unsanitarystation · 19 hours
excellent work, 47. you have peed all the pee from your penis
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so i was rewatching prime and when bumblebee gets his T cog stolen, he not only cant transform into alt mode, but cant even transform small parts of his frame, like getting his weapons out. so.... bumblebee desperate to pee but unable to open his modesty plating until team prime can get his T cog back?
OOUU i haven’t thought of that... Bee wouldn’t be able to transform his panels away without his t-cog... Maybe the reason he was so antsy and anxious was because he just Really needed to pee but couldn’t do it.., He’ll eventually have to piss through his panels if he wants to relieve his full waste tank, unable to clean it up, embarrassed as he sits in a puddle of his own waste fluids...
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unsanitarystation · 2 days
What if Magnus' obsession with his captain pissing everywhere is a turbofox thing. Maybe it sets off all the wrong territorial protocols in him. It's like Roddy is going around marking his territory all over the place. Which actually shouldn't be a problem. He is the captain after all. So what if Roddy wants to make the captain's chair and his office and his habsuite with his scent, right?
Well it turns out it makes Magnus really want to mark things as his. All these long buried protocols beg him to mark his things, his space, his property, his- his mate- (what mate???) Every time his olfactory sensors pick up on the scent of Rodimus' waste fluid, it reminds him HE should be doing that. Magnus should be pissing on his stuff too. How else would anyone know they belong to him??
It gets even worse when he actually catches Roddy in the act. Seeing his captain voiding is so much worse and triggers some kind of. Competitive marking protocol. Something tells him that if he were standing in the boundary of a territory, and he saw another fox marking their side, he should do the same to establish where it ends. It sets off so many urges that Mganus neither knew he had nor wants. The pressure in his waste tanks strikes him so hard that really the only way he deals with it is to grab the captain and attempt to force him to stop. Clearly he's dealing with it all fine. He's not going back to his own habsuite later and literally shaking at the thought and need to void his own tanks on his berth to mark it as his
The worst of it all is that whenever he catches Rodimus making a mess of himself, drenching his own panels and joints in his own stupid fluids, Magnus immediately feels the need to replace that scent. He wants that scent to be his. He wants to grind his panels against his captain as he empties his waste tanks, making sure the scent soaks his captain, gets into all his seams, making sure everyone would know who the captain belongs to-
Which makes absolutely no sense by the way. Magnus has no idea where these thoughts are coming from. Why would he want-
hrghh god, i always miss the piss asks, this was actually a big surprise to find when i checked the inbox on pc ahdgsgdjs
Yeah.. yeah, Magnus’ turbofox instincts playing up is such a good explanation for his obsession with Rodimus’ piss. Well, right after "Magnus has a weird kink and can’t deal with it normally". He should be sweating uncontrollably every time he thinks about Rodimus’ messy habits of pissing all over his bed and captain’s chair, his tanks feeling uncomfortably full all of a sudden. But he cannot mark his territory, just think of the emabarrassment...
god, i just need Magnus so piss himself so badly. Let him succumb to the turbofox instincts and start leaking, maybe without even realizing he’s doing it...
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unsanitarystation · 17 days
*doesnt wash my hands after peeing and then holds your hand* omg an indirect holding my penis while I peed 😳😳😳
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unsanitarystation · 21 days
when someone is "leaking" but in reality they're fully peeing they're just struggling so hard against it and denying that they're actually wetting
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unsanitarystation · 23 days
I can fully imagine the "edging someone untill they piss" post you reblogged is about Shockwave
That man is a kinky little freak and hardly anyone can convince me otherwise
mhmm I would like to imagine logical, emotionless Shockwave all desperate, trembling and bucking his hips, needing any kind of relief he can get his hands on... If he ends up squirting instead of cumming well, it's all the same to him at this point...
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unsanitarystation · 23 days
I'm usually a valve-piss enjoyer but sometimes spike pissing can be fun. Like when we combine this kink with small dick fetish. Imagine a teeny tiny spike shooting waste at full force, it can be a minibot spike. Swerve is an obvious choice with his short fat wheeny. Or it can be just a micropenis of a regular bot like Fort Max, their little thang just pokes out of its housing to let out a powerful stream. Bots with small spikes may feel uncomfortable to use public 'racks. What if someone sees what they're packing? Maybe they hold it for days, waiting for a moment the 'racks are empty...
