usurperkiing · 1 year
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usurperkiing · 1 year
Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction!
Note: They do not have to be ones my muses would like!
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usurperkiing · 1 year
aegon is definitely the type of dude to learn psychology just to deflect/manipulate people easier
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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his head tilts ever so slightly, and he’s barely blinked the entire time he’s stared his little brother down— it almost feels like he doesn’t recognize him. his left eye twitches, weight on his left side as he moves just half a centimeter closer— not enough to truly notice, unless they’re paying enough attention.
“eyes are higher up.” he adds, hand abandoning the cup to slip into his pockets as he opts to sit down across from him, glare maintained as he does so. his nose twitches, maintaining the silence for a moment before he starts again. “you’ve always been a bit of a fuck, aegon, but i didn’t go through the effort of getting her out of that fucking asylum for you to try and take off with her.”
technically, he didn’t let her out for her either, he let her out for himself— make his life a little less lonely until he could get grace back. maddox might also be around, but considering he killed his wife, maddox is as good as dead to him now.. yet here he is, berating his living half brother. over the same exact thing he’d encouraged reve to do oh so many years ago. his head wasn’t entirely stitched back on correctly, perhaps.
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jefferson grits his teeth, taking a breath— he nearly forgot himself— the fact he could, arguably, be imprisoned. but then regina would ensure he’d get out, if for no other reason than to spite him. giving her any sort of pleasure makes his skin crawl, like the roaches that make up her personality were about to try and devour him next.
“she might enjoy attention, even thrive in it.. but the only attention she needs is mine.” something he should be aware he’s not been giving her enough of— making her center her antics around his schedule, which in turn, is grace’s schedule. one regina ensured he wasn’t meant to have any part in. watching his daughter day in and day out, save for the few moments he doesn’t get a chance to see her anymore, and even then he watches her things: her bike when she decides to ride to school instead, her toys outside when she’s at home. his mental state easily fractured at the slightest sign she has any trouble— as far as this town cares, he’s not grace’s father anymore. her name isn’t even grace anymore, and he wants nothing more than to have his daughter back.. to have his family back.
maybe some part of him is even aware that cassandra isn’t sure she fits in that fantasy. that she doesn’t think he includes her in his perfect little family. that she believes he’d rather send her back to wonderland, or even to jack, if it meant he’d get alice back. maybe he knows deep down how much she’s afraid.. if he’d even once bother to ask her. “i’d prefer it if you stopped trying to give her more. it’ll get in her head.”
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    What the fuck?
    Was this guy insane? Instinctively, the blond flinched back— barely enough to notice— with a startled look to him that he quickly masked with near disgust. A trick he’d learned a while ago. Besides, it was a lot easier to do when genuine confusion filled his head from the words that left this lunatic’s mouth. Aegon? Who the fuck was that? Clearly wasn’t him, since he said his name with a familiar vitriol, and Stephen had never seen this man in his life. So getting out of this one would be a breeze. He might even have been able to think they weren’t even talking about the same woman, if it hadn’t been for that very specific little accessory that occupied the table with them. And the mention of the asylum. She had mentioned that, but Stephen didn’t really want to press the matter at the time. It wasn’t exactly the best topic for dirty talk, or pillow talk for that matter. 
    Seems she got around a lot. At least, between three guys. Himself, this Aegon fellow, and whoever the fuck this guy in front of him was. Ascot was his name in Stephen’s mind.
    Middle finger tapped against the glass of the bottle as he thought of how to respond. Playing dumb was the best option, since Ascot here was definitely not talking about him. Outright denial was also an option, which is what he usually did in this sort of situation. It rarely worked, or it would more often than not lead to one good bar fight. But... This guy looked so easy to piss off. Probably funny, too.
    “ I didn’t give her anything she didn’t beg me for,” came his nonchalant response, his go-to line when he actually owned up to his actions, violet eyes roaming elsewhere when he addressed the man. “Clearly, you haven’t been giving your cat enough attention if she’s looking for it elsewhere. Hmm. Maybe she needs a new owner.” He added with an amused grin, causing the mouth of the bottle to tap against his teeth as he brought it to his mouth again. 
