I swear to the archons I'm not dead XD I've just been on D!$cord a lot more.
If anyone wishes to chat with me there, username is MotherAlex#1996
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Send a rumor your muse heard about mine and they will confirm if it's true or not!
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Audrey Hepburn during a break in the filming of an UNICEF campaign, Rome, circa 1974.
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𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑺 .   (  an  updated  collection  of  100+  question  prompts .   feel  free  to  adjust  phrasing  /  gendered  terms  as  necessary . )
❛  you’re  leaving ?  ❜
❛  can  i  come  in ?  ❜
❛  can  you  shut  up ? ❜
❛  are  you  [ name ] ?  ❜
❛  who  am  i  to  you ?  ❜
❛  why  should  i  care ?  ❜
❛  can  i  come  inside ?  ❜
❛  did  i  do  something ?  ❜
❛  you  don’t  trust  me ?  ❜
❛  can  we  make  a  deal ?  ❜
❛  are  you  lying  to  me ?  ❜
❛  are  you  free  tonight ?  ❜
❛  are  we  going  to  die ?  ❜
❛  can  i  come  with  you ?  ❜
❛  can  we  call  it  even ?  ❜
❛  you  stay  here ,  okay ?  ❜
❛  you  think  i’m  stupid ?  ❜
❛  can  you  stitch  me  up ?  ❜
❛  are  you  doing  alright ?  ❜
❛  is  that  …  my  shirt ?  ❜
❛  who  takes  care  of  you ?  ❜
❛  have  you  seen  yourself ?  ❜
❛  what  took  you  so  long ?  ❜
❛  can’t  you  see  i’m  busy ?  ❜
❛  who  do  you  think  i  am ?  ❜
❛  why  are  you  helping  me ?  ❜
❛  are  you  happy  with  him ?  ❜
❛  are  we  having  a  moment ?  ❜
❛  are  you  listening  to  me ?  ❜
❛  how  are  you  so  arrogant ?  ❜
❛  how  did  you  afford  this ?  ❜
❛  what  are  you  doing  here ?  ❜
❛  is  this  all  in  my  head ?  ❜
❛  why  won’t  you  look  at  me ? ❜
❛  are  you  here  to  kill  me ?  ❜
❛  do  you  want  some  company ?  ❜
❛  are  you  from  around  here ?  ❜
❛  do  you  need  to  lie  down ?  ❜
❛  are  we  on  the  same  page ?  ❜
❛  why  didn’t  you  defend  me ?  ❜
❛  are  you  sure  you’re  ready ?  ❜
❛  where  is  this  coming  from ?  ❜
❛  where  were  you  last  night ?  ❜
❛  you  wanted  to  talk  to  me ?  ❜
❛  will  you  PLEASE  be  quiet ?!  ❜
❛  what  was  i  supposed  to  do ?  ❜
❛  why  do  you  look  so  guilty ?  ❜
❛  [ name ]  …  truth  or  dare ?  ❜
❛  why  did  you  bring  me  here ?  ❜
❛  are  you  looking  for  someone ?  ❜
❛  since  when  does  that  matter ?  ❜
❛  why  do  you  put  up  with  me ?  ❜
❛  THIS  is  your  breaking  point ?  ❜
❛  what  can  i  say  to  fix  this ?  ❜
❛  do  you  think  i  deserve  this ?  ❜
❛  hey ,  hey ,  are  you  with  me ?  ❜
❛  why  are  you  leaving  so  soon ?  ❜
❛  what  do  you  get  out  of  this ?  ❜
❛  [ name ] ,  what  have  you  done ?  ❜
❛  do  you  have  a  minute  to  talk ?  ❜
❛  did  you  ever  actually  love  me ?  ❜
❛  do  you  need  somewhere  to  stay ?  ❜
❛  why  don’t  you  ever  listen  to  me ?
