fantomevoleur · 2 days
@musaeon replied to your post “"If today, you ask me how I'm doing, I'll tell you...”:
"boo get off the stage" -futaba
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"As the designated little sister in this family, you're required by law to suffer bask in the genius of my puns. No buts about it~"
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epitomees · 9 days
@musaeon replied to your post “Will you let her sleep? Or will you dare to wake...”:
Minako wraps a blanket around her while Minato places a pillow under her head. She deserves to rest and they will make sure she is comfortable while doing it!
​Double the comfy vibes!!
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How generous of them...but be warned! Now that the maiden's current accommodations have greatly increased in quality of comfort, she may become a little greedy and potentially snatch any able-bodied victim nearby to join her!
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ahogedetective · 3 months
@musaeon replied to:🧛🏻🦇🩸 HAPPY FANGS IN YOUR NECK FRIDAY!!!! i am now once again thinking about my vampire maki verse thanks /lh
You're welcome!!! 😁
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mjrarcana · 4 months
[holds a microphone out to you] tell me about your thoughts about akira right after the interrogation room and anything else related to it
@musaeon (oooh boy)
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So Akira had planned to get captured. But one thing he did NOT count on is how awful it was going to be. He was tortured. Beat and threatened and forced to sign a confession. They literally PUMPED him full of drugs. In my hc, it took a little bit for his physical wounds to heal. After all, they had beat the shit out of him. And he felt sick from the drugs for a few days as well.
Basically, he thought he was gonna be fine but he wasn't. Because it is very easy to say it won't be that bad. But it WAS. It was incredibly traumatic. He tries to play it off as no big deal, but he is incredibly fucked up about it. He has nightmares and some slight claustrophobia due to it. He also gets close to panicking if his arms are at all restrained now. And he has an INTENSE fear of needles now too. He will constantly dream about it and wake up terrified. He both underestimated how bad the police would be AND overestimated his own ability to deal with being more or less tortured for awhile. He does have a bit of an ego so he certainly thought he could handle it.
RIGHT AFTER, his head was super foggy. It didn't really register to him how bad it was because he was just so thankful to be out of there and for the plan to have worked. After meeting with everyone, he went upstairs and passed out. Like during the entire ordeal, he was constantly forcing himself to think of the plan. To trust the plan. But the drugs and the fear made him genuinely forget it at times. Like he just could not think straight. And he felt genuinely afraid of what the cops would do to him (like when they were gonna break his leg). He was really sick for a few days, as I said, from being so drugged up. And once his wounds healed, he put on a brave face about it. Like he does with everything.
But yeah, I would say at least 3 times a week after that he would wake up in a semi-panic and half expecting to still be there. He has a lot of fears he didn't have before that he has now. If anyone tries to bring it up, he'll try his hardest to sidestep the topic. The truth is that just thinking about it makes him feel sick. And anything that even slightly reminds him of it will trigger him into extreme anxiety.
Akira is the sort of person to NEVER let his true feelings show. If something hurts him or makes him feel weak, he won't show it. He ALWAYS tries to be in control of his image and presentation. So he doesn't really like to be exposed in any way ever. People see what he allows them to see. And while he really should talk about it at some point, he won't unless he has a legit breakdown with someone and can't dodge the topic anymore.
So yeah, thanks to that Akira developed a slight phobia of small/enclosed spaces, phobia of feeling trapped or being restrained, and an INTENSE phobia of needles. He also can't stand (once he gets older) to feel intoxicated ever because it slightly reminds him of being drugged.
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moonsmultimusings · 4 months
Mutual Bingo - Accepting ☾
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ochazos · 6 months
💚 - friendship (all my p5 muses + minako if you don't want the below one)
💙 - kinship (minako)
Shipping Call - @musaeon / accepting
I am okay with plotting out for all of those actually! ♥
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riwrite-a · 1 year
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from @musaeon​ → ✎ (for... honestly throw a dart at any of my sekai muses and take your pick tbh but if you want someone specific to choose from then... either an, airi or either of the tenmas!)   drawing meme.
“either of the tenmas” mission failed. drew both <3
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beauthief · 1 year
@musaeon said: [holds out my twewy muses]
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kingspuppet · 11 months
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@musaeon || Kingdom Hearts Sentence Starters
“   i hope we can always be just like this forever .   ” (from akira)
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Forever. It was a word that could often be attributed to fairytales or cheesy holiday movies. The eternal cliche for romance stories. A farce sold unto the masses as if something so perfect could actually be true. What a load of bullshit. A scam like that cannot exist.
He knows it's so childish to hope for it. All his life he knew that the only constant that would last forever was disappointment. It was a hill he was prepared to die on. So why does Akira saying it make him want it to be possible? If it were anyone else Goro would've gladly laughed in their face for believing in something so unrealistic. If it had been a year ago he would've done just that to Akira.
