A/N: This is a gift for @cross-academy-angel​, Matchups are not open so please do not send any. I’m only accepting HC’s or prompt requests at the moment. Hope this matchup fits you better. Please Enjoy! 
I ship you with Tokiya Ichinose!
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How you met: This is honestly a match made in Heaven. You may be surprised by this match, but please bear with me. You both have many common features such as being slightly introverted and enjoying taking things slow to appreciate the beauty in nature. It is possible you both met in some classes but never spoke until it was necessary - perhaps for an assignment or sitting next to each other. Tokiya is devastatingly stoic and stiff with his introductions, but that did not deter you from pursuing a simple friendship with the mysterious man. 
How you got together: The fact you befriended such an intimidating and standoffish character is a blessing and an accomplishment. Tokiya chooses who he hangs out with carefully, so you being within his close knit group of people in his life is nothing to scoff at. Tokiya is also not the type to fall in love with strangers, but instead will have a slow-burn type of romance. Only when you both have established a strong bond does the idol begin to think of you in a different light. Eventually, he will want to take you on a date once he deems the time is right. This may take a long time to build up, but it is worth it in the end. 
Your first kiss: As you could imagine, Tokiya does not have too much experience with relationships but he does know how to initiate a kiss. It is likely to happen on one of your dates. Tokiya, being a very practical man, would choose a nice coffee date and a walk around the city. Perhaps there is some downtown shows premiering or an amusement park nearby he may take you to. Tokiya is sure to make you comfortable with his touches, testing out the water if you will. Once he deems that you are completely comfortable with his slight affection he will will take you somewhere private. Once he has you where no wandering eyes can peer, he will hold your face in his hands and place a gentle kiss on your lips - nothing too eager or too soft, just enough to feel a spark and have your body buzzing with excitement. 
First “I love you”: It is likely that you would be the one to initiate this first milestone in your relationship. Tokiya takes all his relationships seriously, meaning that if he did not see something serious happening between you he would not have initiated a relationship in the first place. However, he is all about making you comfortable and never pressuring you into doing things. Tokiya is the type to say “I love you” through his actions, such as always reminding you to bring your lunch to work/class, holding your hand tightly in social situations he deem may be overwhelming for you, and making sure you are always feeling happy or comfortable. The confession is likely to happen when you both are in the comfort of each other in complete silence, perhaps it is lightly snowing outside and you are reading a novel to pass the time - curled into each other. Once you make your confession, Tokiya may be silent at first but you can make out his reaction by his eyes slightly widening and losing his track in the book. He would hold your hand and give it two light squeezes before bring it up to his lips, as his own way of returning the sentiment. 
Other potential matches:
Ren Jinguji
Eiji Otori
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reminder that at this moment my heart broke for our sun child
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HEAVENS with a S/O whom is a couch potato (y’know- sweatpants and a hoodie, fuzzy socks, sleeping loads, C H O C O L A T E, doesn’t do much with her appearance, doesn’t like to go outside and doesn’t unless she ran out of chocolate, then she’s going to a corner shop to purchase that brown goodness). Then, one night, S/O and her partner are invited to a fancy party- so he comes down looking swanky and she emerges like a GODDESS (styled hair, nice dress, makeup) and is like “let’s go”-Amy
HEAVENS reaction to their couch potato S/O dressing up for date night:
Yamato Hyuga
This boy is used to coming home drenched in sweat after a long work out to be greeted with a lazy and messy S/O. They would have a makeshift nest in the bedroom with all the snacks in a pile, dark circles under the eyes, and blanket draped over themselves as they binge watch an entire Netflix series. Perfect, exactly where he left them this morning. 
Yamato may seem like a freakish health nut, and he is, but he never forces exercise on his S/O - mainly because they would complain the entire time. He thinks it is kind of adorable how they get so immersed into a Netflix series or surfing on the internet for hours. However, he will draw a line if they begin to miss meals and completely ignore his presence. 
Date nights usually are planned on his gym cheat days - meaning lots and lots of carbs with junk food. He appreciates a nice binge every now and again. His favorite date nights are when he and his S/O go out to pick out a movie together and buy snacks, then come home and completely immerse themselves into each other. That is usually the only time where you will see Yamato show his softer side towards his partner. 
However, there will be a time when his S/O is invited to an important charity event that HEAVENS will attend. He is not worried about how they would dress, simply because he loves them no matter what they wore. However, when they did their big reveal out of the bedroom, Yamato was speechless. Sure, they would have looked hot with just a potato sack on, but something about seeing them dressed up formally just gives him something entirely new to appreciate about them. Expect plenty of compliments and showing off during the entire event.
Eichi Otori
A literal workaholic that seems to have never rested in their entire lives. Eichi honestly does not understand people who are very relaxed and prefer to stay home as opposed to working. However, having this type of S/O may be good for him! Having a partner who enjoys staying home in a comfy pair of fuzzy socks while eating sweets could be just the person to convince this young-old man to finally take a break. 
It is possible Eichi may melt into his S/O’s soft pleas for just a few minutes of cuddling, which may lead to hours - then whoops, an entire day is gone and Eichi is sleeping peacefully. You may even get Eichi addicted to some of your favorite shows if they are not overly ridiculous. However, similar to Yamato, Eichi will take on the roll of caregiver if he sees his S/O begin to neglect their daily obligations or life being strained by their habit. 
