question for the dash:
what does being loved feel like to you?
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Heyooo!! To any new followers looking for my writing, that's on my writing tumblr @sexy-opium-ravioli ! I'll be starting promptober soon so it's gonna be fun ;)
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I was blessed by the gods. I got two free furbies from school today. That is all for now.
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"!!!! :)" A Message from Extraterrestrials?
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mines is “this is a safe place bc i know harries would murder me: a true crime series”
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Clover is finished!!
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Let's welcome Clover Chrysanthemum III!
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(psst. Hey. You'll never have to pay for this blog, that would be stupid.)
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He will be fixed. Soon. And I might upload a TikTok tutorial too :)
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A crown for a Clover, he shall be royalty soon
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This lad is joining the family soon :)
Any name suggestions? I'm thinking leaf or clover, or maybe pesticide but I want cottagecore names lol
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I might be getting a new furb :)
And then after that, another one.
And then after that, another furby so I can sacrifice their faceplate to save Dr. Pepper
That made no sense
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If. IF I made a furby YouTube channel would people watch it? That is the question.
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Hey, everybody.
I know I've been absent for way too long. A post here and there for things I considered much more important than furbies, but when it comes to the furb friends, nothing as of late. I am incredibly sorry.
As of now, my crafts are slowed, art is almost completely halted and even though things in life are on the rise, I still have to focus on myself. That means for the indefinite future, anything big I had planned is going to be cancelled. I am so, so fucking sorry.
There was a huge chunk of this past year and a half that I have not been able to access my medication. (Mood stabilizers, and seriously. It was nothing detrimental. But they did affect how I went about my day to day in a negative light). On top of that, I had a mental breakdown and I now have to look at a future with a year's worth of bad grades.
Again, things are on the rise. But that doesn't mean that the effects of my past covid year will not linger for years to come.
What's the worst is the guilt. I feel so incredibly fucking guilty that I haven't been able to upkeep promises to friends, family, and you guys who follow my furby blog. It's the guilt and a lingering sense of anxiety that always gets me down.
Anyways. I did not want this to become a sob story and I did not want this to become a pile of excuses.
I will be posting every now and again about furby content, but it's not going to be anything too ambitious (or ambitious as furby quilt. Someday, my fallen warrior. Someday).
I love you guys and I wish the best for you and the fandom we share. Thank you.
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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I hate Christians.... I’m not even sorry like it’s getting old wrap it up
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My gender was lost with the rest of my childhood memories. There is nothing but an inkling of it
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