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Before I was 197lbs and pre-diabetic. In two months time I am down to 170lbs and don't rely on metformin as much.
Now in the last 2 years I've known I had PCOS, I've done Herbalife, Shakeology, Insanity, Turbo Jam, good ol' fashion gym, and Keto. None of them worked for me. Insane right? Only women with PCOS know how frustrating losing weight is.
What ended up working for me was HCG. 500 cal, limited fruits, veggies, and meat portions, lots of water, very minimal exercise.
I had friends concerned how unhealthy it was, but then again, no one was telling me otherwise when I was drinking twice a week and eating out at the bars. My mother was my biggest support. She is a woman who studies and researches and reads up on everything there is to know about anything. Not to mention she is the most hard driven (or stubborn) woman I know. She wasn't going to let me go through with it if it wasn't safe or effective. She lost 30lbs doing HCG for the max 40 days at the age of 52.
I would like to get to 150. as easy as it would be for me to just do it right now, I have to wait 6 weeks to give my body a break. But I'm happy to have gotten where I'm at now. If you told me in January that I would be almost 30lbs lighter by mid year, I wouldn't have believed you. But I've never had clothes get too big for me, I never had so many people tell me how good I looked, and all of this has given me the greatest confidence. It's all about trial and error; finding what works for you.
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Testing the bandwagon.
This is all starting by a bit of irony, I never read blogs or articles or anything of the sort. I wasn’t and still don’t like to indulge in the trends of my generation. I don’t have a smart phone and i prefer dvd’s over Blu-Rays; I’m quiet behind for 2014 and I’m happier this way. In the last year I started a job I��ve always wanted which comes with a little down time to surf the net. I became a regular reader of Huffington Post for the Arts, Science, Tech, Health, and Women sections. Just a few days ago I read an article called “What I Will No Longer Apologize For” by Jennifer Pastiloff. (Link here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jennifer-pastiloff/what-i-will-no-longer-apologize-for_b_5481355.html?utm_hp_ref=my-story). I suggest if you aren’t busy, you should read/skim over the article before continuing here. The article is intense & she is a fucking awesome writer. Emotions ranged from utter shock to fist pumping shouts in my head saying “Hell yeah, girl!”. When it was over, I was inspired.
  Now, by no means do I claim to be a feminist or ‘bad bitch who don’t need no man’. But I’m thinking to myself after reading this “She put all of her baggage out on the internet for the world to read to show that our vices and our mistakes don’t have to own us. I could do that! I’ve had tons of shit go wrong in my short little life. I could really inspire people!”. When I got home I couldn’t bring myself to sit down with my laptop. I worried it wouldn’t be great, that no one was going to read it, I would get criticized, or I would get too busy to attend to it. Plus why would I give in to the blogging-fad? I ended up talking about it with my last ex, the one who was with me when I was diagnosed with PCOS. We were together for three years, we know each other VERY well. He felt it would be good for me to have a therapeutic outlet, especially a creative one like writing. During our time together he sought comfort on blogs and discussion threads from women. I don’t know if it was because he didn’t believe me or he wanted to show me that I’m not the only crazy woman in the world.
So here I am, and I'm excited to venture into this unknown territory. Hopefully by some string of luck you're reading this because you or someone you love is struggling with PCOS or any other female problems.
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