Oh Yeah that's hot, that's very hot. I bet big bots with tiny spikes get so desperate as they wait for the washracks to empty, not wanting to be caught with their little cocklet spraying piss like a hose.
They could be squirming for days, waste tank so swollen they almost have a visible bulge in their tummy. They need to pee so badly now, maybe they'd sooner end up wetting their panels before risking someone seeing their tiny little spike. Or maybe all of their struggle was in vain, their panels popping open in the middle of a busy room once their waste tank finally fails, and everyone can see that tiny little thing poke out and piss so hard it almost looks erect...
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unsanitarystation · 23 days
Constructicons try to please their bitchy boss with with a gift and buying him some sexy underwear. And it's T-front thongs with a string of crystal jewels going between his valve lips, the biggest jewel applying some sweet pressure on Prowl's sensitive node.
hrghh... That's so mean of them <3 Having the crystals so close to his valve makes Prowl's waste tank feel soooo full all of a sudden... His pee hole is flexing and throbbing as he keeps clenching to keep his waste in. The constructicons think it's so cute when he squirms, holding his legs open so that the largest crystal stays wedged between his valve folds. After a while, Prowl just can't hold it in anymore... He has to start peeing.
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unsanitarystation · 26 days
I feel like you'd like this image
this is the second time that poll was sent to me actually.
anyways. i will never stand for people ragging on op for suposedly "airing out their piss kink" like first of all, nothing wrong with that, second of all, a swollen bladder pushes down on like, the internal parts of the clitoris or something, or the prostate if you have one. i think. so it's natural for it to feel good! trust me... i know.
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unsanitarystation · 28 days
what if someone around Prowl wore a bunch of crystal jewelry all over their body without knowing about his crystal problem and he was stuck with them at a meeting or an elevator or something? how long would it take him to crack?
Oh lord.... Prowl would be all squirmy for sure, way too aware of his waste tank, constantly tensing and shuddering as the fluid inside tries to leak out, constantly making him feel like there's a pressure in his waste port...
He's not even that full, he emptied his tank a few hours ago, but he did also have a quick cube of energon for lunch, so his frame had just enough piss in it to make him feel like he's constantly dribbling. He knows he's not, but he's still afraid that if he stops clenching, if he stops squeezing his thighs together, he might start pissing for real. It's so hard to control it around crystals... His bladder just feels so loose. He might start peeing without noticing eventually, trying to stare into his data-pad for a distraction while his tank empties itself hotly all over his legs....
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unsanitarystation · 28 days
Suddenly haunted by Magnus pee thoughts again, just as the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord is haunted by his obsession with his captain's pissing habits
Thinking about him coming up with alternative means to prevent Rodimus from pissing on the bridge. One of those ways would, of course, be to empty his tanks before his shift.
Thinking about Magnus catching Rodimus in his habsuite before his shift, trapping his captain against the wall with his bulk. He has the authority to employ physical force when enforcing protocol, even on his captain. Keeping the bridge clean and decent is clearly stated in said protocol.
A heavy servo on Rodimus' torso, a hard push, enough pressure applied directly onto his captain's waste tank and Rodimus makes a noise like the air was punched out of him. The sudden pressure has it's intended effect as waste fluid dribbles out the seams of Roddy's still closed panels, leaking down his inner thighs and leaving wet and warm trails down his legs. With his other servo, Magnus holds an empty cube between his captain's legs, catching any liquid that falls directly below his slobbering panels.
Magnus pushes and pushes, pushes until Rodimus whimpers in pain and the dripping and splattering of waste fluid slows to a final and full stop.
Maybe it's a little unfair to do this so early in the day, knowing Rodimus is still so groggy and too lost in the fuzz of his processor to really protest. But, then again, Magnus still holds his captain in higher regard than that. He's seen Rodimus fully awake first thing in the morning, speeding down the halls when he's told there's something interesting going on on the other side of the ship. If this truly was an unacceptable violation of authority, Rodimus would have stopped him already.
His palm, previously on Rodimus' abdomen, finally relents, instead moving to grip his captain's faceplate. Fingers on the opposite side of Rodimus' cheeks than Magnus' thumb, gripping his jaw, forcing his lips to part, his mouth to open.
The cube isn't full, but there is enough fresh fluid sloshing around to fill it about halfway. As Magnus raises it to Rodimus' lips, he notes that the sides of the cube are streaked with waste fluid, as is his previously prestine white servo.