Date nights are far and few between, as you may expect. The poor boy is carrying a lot on his shoulders and may not have time to spend quality time with his love, however he does make up for it through specially planned dates or signs of affection. Dates are extravagant with Eichi, starting from the moment you wake up with a bedside note with breakfast to spending the entire day together that eventually ends with you both in each others arms in deep affections. 
Being the leader of HEAVENS, Eichi has certain expectations upon him and as his partner - so do they. He won’t nag them or micromanage what they wear to formal events, but Eichi will remind them of the type of event they are attending. However, all of his worries simply melt away at the first glance of his S/O walking towards him. He swears he has never believed in Goddesses before until now. Eichi would not bother to hide his wide smile and glint in his eyes, opting to hold their hand and place a gentle kiss on their knuckles before escorting them inside the doors. Expect plenty of bragging and compliments from him, he can’t help it! 
Van Kiryuin
Ms. Potato, please meet Mr. Potato. The boy may look high maintenance due to his amazing hair and style, but he is still a guy - and sloppy one at that. Only HEAVENS know the true side of Van, that he has a very messy room and loves to laze around instead of working. So of course having a similar partner is ideal for him and further enhances his habits. 
Van is simply smitten with his S/O in the first place, so a bare face and a few food stains on their clothes does not deter him away. If his S/O happens to be too shy to go to the corner store to restock on snacks, he is your boy! He would buy an entire shelf of chocolate if he just got a smile from you (or a kiss...he isn’t picky). Also, PLEASE wear one of his hoodies. He would literally die if he got to see his partner wearing one of his hoodies, especially if they were a smol S/O and have sleeve paws. 
Date nights are rare in your relationship, simply because Van is a busy guy and he also wants each to be special. However, he does make it a rule to do something together each Friday night. These nights usually consist of renting movies, going to a drive-in movie (While sneaking in snacks, of course), or perhaps just driving around in his car. 
Formal dinner parties are part of the glam when you are living the Idol life, so Van knows the drill when he has to make a good impression for the media and potential record label owners. When these events arise, he may be hesitant to invite his S/O simply because he knows they prefer to be comfortable in their own way and rather stay home. However, on the chance his S/O surprises him with a beautiful ballgown with makeup fully glammed up - Van is flustered. Who are you, and what did you do to his girl? While he loves that they put in the effort, he will make sure to keep an eye on them incase they get tired of walking in heels or the atmosphere gets too much. While Van loves to see his S/O dressed up, he can’t wait to get them undressed to see their true selves! 
Eiji Otori
Absolutely loves his little couch potato. Eiji loves nothing more than to come home after a long day of work to find his darling wrapped in a burrito blanket on the couch. Often he find them watching their favorite show without him - even if they agreed to watch those episodes together. 
He thinks that they are absolutely beautiful they way they are, no matter how many food crumbs are on their shirt or hair is knotted up in a bun - they are a vision of beauty to him. Eiji is also a huge softy, so it is not uncommon for his darling to coerce him to partake in lazy food fests.
When date night comes up he always takes in their comfort into account. He knows they are not one to dress up often - so he will opt to take them somewhere casual. However, what he did not know was his darling was planning to surprise him with a fancy dinner and romantic night out.
Hours of styling their hair and picking out the best fitting attire becomes minimal by the sheer reaction of the idol when he sees his normal potato turn into a beautiful flower. Seriously, who is this person in his home? Eiji is so shook and honestly cannot wipe the smile from his face! Although he loves his partner no matter what state, something about seeing them dressed up and clear eyed makes him wonder how they look on a special wedding day, hopefully in the future - if that date night goes well.
Shion Amakusa
This boy is probably a couch potato, too. He prefers the comforts of home and away from the overbearing crowds that come with being an idol. To have a lazy, cuddly S/O makes him feel at home and he enjoys their comfort in each other. If you are not careful, he will enhance his habits of not picking up for himself or postponing his work to the point of his own S/O nagging him. Shion honestly would use his partner as an excuse to stay home from practice or interviews because he is just too comfortable to leave their side. Please, someone give this boy structure in his life. 
If their shared home runs out of food, then it would probably be the responsibility of his S/O to run to the corner store for a quick snack. Usually Shion is good with keeping up with your stockpile of junk food goodies, but there are times his S/O catches him in the kitchen in the middle of the night snacking. Shion is a huge midnight snacker and will happily binge that chocolate cake you were saving in the fridge for later. 
Date nights consist of quite walks around the block and perhaps a nice visit in a secluded cafe that no one really goes to. Shion cherishes his privacy and does not want to involve his S/O in his public life - therefore he will choose simpler date nights. Although they may not be exciting, you can tell by the way Shion acts that he enjoys his alone time with his partner. When Shion goes on tour, dates are far and few between, so expect a lot of nights where it is just him and his partner comfortably embracing each other on the couch with a movie. 
