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I'm going to tell you a secret about eating disorders.
You're not going to reach your goal in the time you've set yourself. You're not going to lose 30lbs by christmas, or however much you're hoping to lose. You may well never reach your ugw.
I've had this disorder for 3 years, and I weigh 20lbs more than when I began.
In total, I've lost over 60lbs.
Never once have I reached a goal on time.
Never once have I felt happy with the rate of my progress.
Never once have I felt happy.
Eating disorders are not a quick fix to get you skinny. You will lose weight, yes, but you'll gain it all right back.
Anorexia is not a solution.
These past three years have been the worst years of my life. I lost them to this illness, and I'll never get them back.
So if you're new here, if you think that your "journey" will be quick and painless, then run. Run as fast as you can. Get as far away from this hellhole as you can possibly get, and don't look back. Don't even spare a thought for this community. Forget about us.
Save your own life, and run.
Because I wish I had done the same.
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🌸 in the words of our lord and savior 🌸
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Reason to Live #3012
  The little sense of achievement when you face an anxiety and it goes right! – Guest Submission
(Please don’t add negative comments to these posts.)
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Idk who needs to hear this but stop being so hard on yourself. You’re human. You’re going to have your good days, your bad days, your moments of forgetfulness. You’re going to make mistakes, say the wrong thing, and not everyone you meet will love who you are. You are human, and you are trying your hardest.
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Selbstverletzungsnarben sind nicht einfach nur Narben. Es sind Gedanken, denen niemand zuhören wollte, Hilfeschreie, die niemand gehört hat, Probleme, die niemand wahrhaben wollte und Erinnerungen, die man nicht verarbeiten konnte.
22.11.19 ~ 11:30 
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God this is me
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Having an ed when you’re overweight is actually the worst thing ‘cause no one notices and i want people to care
but at the same time i don’t
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Thank god i have tumblr, at least i can talk to myself.
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You can control white people by giving them cheese
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Thin challenges
Does anyone else remember these “thin challenges” that used to be so popular in the 2000’s (back when skinny was what was both desirable and expected). I remember growing up these used to be so common and almost “expected” or all women. Are there anymore that you guys/gals/non binary pals remember or that I’m missing? What are your opinions on the challenges? Do you believe that some people are more “designed” for these challenges or do you think that everyone has the opportunity to beat them if they put in enough work? (ie: born taller or thinner, giving them an “unfair” advantage). I am really curious and would like to hear other opinions!
The Belly Button Challenge
Goal was to be able to turn your arm around your waist and touch your belly button (note: you cannot pull or stretch your arm into position, it must fall naturally to truly count)
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The Bikini Bridge Challenge
Goal was to have your hip bones so prominent when lying down that your bikini would just naturally rest taunt across your body, without touching your stomach.
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The A4 Challenge
Goal was to have your waist be the size of an A4 piece of printer paper (or approximately 8.3 inches)
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reblog this
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if you hate
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being the fat
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Remeber selfcare, babies.
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Me: I’m so tired of this shit, I’m going to recover!
Some random ass dude: damn girl, u thicc!!! Ouououuuuu! I’d tap that!
My friends: omg sis, your forms are beautiful in that shirt!
My mom: you look kinda fat in that, did you gain weight? What about your diet?
My dog: looks at me like I’m a fat potato
Me: ... oh well, guess my recovery can wait.
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reblog if a close member of your family has ever told you you’re fat
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