He sees Rodimus' optics go wide. There is something of shock, realisation, perhaps even fear, as Magnus tips the cube back and lets the waste fluid flow back into his captain's intake.
Rodimus chokes at first, nearly coughing the liquid back up, but manages to clear his intake and swallow. But Magnus keeps tipping the cube back, keeping the flow of waste fluid steady, forcing his captain to keep swallowing or to choke again.
And Rodimus swallows. Like a good captain.
Rodimus' optics, initially wide in uncertainty, slowly dim as he starts to moan against the cube.
Magnus' fans had kicked in a while ago, his frame overheating in shear indignity and disgust- Panting to better ventilate his systems running in overdrive from- from the anger of having to resort to the employment of such a punishment. He feels his captain's moans all the way down his spinal struts.
As the cube finally empties its last drops into the captain's mouth, Rodimus lets out a sigh and extends his glossa, licking the remnants from the edge of the cube. His dimmed optics flick from the now empty cube to Magnus', and Magnus feels that shiver once again.
hsg Oughh god... Magnus is such a control freak... And Rodimus can't bring himself to make him stop...
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unsanitarystation · 28 days
Tumblr media
Things about to get weird
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unsanitarystation · 1 month
All the stuff about Prowl needing to piss around crystals... I'm sure this didn't use to be a problem. When you have washracks in Praxus accommodating the need to void around crystals, its not a problem. But, after the war begins, when all this is not available, Praxians kind of constantly have a weird urge to piss on every crystal they see. It's a weird combination of territorial behaviour and also like the equivalent of desperately needing to go to the toilet if you know there isn't going to be one in a while.
Prowl manages his needs pretty well on his own, so much so that no one else on his crew knows about Praxian voiding requirements. They've never seen Prowl in the communal washracks, true, but they assume that's normal for an officer.
This isn't a problem until someone finds something very exciting deep in storage. Someone finds the materials to grow and cultivate Praxian crystals. The crew is understandably ecstatic, even Prowl is quietly excited- until they all decide its such a joyful experience that they should all partake in it together- and so the crystals will be grown in the rec room.
The planter filled with little rocks is positioned on a table in the centre of the room. Bots love to stop by and peer at it and see if any baby crystals have started popping up yet. But Prowl always avoids it. He takes the long way round to the energon dispenser when he can. He tends to try to disguise it by looking at something else- like needing to inspect the notice board or something. But sometimes he's walking in with another bot and doesn't really have a choice. He always tenses up when walking past the planter, resolutely keeping his optics off it.
There's nothing even there yet. It's just a box of gravel. But the knowledge, knowing what the box is... Every time he walks past it he feels the immediate pressure in his waste tank. He clenches his valve so hard his doorwings quiver.
But the real trouble comes when the first little budding crystal pops above the gravel. Prowls sensors pick up on it the moment he steps into the room. The pang in his abdomen is so strong he falters at the doorway, knees buckling and forcing him to grasp at the wall. He plays it off as some tiredness. He's fine. He, uh, will go have a rest in his office and come back later.
He rushes back to his office and he can barely hold his waste fluid in. He tiptoes in through his office door, servos pressed against his panels, whimpering as he barely makes it to his portable little crystal basin. He squats over it, panels clicking back, letting out a whine of relief as the waste fluid finally leaves his frame.
This is bad. He could probably get around refuelling, maybe getting someone to bring the energon to his office instead... No one would suspect a thing. He's busy. In fact, they would be glad to bring him some fuel considering his usual refuelling habits. But that's not the problem. The problem is he wants to go back.
Every instinct screams at him to go back to the rec room, to have a good look at the baby crystals he misses so much, to raise his leg over them and-
Prowl presses his servos against his optics and groans.
He manages to resist for all of one full shift. One entire shift and that's it. He can't help it. He waits until the middle of the night where the rec room is almost always empty, then he makes his move. He hurries into the room, his waste tank immediately aching and his valve clenching the moment the door swishes open. Sure it's a breach of protocol to override the security cameras just for a minute. But he can allow himself this. Just this once.
When he finally stumbles up to the table, his servos grip the edge until the metal begins to deform. He barely has the time to consider how embrassing it would look as he swings his leg onto the table top, clambering on, before settling onto his knees and straddling his frame over the planter.
