untamedhero · 2 years
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Filthy draft or beta thing of a new oc. One of my first crossover characters to boot.
Please DON’T reblog this :3
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untamedhero · 3 years
He'd make a good hunter (I might start doing things with this blog).
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untamedhero · 4 years
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Apparently the Gerudo stallion is as big as a Lynel give or take.
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untamedhero · 4 years
when all you want is a nice relaxing ride but get denied by a trouble maker.
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Urm I don't know how to say this but..."
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untamedhero · 5 years
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Why do people pollute rivers? Don't they realise how bad it is for the animals?"
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"I was wondering what happened to my boots"
@twxlxghtwulf (his expressions thoughXP)
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untamedhero · 5 years
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“Lest we forget” armistice 1918 - 2018
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untamedhero · 5 years
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Why is the individual called WOMAN up late drafting stickers to use in messaging runes?".
Yeah I'll more than likely be up late again drawing when I should adult and go to bed^^; anyway! I'd appreciate any ideas for stickers as I'm stumped at the moment. The complete set will be made available on Telegram.
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Better luck next time Sir Time!"
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"Please, just call me Time".
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untamedhero · 5 years
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Perhaps Hyrule will see a lively and thriving castle market town again?....I hope it does".
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untamedhero · 5 years
Bio for Link (Wild) done via app. Just search "lost past" to dig this up (will add an actual page in the future but right now I just want to get this up even in its current state, this will get updates)
Age: (117) 17 //mun lives in the U.K. So he's above the age of consent//
Parents: father died during the calamity and mother died giving birth to him.
Siblings: a sister who he blames himself for her death despite only being a kid and too weak to face off the golden hinox (no they aren't actual thing)
Stubborn and head strong, he frequently lands himself in trouble but rarely fails to get himself out of it. Does try to prevent fights and looks for alternative solutions to a problem if there is any.
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untamedhero · 5 years
Send 🗣️ To force my muse to speak about their past!
If you cannot see the symbol, send “Burden”
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untamedhero · 5 years
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//thanks but no thanks. I don't need bots or shout outs as I'd rather earn my followers rather than get them from someone who is clearly begging for their own//.
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untamedhero · 5 years
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"Ok did that actually happen or is the cold affecting me?"
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