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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Aegon had picked her up from the library at their mother’s behest, but instead of taking her home, he had persuaded Helaena to attend a house party with him, knowing she would not drink and could drive him home. It often fascinated her to go to those parties and she rarely objected, because it made her feel better knowing that Aegon, or Aemond upon occasion, would get home safely because of her. The atmosphere was not necessarily something she enjoyed, given it most often entailed crowded rooms, loud noises and handsy men that did not understand boundaries anymore, but sometimes Helaena was so desperate to fit in and experience life as everyone else did, that she tried to push past her own defences.
Her therapist often said that it was important for her to leave her comfort zone, but she once again questioned that statement, when she was backed into a corner by a very drunk college football player, who wanted to elaborately tell her that the blue of her eyes was almost purple and damn, she was hot. Both things Helaena cared very little about, but no matter how she tried to evade him, he caught her by the wrist and tried to kiss her. Also something she did not care about under any circumstances, so she ended up pushing him away, but remaining in the corner, because it seemed to be somewhat safe.
Helaena’s nerves were shot, however. The room was suddenly too hot and stuffy, the music too loud, the lights too flashy and where was Aegon? Off with some girl, she was sure. He always just took her to these events and then abandoned her somewhere, yet managed to show up every time she needed him anyways. She was not sure how he knew she was in distress, but he did. Every time. Her nails absentmindedly dug into the skin of her forearm, trying to alleviate some of the tension and anxiety, while she tried to keep her breathing easy. The bass was vibrating in her very bones and she wanted to scream. Then suddenly Aegon’s voice was close to her ear and Helaena snapped back into reality.
Naturally, he was neither very caring, nor very pleased with her and it made his younger sister feel bad. Now she had ruined another party for him and he would be cross with her. “I’m sorry, I really tried”, she said softly and miserably, though she wasn’t sure if he heard. They began moving and Helaena used him as a shield whenever there was a crowd, hiding behind him so no one touched her again. Out in the cold night air, she felt a little better. The music was only booming in the distance and she was alone with someone she trusted. It didn’t change that her whole body was still trembling and she had scratched herself bloody in several places, but out here she could focus enough to calm herself down eventually. “I’m sorry”, she apologized again, searching for her brother’s hand.
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    Aegon had hardly even drunk enough, he noted as he led them out of the thumping building, but still making sure to swiftly nicked three drinks of some sort on the way. Two bottles, one open cup. The cup definitely contained liquor, which he was more than satisfied to down quickly by the time they had just exited the door and made their way down the steps into the cool night. Cup thrown to the side without much thought. 
   When he looked down at the two bottles he grabbed— some weak excuse for a wine cooler— he rolled his eyes, less enthused. Head turned to make sure his sister was still behind him, and upon confirming, he wordlessly held out a bottle for her to take. Did she even drink anything? Surely not, but she looked like she was about to start having a mental breakdown that he really did not want to deal with, so he hoped she would just take it. 
   It wasn’t long before he heard the timid little words leaving her mouth, words she said so often. Part of him was glad to hear it. Glad that she was more than well aware that she consistently ruined his plans and distractions. Glad that she probably felt guilt eating at her like a rat. But the other part of him had not drank enough to ignore the rat eating at himself. The other part caused him to let out a dramatic, audible sigh, the cloud of his breath mixing with the cold air making him wish he had a cigarette, too. 
   Gods, he really was too sober for this.
