untamedvargulf · 3 years
School assemblies with Peter and Roman though... 🪑💥 :’)
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
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roman + legs that won’t quit
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
♪ our boys ;3
send a ship and ♪ and I’ll post a mini playlist (2-3 songs) I think fits them | from here.
For Roman & Peter
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My guy pretty like a girl
And he got fight stories to tell
I see both sides like Chanel
See on both sides like Chanel
-“Chanel” by Frank Ocean
I don't want a friend (Just me)
I want my life in two (My life in two)
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Roman: selfish, narcissistic, an asshole, insensitive—
But, also Roman: can remember a woc’s full name.. 🥺
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
IM SO SORRY GUYS I KEEP MEANING TO COME BACK ON HERE ... hi this blog is still active I swear
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
I’m Home!!
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Ok I know owe like a lot.. plz send me the links or let me know and I’ll try to find it
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
It’s why I’ve been busy lately
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Recovering from Trauma
“I don’t feel like I survived.” “I can’t talk about it.” “I need to talk about it.” “You need to talk about this.” “You’ve experienced an unimaginable pain.” “Everyone deals with pain in their own way.” “There is no timestamp on trauma.” “There is no magic trick to get from the horror to be healed.” “Be patient with yourself.” “I need you to be patient with me.” “Real healing is hard; it doesn’t always look pretty.” “I’ll never be whole again.” “You’re here today and you’re a survivor.” “Recovery is a process; it takes time and patience.” “You need to heal from what hurt you.” “So what if it’s all in your head?” “Avoiding your triggers isn’t healing.” “As broken as you may feel, you are still so strong.” “There’s something to be said for how you hold yourself together.” “Healing doesn’t mean the pain never existed.” “Healing means that the damage no longer controls our lives.” “Trauma is a fact of life but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.” “I can’t get the thought of out my mind; I’m having nightmares about it.” “I can’t eat; I can’t sleep.” “I’m so anxious and afraid all the time.” “You seem really on edge today.” “I don’t even remember it properly but I can’t stop thinking about it.” “You deserve peace.” “You are worthy.” “You’re allowed to talk about it, you’re allowed to struggle with it.” “You are not alone.” “What happened was not your fault and it does not define you.” “You are safe.” “Be kind with yourself; you deserve to heal and feel better.” “You’re allowed to ask for help but it’s okay to not know what you need.” “You deserve to be loved and treated well.”
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Peter watched the transformation with a muddled mixed of Awe and grotesque and yet also Jealousy there seemed to be no pain involved and the way the Being went from one form to another was so simple and fluid he could only wish he had the same power .
His own painful transformation at times a hassle to deal with . Though as he ate more humans and actively hunted them he was finding it easier and easier to turn and harder and harder to turn back.
He stood there a bit stunned at the form .. something about it stirred a long distance memory but he couldn’t recall what, it was like seeing a stranger you swore you knew from somewhere but could not remember where .
Oh well.
Peter gave Penny a smirk “should I call you Bob in this form ?” He asked them.
Peter smiled softly, it was nice to see Penny doing something for him. Something that wasn’t them hunting or Peter being chased after poking the beast one to many times .
“Ya I don’t think they will Buddy but it wild be amusing as hell to watch, though there is a chance we could get thrown out which would ruin the whole experience “ he chuckled and figured a simple fun action movie would be good for them, no need to worry about people being to scared and ending up as snack or tease Penny by being in a room full of food and parents . “I’m assuming you got another form ?”
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“–I have  any form  I please–” Pennywise replied, the BEAST had yet to find a form IT could not assume, so it was true enough, “–Though for  s i m p l i c i t y ’ s  sake I won’t stray too far from this one–”
The clown makeup started to melt away, and IT’S hair turned brown, the silvery white costume IT wore faded and folded in on itself, reshaping into black and grey casual wear.
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“–I think  I can handle this  as Bob Gray–” The creature said when IT had finished shifting, even IT’S voice had changed, “–So, let’s  get to it  then–”
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
it could be about my portrayal, my headcanons, my blog’s aesthetic, my muse’s dynamic with someone else’s muse, etc. 
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Peter enjoyed the thrill of the chase and rush of feeling claws just barely scrape his tail, his tongue lolling out of his mouth the Hunter had become the hunted and he was loving every minute of it.
He was broken mid stride his paws coming off the ground and then never reconnecting as he was picked up like a plushed animal . Instinctively he wanted to squirm but something even more primal told him to keep still, the only movement being his constantly wagging tail, betraying his joy at their little game, but suddenly it stoped Penny was not acting like IT’s normal self ... he could sense its unease ... and Peter took a risk .. he was close to IT’s face anyway.. he moved his head in and licked Penny’s face in a gesture of comfort seeing as how he didn’t have any thumbs this was the best option .
Wolves love to chase yes, it was an instinct ingrained into their very DNA, but there was one thing that was even better and that was being chased, the ecstatic joy of something coming for you but meaning no harm, of the urge to just run, use the very things nature had provided you and test your limits .
And so Peter ran through the woods in a way that was way to comfortable for any human and yet just right for a being that knew the trees and dirt and woods on a deeper level. He glanced back to see if Penny was still after him and grinned as he lept over a fallen log easily, fear giving way to amusement and excitement. “ yes yes I am don’t worry.” He chuckled slowing just a bit, he had been keeping close to the actual path he took to the next town making sure to go parallel to it .
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For a while, the chase distracted Pennywise from the fact that IT did not know these woods, and IT could simply enjoy the sensation of a hunt that wasn’t a real hunt. They weaved in and out of trees, over logs, ledges and streams. A few times Pennywise swiped forward, catching the hairs of Peter’s tail with the tips of IT’S fingers. 
The creature couldn’t be amused by it for very long though, eventually Pennywise wanted to catch IT’S ‘prey’ and took a large leap forward, over taking Peter and clutching the wolf  like plastic toy. “Got you!” The clown trilled.
This was the part where Pennywise would usually attempt to stuff Peter into IT’S mouth.
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But before the clown could playfully open IT’S jaws, IT glanced up and became overly aware of how unfamiliar their surroundings were. These were not IT’S trees, these streams did not lead to IT’S rivers. Pennywise was overwhelmed with the unfamiliarity and froze in place taking in the new sights and smells. IT didn’t like them, there was nothing overtly offense, but it wasn’t what the BEAST was used to.
Pennywise started to whine.
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Had to retranslate the comics 😄 - Credits to 2minuteslater via Instagram 📷 (I’m afraid their account is gone since I couldn’t find it).
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Roman: This is the perfect moon for a werewolf to come out
Peter: I’m gay
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
Wolf peter: :V
Roman is picking up Wolf!Peter—and holding him like a baby! He don’t give a fuck—he don’t give a fuck!! He baby 🐺🥺
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untamedvargulf · 3 years
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