//Hey guys. Long time no see. And yet here I am telling you that I won’t be active on this blog anymore. I’m closing down my following rp accounts:
Aravis - unrefinedstoryteller
Restimar - restimarofthesevenlords
Swanwhite - reflectedremains
They’ll be transferred to my character blog, and that’s where I’ll continue developing them. ...once I get my character blog going, that is.
However, I’ll still be active on Maugrim (horrendouslygentle) and Cheshire Cat (tthedreamcarrier). For those I follow on my now inactive blogs, I’ll re-follow them on either Maugrim’s or the Cat’s (and I’ll put a link to my character blog there eventually). I’m sorry for the abrupt announcement, but this is for the sake of my mental health. Thank you for understanding and for the great times. I’ll see you guys around, okay?~
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NRP Event: Loving Trills [open]
The handfuls of trills rose, billowing the skies with singing and laughter invoked by the rhythmic feet striking the cobblestone floor, and though their shoes neither have curled tips nor did they praised the gods she love, Aravis spun along with them. Dipping under the arm of one, she said, "Is this not fun?"
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You speak as if such emotion would seize me within a day. If I were to use you as the basis of love's effect on beings, I would be swiftly convinced that this love you speak of has already overwhelmed you again and again. You certainly appear neither sane nor--
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Do desist. Tears shall not garner you my respect, for irritation merely requires your presence to compel the sun to appear dark in my eyes. [lightly shoves him away from her]
Scathing Questions Best Left Remembered
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Fleeting, sure. Only because love is so powerful. It’d overwhelm us if it wasn’t a little fickle. You seem only interested in glorifying the misery of loneliness. I won’t have it. I forbid you from all trees on Valentine’s day, unless there is a dryad that catches your fancy. 
—Wait, is there someone…and you haven’t told me? Is that why you’re being so secretive? /suddenly starts sniffling/ I never thought you hated me that much.
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My names is Aravis, the child of Kidrash Tarkaan, the child of Rishti Tarkaan, the child of Kidrash Tarkaan, the child of Ilsombreh Tisroc, the child of Ardeeb Tisroc who was descended in a right line from the god Tash.
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Brevity is quite admirable, though within your grasp, it is the obstinate clouds which deprive our land of Zardeenah's stars and moon. "Redhead" what, Mentius?
Ohhh~ Someone's blushing~!
And what of it?
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The woman's voice swayed the earth. Its messages dove into the ocean, never to be heard or understood, while its tone fluctuated, the intensity never staying at one point for too long. In turn, purposeless, powerless, the words rained on Aravis.
She let the woman prattle on, staying quiet until the woman returned from the tower.
Hiking up her knees, she laid her arms across them and hung her head. "It's best for the both of us to simply inquire about my illness than to bombard me with trite questions. I have the flu. It has nothing to do with the sun because it has everything to do with twins dragging me to the beach."
After she muttered her gratitude, she took the painkillers, drowned them in water, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Lethargy was present all throughout, but once she returned the water bottle to the lifeguard, it pinned her limbs to her side, declaring them dead.
"I'm alright now. You can go." Frowning, she added, "You forgot the plastic bag."
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"Thank you. I really wanted someone to throw up on my shoes." (modern/ Lifeguard verse Livinia if you'd like)
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she straightened, the insides of her cheeks cluttered with an acid aftertaste and a remark sharpened. At deliverance, her voice crumbled to a mutter. “Sorry. I told that idiot I didn’t want to go to the beach today.”
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As she waited for Susan to lock up, she sent a message to Cor. The exchange was instantaneous, a flurry of blows.
Aravis: You with Corin? Cor: thought he was with you Aravis: If he was, why would I be asking you, stupid? Cor: look who lost him Cor: stupid jerk Aravis: I have no time for this. Do you or do you not know where he is? Cor: when he's out with you Cor: try the po--
"Police station," Aravis said, leaving the last message half-read. She slipped the phone in her jeans' back pocket. "Cor's useless, so the police station is the most probable place to check. However, we'll check after you wind down. 
"The train's best so Maa--Mazin can pick us up after his shift." Walking towards the subway with steady boots winding around the clicks of Susan's heels, the question of her siblings' well-being nibbled at her cheeks. She felt a smile surface, and she didn't stop it. "They're both fine, especially since Kadhi managed to extend our rent deadline yet again. Before I forget, xe would like to thank you for the book as well as for the dress from Christmas. And of you? How is your family?"