But a forever with Akira's heart still beating beneath his ear and the exhilarating sight of his smile? An eternity where Goro is made to feel special and loved, and in return is allowed to love without conditions? His traitorous heart yearns so much it aches. It makes his cheeks burn as he presses himself closer into Akira's side. His face buries itself into the other's shoulder to try minimizing his embarrassment. He immediately knows it doesn't work.
"You're such a sentimental fool, you know that?" There's no bite to his words despite the way he clicks his tongue in mock annoyance. But if such a description fits Akira then what does that make Goro?
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A small, soft smile makes its way onto his lips as he tentatively hooks his pinky around Akira's. "Though I suppose I can believe you just this once."
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riwrite · 11 months
from @musaeon. ❛  you're not alone in this. i'm here for you, no matter what.  ❜ (airi to shizuku) caring starters. / accepting.
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shizuku sniffles, wiping at her eyes with the backs of her hands. it's not often that she cries anymore — she hasn't as much reason to anymore. she's no longer being stifled, forced into a personality that isn't hers. but the lasting effects of that can stick with someone for a long time, and she finds she still struggles on bad days. just a handful of mean comments on more more jump!'s last few streams are more than enough to stress her out to the point of tears.
she doesn't need to be anything for anyone now, but her insecurities over her quirks love to rear their ugly heads when some anonymous person online tells her that they're disappointed their favorite idol is actually a weirdo.
their fans, the people that are happy that she can be herself now, far outnumber those that aren't. even then, though, being a group not beholden to an agency, doesn't mean they're free of expectations. it weighs on them all. shizuku, with her history of being seen as nothing but a perfect, pretty face. airi, and her history of being shoved into the role of funny girl. haruka, and her fears that she'll get someone hurt again. minori, who's experienced so much rejection.
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   " thank you, airi - chan, " she smiles, soft and watery. it is hard doing what they do, but it's so incredibly worth it. and they have each other to help them all through it so they can bring smiles and hope to their audience. " i know you are, and i'm so grateful. "
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stellatenuem · 11 months
here comes one (1) gremlin little sister for a hug! "hey... you know you've always got a place here, right? sojiro and i are always here for you cuz you know. we're family, right? and that's what families do, so... don't forget that. no matter what you're always going to be that. family. no one gets left behind."
When Ren woke up on his final day in Tokyo, he didn't know how he was going to make it through the day without crying. (A part of him wished he could just stay bed... Oh, if only not getting up to greet the day could stop tomorrow from coming.) They spent all day saying goodbye to everyone, the allies and friends they'd made... and very narrowly avoided bursting into tears when they received their farewell gifts. He was grateful for his glasses, that gave him means to obscure his eyes... and for those who perhaps saw but chose not to comment on how wet his eyes were.
His last stop had been Kichijoji. Muhen asked him about Goro outside the Jazz club, and the interaction left Ren with a tight chest. Grief rose like bile in his throat and got stuck there for a long time. Numbness stole away any feeling soon enough, and the world and it's people began to feel and appear strange. Their feet carried them back along the route home... They must have, anyway, because then he was standing at Leblanc's front door, and he was going inside.
Futaba was sitting at a table with Sojiro. Their sibling called them over enthusiastically, saying something about finally being able to eat dinner now that he was home. His body felt heavy, but the last thing he wanted to do was go upstairs and crawl into bed. Their train ride back to Inaba was only one sleep away now... Ren put their bag down and sat with his found family, the warmth of their company and the good food slowly brought him out of the cold. (He would have his memories of this night, and that would have to be enough to keep him warm in the coming months.)
When they finished eating, Sojiro asked Ren to lock up for him and left for home. Futaba asked Ren if she could take a look at the loot he raked in from everyone today... and Ren pulled out each memento to show her and Morgana.
❝It's... difficult to imagine myself going back there after... all this.❞ Ren confesses, ❝The life I had before was so... small? The one I found here is so... lively.❞ (It's full. The other one was empty.)
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❝I don't know how...❞ (I'm going to be able to squeeze the person I've become into the mold I left behind in that family. They'll cut pieces of me away to fit.)
The younger must have seen the anxiety in the elders gaze... Futaba wraps her arms around Ren, offering them words of truth and reassurance. Ren has to try and blink away oncoming tears. (Always?) He wonders as he reciprocates the hug. No one has wanted him for always before. (To not be left behind, discarded or forgotten... that's the kind of family they always wish they had.)
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❝ TThank you, Taddy... I,, really needed to hear that.❞
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fantomevoleur · 2 months
💕 (for... yusuke, akechi and ann!)
