unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
this girl.... has already gone and sat next to adrien to watch a movie once before. does she remember that? because she was coherent and it was a much more intimate moment
there are many questions.
I get why animaestro is changing cartoon styles, to get different powers.
but why is it that half the time he is a cartoonified version of himself (the dbz version etc.) and repeatedly he is a young blonde girl.
like can he not be a superman with a beard, why he gotta be powergirl or supergirl or wtv.
I know its because he just wanted to do the magical girl one but was afraid to wear the outfit as a dude.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
there are many questions.
I get why animaestro is changing cartoon styles, to get different powers.
but why is it that half the time he is a cartoonified version of himself (the dbz version etc.) and repeatedly he is a young blonde girl.
like can he not be a superman with a beard, why he gotta be powergirl or supergirl or wtv.
I know its because he just wanted to do the magical girl one but was afraid to wear the outfit as a dude.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
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hello everyone! welcome to Erasermic Week 2019!!!!! we’re really excited to be doing this event this year and we want to make it as fun as possible for everyone involved!
if you’ve never done one before, a themed week is a week dedicated to a character or relationship where any and all content creators are welcome to create things related to that ship! it benefits the fandom in every way, by creating more content for the ship or character, giving more things to people to watch/read/look at, and promoting more content creators! this week is centered around aizawa shouta and yamada hizashi’s relationship and we hope to have a lot of people participate!
anyone is welcome to participate! we have a few rules, which you can find here on our page. you can also find out about our mods here!
our first order of business is our interest survey! we’d like to make this event fun for everyone, so we’re conducting a survey to see what you guys are interested in and, most importantly, when to set up the week. we’re looking at either march or may, but we can’t settle on one week without hearing from others!
Please fill out our interest survey here!
if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a message to our inbox! and if you’re interested, please spread the word!
@uahigh-newsletter @bnha-community-board
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
also they mentioned a hairstyle change but its just going to be that bun that she has in the old class photo because they already modelled it.
everyone has latched onto that marinette dress that was released and meant to be on the show, but like, guys c’mon, this is miraculous. that sparkly texture? prepare for it to be flat colour and poorly shaded. those voluminous ruffles? we might get like 1-2 ruffles that they cant animate so it stays stiff like cardboard and is constantly being clipped through. they might keep the black trim and flower decal but thats about it. the look of the 2d concept art just isnt achievable on their tiny animation time/budget.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
everyone has latched onto that marinette dress that was released and meant to be on the show, but like, guys c’mon, this is miraculous. that sparkly texture? prepare for it to be flat colour and poorly shaded. those voluminous ruffles? we might get like 1-2 ruffles that they cant animate so it stays stiff like cardboard and is constantly being clipped through. they might keep the black trim and flower decal but thats about it. the look of the 2d concept art just isnt achievable on their tiny animation time/budget.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
essay on ml romance
Don’t get me wrong, I love Kagami, but her and luka’s introduction to the show was a major downturn.
Like we were promised that they wouldn’t just be love triangle fodder, but look at how the writing treats them. Yes they have their own character at least, with kagami’s mom’s expectations etc (which is a copypaste of adriens struggles but wtv), and luka’s....... whatever. 
But the writing is just like “oh no, we can’t let adri or mari spend any time with a person of the opposite gender or they might fall in love”
Which is a bit too yandere for my tastes tbh. Let adrien and kagami be friends, sheesh. People lost their appetite for love triangles a decade ago guys.
It might have been slightly better if they were like, established characters before all of this. Like if they were at least explored as much as the classmates were previously, so they felt a bit like human beings. The classmates have had like no screentime recently anyway so you developed them and dumped them to bring in other undeveloped characters as plot devises.
I get it tho, adri and mari’s “will they, won’t they” is what is driving the series. you can’t just have them get together, there has to be obstacles. But you wanted an overarching plot in a serialised show. so you cant have the episodes out of order confusing to casual viewers, if they went from not being able to talk to eachother to friends it would be jarring.
But like, guys, my dudes, they way ur going is that they are going to be awkward crushing from afar right up til the last ep, confess, and get together. which is just, bad romance writing. romance requires the characters to like... interact with eachother yeah? see how their personalities interact with eachother, playful banter, overcome differences. 