Primus he hasn't seen a live crystal in so long. His panels click back and piss spews from his valve so hard it hits the rocks with an audible splash as Prowl grits his denta and groans. Little drops of waste fluid bounce of the gravel, spashing against his thighs as he shamelessly rocks his hips to relieve some of the pressure.
When the stream finally slows, a relieved gasp slips past Prowl's lips. His shivering frame tips forward and he catches himself on his servos. He doesn't know when his fans kicked in, but all he can hear is his own panting and spinning fans in the silent room.
It's only when he suddenly hears a quiet shuffle at behind him- he shoots back up onto his knees and turns his helm to see someone at the door- how long have they been standing there-
oh man... That's embarrassing for Prowl ajshsuah. Imagine walking into the rec room late at night and finding the second in command helplessly rolling his hips above the crystal display, pissing on them like a dog... The questions that bot now has, Prowl cannot even begin to explain himself.
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unsanitarystation · 1 month
Inspired by a prowl ask on the main blog but. What if prowl peeing on crystals is like a cat with litter. It could be a praxian thing but what of it's just a Prowl Thing instead.
He can use a normal toilet of course but it just feels too *wrong.* Sometimes he can't help himself from just going outside if there's crystals around
he's such a freak I love it. Prowl is just like this, I guess. Needs to pee on crystals soo badly. Praxian customs? Uuuh, yeah, sure that's what it's all about. So don't be surprised when, in a field of crystals, you find Prowl kneeling over one of them and pissing so hard the only thing louder are his relieved sighs...
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unsanitarystation · 1 month
edging someone who has to piss and when you get them right to the edge and stop they're straining so hard to try and cum that they piss themselves instead
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unsanitarystation · 1 month
Swerve's been making burgers for hours on a busy night and still hasn't taken a break yet. He's standing on the bar in front of a crowd of horny mechs who all want the next one doing his usual routine, slowly sliding his fat little spike between the patties and really making a show of it. He's overloaded so many times already, he's really not sure if he's got anything left in the tank, Swerve really needs that break after this one.
He definitely feels like he's about to overload, but his transfluid supply is so drained. Bots are reaching up to touch him, squeezing his thighs teasingly and stroking his legs, taunting him with sweet compliments to make him overload faster. Swerve groans and finally feels something give. He keeps just the tip of his spike in the burger to cover it in his special sauce when finally, to his horror, he's actually pissing all over it.
Swerve is so panicked and embarrassed, his act is ruined now, and he can't stop his void sequence for the life of him. His empty transfluid release and his overfilled bladder must have registered wrong because he had been holding it so long, he feels like such an idiot. He's still standing on the counter, and the crowd has backed up a few steps. Swerve's ready to jump off the bar and throw himself out the air lock when some mech yanks the piss burger from his servos. Swerve just stares at the mech, watching with wide eyes as they bite into it. Everybody seemed to be watching the mech as they ate. Suddenly someone else is smacking their hand on the counter to get Swerve's attention, wanting what that other bot got. The crowd reforms around him, now everyone wants a piss burger from Swerve. He did hold it almost all night, he could probably get a few more sauced up.
hrghh... Swerve’s piss burger... it was only a matter of time before he had such a sexy little accident. but all the horny bots in the bar aren’t complaining <3
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unsanitarystation · 1 month
Don’t know if asks are closed here too but I couldn’t resist this thought, thinking about prowl working so hard everyday he’s copped up in his office without any bathroom breaks. His tanks are filling up and even worse sometimes prowl ignored the throbbing urge to release so that he could meet his daily work quota. Ratchet is fuming when he found out and stormed over to his office, quite literally plucking the praxian off his chair and dragging him to the washracks where he slaps prowls bare ass until he’s crying and sobbing, finally voiding while getting finger blasted by the medic. The aftermath is messy and sticky but at least he prevented another uti from happening. Mechs these days
mhmmm to be honest, i always forget about the piss blog so the asks are always open here crying emoji. but i like the little surprise of getting a little piss ask when i least expect it.
hgrhhh i love the thought of Prowl having to be literally forced into having a bathroom break... even the piss has to be finger-fucked out of him. Ratchet has to rub Prowl’s waste tank from the inside of his valve to help loosen him up after so many hours of stubbornly holding it in, forcing the waste-fluid to squirt out when Prowl cums....
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