Every once in awhile Shion may be forced to attend a formal gathering, so it is without question his S/O would also be invited and perhaps expected to be his date. During these times Shion will emphasize that they should just wear what makes them comfortable, they could wear sweatpants for all he cares. However, the moment he sees his lovely partner walking towards him in their beautiful dress and hair neatly fixed - the boy is smitten. He will slightly stumble on his words while trying to compliment them, he is just so shook. He may even feel a bit insecure next to his S/O because they are just so beautiful in his eyes, so expect an arm wrapped around their waist the whole night. 
Nagi Mikado
Honestly, the only one in HEAVENS that may have a problem with having a potato as a S/O. Nagi prides himself in being pristine, cute, and overall well put-together. While he adores his S/O, he can also be overbearing and may nag as his S/O to try and put an effort in their appearance. It is possible that this may lead to arguments in the relationship, however once time goes on Nagi may begin to embrace the potato side of his S/O. 
His S/O may have an influence on his diet, especially if they eat sweets. Nagi has a sweet tooth and may allow himself to indulge in a binge or two while spending time with his partner. He sees no harm in spending time with them and snacking on their favorite foods, just as long as they are together! Nagi is also a fan of wearing comfortable clothes, but they must be tasteful. You will often find S/O stealing his partners sweatshirts or fuzzy socks because, “they are much cuter than his”. 
When date nights come around Nagi would usually take the more comfortable route just because he is used to living on the road with HEAVENS and honestly nothing can beat spending quality time at home with his partner. However, he will often wonder what his partner may look like dressed up for a special dinner date or photoshoot together.
When Nagi sees his S/O dressed up for the first time in full glam, the boy is simply star struck! Please, someone check up on him. He cannot breathe and he is beginning to stutter at every word, no one has ever gotten the better of Nagi like this before. He cannot help but to survey his S/O and make them twirl around so he can get a better look. Expect plenty of comments and bragging on his part during your date - He cannot stop gushing about having the cutest partner out of HEAVENS and he will literally talk every mans ear off until they get the picture that they are his. 
Kira Sumeragi
Although Kira would not necessarily call himself lazy, he does have his flaws where he would procrastinate or completely avoid doing a task all day. Having a couch potato for a partner will only enhance his bad habits. Sure, he needs to be getting ready to practice with HEAVENS or go to an interview for TV - but doesn’t just laying here on the couch together feel nice? He loves to just put on cozy clothes and have his S/O lay their head in his lap while they immerse themselves in TV or afternoon naps
Rainy days are the worst, because Kira will simply fall into the trap of his S/O’s big puppy eyes and he will join them for a movie marathon or search the internet together. He will even order pizza if they do not feel like cooking, which is most likely. Kira also has no problems with going out to restock their snack stash in exchange for more lazy time together.
Date nights usually consist of going to a local park and eating out or perhaps seeing a movie - nothing really fancy or worth dressing up for. Kira knows that his S/O is more comfortable wearing just pants and a T-Shirt, which he is completely fine with. However, he does something wonder what they would look like if they perhaps dressed up a bit.
Once a special event arises that requires Kira to wear a suit, he is almost giddy with the thought of his partner dressing up as well. Once they are getting ready and reveal themselves, he is breathless. Their skin is clearer, eyes are bright with long lashes fluttering and their figure is decorated with a beautiful formal outfit. This is usually one of the rare moments that Kira will actually express himself and verbally compliment his S/O, almost to the point of worship. All through the night he doesn’t hide that small smirk tugging the corners of his lips as he watches people do a double take on his beautiful partner. 
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hey! i've been going through a hard time right now, but i am feeling a lot better. may i request quartet night reacting to their s/o's self marks and/or scars? sorry for the angst, and i know you do three characters at a time. i love qn so much, so it'll be awesome if you write hcs for all of them, but if you can't, please just choose three random ones. i'm sorry if these message was rude at all. thank youuuu!
Quartet Night reacting to their S/O’s scars: 
Reiji Kotobuki
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Reiji did not mean to walk in on you, it was just an accident. He had gotten so excited over a video on his phone that he immediately wanted to show it to you that he completely forgot to knock on the bedroom door. When the idol barged through the door, he was met with the sight of his partner changing their clothes. Although Reiji may have seen their body before, it did not prepare him to see the fresh angry red self-harm scars decorating their thighs. It shocked the energetic man completely and stunned him to a halt, completely forgetting about the reason he came in the first place. Reiji’s initial reaction is a numbing shock. How long had they been suffering? Why had he not paid enough attention in the first place? It is going to be awhile before Reiji will confront his S/O, wanting to process the situation. He wants to rationalize this in any way he could, maybe find a plausible reason for this to happen. In the end, Reiji is a broken man. He feels like he has failed his partner and will do everything he can to fix it. He will do everything he can to make it right by confronting them in a non-judgmental atmosphere and hopefully work with his partner so they can open up to him. Overall, Reiji has been shook to his core and will be paying more attention to the mental and physical state of his partner - wanting them to know he loves them. 
