woerended replied to your post
i’m ready for tumblr dot hell to kill me in one hit
woah same
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good morning fam are you ready for a HOT DICKING bc i sure am
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spinal (6/23/13) by me
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all jolyne has ever had happen to her is being let down by men in her life and now im sad
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                   So his suspicion was correct. Jolyne was in trouble and in need of help—LEGAL help. It wasn’t the first time and something told him that no matter how many times he carried this conversation with her, it wouldn’t be the last time. Jolyne was someone hard to even attempt to take control over. He wasn’t going to be there whenever she needed and that was something to be learned.
                          He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs. By now, Dio knew exactly where to meet her at. The usual, as she referred it as. He wondered how many times he had stepped into that prison by now. At this point, the count was lost.
           “——Before I go, I need to know what kind of situation I’m facing.” Dio explained calmly, despite the obvious irritation in his voice. He wasn’t mad, but more so disappointed and not so much that she committed another law—it wasn’t his job to raise her—i was the fact she wasn’t careful. He could only do so much. “——What exactly did you do this time? You sound sober, but are you? And are you with others or by yourself?”
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Was she sober? That was up for debate. Sure, she wasn’t shit faced, but the fact that she had been driving without a license and under the influence, and had friends with her in the car, none of that helped her case either. Jolyne thought, once again, though. If Jotaro hadn’t spent so much time away rather than taking care of a family he helped make, this could have been avoided in the first place. At the end of the day, it wasn’t her fault, it was her dads fault. 
Of course, her friends knew better than to drink. They got off easy, they got to go home. She was the one who had taken the car. Pieces of shit, she’d have to pay them a visit later, making a mental note to do so as soon as she got a free chance. 
She noticed the irritation in his voice. She didn’t blame him, of course. If she were him she’d likely react the same exact way. It wasn’t fair to him that he had to come keep bailing her out and she knew it. Still, it was the only surefire way that her father would learn, and give her what she wanted. 
“It’s not that big a deal. I drove with a little bit of alcohol in my system, and without a license. Yeah, I’m by myself. Jackasses ditched me when the cops let them go.”
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pls imagine jolyne worried that she’s gonna end up just like her dad if she has kids
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lifts leggy anyway plot w me now that im home
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               Suddenly he was a young father again, his daughter in tears. Hurt and afraid, looking for comfort. For safety. But it wasn’t nightmares tonight. This wasn’t something a cuddle and a magic word could fix.
          He thought, in the most honest depths of his heart, that he’d done the right things to protect her. Even though it hadn’t been easy or painless, Maria and Jolyne had been safer without him. That the monsters still plaguing this world who might chase any scent of Joestar blood wouldn’t find them first. If he could help control the arrows, keep his finger on the supernatural pulse of this world… If he could defeat any threat before it had had time to amass a following or power…
          But he’d been so wrong. Misfortune had still found his daughter and she’d been pulled into a world he’d never prepared her for.
          There were things here he could explain to Jolyne, about the fever, about what he had been doing to help. He was ready to admit he could have, and should have, acted differently. He should have been there for her. He should have been the father he never had. The father Joseph had expected him to be. The father he’d wanted to be.
     I thought you hated me..
          Jotaro went cold, his jaw trembling. It was as if he’d been numb up until now and he could have screamed in agony if he were alone.
     Why weren’t you there when I needed you the most?
          Slow, heavy tears rolled down his face. His daughter had carried such pain for so many years. That her own father could feel anything but unconditional affection for her-
               Jolyne was in his arms then, his shaking arms holding her tight to his chest. He let out one shuddered breath that scraped into a rough, choked sob. Jotaro wouldn’t let himself be the one to fall apart here, but he couldn’t help sounding pained. One hand staggered up Jolyne’s back to cup her head, fingers burrowing into her hair.
          There weren’t words to be found for her now. Nothing he could think to say could ever hope to be enough.
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He said nothing, then again, Jolyne knew that if she were him, and in his shoes, what could he say? She had just bitten into him so sharply, had just said what she had wanted to say for years, and yet there was still so much that she had to say. 