   “ Y’know, usually, when people apologize for something, it means they’re not going to do it again.” He repeated these words he had heard a thousand times, from his mother, from his grandfather, from some teacher in primary school. They were bullshit to him, but they might have stung Helaena more. Still, even with his biting words, he reached his hand out for her to take. He was a prick, but he wasn’t evil enough to deny his sister physical reassurance, something she hated, when she sought it out. Whatever happened, it obviously upset her more than usual. “What was it this time?” Aegon asked, his tone filled with a common mocking amusement. “Someone crush a bug?”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
* [  DIALOGUE PROMPTS  ] :  feelings are complicated. 
below, i’ve compiled a list of [ 50 ] dialogue prompts for your writing and roleplaying needs, all about denying those feelings. inspired by songs, tv series/film, and my daily daydreaming. some of these work as an almost accidental declaration of love, coming to terms with your emotions, or digging yourself deeper into that denial. there are prompts for your ship or a third-party looking in on their mess.
[  ONE  ] :  “ have you heard about how i’m supposedly in love with you ? ”
[  TWO  ] :  “ i never said i was in love with you. ”
[  THREE  ] : “ i hate you. ”
[  FOUR  ] :  “ if somebody i was still in love with was getting serious with somebody else i’d be pretty upset too. ”
[  FIVE  ] :  “ please, i would rather swallow shards of glass than ever date you. ”
[  SIX  ] :  “ being physically attracted to you doesn’t mean i’m in love with you. ”
[  SEVEN  ] :  “ being in love with you doesn’t mean i want to be with you. ”
[  EIGHT  ] :  “ nothing is ever going to happen between us. ”
[  NINE  ] :  “ i don’t feel that way about you anymore. ”
[  TEN  ] :  “ you’re over me ? when.. when were you under me ? ”
[  ELEVEN  ] :  “ deny it all you want but i know you love me. ”
[  TWELVE  ] :  “ it doesn’t have to mean anything. ”
[  THIRTEEN  ] :  “ so denial isn’t just a river in egypt. ”
[  FOURTEEN  ] :  “ how do you really feel ? ”
[  FIFTEEN  ] :  “ just be honest for once in your life. ”
[  SIXTEEN  ] :  “ admitting your feelings isn’t going to kill you. ”
[  SEVENTEEN  ] :  “ you’re so in denial, even you don’t know how you really feel. ”
[  EIGHTEEN  ] :  “ i don’t believe you. ”
[  NINETEEN  ] :  “ does me dating them bother you ? ”
[  TWENTY  ] : “ there’s nothing else to talk about. ”
[  TWENY-ONE  ] :  “ we could y’know… it doesn’t have to change anything. ”
[  TWENTY-TWO  ] : “ ‘no homo’ is really starting to sound like homo, bro. ”
[  TWENTY-THREE  ] :  “ everyone else can see it but you. ”
[  TWENTY-FOUR  ] :  “ i might be in love with you. ”
[  TWENTY-FIVE  ] :  “ i only said all those things because i felt sorry for you. ”
[  TWENTY-SIX  ] :  “ do you really hate me that much ? ”
[  TWENY-SEVEN  ] :  “ you’ve been avoiding me and i don’t know why. ”
[  TWENTY-EIGHT  ] :  “ oh, i know you don’t like me. it’s because i know you love me. ”
[  TWENTY-NINE  ] :  “ i thought you knew ! ”
[ THIRTY  ] :  “ you can’t act this way every time i fuck somebody that isn’t you ! ”
[  THIRTY-ONE  ] :  “ does everybody know that i’m in love with them except for me ? ”
[  THIRTY-TWO  ] : “ i don’t want anybody else touching you like i do. ”
[  THIRTY-THREE  ] :  “ clearly i still have feelings for them but feelings don’t have to mean love. ”
[  THIRTY-FOUR  ] :  “ yeah, so ? you had feelings for me first ! ”
[  THIRTY-FIVE  ] :  “ we could kiss ? nobody needs to know. ”
[  THIRTY-SIX  ] :  “ even if i did have feelings for you, what would it matter? you don’t feel the same way about me. ”
[  THIRTY-SEVEN  ] :  “ does this mean something ? ”
[  THIRTY-EIGHT  ] :  “ this can mean something… if you want it to ? ”
[  THIRTY-NINE  ] :  “ i wish i never met you. ”
[  FORTY  ] :  “ you can’t be angry with them for moving on. ”
[  FORTY-ONE ] :  “ i don’t trust that you won’t break my heart. ”
[  FORTY-TWO  ] :  “ you don’t get to pick and choose who i date unless you want to volunteer yourself ! ”
[  FORTY-THREE  ] :  “ we shouldn’t do that again. ”
[  FORTY-FOUR  ] :  “ i don’t know what about this scares you so much. ”
[  FORTY-FIVE  ] :  “ you never know what might happen if you put yourself out there. ”
[  FORTY-SIX  ] :  “ i never said i hated you. ”
[  FORTY-SEVEN  ] :  “ don’t you find it suspicious that you can’t talk about how you really feel about me/them? ”
[  FORTY-EIGHT  ] :  “ i should have never kissed you. ” 
[  FORTY-NINE  ] :  “ I don’t want to be your friend. ”
[  FIFTY  ] :  “ i think you think about me sometimes. ”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
  Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat Quotes Starter Sentences, all taken from this video! Change pronouns any whatnot as necessary! Mix and match, add some together, take parts out, whatever gives you the meme you wanna give.