Ranmaru Kurosaki
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It may not seem like it, but Ranmaru is a very observant person - especially of the people he holds close to him. He would notice the way his S/O would often shut themselves in, covering certain parts of their body away from his view and even shy away from his touch. Initially he would take this with a pinch of salt by assuming it had to do with the first relationship jitters, however this would soon ferment into something deeper than what appeared on the surface. Being the type of person he is, Ranmaru is not the type to beat around the bush for long. He wants immediate answers, not wanting whatever underlying problem to become worse. Although he may appear to be brash on the outside, he takes all the necessary steps to approach his S/O to demand they tell him what is happening. Only when they reveal their insecurity over their stretch marks does it finally click in his mind. Of course, Ranmaru has experienced insecurities of his own, but never for scars to this extent. He is very careful to comfort his S/O and will do everything he can to comfort them. The idol does not like his partner feeling insecure, therefore he will do more things to bring up their self esteem. From beach dates and bath sessions together to clothes shopping, Ranmaru is always there to praise their body and genuinely show his love for them. 
Ai Mikaze
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Being an Android, not much gets by Ai. He is very observant and picks up on changes in the behavior patterns of his S/O. Ai always keeps a log of his S/O sleep patterns and behaviors just in case for situations such as these. The moment his partner begins to shut themselves in, he is already searching for possible causes. He will not approach his partner just yet, because he still wants to have all the facts before jumping to conclusions. However, when he notices his love staring at themselves in the mirror for too long or perhaps avoiding mirrors all together in the home - his interest is piqued. He may also notice bottles of expensive acne products on the shelves in the bathroom, something he knows for certain was not there previously. When they begin to wear more makeup, even to the point of wearing it to bed, Ai has already pieced together the clues and is planning to confront them. He is the most straight forward with his questioning and will ask them why they have suddenly changed their behavior so drastically. When his love confesses they are insecure about their acne-scars, his suspicions are finally confirmed. Although he has never experienced hormonal acne breakouts or skin imperfections, he can understand how insecure they may feel - especially in a society they live in. He suspects the sudden insecurity may be from the media pointing out their acne, since they are after all dating an idol. Ai will conduct a strict schedule for himself to stick to, one that revolves around his S/O. He will be sure to remind them daily of how beautiful they are to him and he will even plan special days for just them two, wanting to make sure his partner knows that they are beautiful regardless. 
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V for Cecil please!!
Cecil Aijima
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V- Wedding
From the way Cecil and his S/O act around each other, they are already married in the eye of the public. Their relationship is nothing short of sickeningly cute and romantic from how much Cecil adores his S/O. It is likely that Cecil would have wanted to propose to his partner for a very long time, however life and opportunity has not allowed it to happen. Cecil firmly believes in fate, therefore he navigates through his relationship solely on how he feels and the will of the Muses. It is not until he just takes a step back and watches his S/O, not doing anything special - until he realizes that this is the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Only then does he pray to the Muses and devises a plan.
If possible, Cecil would want to take them to his home country. He loves his country dearly, and wants to share this piece of his heart with his S/O. He will plan out everything, from the air flight to even staying with him in his lavish home. He will take the time to show them everything there is to see, even in some restricted areas that are only for the royal court. Cecil can almost see his life go by with his S/O, imagining walking by the shore in the sand as their children run by. He may be getting ahead of himself, but he truly does see this person as his soul mate. 
Cecil would most likely propose in the royal gardens or the site of ancient runes along the forest path. The ring has weighed down his pocket long enough until he cannot help but to spill his heart out to his S/O. It may be overwhelming from how heart felt and personal the confession is, but his partner must be used to his love confessions. Cecil would propose with a beautiful ring, most likely an heir loom, and hopefully seal the deal with  a kiss. When his S/O agrees to marry him, he cannot help but to sing out and thank the muses for blessing him with his soon to be betrothed. 
The wedding is lavish and ethereal. It would most likely take place in his home country, where he has the finest quality materials for decorations. These include exquisite fabrics hanging from the walls and exotic flowers framing the isle beautifully. The food would be from his culture, very hearty and intoxicating form the spices home grown. The scene would almost be something out of a fantasy book he once read. Cecil would make sure of that their favorite colors are incorporated in the color scheme, while also keeping the exotic charm of his culture - a symbol of their marriage and union of two different cultures coming together. 
The dress would, of course, be the center of attention of the ceremony. Cecil would love it if his S/O dressed in a taste that reflected both modern and cultural influences. It is ultimately up to the betrothed whatever style outfit they wear, Cecil would still find them beautiful no matter what. Cecil himself would wear something along the line of prince attire. A sash around his chest and gold jewelry around his neck along with other cultural valuables given from his family from previous generations.
It is extremely likely that Cecil would be emotional upon seeing his betrothed walk down the isle to meet him. It is very intimate and special for Cecil, along with his country, to welcome a new member into the royal family. Cecil would have his vows memorized by heart and soul from how many times he re-spoke them in private and before bed. Although some may the charm of the wedding may wear off if he mentions it too much, Cecil would become giddy and even more excited upon the words “I do”.
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Happy Birthday!! 😄🎉🎉🎉 Could you please please please do A for Otoya? (Or J if that one has already been done? Thank you!!!)
Otoya Ittoki
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A- Kissing
At the beginning of the relationship, Otoya was very shy and too flustered to even initiate the first kiss - it was up to his S/O to break the ice! It happened on their third date when his S/O got impatient when Otoya was not giving any signs of interest or at the very least hold their hand.The kiss was soft and a little uncoordinated due to being a spur of the moment kind of deal, yet he still stood there dazed and blushing like a love sick puppy.