❛  do  you  hear  yourself  right  now ?  ❜
❛  you  knew  &  you  didn’t  tell  me ?  ❜
❛  do  you  want  something  to  drink ?  ❜
❛  when  did  you  know  you  loved  me ?  ❜
❛  when  was  the  last  time  you  ate ?  ❜
❛  what’s  your  favorite  scary  movie ?  ❜
❛  do  you  want  to  get  out  of  here ?  ❜
❛  why  is  this  so  important  to  you ?  ❜
❛  can  i  at  least  buy  you  a  drink ?  ❜
❛  how  can  you  think  this  is  funny ?  ❜
❛  are  you  sure  you’re  up  for  this ?  ❜
❛  are  you  trying  to  start  something ?  ❜
❛  what  are  we  supposed  to  do  now ?  ❜
❛  can  we  at  least  try  to  be  civil ?  ❜
❛  why  won’t  you  just  leave  me  alone ?  ❜
❛  are  you  thinking  what  i’m  thinking ?  ❜
❛  why  are  you  so  concerned  about  me ?  ❜
❛  why  can’t  you  just  stay  out  of  it ?  ❜
❛  you’re  not  bailing  on  me ,  are  you ?  ❜
❛  how  long  have  you  been  lying  to  me ?  ❜
❛  can  you  keep  your  eyes  open  for  me ?  ❜
❛  how  long  have  things  been  like  this ?  ❜
❛  why  is  this  suddenly  such  a  problem ?  ❜
❛  what ,  am  i  supposed  to  be  impressed ?  ❜
❛  do  you  ever  wish  you  could  run  away ?  ❜
❛  you’re  going  to  believe  them  over  me ?  ❜
❛  why  are  you  looking  at  me  like  that ?  ❜
❛  why  can’t  you  just  tell  me  the  truth ?  ❜
❛  why  can’t  you  ever  take  responsibility ?  ❜
❛  what  can  i  do  to  make  it  up  to  you ?  ❜
❛  can  we  put  this  whole  thing  behind  us ?  ❜
❛  i’m  coming  to  get  you ,  where  are  you ?  ❜
❛  can  you  stay ?  just  for  a  little  while ? ❜
❛  why  won’t  you  let  me  be  here  for  you ?  ❜
❛  when  are  you  going  to  forgive  yourself ?  ❜
❛  is  that  what  your  nightmares  are  about ?  ❜
❛  what  kind  of  person  does  this  make  me ?  ❜
❛  where  are  we  supposed  to  go  from  here ?  ❜
❛  are  you  TRYING  to  get  yourself  killed  ?!  ❜
❛  why  can’t  we  just  talk  like  we  used  to ?  ❜
❛  why  do  these  things  always  happen  to  me ?  ❜
❛  how  long  has  it  been  since  you’ve  slept ?  ❜
❛  can’t  we  just  enjoy  the  moment  for  once ?  ❜
❛  why  can’t  you  ever  stand  up  for  yourself ?  ❜
❛  why  haven’t  you  been  answering  your  phone ?  ❜
❛  what  was  i  supposed  to  do ,  let  you  die ?  ❜
❛  can  you  listen  &  do  what  i  say  for  once ?  ❜
❛  what  do  you  mean ,  you’re  not  coming  back ?  ❜
❛  why  don’t  you  stay  the  night ?  just  once .    ❜
❛  can  you  see  how  many  fingers  i’m  holding  up ?  ❜
❛  you’d  tell  me  if  something  was  wrong ,  right ?  ❜
❛  where  do  you  go  when  you  space  out  like  that ?  ❜
❛  you  were  going  to  leave  without  saying  goodbye ?  ❜
❛  you’ll  stand  by  my  side  no  matter  what ,  right ?  ❜
❛  what  kind  of  mess  have  you  gotten  yourself  into ?  ❜
❛  i  need  you  to  sit  up ,  can  you  do  that  for  me ?  ❜
❛  if  you  have  nothing  to  hide ,  what’s  the  problem ?  ❜
❛  can  we  all  just  act  like  we’re  winning  for  once ?  ❜
❛  can  we  talk  about  this  at  a  time  that  isn’t  now ?  ❜
❛  you  really  don’t  care  about  any  of  this ,  do  you ?  ❜
❛  can  you  just  tell  me  everything’s  going  to  be  okay ?  ❜
❛  you  know  we’re  gonna  have  to  talk  about  this  eventually ,  right ?  ❜
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It wasn't his fault. She may never understand what it was like being in the army, and perhaps it wasn't her place to do so. But that mattered so little. Not when it involves someone she cares so deeply for.