So much of that anger, that hurt. So many thoughts swirled in her head, and she could only think back to those times as a child when she didn’t have a father there when all the other kids did. She knew what they said behind her back, knew what the adults said that he probably had another family. That perhaps she was such a problem child that he didn’t want anything to do with her. Then there were the parents that pitied her, that when she went to her friends houses, that they took extra special care of her. For what? To make up for whatever it was she lacked? 
She always defended him, though. He had work to do, and that’s what she knew even so young, but it wasn’t until she grew older that resentment began to form. That she began to hate her father, even if she didn’t want to. 
So many nights, she awoke with nightmares, so many nights that she would say that magic word that would allow just a glimpse of what she now knew was her fathers Stand to come help her through the nightmares when Jotaro was asleep. Then the nights that she would say it, only to be thrown into a panic when Star Platinum didn’t come help her, not that she knew that was the case those years ago. He never came when Jotaro was gone, and now she knew why.��
Before she could stop it, the tears flowed freely, and the sound of something choked within him only made it worse. She shook harder, and as he pulled her in, it grew worse. Tears of anger, of sadness, her emotions were at their peak as her hands lifted to grasp onto Jotaros jacket. 
The same way she had done as a scared child, or when he got home from work and she’d run to greet him with tears in her eyes. 
She always was such a crybaby, wasn’t she? 
Wanting to be just like her father, wanting to work with the marine life, only to change her mind when she saw just how often he was away from her. Those years ago when hatred for anything to do with the sea and that in it had started.  
“I thought.. that you didn’t want me --” Her confession, that had plagued her for so many years, the thought that if even her own father couldn’t love her, or want her, how could she love herself, and how could anyone else love her? 
“I thought that’s why you were always gone-- Because you couldn’t stand being around me.”
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               Jotaro took a measure of comfort when he felt her hand calm in his but was careful to not allow himself to get carried away. As much as he wanted to soothe his fingers over her skin or use this connection to pull her into his arms.. That was a line he hadn’t been allowed to cross. And with Jolyne’s next words that seemed even further away.
          He listened, body stiffening as her hurt bubbled over. It wasn’t like before when she’d simply screamed in his face, hurled words of anger his way. No, this was from somewhere deeper and in a strange way, embracing her suddenly felt closer than ever.
     “It wasn’t.. easy.” The words felt rotten in his mouth. He didn’t want her to pity him, Jotaro wasn’t looking for sympathy. But if she knew how hard it had been for him, maybe she could understand how much she meant to him. How precious she was to him.
          Jotaro paused, trying to swallow the dry lump in his throat. He didn’t notice the way his thumb softly stroked over the back of Jolyne’s palm, even as he spoke again.
     “I’ve.. always loved you.. -More than I thought..” Pushing down that lump again, Jotaro felt he might choke on it. “If I’d let myself miss you.. I wouldn’t have been able to think.. of anything else.”
          How could he even begin to let Jolyne understand how utterly precious she was to him? How he used to hold her in disbelief, unable to comprehend how something so beautiful and perfect had come from him? How he’d felt when he’d first seen her, so small and vulnerable? Seeing her smile for the first time, hearing her voice, watching as she grew and grew too quickly for him to keep up. There were photo albums worth of memories he held in his heart of her.
          How could he ever convey the absolute terror he’d felt when he’d seen her bleeding and fading away? How the whole world had stopped feeling real when those blades had begun to rain down on her?
          Without Jolyne having her own child and feeling in her heart that her presence would only bring them harm.. How could she ever hope to understand why he’d broken her heart?
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He.. he what?      He loved her? 
Words.. ones she hadn’t heard in so long. Feelings that she wasn’t sure if he was even capable of feeling anymore. How long had it been since he told her that? 
How long had it been since he told her how he cared for her, how he worried about her? Sure, her mother told her that he loved her, that even if they hadn’t worked that he still loved and cared for her. But as far as she had been concerned, those were just comforting words used by a mother to soothe a confused child. None of it had been true, she had told herself. That’s why he never came to see her. 