Palm kisses are frequent with Otoya! When his S/O is curled into his lap and their back against his chest, he will hold their hands up into his and kiss each palm gently. He loves to hold their palms into his face and rest his cheek on them as he peppers light kisses on them, then he will turn them over to kiss each knuckle on their hands. However, if his S/O calls him out on his sweet behavior he will hide in their hair in embarrassment.
This red head is always down for some lip locking! He may not seem like it, but the STARISH members are always catching Otoya locking lips with his S/O in private corners and empty hallways, the boy is not very good at hiding his affections! Getting over the puppy stage of the relationship, Otoya loves to share the intimate moments with his partner. He will pull them into a dark corner or private area in the garden where he will hold them close by the hips and smooch them. He can be a little handsy, not sure where to put them so he opts to either hold the face of his S/O or keep a hand on their neck to pull them deeper into the kiss. It is easy for things to progress, so heavy petting is often between these moments.
If Otoya had to pick a favorite place for his S/O to kiss him, he would say his back. Whenever the idol comes home from a long tour or busy day from practicing with STARISH, all he wants to do is bask in the affection of his S/O. If his partner was to text him to hint that he may get some extra lovin’, he is giddy the whole day and counts down the minutes until he is home. Often his partner may lay Otoya on his stomach as he relaxes, and that is when they will lift his shirt up and massage him slowly. The boy practically melts at the hands of his S/O, he could care less if the apocalypse is going on outside. Just as he is about to doze off, he feels the feather light pecks of his partners lips on his low back. It really excites him and Otoya gets goosebumps all over his body. Their kisses will travel up his spine, making sure to give some love to each vertebral bone. 
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Ren with E and N please for the prompt! Thank you so much! Your blog is one of my favorites~
Ren Jinguji 
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E- Domestic
On days when Ren does not have his schedule filled with press tours or appearing in commercials, you will find him in the kitchen. He loves to bustle around the kitchen with soft music in the background, it brings him into a zone that resembles peace. He is actually a great chef and loves to have his S/O there with him to be his official taste tester. 
It is canon that Ren is practically the most romantic member of STARISH. When he feels like his relationship is in a stand still or your lives are becoming too busy for each other, he is ready to spice up your love! Ren is an exceptional listener and observer, he will remember the exact words his S/O spoke when they talk about their favorite movie or how their eyes lingered too long on that particular outfit in the glass window downtown. Ren is here to serve, he will purchase that outfit they desperately wanted with the exact size and rent that movie they are obsessed with. And if they are feeling up to it, perhaps later that night dancing? Don’t worry, Ren will show you all the steps and the fun does not end after that either. 
Ren writes poetry! It may not surprise some people since Ren comes off as a passionate person, but often he likes to express his passions through writing inside a journal he keeps in his nightstand. These poems may range depending on how he is feeling - such as when he is reminiscing the past as a child with his mother or perhaps his love for his S/O.
N- Crying
Obviously Ren does not seem the type to cry or get emotional very easily, and you would be right. When he does cry it is very frustrating to him - his vision gets blurry from trying not to allow the tears fall down his cheeks and becomes red.He does not like to show a vulnerable side of him that may give off the idea that he is weak or too sensitive. His personality gives off a flirtatious smooth talker, a very easy-going guy. It would take a lot of emotional strain and pent up energy to get a tear drop from him.
However, one touchy subject always seems to tug at his heart strings and cause him to get emotional - the loss of his mother. Often listening to recorded tapes of her voice, he cannot help but to allow that cool boy facade crumble and show a deeply hurt young boy. Every once in a while it will always put him in a funk, but he knows that with the love and support of his S/O that he is safe to allow his bottled up emotions free.
If his S/O is the one that is crying, Ren is on the case. He always seems to know what to do or how to say things, most likely experience from flattering women. He shows a different side of him that is caring and concerned, only to his S/O. If they are stressed from school or work to the point of breaking down, Ren is always there to scoop them up into his arms and let them cry out whatever they need to feel better. Even when their eyes are swollen and cheeks red from crying, he still reassures them that they are the most beautiful person he has ever seen.
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Happy birthday! Can i request I (i) and O for tokiya? Thank you
Tokiya Ichinose 
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I- Arguments
Although Tokiya avoids arguments with his lover the best he can, he understands that it is healthy for couples to disagree with each other from time to time. Whenever he has an argument or disagreement with his lover, they are never serious and do not escalate to yelling - simply huffs and puffs from Tokiya and maybe a cold shoulder, whenever this happens they never last more than a day. He also always makes sure to tell his partner he loves them each night, wanting to remind them always.
However, when arguments do escalate to yelling - Tokiya does not have a good way of dealing with these. His pride results in him always having to have the last word, which often respark the argument into a viscous cycle. These types of arguments only occur perhaps once a year, at most. It usually ends with Tokiya sleeping on the couch or perhaps taking refuge at Otoya’s - he refuses to allow his partner sleep anywhere else except home, where he knows they are safe and sound. Although he dreads it, he will most likely be the one to apologize first. He does not like this drift between his relationship and is willing to throw in the towel just to make amends. He also is capable of apologizing when he knows he is wrong.