"Of course." Celine nodded. There was no harm in talking or telling him what was going on. Wasn't like she was doing anything illegal.
Admittedly, the brief firm tone made some of the smile fade from her face. It scared her a little when he spoke in a more formal tone. It made her feel as though she had done something wrong. Well… keeping yourself in your room for hours was not exactly the healthiest thing in the world.
“I know you’re just worried. I’m sorry.” Celine felt compelled to say that. “Whatever you think we should do, love, I’ll do without any complaint.”
Oh. He saw that trace of fear. He let his arms drop in defeat, only to change his mind and rub one hand slowly rub the back of his neck. This was hardly a good impression at all. Was he really this bad at being a friend first and a Colonel second?
“I… You shouldn’t be apologising. I am worried about you, yes, but that’s not an excuse to treat you like a soldier. We can just… Sit, and talk? Maybe you could tell me about what you were working on in there?”
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Well, not these viewers, Actor.
[ID: a frame by frame close up picture of Markiplier in Inscryption Part 7 bathed in red light reading “You’re MY subservient viewers” for a second even though he said in the video “You’re my beautiful viewers”. End ID]
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AUDREY HEPBURN in My Fair Lady (1964) “What has always helped me a great deal are the clothes. It was often an enormous help to know that you looked the part. Walking down those stairs for the first time, beautifully dressed in My Fair Lady, the rest wasn’t so tough anymore.”
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What could you do about Mark? That man could be quite the adult child sometimes, but would you want it any other way?
"You know how the papers are. They love overhyping things. Not to say it was a bad movie. It was lovely. But if you're expecting some grand masterpiece, you might be a little disappointed."
She didn’t expect him to believe her. Knowing her, she did have a habit of leaving things out as to keep things light. “In terms of the dress? It just got snagged on the door when it closed.” Celine explained. “In terms of the premier in general? Not much. The small hor d'ourves were alright. Only had a couple of glasses of champagne. Had to keep Mark from getting too many glasses himself.”
Damien wasn’t entirely convinced, but what could he do about the matter? Something was troubling his sister, yet she refused (as always) to talk about it. For now, his only option was to smile. “It sounds like it went as well as any other formal event, down to keeping Mark on his best behaviour.” The last thing they needed was Mark making the headlines at a premier because of too many drinks.
“What about the movie itself? Has it been worth all the hullabaloo in the papers?”
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Audrey by Douglas Kirkland during the production of How to steal a million, Studio de Boulogne, Paris, 1965.
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Audrey Hepburn photographed in a villa near Rome for a japanese wigs brand publicity in the 70s.
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Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly + Outfits
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) dir. Blake Edwards
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daddy is coming home again kids
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She didn't expect him to believe her. Knowing her, she did have a habit of leaving things out as to keep things light. "In terms of the dress? It just got snagged on the door when it closed." Celine explained. "In terms of the premier in general? Not much. The small hor d'ourves were alright. Only had a couple of glasses of champagne. Had to keep Mark from getting too many glasses himself."
“No, because my problems are not your own.” Celine insisted. Call her stubborn like that. They may have shared a lot of thing, but her burdens shouldn’t have to be one of them. At least, that was her firm belief. “There is no bad news. If anything, the movie premier last night went well. Unintentionally tore my dress a little, but it was a small one and hardly noticeable.”
“Mhm, yeah, sure.” Damien folded his arms, entirely unconvinced. He was going nowhere… Until Celine let slip some information. “Well, I know you have the skills to repair the dress when you get the chance, and it’s great that the premiere went well! I know you were worried about it. But… Did something happen?”
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Friendly reminder that if we’re mutuals, I’m interested in interacting with you!! I may not always have time to message you immediately or write you a starter but I appreciate you on my dash and I am always open to inbox shenanigans, tagging me in stuff, sending me memes, etc! I’ll try to send you stuff back too! Thank you for following me ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
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Audrey photographed at the premiere of My Fair Lady in Hollywood, 1964.
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NPR's article here.
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