orangeshinigami · 10 months
random starter for @mendinggashes bc ily
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"What were you thinking, why did you do that-- You could have gotten yourself KILLED." Ichigo wasn't happy at all about Cass putting herself in harm's way because of HIM. He never asked her to do something stupid like that, so why did she feel the need to do that, to take that blow for him-- & it wasn't like they were exactly friends either so WHY? He could not understand it.
"DON'T do that again, you idiot. I can fight my own fights."
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screwhope · 6 months
❤︎ , @mendinggashes
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❛ GRAHAM MENTIONED YOU NEEDED SOME HELP. ❜ what , exactly , emma was supposed to do for her was beyond emma's current comprehension. the sheriff had just sounded so ... desperate. ❛ something about clearing your name ? i assume it relates back to regina , right ? ❜ the mayor had a knack for blackmail &* frame jobs -- plenty of time for that , but none for doing her actual job. ❛ can you explain what's going on ? graham just sounded ... well. frazzled. ❜
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mechanicaldance · 5 months
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Emelie approached William from behind, finding him busy at work. Slender arms slung around his neck, her head resting against his. She didn’t move for a few moments then reached a hand out so he could see her sign.
<what are you working on?> She questioned. His work always like a mystery to her.
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impalakiing · 6 months
@mendinggashes | starter call.
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"Oh hey, it's you." Truth be told, he hadn't been expecting her to try & approach him again after what had happened last time they'd met-- His father hadn't been happy to know he'd been talking to someone who wasn't HUMAN & had tried to handle things his way... Which meant he'd attempted to shoot the girl, yep.
Dean couldn't judge John too hard for that anyways because if he had met Cass under different circumstances, if she had not saved his ass from getting kicked by demons that night, he would probably have ended up doing the same thing-- it was simply the way he'd been taught, the way he'd been raised. He was a HUNTER, he was supposed to kill anyone who wasn't human. Shoot first, ask later kinda thing.
But this girl, there was just something about her that kept pulling him in-- that had he disobeying his father's strict orders of staying away from her. That had surprised even himself because he didn't disobey his dad like that often-- or ever, frankly. But some of the words exchanged with Sam right before his brother's departure had left him wondering. Wondering if trusting their father blindly like he'd always done was really the RIGHT THING to do-- was John truly always right? Because it sure felt like he was completely WRONG sometimes.
"Glad to see you're... Well, ALIVE. Um, sorry about what happened the other day, my dad's been in a mood lately-- since Sammy, my younger brother, decided that being a hunter wasn't really his thing and he'd rather be a LAWYER instead. Dad didn't like that at all but-- " Dean shrugged, offered her a strained smile. "So yeah. He won't try to kill you again, at least not any time soon as he's out of town hunting some vampires-- He didn't let me tag along though and I'm bored and..." He paused, unsure how to proceed.
"There's this nice movie theater nearby, maybe... We could go check it out? I don't wanna just stay holed up in this godforsaken motel room until dad comes back-- It's totally not a DATE though so don't get any funny ideas. I don't do dates, definitely not."
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thiefscant · 7 months
@mendinggashes (cassie) — starter call / accepting!
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        “I don't have the time or patience for riddles. Speak plainly, or stand aside.”
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starsweepers · 10 months
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          “YOU’RE BEING A BIT OVERDRAMATIC, don’t you think?  and that says a lot coming from me of all monsters.”  face scrunched, glancing up from her phone.  cleo lowered the screen from where she had been using it as a mirror, attempting to fix some STRAY hairs gone haywire in the tug of a windy day.  gloomy, the air was thick with humidity… annoying for her style but still enticing an eagerness within her bones.  if it was going to storm, she wanted it to do so as soon as p o s s i b l e.  getting caught in the chaos would mean less irritation from her father after all.  she couldn’t control the weather.
       accidents happened…  even he had to fess up to such.  tucking the device away, she pulled her bag near to her.  “i didn’t even catch what has your fur ruffled.”
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hcze · 1 year
@mendinggashes liked le hearty!
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 ❛ Honestly, I thought this would be tastier since it looks this pretty. I'm disappointed... But do you want to try it? ❜ 
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sheldoney · 6 months
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"You claim to know how to play Halo 3 but I don't...think you do."
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acourtcfmuses · 6 months
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@mendinggashes | liked for Violet for Cassie
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"It's fine. I'm fine." She muttered as she felt a presence looming closer. She just needed a moment to catch her breath, to force aching muscles to unlock and she would be fine. Pain was a constant in her life, she could compartmentalise it. She'd have to rest soon to try get through the suspect concussion. The fact that an assassin have been sent after her in the form of a now dead first year.
She brought a hand to her throbbing knee. Dain's father was an outright asshole. "I just need a minute." Sending assassin through the Parapet wasn't uncommon, Brennan's book advised to always keep an eye out. Except this assassination was targeted to every single rider who was at Athebyne during War Games by some high up officials in the ranks.
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faultyconscience · 5 months
@mendinggashes said: “I really wouldn't do that, if I were you.” Cassie @ Emma
She's just about to touch a small stone...a regular one, she thinks. It looks pretty regular.
"Why?" She asks, looking back at the woman with a slight smile. "It it like a magic stone?"
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orangeshinigami · 10 months
@mendinggashes LIKED.
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Ichigo was INTRIGUED, to say the least-- the stranger's powers ( magic? He wasn't even sure what to call it ), were unlike anything he had seen before. She was obviously not a quincy, not a shinigami either, what the--
"Who are you? Or maybe I should ask WHAT are you?"
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heartsdefine · 8 months
@mendinggashes (cass) — starter call / accepting!
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        This is not a world she was ever meant to be a part of. Snow White knew this from the moment she awoke, and she knows it now as she treks through the woods with little knowledge of where she is headed. But she stops in her tracks when she sees it: A cat simply...sitting there, right in her path. “You are not exactly what you seem, I think,” she says, with preternatural conviction. “Do you know where I am?”
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lockedtowers · 5 months
mendinggashes > lockedtowers
guidelines updated a lot (carrd; shorter. pinned; much much shorter its a slither, but there's other info there.) thx.
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impalakiing · 6 months
"everyone i love ends up leaving me one way or another." - cassie
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Her words had a bigger IMPACT on him than she would ever know-- with the most important person in his life, his best friend, his brother having recently LEFT him-- the wound was still fresh, bleeding & hurting every day. But he didn't let it show, no. He couldn't let it show. Because he had been raised to be STRONG, a fighter.
( & a strong fighter did not talk about something as stupid as hurt feelings & they most certainly didn't CRY over it ).
" --Maybe they didn't DESERVE your love in the first place then." Dean shrugged, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "But you know what? Screw them. You can't let things like that get to you-- You just... Get up and keep going. No matter what."
That was what he'd been trying to do, at least.
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multi-royalty · 6 months
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@mendinggashes liked for a lyric starter from Caroline to Cassie.
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────── "she's got everything that I don't have , how could I ever compete with that?"
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usurperkiing · 1 year
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                                  ⪼ I Did Not Ask For This. ⪻
     ⪼indie rp sideblog for aegon ii targaryen from hbo’s house of the dragon series.      ⪼ highly affliated with @mendinggashes and @wcrriorhearts   ⪼follows back from congregaticn         ⪼18+ & mutuals only as mature, dark, and triggering themes will be present.
              ⪼ home. | ask. | meme tag. | google doc. | headcanons. ⪻
promo image made by my beloved @mendinggashes
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