If it is partner who was in the wrong, it may make things more complicated. Like I said, Tokiya is very prideful. He becomes passive aggressive around his lover with snarky comments here and there. His S/O has a habit of using hand movements to get their points across while Tokiya has the habit of talking over his partner, adding to the toxic mix. However, his partner will eventually see things his way or they also would be the bigger person and apologize first. Sometimes these arguments are over how much time he spends away from their relationship or simple texts misunderstood, which those usually last only 10 minutes and end with both Tokiya and his S/O laughing about how silly they both are. 
O- Mornings
Tokiya has make it a habit to wake up early in the mornings, it is hardwired into his brain and he cannot help it, even when it is his days off. It is not hard to get Tokiya out of bed, mainly due to him knowing he has to get up to take a shower before work - but also because his lover makes it a habit to make him breakfast and a hot cup of coffee before he heads out. It really brightens up his day also when they leave him notes in his lunch boxes they make for him, although sometimes STARISH may tease him for it - resulting in a cold glare from the idol at his bandmates.
He has to take a shower each morning! He is the type of person to shower in the mornings only, insisting he wants to be clean for the day. It also helps him get woken up for the day, having a freshly cleaned body and sleek shaven face with a touch of cologne. However, sometimes the water is very hot and reminds him of his bed, resulting in his lover having to remind him outside the bathroom to not fall asleep in the shower (again).
(NSFW) Morning showers is also when he takes care of any morning wood he may have, which is usually 3 times out of the week. He does not want to bother his S/O with his sexual frustration and decides to rub it out in the shower where he can wash away the evidence. However, sometimes his S/O can hear his quite grunts through the bathroom door and they may also join in on the action, resulting in a very quick but rough morning sex - both of them trying to fuck out the frustrations before work. Tokiya also finds it hot his S/O will drip with his cum the entire day. 
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Can I get O, Q, and X with Tokiya?
Tokiya Ichinose 
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Q- Nightmares
Tokiya does not often have nightmares himself, but he does find himself waking up in a startle with cold sweat in the middle of some nights. Usually these are stress triggered, especially when he thinks about his duties as an idol and especially double life as Hayato or second thoughts of past decisions he had made on his journey to fame. 
It is often his partner who takes up the role to comfort Tokiya during these moments, especially when they are woken up from his abrupt wakening in the bed next to them. Although he may play it off cool and say that he was just getting up, comfort is much appreciated and needed. His S/O may consider wrapping a thick wool blanket around them and embrace him, something like an anxiety blanket - which for the most part helps him a lot, especially with his lover with him talking smoothl, not pushing him to tell what his nightmare about. He really appreciates his privacy. 
If his S/O however is the one to suffer frequent nightmares or goes through moments of cold sweats in the night, Tokiya would be among the first to know - probably before his lover even noticed. He is extremely observant of his partner, He takes notes of their sleeping habits for situations such as these so he knows when the problem first begins. To approach the matter, he won’t push them to explain their nightmare but will instead work on regulating their breathing and calm them down, once they are calmer he will then offer to bring them water or even sing a lullaby. Tokiya handles these moments delicately. 
X- First time (NSFW)
It is most likely Tokiya is not a virgin, however this does not suggest he sleeps around. In fact, he has only slept with one previous person in his life that he once believed to be the person he truly loved - however this relationship does not end well, most likely resulting in Tokiya comitting to abstinence until meeting his now S/O. If he wants to take this important step in his relationship with his lover, he truly loves them. 
If his lover happens to be a virgin, Tokiya is apprehensive about his but nonetheless honored to be given the task of relieving them. He sees sex as making love - He would most likely make his S/O wait a long time in their relationship before he deems it is the necessary time to proceed. One of his fears is that they would regret this experience, so he is very well prepared for it. He would make his lover get in whatever position they deem comfortable and he would do all the work, focusing completely on them. The moment he pushes himself inside and sees they wince in pain, he will halt his movements and wait for his lover to adjust around his width before sliding in more until bottoming out, allowing them to become comfortable with feeling so full. Only then, will his rhythm become slow and deep - wanting them to feel everything and tell him exactly what feels good. He loves dirty talk, so he wants them to vocally explain everything.
However, if his lover is the one taking his virginity - Tokiya would also wait a long time in the relationship before making love with his S/O. He may not say it, but he is very nervous and scared somewhat. His fears include if they hurt him or if they leave him after sleeping with him, so it is perfectly okay to have these fears. His lover would be the one tasked with planning the whole situation, he really appreciates a thoughtful partner. However, he does not make them do everything and will work with them on what they both think would be the right time, who’s place, lights on/off, etc. Tokiya becomes very blushy when it comes time to undress, he is speechless when seeing his lover undress. He doesn’t even breath when his lover tells him to lay on his back, them taking charge. The overall experience leaves Tokiya very shy and nervous - waning to pleasure his lover as much as possible, but them insisting it is all about him. He eventually gets a feel of what makes his lover feel good and he learns more about their sensitive spots. He does not last long, but is assured by his lover he did well, they could always practice more later.
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If I'm not too late may I request A, D, J, L, and R for Eiichi and Yamato! ;o;
Eichi Otori 
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A- Kissing
When you first begin dating his kisses are very soft and sweet, wanting to take all the right steps in his relationship. Only until his S/O insists of heating up their kisses by peppering it along his jawline and neck does Eichi begin to take more control of their makeout sessions.