“About time too, ____. “
“Purrrfect. “
“ When you’re not on edge, you’re taking up too much space. “
“ But you know I can be. “
“ Abandon that hope. “
“A new law reigns in this Wonderland. “
“It’s very rough justice all around. “
“We’re at risk here.”
“ You be on your guard.”
“The vorpal blade is swift and keen and always ready for service.”
“Really? That’s a pity, one’s certainly looking for you. “
“Though lacking a bathing costume, a plunge in that pool is in order.”
“Almost. But the upside is, while smaller, you can see things that are nearly invisible to your bigger self.”
“*Sneeze* there’s a distinct scent of pepper in the wind.”
“The Duchess must be nearby.”
“Memories define our lives, and they renew us.” 
“Collect them, nurture them. “
“An experience forgotten, never was.”
“Memory is the warden of your brain, ____. It’s currently underworked.”
“Treat your memories as you might a simple child. Indulge them.”
“Look this way. I mean at me, not like me. “
“I do.”
“At least I mean what I say.”
“You might try it occasionally.” 
“Despicable? They’re horrible, and dangerous.”
“We’ll be bizzled and bumbwashed if you don’t get off your backside.”
“You remember your vorpal blade, I trust.”
“Effective in defense, and lethal when properly deployed.”
“It’s only suited for fighting up close.”
“Are you feigning ineptitude or is your mind in a muddle?”
“You’ll need to expose yourself to this menace up close and personal.”
“Deal death face to face as it were.”
“And make it snappy.”
“To engage an enemy effectively, first engage your attack.”
“High marks for aptitude. “
“Now it’s time to put your blade to work.”
“Nowhere to run or hide, ____.”
“This foe must be faced and vanquished now.”
“Some obstacles are overcome with the mind. Some with our heart.”
“ Well, yours, actually.”
“These enemies pay twice for their own destruction. Don’t ignore what they leave behind.”
“Appearances, as you know better than most, can be deceiving.”
“Much has changed since your last visit.” 
“Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly means ‘not the same’.”
“Find the Hatter, ____. He knows more about different than you.”
“Making friends, ___?”
“You’re as randomly lethal and entirely confused as you ever were.”
“Predictably rash. It’s not a question of ‘if’, ___. It’s ‘when’.”
“Now hold no, and as they say, shut up.”
“Please, you’re more than clever.”
“Steam provides locomotion.”
“See the breeze? Ride the wind.”
“Like so much in life, keeping your knickers dry depends on timing.”
“The spouts the goal, you’ll get there in stages.”
“There’s no time for tea.”
“Steady now, gather your nerve.”
“Jump to the first vent, then the next, and ride the currents up.”
“He’s obsessed with time. Find him, or your own time may be short.”
“The dimensions of this desolate track are unknown to all but the inhabitants.”