They’ve tried to do this with the love square, I think? but they wasted an opportunity. ladynoir had them actually interacting, but now its about chat’s onesided love. ladrien is just an extension of maris crush on adrien but in a suit, and vice versa. marichat is the one that made sense to be platonic but they like, no we can’t have them be friends and get to know eachother, lets shove in a romantic plot even tho neither of them likes eachother that way.
I get that the show draws heavily upon magical girl genres, but those worked for a reason. generally we got the protag crushing on a bland dude in the first ep, sure. but then it actually progressed. like she would witness him taking care of an abandoned cat or smth. we get adriens sad backstory from neutral perspective. mari isnt slowly getting to see more of him, which is why she comes off as a creeper to some people. and honestly its part of the reason adrien is bland. if we saw snippets of his life being neglected, it would feel sad or deep. but we are shown every minute of it so many times. so its like yeah ok, what else have you got. its boring. at least give him a goal in life, other than ‘be loved by people’. even if his goal is to give money to charity, give me something. this boy is entirely defined by his relationship to others.
And... lets get to marinette. I like marinette, i do. she has a personality and drive that i like. that said, people love to shit on her. fandom and writers. and u know what? I can’t blame them. mari is a bit of a creeper. yes she is a schoolgirl with a crush, but there are like limits yeah? posting photos all over her room, stalking, stealing his things, creating a timetable of his schedule, not wanting him to spend time with other girls. these are not normal schoolgirl crush things. this is yandere-101. and the show does treat these as flaws, kinda, and im ok with her having flaws as a character- i’d be mad if she didnt. but how is this going to resolve itself.
what lesson is it teaching kids if she actually gets together with him, “just follow him everywhere and think about him every second of the day, base ur life choices around him and never let anyone else get to him and you’ll be rewarded”. they obviously need to have some kind of revelation moment where mari stops worshipping him, throws out her posters or smth, and decides to get her fix by spending time with him instead. the writers had the perfect excuse with jagged stone barging in and calling her out, but they cant fix this. because serialised show. they can’t have her grow or move on because then its too jarring out of order or smth. they are trying to cater to a wider audience (adults/teens etc) with the long-term plots but also want to keep it casually consumable to the average 5 year old. you need to pick guys. 
if its primarily a kids show, its going to be all monotone until its summed up in a finale. which is fine, usually. the big bad is defeated and all is saved by the power of friendship. I’m ok with that plot tbh.
but no, they chose a romantic base, and gave their villains sympathetic backgrounds. they chose more involved topics to explore. ones that require progression and growth. so they either have the finale with the couple getting together out of nowhere, or the big bad is given a slap on the wrist but redeemed with no consequences. either of them is a pretty bad moral lesson for kids tbh.
- yeah i’m not always entirely correct here, these are just some vent thoughts, im not really trying to police anyone. take this with a grain of salt because this was just born from personal salt-
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
Stormy Weather 2 Review (spoilers)
so yeah, the latest ep was a clip show.
- at least it came as part of a block rather than a stand alone anticipated episode
-did they really need to include the transformation sequences of rena and cara in the flashback.
- nora was present which is always a plus
-there was some new content and an organic reason to be flashing back at least
-stormy’s motive was kind of meh like she is teased about being akumafied and so becomes akumafied.
-we did get some new character perspectives like nathalie and gabe so we get a bit more villain motivation.
-they unfortunately seem to be going the ‘look gabe is a good parent deep down’ route rather than just pretending to be kind to adri to keep him placated which is what i had originally taken from the hug scene.
-they really did try to make it look like chloe has changed even though all they did is make her a hero. any development ends with each ep, like this akuma was caused by chloe being her regular self again.
-yeah they really put chat and bug’s transformations in the flashback (in water and ice versions at least), as well as having their normal transformations in current time
-the volcano causing the earth to move away from the sun thing was... interesting science. i get the feeling that it was originally the volcano causing an ash cloud that spreads around the world and blocks out the sun, which is a thing that does cause ice ages, rather than.... whatever actually happened, its kind of vague how the planet misaligned from a volcano. 
- i do absolutely love that they just describe the battle from a civillian perspective, like yeah they really do dumb weird shit that saves the day and its amazing.
- they have chloe using her bee status to say she is better than ladynoir at their job which is... interesting characterisation when she looks up to ladybug but wtv ive given up on her arc making sense.
