much thinking and feeling I’ve done? It’s terrible. And nothing’s come of it.”
— Andrei Platonov
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
i think i simply cannot take it anymore <3 like genuinely cannot take it i . cannot do this
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
To the person reading this, I hope tonight treats you gently, and that tomorrow looks brighter. 
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
please be patient with me i am experiencing horrors unknown to you at all times
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
sometimes it just hurts and there is nothing you can do about it
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
“It is better to be yourself and have no friends than to be like your friends and have no self.”
— Unknown
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
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"Safe Abortion for All.
No Compromise - No Apology"
Print by Bum Lung Press
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unknowncatastrophee · 2 years
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