Shoulder kisses are frequent in this relationship. Eichi really enjoys the intimacy and special meaning behind kisses, and thinks that shoulder kisses are a lot more meaninful. Often he will come up behind his S/O and wrap his arms around their chest, pulling aside their shirt to pepper a few light kisses. He also enjoys this if his S/O is especially ticklish. 
Eichi is not a fan of kissing his S/O in public, so they don’t happen often. He takes his career as an idol very seriously, and due to the no dating rule he has to take certain precautions. This is due to an accident that happened during a date he and his S/O had - when a rabid fan became angry at Eichi’s S/O for being very affectionate. Ever since, he will be sure to only kiss them when the time is right. However, they are nonetheless amazing and incredibly soft - trying to prove his love for his S/O.
D- Public Affection
Not the biggest fan of PDA - for a couple of good reasons. Becomes an idol has come with a couple of rules, such as no dating. Although he negotiated this part of his contract, Eichi thought it best to keep public affection at bay to protect his S/O from any unwanted attention.
However, when it is just the idol group together - Eichi goes to town. He can sometimes feel a little insecure around them each having their own charming characteristics, so he will often reassure his S/O who they are wish by kissing a few searing kisses and groping sessions with HEAVENS in the room - leading to a couple of gagging noises from them.
To make up for the lack of PDA - Eichi will make up for in private. He is very affectionate with his S/O in private. Always wanting to touch them somehow, whether by an arm around their shoulder or head upon his chest when they are watching TV. It is honestly never enough for him! 
J- Cuddling
This is among one of his favorite down time activities when he is not busy with practice or press tours. He also uses this time to make up for lack of PDA, so this is a very sincere and intimate time for Eichi with his partner.
Eichi is a cuddle bug! It does not matter what kind of mood he is in; stressed, angry, or tired - He is always in the mood for a good cuddle and never turns down the opportunity from his S/O! His moods also determine what kind of cuddles he wants from his partner. When he is particularly stressed out all he wants is his S/O to wrap their arms around him and squeeze him tight. He also does not mind laying on their lap and having his head cuddles tightly to their stomach while his S/O plays with his thick hair. It often lulls the idol to sleep, leading to a lot of cute snoring! 
His favorite position is having his arms and legs tangled with his lovers while they lay their head on his chest. In this position he can lean down and kiss the top of their head if he wishes and also curl his arms and legs around theirs so they cannot escape. Eichi has a bad habit of not allowing his partner to leave the bed, often resulting in his S/O succumbing to him.
L- Teasing (NSFW)
Eichi may not seem it, but he is quite the tease when it comes to his S/O! Although he is not much for PDA, he is very subtle with his teasing methods. He can be quite an exhibitionist and likes to test the boundaries, the thrill of being caught causing his heart to race! 
He would give you little pats in public on the lower back, moving down to your ass, eventually grasping it into his large hands for a second. When you gasp and look at him, he’d simply put his hands up, feigning innocence.He’d spend an entire dinner shamelessly staring at your chest or other assets, catching the attention of others but never enough to cause any accusations of his indecency. When you call him out, he’d playfully scoff. “What do you mean, Kitten?” - a smirk growing on him.
However, when it is his S/O that is being very playful - Eichi cannot take it! Often during public dinners, often with record label managers and his bandmates attending is their favorite moment to make Eichi weak. Although he has mastered the art of hiding his true emotions, he finds it difficult to hide the growing arousal he has. He may scold his lover later for being indecent, but his favorite moments are during the dinner when their heeled foot is rubbing up against his leg and eventually their hands cupping over his growing erection in his pants suit. 
R- Lazy days
Eichi does not often get time off from work, let alone time for himself to relax - so he takes these lazy days with open arms! They are usually after a long tour with HEAVENS and when they do not have any press appearances scheduled or new albums to publish. It is a hectic life. Eichi never gives himself a break, so his S/O takes this moment to spoil him!
His lover would most likely call into work/school sick so they can join him on these days, not minding taking off from their schedule because they realize how rare it is for these moments to come. It is hard for Eichi to sleep in due to having being used to waking up for his alarm - so it will be up to his partner to hold him in their arms and coddle him into sleep. There is usually no music playing or TV on, just the sounds of a fan running and his light snoring - just a peaceful morning.
Eichi often forgets basic necessities like feeding himself due to how much he works, so he really appreciates it when his lover brings him breakfast in bed - or most likely lunch, since he slept in so late. He will gladly pull his S/O into his lap and they feed each other, talking about all the things on their minds lately but never voiced due to busy schedule. Once food is eaten, they will most likely catch up on reading. Eichi loves to read in his down time, so he is eager to catch up on that cliffhanger he left off. 
Yamato Hyuga
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A- Kissing
Similar to Eichi, the first few kisses he shared with his S/O were very sweet and simple, however when he knew his S/O became more comfortable with their relationship…it changed. Yamato is a needy boy. He craves the attention of his S/O, almost being touch starved. Therefore he becomes a little aggressive when ravaging his S/O’s lips.
Slaps his partner against the wall whenever close by. He needs to feel all of them when he feels their lips on his, it is never enough for him! Will have his S/O wrap their legs around his waist and hands in his hair as he attacks their collarbones with a couple of hickeys sprinkled around.