It was odd, she had to admit to herself, how she had never been alone with Susan until now; it had always been Corin's job to bridge them all together. It was even more peculiar how she was considered as a friend to the woman. Greetings, a few hang outs, gift-giving. Those were enough for her to garner the title of "friend." Nevertheless, despite that almost childlike trust, she also saw the woman's strength, for it was strength that held Susan together. 
Pushing past people, she walked with Susan down the subway entrance.
meme-starter thing: "Want to talk about it?" ((can we please do modern-verse? let's just say aravis wouldn't even ask about su's feelings.))
Trying her hardest to seem strong had taken its toll on Susan. She didn’t want to be strong anymore. She didn’t want to hide her tears and pretend it didn’t hurt. She wanted to be able to cry and mourn. “It just hurts, so much. And I can’t tell anyone because they’ll think I’m a silly, weak, stupid little girl…”
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"Because wasting a handkerchief for something that can be done with a plastic bag is a crime I refuse to commit." She looked at the boy, head to toe. "Unlike you, I'm not rich. Or lucky, if that is your excuse for your nice attire."
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"If I drop off your book for you, what are you going to do? Wait here and do nothing? Here, give me the book and let's go. You already wiped most of the crap on the grass anyway." 
"Watch where you’re going." ((modern-AU, please~))
Digory looked at the girl in a shocked expression. Who she thought she was to talk to him in such language? “Sorry miss but do I even know who you are?” He held his book closer to his body.
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Too many young girls don’t know how to act when someone’s being inappropriate with them. They giggle or they try to brush it off. Don’t do that. Tell them to go fuck themselves - be a bitch. If someone’s being disrespectful to you, be disrespectful right back. Show them the same amount of respect that they show you.
Wise words from my mom (via magicrobotgeography)
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Fuck it. If you’re in the Harry Potter or CS Lewis fandom and wouldn’t mind roleplaying (in-verse/au or cross-over) with a Legolas Thranduilion, can you like or reblog this? I’m looking for more people to play with outside of the Tolkien fandom! Other fantasy series also apply.
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//And hi to my new followers~
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If you want to starter or plot something, I'm here~ When it comes to Aravis, I would rather plot (just the setting or situation is perfectly fine), though. She's a difficult person to deal with if it's a thread done randomly.
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//...tempted to have Swanwhite meet Jacen.
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Your stupidity amazes me as always. There is no wedding to speak of unless you have altered your ways and have decided to settle with one being.
Ohhh~ Someone's blushing~!
And what of it?
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"How can I trust you?"
"You decide for yourself, for I can persuade you not to do so either way."
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Ohhh~ Someone's blushing~!
And what of it?
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Do you not KNOW me? Valentine’s Day is my blood and life—mi reina, do tell me—do divulge to me your plans for the glorious day that approaches swifter every passing day.
Do not address me as such. I am Aravis, tarkheena and squire of Archenland, not... whatever it is you said. You, however, are Mentius, a nuisance whose life is tied so to a trivial holiday glorifying that of fleeting emotions.
And if you must know, I intend to spend my day in the woods of Narnia, for I rather not repeat the occurrences of last year. Great Zardeenah, King Lune picks the most obnoxious beings for his sons.
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If I were to listen to them feed those pale boys' ego one more time, I shall drive my scimitar into their breast.
Scathing Questions Best Left Remembered
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"Day off? A bit too late for that, would you not agree?"
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"I'll go with you. I need to ask for a plastic bag as well. I'll never hear the end of it if I don't do something about"--She waved a hand towards the other's feet--"all this."
Taking a step while speaking, pain struck her in the temples, successfully shoving her to the sand. Knees sank into the hot earth before she could balance herself to a sitting position. "Goddammit," she hissed, trying to keep her bearings. "You know what? Never mind. I'll stay here and keep guard. If you can, please give me painkillers.
"And if you see male twins with bruises in their arms," she added, combing back her hair, "drag them here so I can drown them and personally slam them into hell."
"Thank you. I really wanted someone to throw up on my shoes." (modern/ Lifeguard verse Livinia if you'd like)
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she straightened, the insides of her cheeks cluttered with an acid aftertaste and a remark sharpened. At deliverance, her voice crumbled to a mutter. “Sorry. I told that idiot I didn’t want to go to the beach today.”
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