“Switch the switch to migrate from moter to cool. ” 
“Flip the switch.”
“Flip the lever to cool the metal.”
“What lies beneath this patina of civility?”
“ Something wicked I’ll wager.”
“Prudent exit is no less so for being hasty.”
“Seeking refuge from the wicked world? Perhaps things only look like they’ve gone to hell.”
“This unmitigated disaster is your doing and it will get worse.”
“Your train keeps a hellish schedule.” 
“Get moving. Time waits for no one.”
“The change has begun.”
“Even less. And if fear paralyzes you, we are lost.”
“The sight, the stink, the sinister sound.” 
“What have you imagined?”
“Spawn of satan? Fate? Some malicious Olympian?”
“Postpone your query, actions are required before we can advance. Or die, I suppose.”
“This generator of disaster must be eliminated.”
“All the great lizards or history and mythology are constructed in a similar way.”
“Dragons are not randomly segmented. “
“Line this firebreather up head to tail.”
“The author obliterated the distinction between poetry and pessimism.”
“She who saves a single soul saves the universe.”
“Remember, kill the story at its source.”
“Those letters aren’t letters, ____. Strike the tablets.”
“The ink wasps are spawning from the stone tablet, it needs to be destroyed.” 
“Those letters aren’t letters. Hit the tablet, ____, kill the story at its source.”
“Order in the court, all in order.”
“Follow orders.”
“Take an order, ___. “
“Without order, there is chaos.”
“As in military drill and the alphabet, the proper order is everything.”
“Punctuality is not only a virtue, it’s often a necessity, like here.” 
“Order is one thing, timing quite another.”
“Likewise, time.”
“Flip the switch the correct number of times, and eureka.”
“Right time, right place, joy and consonants.”
“Wrong time, place won’t matter, misery and dissonance.” 
“Music is more than a matter of playing the right notes.”
“The right bells must be struck at the right time.”
“It’s all a matter of tempo.”
“The grateful most often confirm benefit to the source of their gratitude.”
“Freedom is so precious to some that they pay for it with their lives.”
“Sent the captive ents free, they can help you up the tree.”
“Card before horse, never. Head before tail, always.”
“Well, almost always.”
“You imagined dragons but have you never seen a picture of one?”
“More sleep will not improve the appearance of this slothful amphibian.”
“Song rhymes with gong. Wonder what happens when you bang one.”
“Hit the gong to wake the frog.”
“Back to admire your handiwork?” 
“Returning to the scene of the crime.”
“Well, she was the face of evil in the heart of darkness.”
“She was completely deranged, you picked up her crown, but now you’ve put it down.”
“You must speak to her. What’s left of her, anyway.”
“The Queen’s guardian rarely leaves his filthy lair. But you’re special.”
“Familiarity has bred contempt. Proximity may breed violence.”
“Water and oil separate themselves. These fellows may require assistance.”
“Keep the rocks apart or there will be hell to pay.”
“Find the Queen, ignore her pledge to decapitate intruders only at your peril.”
“Look for the Queen, but remember, she also has eyes for you.”
“The guards lack imagination. Don’t play with them unless you’re ready to deal,
“To the royal guards we are all victims in waiting.”
“A case of chalk and cheese.”
“Not the happiest of bedfellows are they?”
“Those rooks must be kept apart and never the twain shall meet.”
“Opposites attract, but not these two.”
“You were once two bits of the same psyche. So where does that leave you?”
“Opinions vary. Still, to recover the past, to continue your search, you need to meet with her.”
“Remember to go back, go forward. That’s the rule.”
“Looks like a perfect fit, and I’m the perfect judge.” 
“Time to put your new noggin to good use.”
“Here’s a little something to keep your brain in order.”
“Riddle me this.”
“Here’s a tiny brain teaser for a tiny.. well, you.”
“I know your fondness for all manner of puzzles.”
“How is the Queen of Hearts like a typhoon?”
“What is yours, but others use it more than you do?”
“The more you have of it, the less you see.”
