upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 30 (April 13): middle of fields
2 miles / 3 km
In Portugal, virtually: In the middle of fields again. Made it to the Santarem district. The town of Santarem is my next big goal but it’s another 5 miles / 8 km. This is one of those sections without water or lodging for 10 miles / 16 km. 
In Durham, really: did a different walk in the neighborhood Took my husband’s advice and did shorter loops that took me past my house so I could stop if I needed to. Felt good about those 2 miles and my hip doesn’t hurt...yet.  Lots of runners, walkers, cyclists, dogs. Brilliantly blue skies after last night’s storms.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Days 28, 29 (April 11, 12): bursitis
0 miles / 0 km
After talking to my massage therapist (yes, massage therapists have massage therapists) (if they’re smart) I have determined I have classic trochanteric (hip) bursitis. That’s why I’ve had such burning pain in my hips when I walk.
She advised me to spend the weekend stretching out my hip muscles and not walking. Which sounded wise (though depressing) so I took her advice.
The bursitis is new but the problems with my gluteal muscles isn’t. I’ve got a call into my trainer to talk about my options. 
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 27 (April 10):  Vila Cha de Ourique
3.2 miles / 5.2 km
In Portugal, virtually: on the map, this looks mostly empty but when I do a search online, there seems to be a lovely little town there!
In Durham, really:  West Ellerbee Cree Trail. Flat walk, good clip. Chilly, especially for the middle of April. Continued to pray for my friend who is job-hunting.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 26 (April 9):  Porto de Muge
2.2 miles / 3.5 km
In Portugal, virtually: Another small river town.
In Durham, really: another walk through the neighborhood. Beautiful breezy day. Dedicating the walk to to a friend trying to find a job.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 25 (April 8): barely moved
.7 mile / 1.1 km
I did a lot of yardwork this morning and now my feet are crazy sore and I’m huffing and puffing up barely an incline. Time to go home!
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 24 (April 7): time got away from me, didn’t get to walk
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 23 (April 6): Morgado
3.6 miles / 5.8 km
In Portugal, virtually: Walking along the Targus River, passed through Valada.
In Durham, really: Another walk in Duke Forest. A new trail for me. I chose it because it has more elevation change, give me a little bit of a challenge. And it did! Sore hips.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 22: Sunday, day of rest
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 21:  Reguengo
3.2 miles / 5.2 km
In Portugal, virtually:  And NOW I’ve officially left the district of Lisbon, though I left the city behind 2 weeks ago.
In Durham, really: There is a low stone wall around the Duke East campus and a walking / running track inside the wall. Very popular. I did 2 laps.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 20 (April 3): videoconferences
0 miles / 0 km
This being a virtual Camino there will be days that I actually have to do other things -- like video conferences -- that get in the way of my walk. Like today.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 19 (April 2): more fields
3.2 miles / 5.2 km
In Portugal, virtually: another day surrounded by fields.
In Durham, really: Another walk through Duke Forest. Thank God for lovely weather!
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 18 (April 1): a little way beyond  Azambuja
2.2 miles / 3.5 km
In Portugal, virtually: If this wasn’t a virtual Camino, I would have stopped in Azambuja instead of walking on to the…middle of nothing in particular? I’m in the middle of fields. I’ve also completed Leg 3 of the book. 
In Durham, really: I walked through my neighborhood again. This leg was the leg most affected by my realization that I couldn’t “continue as normal” during this pandemic. My anxiety and depression have forced me to slooooooow down.
Total so far: 39.5 miles / 60 km.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 17 (March 31): in a mood
0 miles / 0 km
Another day when I am just not in a walking mood. I’m still processing all the changes in our world and there’s simply not enough energy to get out and go.
Is it necessary to have a stable emotional life on the Camino? Are there days people just can’t walk, just don’t have the juice for it? It’s usually presented as a non-stop thing from start to finish but I’m certain it can’t be that simple.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 15 (March 30):  Quinta da Fonte do Pinheiro Azambuja
3.2 miles / 5.2 km
In Portugal: I don’t know what it looks like in real life but on Google maps this barely looks like a crossroad!
In Durham: I intended to walk a trail I’ve walked before but then I noticed a little footpath off to the side and -- ever curious -- I was off in a little adventure. I mostly knew where I was but was never entirely certain. I finally ended up back on the path I’d started on (though much further along the way). It’s good sometimes to just have a meander through the woods and see where you end up.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 15 (March 29):  Villa Nova da Rainha
3.5 miles / 5.6 km
In Portugal: Sundays are meant to be my days of rest but since I didn’t walk the last 2 days I’m walking today. Crossed another highway – the A10. This town is big enough for a good cafe with tea. Tea keeps me going!
In Durham: Another gray day of walking through Duke Forest. Mostly it’s been sunny but these gray damp days -- necessary for all that blooming that’s happening around me -- are still a drag on my energies. But if I can just get myself out the door I can generally do the walk.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Days 13 and 14 (March 26, 27): depression
No miles.
This is when, finally, I crashed in the face of all the changes the covid-19 are bringing to my life. No work, no income, no church, no friends, no travel. In fact, I’ve got it good! I don’t live alone, we still have my husband’s salary, we have savings, I have work-related projects I can finally spend time on, we live with other people (including a 5-year-old who’s natural goofiness can always lift me up), and I can walk.
And yet it still came crashing down on me these two days and I couldn’t walk. I could only stare out the window and try to catch up internally with the reality externally.
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upsidedownyank · 4 years
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Day 12 (March 26):  Castanheira do Ribatejo
2.1 miles / 3.4 km
In Portugal: another small town but, look, is that a high-rise??  :)  I think this town’s name translates to Chestnut Tree of Ribatejo.
In Durham: I think I walked the same route as yesterday. Honestly, I can’t remember.  :)
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