unlackeyed · 3 days
I'm very disappointed to read that they did this. Bunnie as a character is a really sensitive and complex metaphor for living with a disability or surviving a nonconsensual assault of several kinds. Reducing that to a briefly topical plot device is terrible.
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Apparently Bunnie was already legionized at the end of Sonic Universe 49, which was before the reboot. I think the idea itself is dumb. Bunnie's been wanting to be deroboticized for years, look how happy she was when she finally got her body restored. Two fan comic continuations - Sonic Online and Archie Sonic Forever - show Bunnie going back to her uncle Beauregard because she feels lost. I like Bunnie's new design in Sonic Online but I think having her feel useless and immediately wanting to be legionized - literally having her limbs removed and replaced - is again such a dumb direction to go. I'm not sure if Archie Sonic Forever is also going to have her legionized, but for now Beauregard is at least giving her better advice and she's not already decided to be legionized. It also doesn't make much sense for Bunnie to be legionized the same way she was robotocized in that she's decided to have her whole lower body replaced - intestines, bladder, etc. It seems very impractical, and it's unrealistic that one badlands doctor could surgically replace someone's whole lower half and keep them alive. When Rotor was hurt and unable to be a front line Freedom Fighter he didn't resort to replacing his spine or anything. He had Nicole make him a strength suit out of nanites. So then why doesn't Bunnie ask Nicole, Rotor, or Uncle Chuck to make her some Ironman-like parts she can wear over her arm and legs? Instead she goes all the way to the badlands to have irreversible surgery. Even though legionizing Bunnie was an original Archie idea I don't think there are some ideas that should've been kept, and I hope ASF doesn't go the same way.
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unlackeyed · 4 days
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unlackeyed · 11 days
why are there so many gifs of eggman kicking another eggman
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like who is making these? and why?
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unlackeyed · 11 days
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unlackeyed · 18 days
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unlackeyed · 21 days
Some things from Twitter I grabbed from the limited amount of time SatAM was trending.
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Thank you, team SatAM Reanimated. This is why I took 4 parts in that collab.
I think some need to realize localization does not equal bad. I can get behind "he's almost like a fairytale creature in that regard," but AM's "rad dude" contrasts more heavily with Mario at the time, I feel.
[More below cut]
Ex of localization: In Splatoon's Salmon Run, Mr Grizz is supposed to be the shady boss of the job you're working. The characteristics of a shady boss differ between cultures. In JP, he is characterized as overly nice and forgiving. In AM, he is characterized as ruthless, unforgiving, and rough, with the occasional compliment to keep you motivated. Either way, both cultures get the idea that something is fishy with this guy.
Bringing it back to Sonic, in both continuities, he is characterized as a carefree do-gooder with an attitude, more or less. He is cool. However, like the Splatoon example, he is given multiple ways to portray this to the right audience.
People have their aesthetic preferences, and it is incredibly convenient that we are able to communicate information across the globe, so we now know of these different interpretations, and can pick which one we like. It'd be one thing if that weren't the case, then I'd understand why people would be upset, because these interps would be gatekept from everyone else.
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This one I thought was funnier than the original. It's generalized. (That's the Archie comic font iirc. 🤓)
It reminds me of how many Sonic copycats there were around the mid-late 90s because of how successful of a character he was.
The drawing on the left reminds me of some arcade collection games I played on my Xbox as a kid.
That also reminds me how many people who defend SatAM are 90s kids. This was their first impression, and they love it. I'm the oddball youngin who so happened to prefer this version after typing "Sonic Cartoon" into YouTube in the year 2013, but it makes me wonder how old are these lil petty babies who have nothing better to do than complain about a cartoon animal? (Trust me, you are going to look pathetic regardless of your answer.)
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This one took me by surprise! Talk about sabotaging a Sonic story! I don't like this guy too much, but he is occasionally a credible source. I feel like that's the case in more recent times than say at least 10 years ago. This one you can take his word for, as there are mutple pieces of evidence to support this. (Im not your mom, do your own research. The feds wont be after you if you type "SatAM production history" into your search bar.) The first sentence is a full on mood. It felt like Lily Orchard's "Steven Universe is Garbage, Here's Why" video, and 90% of it is them struggling with story comprehension and changing their opinion every 5 minutes.
Anyway, I'm gonna go draw various localized characters, and there's nothing you can do to stop me! >:D
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unlackeyed · 23 days
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Face off
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unlackeyed · 26 days
I was looked at, but I wasn't seen.
— Albert Camus, The Misunderstanding
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unlackeyed · 27 days
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unlackeyed · 1 month
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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unlackeyed · 1 month
starline WISHES he had what agent stone has
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unlackeyed · 1 month
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Some Doodles on whiteboard of Sally and Nicole ^O^
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unlackeyed · 1 month
Something in me wants more. I can't rest.
— Sylvia Plath, from “The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath.”
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unlackeyed · 1 month
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unlackeyed · 1 month
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unlackeyed · 1 month
when i say i wish people started using the reblog button more i don't mean it in a 'i want more notes' kind of way i mean it in a 'i want to read about your thoughts on this particular thing' and 'i want to have conversations in the tags' and 'i want this to feel like a community again and not like any of those boring social media platforms where artists are content creators and interactions never goes beyond a like'
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unlackeyed · 1 month
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