- marinette has literally spend full days with adrien acting like a functioning human being (mostly) in kung food and gamer and gorizilla, but sure lets pretend writing a posted note is progress. and that shes never been able to talk to him normally.
- I’m salty about plagg saying ladybug ‘stood them up’ on the candle rooftop when she said she probs wouldnt be there but sure whatever floats ur boat.
-THIS BOY RECOGNISES MATCHING HANDWRITING FROM A LETTER FROM MONTHS AGO, BUT DOESNT PICK UP ON THE TONS OF MORE OBVIOUS STUFF UP TIL NOW. yeah ok, sure. his perceptiveness is well established as awful and yet... plot convenience. I’ll take it.
-OH MY GOOOOOODDDD, URGHHHHH. ‘writes you a romantic poem on a heart card and send it to you on valentines day’ *remembers she has photos of u in her room and blurts out about a crush on you before denying it* yeah friend valentines. at least he’s consistant
- he remembers the luka scene which gives me hives from having to watch again, i’m not super caring about the shipping stuff but luka being on screen activates my fight or flight, i need to spray holy water at the screen.
- because of that he deduces they cant be the same person writing like ? mari could be in love with 2 people, or have written it before luka was a thing, but yeah at least he isnt taking handwritting profiles as fact.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
so y’all are gonna have to deal with my ml rant for a bit.
the naughty/nice list thing. i mean i’m ok with the nino not being at the top thing, because he’s kind of ‘a cool kid’ he listens to music in class sometimes and idk while he is a cinnamon bun i dont think ‘being a good person’ is what santa is measuring.
the nice list is specifically ‘being a good kid’
it is generally used in reality as a way for parents to get their kids to behave and do what they say, being a good kid is seen to be to be obedient, rather than anything to do with niceness.
so marinette/ladybug? does some questionable shit from time to time sure (i still love her, she is just as flawed as any human and thats fine and good)
but mari rarely really disobeys her parents, mostly because she has good lenient parents.
adrien tho? yeah he saves the day too why isnt he at the top of the nice list. because he disobeys his dad all the time, sneaking out or wtv.
kids are generally taught that ‘being good’ is doing as you are told by ur parent. but tbh, some kids have shit parents but i dont think the list takes that into account.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
yeah it's 4am ok
Everyone is going on about how the skin tone ban won’t pick up NotSafeForWaluigi stuff if they have fur or odd coloured skin. And it got me thinking (i know this is going poorly already) is there some cementoss lovin mofos out there. how does that work. He’s a brick, his head is rectangular, is lil cementoss downstairs also rectangular? how does liquid cement play into this. are there people out there being engaged by the thought of a cement enema? would that be fatal?
there are so many things that are both waluigi unsafe and fandom, only that I will never know coz i have no hellsite amalgamation of the two to search it up on. 
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
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Holidays have finally started so i can get back to using markers.
have a younger Wei Wuxian
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
So i mean, I’m not sure if i’m glad or not- 
that we already knew it was an illusion when we saw chat get thanosed. coz they could have fucked everyone up if they started the ep with that or used it as trailer material or cut right from mari being mad to antiladybug showing up.
we would have been so fucked up for a few mins.
which i wish we had because that scene felt a lil... meh? to me. like we were seeing everyone else devistated but we knew it didnt mean anything, so it was going on and we knew it was just an illusion and didnt really matter so i just got bored.
but i guess if they did show us that as a reality it would be kind of a dick more, but obv they arent really above that with the chatdrien reveal scene in frozer so. its not like its below them.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
I posted this 3 months ago with no tags and it got no notes, now after the bee trilogy its gotten attention. how did u people even find this.
I wonder if Nadja sued the agreste’s asses to hell and back for using manon in a photoshoot for their brand without any parental consent.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
Every fucking year I try to participate in inktober, and every year I end up being too busy. Look, I’m australian ok, october is the end of final semester (for school kids or uni students) It’s when all of the assignments are due, followed by exam weeks, then followed by showcase events etc. Sometimes u just gotta settle with ink-vember. yes, it sounds stupid but it might actually be within fucking reach of completion so imma damn well do it.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
Have we ever seen Hawkmoth actually feed Nooroo tho? I can’t remember. But if we haven’t thats so weird, stop the kwami abuse.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
use my generator and find out your sexy monstersona, babes
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
The Frozer trailer is out
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
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Started a yaomomo wip, I’m starting to get used to doing digital art.
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