unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
A week ago I was his "straight crush", now we're together
This is a very cute story 💖 💖 from my favorite Subreddit r/askgaybros. Original link here.
I’m a bit hesitant to share this story here because it’s not a question but I as far as I can tell life-story posts are tolerated if they’re on topic?
Anyway I met this friend a year ago and we really hit it off. Spent a lot of time together. He told me he was bi pretty early on and would constantly flirt with me and call me his “straight crush” and “hot friend” etc. (He would also always privately check to make sure his advances weren’t creeping me out/if I wanted him to stop and so on. Which I thought was really sweet).
Now I’m not the biggest fan of hugging between friends. (Not that it’s wrong, just doesn’t feel right for most to me) so this became a thing between us. He’d always ask to hug me and I’d always decline in the same jokey manner.
We didn’t touch until maybe 3 months later until where I surprised him with a hug the day before I was set to leave for the summer. I just knew I’d miss him if I didnt and it was so cute to see how happy it had made him after all this waiting.
Anyway, that might seem a bit out of left field but the point is to show just how weird it was for me that 9 months after that I’m completely at home cuddling up to him on the couch (as friends) if we’re watching a movie with friends. It was sweet to me that He was always scared of me thinking he’s coming on strong so he’d never initiate but I’d grab a blanket and have my head on his lap the second it got a little bit chilly.
Again, I know that sounds a little suspect but I was doing it completely platonically, just because of how comfortable I was able to feel with this friend. I mean, I’d never found a man attractive before and had only been interested in/dated girls.
So last Monday I had planned to take a certain hallucinogen for the first time and asked him to sleep over and babysit me through the experience. Stupid me manages to lock myself out of my house and I wasn’t as to get to my replacement key until the next day. no drugs, and no babysitting. Then I ask him if I could spend the night at his since I can’t get home and he says he’s happy to help.
I buy some PJ’s and snacks and head over to his where we make pancakes and end up layed in bed cuddled up to each other (as normal) watching WWE of all things. Out of the blue I kiss him on the cheek, I knew it would get him all flustered and I thought it’d be fun to tease him like that while also saying “thank you for helping me out today”. It had the effect I thought it would but it effected me too, I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. So I did it again. and again. Eventually he felt comfortable enough that it wasn’t a joke anymore to start kissing me back too. We both ignored the TV and spent the night spooning and kissing each other on the cheek like clueless teenagers.
The next day we got my key and went to my place to try the shrooms. But as soon as we got in we both just felt the need to get straight back into bed. It just felt so comfortable between us. so I ate them and made up a lie about how we “needed to lie down together in case I feel nauseous on the come up” he knew it was bullshit as much as I did but he didn’t raise any objections. They ended up being a bit of a dud but I felt a little more open and introspective and we talked all night about how great what we were doing felt. We were in the dark kissing each others cheeks again when I just went for it and gave him a peck on the lips he laughed and said “ [my name],that was my lips” I just said “I know…” And the cheek kissing turned into pecks turned into real kissing…
I’d noticed here that like the cuddling he was afraid of feeling like he’s taking advantage (especially with me on mushrooms) so I was the one making all the steps forward. And me realising he was so considerate of me like that just made me like him all the more.
At this point I’d already realized I was attracted to him, there’s a line that got crossed somewhere that made me unable to consider this “just what close guys do”, which was really scary to me (To be blindsided by learning something like that about myself at my age).
I slept over at his again a few days later on the Friday and Saturday and we sort of just decided we’re together (no big “will you be my boyfriend” moment luckily)
Any time we could scrape up or find we’ve spent together since then. I feel so lucky to be with someone I’m so into and who’s so attentive to my needs in this new world of relationships I’m in.
There’s so much more I wanna say and just gush about how odd this all is to me or how happy I am or how great he’s been or the other stuff that’s less PG but this post is long enough already.
P.s. we’re in a relationship but he’s said he’s completely happy to keep it between us until I’m ready for it to come out to our friends.
P.s.s. I’m writing all this as he’s laid asleep beside me, it feels good to get these feeling written down like this while he’s so close
I took permission from OP to post this here and he might share “Not PG 13″ story with us soon.  😍 😍 😍
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Chapter 30 link updated now. Sorry, everyone. Please click here to download. 
[Release] Hakkenden Chapter 30
Finally, here is Chapter 30 of Hakkenden. I should be able to release 30.5 in few. Enjoy. 
Read here.
Download here. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Sorry for all the mix up and I should have check the link before updating but here is the link to 30.5, click here
[Release] Hakkenden Chapter 30.5
I am going to bed now. Bye. 
Read here.  Download here. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
[Release] Hakkenden Chapter 30.5
I am going to bed now. Bye. 
Read here.  Download here. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
[Release] Hakkenden Chapter 30
Finally, here is Chapter 30 of Hakkenden. I should be able to release 30.5 in few. Enjoy. 
Read here.
Download here. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Hakkenden release prep
I should be able to release it in 1-2 hours but before that, let me burn my tummy and soul…
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Hakkenden New Chapter in few hours
Hakkenden New Chapter in few hours
Our favorite ship  💖
We will release Chapter 30 & chapter 30.5, later today ( in about 8-9 hours because work 🙄 ). Please look forward to it  😍
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Hakkenden New Chapter in few hours
Our favorite ship  💖
We will release Chapter 30 & chapter 30.5, later today ( in about 8-9 hours because work 🙄 ). Please look forward to it  😍
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Hakkenden Update
So, Hakkenden Chapter 30 is Typesetted and ready for QC, if everything goes well then we should have it ready for release sometimes this week. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
Typesetting Hakkenden
Its been a while and looks like I forgot how to Typeset, lol. Took me a while to get use to it. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
BL Manga Koubutsu wa Ichiban Saigo ni Hara no Naka
So, we picked up this manga sometimes last year and we have decided to scanlate this. Manga is already translated and cleaning in progress for now, you can check Baka update here.
Please note our release will be slow because we are short staffed. 
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
but, i'm curious... the link for Dogeza ch8, 9 and special chapters redirects to mangago? (_
Hi, thank you for letting us know about all of these broken links and I’ll look into this over the weekend.
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
hi, the link here in your tumblr for Shishunki no Zawa Zawa's ch5 +special doesn't go to the dl link but to the complete list of your tumblr post. ^^;;
Hi, thank you for letting us know about all of these broken links and I’ll look into this over the weekend.
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
hi, sorry for messaging you again... but i noticed that the download link for Black Butler DJ about Sebastian and Ciel, redirects to blank page and i noticed that the url has denied word in it(?) hope you could help me on this. thank you >////
Hi, thank you for letting us know about all of these broken links and I’ll look into this over the weekend.
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
girls, are you alive? O-o
We almost died but yes, we are alive now. Thank you. 🥰🥰
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
i just dropped by to say happy new year to all you.
Thanks you and kinda late from our side but happy new year to you, too Anon.
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unmeinochance-blog · 6 years
When you are going to get another chapter of Hakkenden? For now, the anime is more advanced than the manga and hardly any information on whether the mangaka is drawing this story. Is it finished or is it still? I really like Hakkenden and I'm anxious waiting so long, it seems that everyone has forgotten this manga, including mangaka. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello, sorry for the late reply but yes, Hakkenden is ongoing series and we are currently working on chapter 30 and 30.5, now. We were busy with real life problem this past few months but we are going to continue this series. Please look forward to our work. Thank you And mangaka is still working on this series.
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