ut-storyshift · 5 months
Here is the current permanent invite. It may be disabled due to raids or other bad actors, but will come up once the issue is cleared.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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storyshift by @ut-storyshift
canon write: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19019659/chapters/45169003
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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The difference between the old and new design looked like an evolutionary branch in a monster-breeding game, so I drew it.
Note: This is a fan creation and is not official.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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Storyshift paps <3
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
y’all if your blog looks anything like this:
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you really should change your icon, title, or ideally, both.
that is what bots look like! even if you have posts on your blog, it’s very hard to distinguish an actual user from a bot if your blog looks like one in the above photo.
i block bots and i really don’t wanna accidentally block an actual person, but if you follow me and you have a blog that looks like that, there’s a good chance that you’ll get blocked.
also another important note: don’t just change your description or header or blog colors. make sure you change the icon or blog title, cause when someone is looking at their follower list, this is all they see:
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we just see the icon and title, so it’s best to change those that way no one has to go through your blog to try and figure out if your a bot or not.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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Wanna help Inverted Fate Papyrus crush it in the AU Papyrus poll? Head on over here and vote! Let’s help our scientistic genius and puzzle master kick some butt! He’s lagging behind Outertale Papyrus right now, but I think if we give him our spirit bomb energy, he can rise up again.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
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night of coronation
storyshift by @ut-storyshift
canon write: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19019659/chapters/45169003
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
An anonymous source has come forward with a compilation of various actions done by a group that has been harassing me for years among various other toxic behaviors. I feel an obligation to make sure that these become public knowledge to alert the fandom of this disgusting behavior.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
Regarding the recent weapon ask, i have an idea.
Maybe a shovel..?
I'm not sure why that would be any more fitting for Mettacrit.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
Do you recall if you had any ideas in mind for each ‘Chara replacement’s’ signature weapon? As in like the weapon Frisk would have found in New Home in each Shift where the Worn Dagger/Real Knife used to be (i.e. I believe Mettacrit’s in the Preboot was a Prop Chainsaw)
It’s been in mind for a while. Not a solid replacement in mind, but the Prop Chainsaw doesn’t match Mettacrit’s backstory very well so that’s solidly dropped.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
A rather simple question, but what are your thoughts on the au underworld? If you know about it of course, underworld is a rather obscure au, being one of the oldest aus in the fandom so I don't blame you if you didn't even knew this au existed.
Admittedly I am not familiar with that AU. Didn’t come around on my dashboard before I got into Undertale AUs and focused on my own work. Looks like it came out a bit over a week before Storyshift was public, so that’s neat.
However it doesn’t seem like there’s much remaining besides the character designs. Very morbid designs at that but not sure how much variety could be done with each of them hitting a similar note, but I am going off very little admittedly.
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
Admittedly I am not as familiar with Kamen Rider as I should be, so I asked some friends about it.
And I’m really flattered, thank you!
YOU! yes YOU! I wanna say thank you for EVERYTHING you have done. Especially for inspiring me. Love your AU so much.
Here. A special song for you.
I hope you enjoy… Thank you so much for everything. You deserve every bit of love qwq
I think you sent this to the wrong blog, so lemme take it over there!
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
The "No Takes" Rule Is No More
This rule has been around for a long time now. It was one born of suicidal thoughts tied to the Preboot's result and how the fandom repeatedly tried to rewrite Storyshift's canon into something it never was or was going to be.
However. It's become clear to me over time that this rule has done more harm than good. More takes born of spite showed up or people becoming increasingly paranoid that they would be spammed with hate if it was found out. People that I may have become friends with turned away because of the rule. I ended up being spammed with people expecting me to be an attack dog to anyone that stepped out of line. A rule designed to distance myself from pain ended up not only causing more, but giving more grief to anyone tangentially connected to it. To anyone who was affected by this, I am deeply sorry. I wronged you in a misguided attempt to protect myself.
A proper way to enact the original intentions of the rule was not to punish anyone who slips out of line. Instead, I intend to leave those doing their own thing to do their own thing and to praise those that have a genuine interest in Storyshift beyond the surface level. I hope that fans of this AU will follow in the same footsteps.
The only thing I have to offer is to remind those making these works is to keep in mind Toby's guidelines on selling fanwork (if relevant) and to have fun!
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
Long time no see
Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve talked here. Far too long. In the past I have had a distaste for posts constantly apologizing for long waits between posts because it felt shallow compared to a substantive update. However there’s a limit to how long people should be expected to wait for any sort of input and I apologize for such. I will endeavor to be more punctual with any sort of updates in the future, real life or content, starting now.
So, what the hell have I been doing that hasn’t resulted in an update on Storyshift? Well in somewhat of no particular order, I got a job, caught a scorpion, quit the job, walked a few miles in 100+ weather, was on the receiving end of a harassments campaign, got a new job, tried dappling in other forms of art, quit that job due to poor management, started seeking medical treatment for long term stomach issues, got a new job while being the sole source of income in the household, got sent to the E.R. by an overzealous relative, started a new AU to get into drawing practice, got fired from that job because of time off going over what was allowed due to illness, starting seeking professional therapy for the first time in my life, and learned how to make the perfect soft boiled egg.
Basically a lot which hasn’t really lead to progress which sucks for everyone here. I vow to be more regular with updates, give progress reports if content isn’t able to come out as regularly as I would like, and be more active on the various forms of social media (namely the Storyshift subreddit, the Storyshift tumblr, and the ask blog).
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ut-storyshift · 2 years
Long time no see
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've talked here. Far too long. In the past I have had a distaste for posts constantly apologizing for long waits between posts because it felt shallow compared to a substantive update. However there's a limit to how long people should be expected to wait for any sort of input and I apologize for such. I will endeavor to be more punctual with any sort of updates in the future, real life or content, starting now.
So, what the hell have I been doing that hasn't resulted in an update on Storyshift? Well in somewhat of no particular order, I got a job, caught a scorpion, quit the job, walked a few miles in 100+ weather, was on the receiving end of a harassments campaign, got a new job, tried dappling in other forms of art, quit that job due to poor management, started seeking medical treatment for long term stomach issues, got a new job while being the sole source of income in the household, got sent to the E.R. by an overzealous relative, started a new AU to get into drawing practice, got fired from that job because of time off going over what was allowed due to illness, starting seeking professional therapy for the first time in my life, and learned how to make the perfect soft boiled egg.
Basically a lot which hasn't really lead to progress which sucks for everyone here. I vow to be more regular with updates, give progress reports if content isn't able to come out as regularly as I would like, and be more active on the various forms of social media (namely the Storyshift subreddit, the Storyshift tumblr, and the ask blog).
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