For so long, she wondered if he had even wanted her. Had he wanted a boy instead, she wondered? Perhaps he never wanted a child at all? Hopes of siblings had been dashed a long time ago when that thought came into play. Desire to have another child at home to play with, that might understand what it’s like to have a father that never came around. Her head was swirling, trying to comprehend what he had just said. Prevented himself from missing her to focus on his work? Well... turns out the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree, then. 
Once again, she shook. She shook as he spoke to her, as she felt herself grow overwhelmed at the confession, and as he told her how much he cared for her. It still left so many questions unanswered, though, and she couldn’t fight back the tears that slipped through as hard as she tried. What would he think of her, crying over one stupid talk? 
“Then why...why didn’t you even come back when I could have died those years ago? With that fever?” Her voice trembled and cracked, betraying her when she tried to sound angry. Opposite hand curled into a fist and placed on his chest, still avoiding his gaze. “Why didn’t you ever come even just for a little while? You could have done things so much differently. I thought... I thought you hated me..” Before she would say what had been on her mind for so many years, finally looking up at him as her lip quivered. 
          “Why weren’t you there when I needed you the most?”
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              It wasn’t as if he’d thought he could just return and they’d believe him, right? No, he’d absolutely anticipated the difficulty, the complex tangle of pain he’d left to fester for so many years. As much as it was impossible to know just how deeply he’d damaged Jolyne, he’d been aware of the seemingly endless discovery of wounds and scars.
          What he hadn’t been able to comprehend was how utterly at her mercy he was.
          When she moved he adjusted in kind, pulling away his hand to give her the space to assert herself. Jotaro was suddenly hit with the realisation of how much of himself he saw in her, and how much she still resembled that little girl he used to hold. Someone guarded against the world and themselves, someone who’d been so small and had to build a fortress of strength around them.
          The cycle he’d hoped to have die with him was here, reflected in his daughter that was meant to only be a miracle. Treasured and protected, and yet he’d forced her to inherit some of his greatest flaws.
     “This is the plan.” Jotaro replied. It was the only plan he had, because other than this, other than them…
          His hands were around hers before he could think to stop them, not strong enough to stop hers from shaking but there. Jotaro had to concede to the thought that maybe all he could be was there. Maybe he couldn’t say the right thing. Maybe he couldn’t protect her.
          But being there was more than he’d done for her before.
          Maybe it would be enough, for now.
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How long could she be strong? How long could she pretend that she didn’t care about his leaving, and that it didn’t hurt her? She had been pretending such for so long, had been saying that she didn’t care that he had left, she almost believed it herself. She bit the inside of her cheek, and she fought back the urge to let a tear or few slip. 
She studied his face, in the meantime. When could she ever get a read on him? She let his face imprint her mind, for she knew that this could very well be the only time she got to see him for years more. 
It wouldn’t be the first time that he had left for months and months at a time, after all. 
The shaking of her hands, it was stopped only by his wrapping it in his own hand. Her hand curled into a fist inside his hand, and she fought the need to pull back from him. This was what she wanted, so why was she so upset over it? Why couldn’t she just let his past abandonment of them go?  
So then he did plan to stay. She didn’t look at him, avoiding eye contact as she spoke. “And how do I know that’s the truth when you’d said that so many times before?” Her anger bubbled in her chest, and as much as she tried to keep it from happening, her voice cracked.
”It must have been so easy for you. To leave and not have to worry about raising a child. I’m sure it was much easier than having to deal with a marriage. You can just go whenever you want, you can just leave for months and never have to even think twice about it, never have to worry about us finding out what you do.”
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@unravclingstring | X
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               There was a glimmer of hope in her willingness to allow this contact, small but there all the same. How he wished he could just hold her, pull his child into his arms and soothe out all of her anger and hurt. But he’d never been that kind of person, able to comfort another with just his touch and presence.
          No, he was much more adept at causing harm. Jotaro was reminded of that when his daughter spoke, her words sharp with reality.