“What is it?”
“Kings cloak, priests cassock, lady’s wrap, judge’s robe, all hanged by me. Who am I?”
“What’s on four legs in early morning, two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?”
“What is born each night and dies each dawn?”
“What flickers red and warm like a flame, but is not fire?”
“I talk but I do not speak my mind. What am I?”
“What is so delicate that when you say its name, it’s broken.”
“What comes next in the sequence, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11“
“What always runs but never walks? Often murmurs, never talks? Has a bed but never sleeps. Has a mouth, but never eats. ”
“ I never was, and always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will.“
“At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?”
“The one who’s using it never knows that he’s using it, what is it?”
“If you break me I do not stop working, if you lose me, nothing will matter.”
“Feed me, I live. Give me a drink, and I die. What am I?”
“Excellent. You never cease to amaze.
“Purrrrfect. Got it in one.”
“Are you pretending to be dense?”
“Wrong, wrong, and wrong.”
“It appears my intelligence has limits.”
“You’ve exhausted the stores of my knowledge.”
“My mind is on holiday, perhaps it will meet up with yours.”
“I require a nap from time to time.”
“You talking to me?”
“My intelligence on this subject has been depleted.”
“Why ask me?”
“My ignorance is not criminal.”
“Stop looking for help and get moving.”
“How about a bit of self reliance?”
“No, ___, not now.”
“I can’t be bothered now.”
“Some challenges one must face on ones own.”
“You’ve heard of the phrase ‘cat nap.’ Hm?.”
“They say a cat has nine lives, ____ I hope you have as many.”
“I’m coming down from this catnip.”
“Pay attention, ___, I can’t be there for you all the time.”
“Always be on your guard.”
“Be careful.”
“Watch your step.”
“Take matters into your own hands.”
“I can’t pretend to know everything.”
“Hurry along.”
“Your nagging has grown tiresome.”
“Saving Wonderland means saving yourself.”
“Not just now dear.”
“I can’t know everything, pretend you’re an orphan. Oh, that was rude. You are.”
“I’ve heard self reliance is a virtue, now you’ve heard it.”
“Observe, learn, and react.”
“Experience teaches best, learn by doing, and similar cliches have merit. Take their advice.”
“If you’ve only wits, you have nothing. Wits are useless here, everything is downside up.”
“Forget reasons, they’re useless too.”
“In combat, truth first. If you’re not victorious, there may be time for lies later.”
“you’re sufficiently fortifide to kick some as-hhhhhhhehehehe, to boot these creatures nether regions. “
“Threat, promises, and good intentions don’t amount to action.”
“Every adventure requires a first step. Trite but true, even here.”
“When remarkable turns bizarre, reason turns rancid.”
“What is truly sort is most often found if it is findable.”
“Only a few find the way, some don’t recognize it when they do. Some don’t ever want to.”
“There’s an ugly name for those who always do things the hard way. “
“The uninformed must improve their deficit or die.”
“Only the foolish believe suffering is just wages for being different.”
“Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth.”
“Only the insane equate pain with success.”
“Let your need guide your behavior, suppress your instinct to lead.”
“Have you never heard of the punctuality of virtue?”
“The proper order of things is often a mystery to me, you too?”
“Steps to enlightenment brighten the way, but the steps are steep. Take them one at a time.”
“Every picture tells a story, sometimes we don’t like the ending, sometimes we don’t understand it.”
“The dim witted are not, necessarily ignorant.”
“Confront what frightens or offends you. Reckless or insulting talk should never go unchallenged.”
“Flattering words often incite their object to rash action, learn their true meaning.”
“Seek and you shall find, they say, but they don’t say what you’ll find.”
“Our reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes.” 
“Annihilate what threatens to destroy you?”
“Is our situation not dismal? Wonderland is so discombobulated.”
“Only collect what is useful to you. Reject only your ignorance and you may survive.”
“Whoever says too much of a good thing is not enough speaks the truth.”
“Whoever says too much of a good thing is bad tells a lie.”
