uraqt7 · 10 days
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I like to be sandy
I like to stare at the water especially when it’s the ocean
I am woman I am earth I am pain and I am hot
I sweat then the earth sticks to me
The stick I hold helps me feel free
The seaweed and the salt breeze
These are my roots! 💗🧘‍♀️
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uraqt7 · 1 month
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shes so tracy
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uraqt7 · 5 months
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full circle
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uraqt7 · 5 months
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My sisters and me
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uraqt7 · 5 months
rambling woman
talking to my sister on facetime is making me want to get high. shes in a new city and rolling joints before she hits the pavement to explore. I dont know what to do about that for the long run or how to feel about it. I guess it makes me feel anxious. shes lighting it up right now and I can smell it thru the screen. makes me wonder why I am trying to not get high anyways, but then I quickly remember how many more things i'd rather do. and the way I want it so bad in certain moments is another reason I would love to continue to abstain because i'd love to want something or anything else as much as I feel i want drugs. Then I think about how meaningful some of my experiences with different substances have been, so now I am searching for those feelings without it.
Anyways. I will take a hot bath in a few minutes to meditate before I start the more productive part the day. day 9 of the new year and i've spent every morning taking excellent care of myself by making breakfast after washing my face and before looking at my phone. I feel good. I will clean out and organize my storage after my bath then I will have a clean studio space again which I am looking forward to for so many reasons, the main one being putting a drumkit in there to start recording songs for fun. I also have some paintings that I want to finish.
I love drake<3
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uraqt7 · 5 months
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BAIN DE SOLEIL by Daniella Murphy
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uraqt7 · 5 months
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BAIN DE SOLEIL by Daniella Murphy
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uraqt7 · 5 months
is really going out of style.!
Nowadays if I find myself in it, because it once was a usual conversation with a roomie or friend, I immediately feel icky and over it. im not into talking shit anymore. it feels utterly unproductive and low.
I'd rather talk highly behind peoples back ;0
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uraqt7 · 6 months
I got the waitress job. I’m making bank. Christmas is a sad day when your family is just pretending like your parents aren’t emotionally abusive. I love my siblings. I’d take a bullet for them!
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uraqt7 · 7 months
Ok since posting this i can’t stop thinking about it cuz I was too harsh about Steve. I haven’t even taken time to reread it before writing this because I want to make it clear that I was too harsh. Even tho he’s a stranger outside of work, no1 deserves to be talked about like that. It doesn’t make me feel good. Idk. Well also I just know that the way I feel about this strange man is a projection of my fears of what I could be if I don’t take care of myself properly. Steve was actually a cool guy at once I’m sure, and he knows loads about music and movies. I think i was harsh when I meant to feel sad about him. I careeeeeeeee. I think my ex boyfriend would tell me he thinks I wanna fuck him based off the way I’m talking about him, but I dont.
Okayyyyyyyyyyy I’m on break at werk. I need a new waitressing job. And I need a new shower head so I can shower better like damn. My coworker is an older man maybe in his 60s, and he always fucks things up! Not on purpose, he’s just kinda horrible at customer service and I think he never really figured out who he is or how he feels about life at all. He used to own a movie store but they shut down during 2020 pandemic style. He sold most of the movies from the shop. Now he’s the night manager at a counter service restaurant franchise. Like wtf am I even doing working here?? Franchise fast food restaurant is not a place I want to eat but like I’m working here. Everyone who works here is really nice and it’s nice to be appreciated by all my coworkers, not passive aggressively dissed as a joke n shit. But yeah I really need to get a new job, and have it be one that’s waitressing! :D
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uraqt7 · 7 months
Okayyyyyyyyyyy I’m on break at werk. I need a new waitressing job. And I need a new shower head so I can shower better like damn. My coworker is an older man maybe in his 60s, and he always fucks things up! Not on purpose, he’s just kinda horrible at customer service and I think he never really figured out who he is or how he feels about life at all. He used to own a movie store but they shut down during 2020 pandemic style. He sold most of the movies from the shop. Now he’s the night manager at a counter service restaurant franchise. Like wtf am I even doing working here?? Franchise fast food restaurant is not a place I want to eat but like I’m working here. Everyone who works here is really nice and it’s nice to be appreciated by all my coworkers, not passive aggressively dissed as a joke n shit. But yeah I really need to get a new job, and have it be one that’s waitressing! :D
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uraqt7 · 8 months
Who's there?
hiiiiiiiii. talking to no1 but any1 who finds themselves here. this is my tumblr. I can do whatever the fuck I want here, its not like when I was little and my dad found it and yelled at me on christmas eve for posting an aesthetically pleasing photo of an excerpt from the satanic bible. I understood then why he was so pissed..I mean I was raised catholic for CHRIST'S SAKE LITERALLY. haha,im funny. even tho my dad and I disagree on how life should be lived I know I can do my part in our relationship by making sure he never finds out how I really feel about anything! thats what I do to protect my peace. anyways I dont remember what the post said from the satanic bible but I know I thought it was pretty. now a days I wouldnt post something from there because I think there is more evil associated with that then prettyness. I mean whatever, but like thats what the satanist want us to feel from their teachings; "its so beautiful" yeah thats how satan gets us. no I dont think the devil is a burning red man with horns, I am smarter than that! the devil is disguised as pretty tumblr posts. I think the devil is a pretty girl who acts as your friend to get something from you, or a boyfriend who tells you he loves you but never takes your art seriously. I think the devil is all the temptations we want to fall for a short spotlight or quick bag.
hmmmm whatelse is on my stream lololol
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uraqt7 · 2 years
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uraqt7 · 2 years
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Favorite painting and Lola
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uraqt7 · 2 years
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Kelly reza Noah Michael?
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uraqt7 · 2 years
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Noah and reza 🌺💗
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uraqt7 · 2 years
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