          You’re leaving…
          There was no hiding the pain in his eyes.
     “I’m not.” Was all he could manage, his fingers curling just so with a subtle tremble. A flicker of vulnerability.
          Jotaro had long accepted he would be weathering the consequences of his abandoning them. He thought he’d prepared himself for the barrage of emotions, the tears, the screams.. The accusations and blame. It was all he knew he deserved.
          But like much in his life, he was ill-equipped. In blocking out his own anguish and loneliness, Jotaro had left himself unknowingly defenseless. It was all too easy for Jolyne to tear him apart from the inside out. And if destroy him was what she needed he’d let her burn him, piece at a time, until he’d atoned.
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He’s not. He’s not leaving. How often had she heard that, only for him to turn right back around and leave soon after? Work would call him, and off he’d go again. She was used to this song and dance, but it still didn’t make it hurt any less. She wasn’t going to hold her breath for hope of him staying, she knew better than that after all these years. 
How often had she seen her mother, the hurt in her mothers eyes? The one that took care of her when he didn’t? 
Did he even care? 
Did he even know the hurt he caused them? No. How could he? 
She sighed. One that she did her best at hiding from him. 
Jolyne sat up in bed, putting her attention on him, feeling anger swell up inside of her. How could he just sit in front of her like everything was fine? Pretend like they were a normal family? That he was a father like all the other kids she knew growing up? How often had he missed those events? Father-Daughter events at school? Even when she was sick. 
She shook, hands trembling as she spoke, “Is that the permanent plan, or is that just your plan to kill time until work calls you in again?”
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send more memes u cowards
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☕ ——hiringuhato ( he's here to protect her )
☕ - reassuring touch 
How pathetic did she look? Almost six years old, and here she was, crying over a scraped knee. Looking all around the house, she couldn’t find her father, or her mother. Had they left her alone when she was outside playing? When would they be back? That only made her cry harder, the fear of the unknown setting in, and she hadn’t even noticed when the other had walked in. Not until she felt a hand on her knee, that is, and not until she opened her eyes and saw Uncle Josuke in front of her, and she sniffled and shook a bit as he reassured her. 
A few more sobs, followed by her hands wiping away the tears, “I-it.. it hurts..”
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☕ He'd hesitate, wanting nothing more than to hold her. Not wanting to cross a line, he opts for a (hopefully) comforting hand on her shoulder. [delinquentmutt]
☕ - reassuring touch
The feel of a hand suddenly on her shoulder almost made her jump, and she quickly lifted her head from the pillow to look back, only to see him. How long had she been in her room? It had to have been at least an hour since she had gotten into a screaming match from her end with him, and for once, she didn’t bother trying to move his hand. She still felt that anger, still felt that betrayal, and though she’d never tell him, that loneliness. 
Sure, closing yourself off from your father might be easier when you know he doesn’t stick around, but it sure is a lonely feeling. 
A sigh as she placed her head back in the pillow, letting him keep his hand where it rested already. Moments hesitation before she would look back at him and speak, “You’re leaving again, aren’t you?”
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Anasui’s smile widened and his eyes lit up when she accepted his offer, and he held out the lipstick to her. He wanted to see the pink on her skin but not just on her lips. He wanted to see it smudged across her neck, her shoulders, her… Everywhere. Proof of where his lips had touched her heavenly body. His mind drifted quickly but he pulled it back into focus. 
“Anything would look amazing on you, but pink would compliment your eyes perfectly.” And not to mention… It was almost be as if she had kissed him, her lips touching the lipstick he used every day.
She took the lipstick from Anasui, and by now she didn’t need a mirror to apply it. She had memorized the shape of her lips, and straightened them out slightly to apply it to the bottom lip, letting it run over a few times to cover every part of her skin, only to pucker her lips a bit when it came to the top lip, repeating the process she had used for the bottom lip. 
Rubbing them together, Jolyne then handed the lipstick back to him, her expression not changing just yet, “How does it look?”
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