“You must have missed something. “
“What is rubbish to one is salvation to another.”
“Ride the thermal drafts like a falcon.”
“Time to jump in time to jump through time. I’m dizzy.”
“What a racket. Reminds me of your piano lessons.”
“Plug that noisy orifice before we both go mad.”
“Confidence and rashness are sides of a single coin, please remember.”
“The size of a cockroach?”
“Take a ride down the slide.”
“Ah, ____. We can’t go home again. No surprise, really.”
“Only a very few find their way, and most of them don’t recognize it when they do.”
“Delusions do die hard.”
“Forgetting pain is convenient, remembering it… agonizing.”
“But recovering the truth is worth the suffering.” 
“And our Wonderland, though damaged, is safe in memory.” 
“For now.”
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usurperkiing · 1 year
you call it “stalker behavior”
i call it romantic.
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usurperkiing · 1 year
I'm not obsessed, I just get hard whenever she smiles at me.
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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[rhaegon gifset 5/5]
Hello my love Oh I mean my rival
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usurperkiing · 1 year
Alicent: One day, you'll be king.
8 years old Aegon, a visionary: Yes, I've been thinking about how to get rid of Laenor without being suspicious.
Alicent:... Excuse me?
Aegon: I already started planning mine and Rhaenyra’s wedding. I think golden is a good colour for the decoration, it'd match both Syrax and Sunfyre.
Alicent: Ae-
Aegon: Just to be sure, let's kill Harwin too.
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usurperkiing · 1 year
Otto:... and I even suggested marrying you to Rhaenyra to avoid-
Aegon: I could've married Rhaenyra?
Otto: The king immediately refused, I reckon he was even offended that I-
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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    Beams of lights of various colors from cheaply-made, electric " disco balls " spun to further illuminate the dim-lit room. Light bulbs of red and blue and the occasional flash of white light when someone would open the bathroom door made up the rest of the light. Music was loud enough to buzz through the floor, making the vibrations start at his feet all the way up to his chest. These speakers were large and surprisingly thankfully really decent in quality, especially in comparison to the lights and beer choices. Aegon did love being close to the speakers at parties. The possible very likely threat of tinnitus ( as his mother had been and would be so eager to remind him of later ) did nothing to deter him.
The only thing that was deterring him from enjoying himself-- and the very attractive woman he was so interested in dancing with and possibly sneaking off to the bathroom with later-- was his sister. It was as if he could sense when something was wrong with her, it was just whether or not he would care enough to do anything about it. Unfortunately for him, he did often care just enough to weave his way through drunk college kids to find Helaena. After all, it was him who had dragged her here because he didn't want to take her home and then come back. Pure laziness on his part. Now, like clockwork, it was time to suffer the consistent consequences of his actions.
With a sigh that morphed into a mildly frustrated groan, Aegon discovered that his spidey-sense was right.
He found her close to a corner near the kitchen, where the music was still loud but the lights were not nearly as irritating. Patrons seemed to pass the corner and his sister by without much thought, which he was actually rather grateful for. Fingernails scratched at reddening skin, and Aegon knew she wouldn't stop even if she broke skin. Touching Helaena in any capacity wouldn't do anything to help the situation, so he came close enough that she would hear him talk, but not close enough to allow any sort of physical contact.
" Have you considered drinking?" Came his sarcastic voice, but there was a very obvious tone of ' come on, let's go ' to it. A tone he had used all their lives, but more frequently than he would have liked now.
| @wcrriorhearts |
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usurperkiing · 1 year
Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of the Dragon
Wanda Maximoff - Marvel
Alice - Alice in Wonderland
Finnick Odair - The Hunger Games
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things 
Padme Amidala - Star Wars
Abe Sapien - Hellboy 
Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal
Pippin Took - LotR
Jinx - Arcane
Tagged by; @wcrriorhearts <3
Tagging; yOU. just tag me so i can see.
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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The Winter Prince, Elizabeth E. Wein
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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