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.
The Love Calculator for Yusuke Kitagawa says...15%!
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"The more I keep playing this game, the more I'm convinced this generated test is programed to be homophobic because the hell do you mean Yusuke's compatibility is that low!?"
The Love Calculator for Goro Akechi says...76%!
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"Well...considering how competitive we are and how intense our rivalry can become, I'm not all too surprised~."
The Love Calculator for Ann Takamaki says...1%!
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There went his phone....flying out the window.
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epitomees · 1 month
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"You are blocking our way!!"
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ahogedetective · 3 months
[ TRAIN ]: sender tackles the receiver as part of a sparring or training exercise. (for maki)
{ Reasons To Tackle! }
Shuichi had gotten pretty lucky so far, to not have dealt with guilty people of the cases he's done, try to attack him. But eventually, it could happen, and he was not exactly strong to be able to defend himself well: that's why he was more than willing to get self-defense training from Maki. By now, they've had a few lessons, so he still had a ways to go before there was significant progress: but by now, he's gotten slightly better at dodging, and having slightly better luck, blocking Maki's attacks.
Though when she did a fake-out punch to catch him guard- "O-Oh-!!"
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It worked, and he ended up letting his defenses down: And in that split second, she was able to tackle him to the floor. "Gh!" His back smacked the floor pretty hard, but he was fine, otherwise.
"H...Hah...h-haha... you got me. I-it looks like I still have to work on my reactionary times more, huh... b...but I hope I've still been improving to you, Maki-san: your lessons have been really helpful. If you want, let's continue: maybe I'll have better luck watching out for that fake out punch, if you try it again...!"
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electricea · 2 years
I don't want to flood the dash, so some notes here!
@eliteimperialism - I've always felt so lucky getting to write with you and with Shigemasa and I'm so happy we've been making traction this year! Can't wait to do more.
@the-expatriate - You and Pari both are amazing presences on the dash - you're such good friends and you are often the first to spread the love and support around, which is why it hurts so much when people can be needlessly rude to you and Pari - you're both gems, don't ever forget that.
@the-flower-karasu - The idea of an AU/canon divergent/genderbent muse is always a really bold and interesting one so it's fun to see Gogo develop and stand on her own!
@fcreststridcr - I've been slow when it comes to Genshin but I'll always adore and think highly of you from your days writing Bartz! Super excited to properly play 5 on the Pixel Remaster soon!
@orbitaldeathwoomy - I honestly had no idea but I'm glad we are interacting now! I think Splatoon is a really fun and interesting series and I love how the unlikely crossover of Persona 5 and Splatoon seems to have become a thing on here and I'm just so excited to write with you and do stuff with you here! Makes me excited to think about it!
@cflight - It's funny you say that 'cause I've been shy about writing with you too, but I was really happy when we started on our one mini thread together and I hope over time, we'll have many fun interactions together! Ekira's a good boy, too!
@isaaccecilbryant - I think I covered most of it on Discord but I'll always be grateful to count you as a friend and I'll always be in your corner and support you!
@hexes-and-headaches - You seem super nice too! Hope we'll get to interact more.
@heartwilled - An amazing blog run by an amazing mun! It's always a pleasure to do stuff with you and our interactions mean the world to me!
@shiigures - We really do go far back and I'm always happy to see them still here! I feel a sort of camaraderie with them in that we've both been here for quite a bit now and I guess maybe part of the 'old guard' of P5 lol - a lot of blogs have fallen by the wayside as fandom tends to, but it's always encouraging to see them still writing and still on Tumblr.
@musaeon - You're always a mutual who's meant a lot to me and I've always wanted to just properly plot and write with you!! We'll have our time!! No way I'll ever miss writing with someone as awesome as you!
@cfmanymuses - I keep meaning to get to know your wonderful muses, though Horatia is certainly wonderful enough on her own! I'm just really grateful to be mutuals and writing partners with you.
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moonsmultimusings · 9 months
⭐ !!
Send a " ⭐ " for muses I would be interested in throwing at yours - Accepting ☾
omg, so many options... i'm just shoving your muses into my grocery basket rn-
i'd definitely be interested in throwing my naegi at your kyoko because i love the dynamic they have, but also izuru and chiaki are SO important to me... of course, i'd also be willing to throw my rantaro at your kaede or shuichi!
you have a lot of persona muses as well! i'd love to write a sweet little twins thread between minato and minako, because god knows they both need some happiness in their lives. i could also throw my joker at any one of your other phantom thief muses! i will say that i'm a big protag shipper, so any combination of joker, yu, or minato would interest me as well! i think there's a lot of potential for wild card interaction with them, especially joker and minako. i feel like they would get along well!
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