Forehead kisses! Yamato is a big big boy, and sometimes bending over is an inconvenience - especially in public. So he will opt to wrap a strong arm around their shoulders and press a searing kiss on their forehead. He does this mainly when he wants to assure them of his love, show affection or if he is feeling threatened by another person’s advances. 
D- Public Affection
Unlike Eichi, Yamato is more likely to show his affections in public. However, whenever he shows those affections it is most likely triggered by the need to assert dominance or whenever he is feeling particularly jealous. This usually happens when he catches the glances of onlookers checking out his partner or when someone is being very chatty with them. He tries his best to not be overly protective, but it is a habit he can’t break.
Having his arm draped around his lover would be among his favorite methods to show them off! Whenever they are sitting in a restaurant in a booth or at the movies, this cutie will drape his arm above their head - showing off that they are his, but also he likes when they would lean into his body and rest on his shoulder. It makes him absolutely weak! 
It is no secret this boy is a total giant! He has long legs to go along with those muscled arms, so if he has a short S/O he loves to rest his arm on top of their head. Of course, this becomes annoying at first because it might mess up their hair or his arm is so heavy that is begins to hurt. However, it becomes more endearing and he loves to do this in a playful way! Often this will lead to a hard poke to his side and giggles follow.
J- Cuddling
Basically a parasite when it comes to cuddling with his lover. Mr. Tough Guy might not show much PDA in front of other people, especially his team members - but he has no shame in his cuddle game. This boy will latch onto his partner, often resulting in them struggling against his strength until they eventually succumb to his whims and allow Yamato to drag them off to a secluded area to cuddle out and be gross together.
Post-Workout cuddles are a thing! It is suggested that his S/O learns to accept his sweaty body after a long work out. After participating in a game show or training with HEAVENS he is drenched in sweat and his body aches, wanting nothing more than to relax with his S/O. Once he get home, he all but traps their body under his while Yamato lays spread eagle over them. Once they get over the initial grossness, it is really sweet and his lover can expect a nice hot shower together afterwards!
You know those people who need to hold a pillow while they sleep? Well, that is Yamato! When he is on tour he often takes a special pillow that he has just for cuddling. He cannot sleep unless he has something to wrap his arms around! However, when he is home and in the comforts of the shared bed of his lover, that thing will be them! He will wrap his muscled arms around their body and shoulders - essentially suffocating them!
L- Teasing (NSFW)
The absolute best when teasing his lover! He uses his sexual frustration to tease his partner to the point of them practically begging for release - it really gets him going. However, he does not go too far with his actions, but just enough where it is fun and to satiate his hunger. 
Often before game shows, Yamato’s favorite method of getting rid of before-stage jiggers is to see his partner. He believes them to be his good luck charm, so there is not a show that he does not go on before seeing his number one fan. However, sometimes these anxiety jiggers bring out something inside him that needs to be taken care of. He will often push his lover against a wall and ravage at their neck - abusing ever sweet spot he knows oh-so well as his hands feel them up. Every inch and curve groped before cupping their privates into his hands just before leaving.
Unlike Eichi, Yamato absolutely loses it when his S/O turns the tables on him. Although he is never one to back down from a challenge, he cannot help but to get weak for them and submit to their teasing - never wanting the treatment to stop because he desperately wants them to finally give him what he needs. This usually takes form of them sliding their significantly smaller hands up his muscled thick thighs after a long work out, where he is sweaty and muscles ache - he has no strength to deny them! When he is this exhausted, he allows his lover to push him against any surface - specially a table and they will take charge before leaving when things begin to get good, his erection restricted in backetball shorts.
R- Lazy days 
These lazy days are among his favorite, he practically counts down the days. Yamato would most likely spend his lazy day at his lovers apartment (If they did not already share) simply because it is a nice vacation from his bandmates. He will pretty much stop at multiple stores and stock up on food and movies before showing up at their door, ready to get started.
Yamato schedules his lazy days at the same time for his cheat days, so he is ready to grub! Did someone order Japanese food on top of other fast food? He sure did! Yamato will most likely eat himself into a food coma, but mostly due to exhaustion from constant jet lag. He really appreciates a belly rub during this time as he drifts off into much needed sleep! 
(NSFW) Lazy mornings are his thing. Yamato does not even bother getting up, he simply wraps his arms around his lover and pulls them closer as they wake up. Yamato is extremely sexually frustrated from lack of private time with his partner, so expect a lot of much needed release. If the smell of breakfast in bed did not already wake him up, it was most likely morning wood restraining his boxers. Instead of taking a cold shower, he will opt to wake his lover up with morning kisses and hazy touches - leading to lazy morning sex. Although it is uncoordinated and very lazy thrusts, it is the best he has ever had. Once food was eaten and perhaps a movie watched, expect more action in the shower! 
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Happy Birthday!!!!! I wanted to request AEF or GJN for Masato. Thanks!
Masato Hijiriwaka 
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A- Kissing
Masato’s favorite kisses are the ones that are in the private of their home, but also hold special meaning. Although he does not mind PDA, he prefers to show his affections to his S/O when they are alone. He especially loves it when they curl into his lap and pepper kisses along his jawline. This is usually the time he will crack a smile and even laugh! 
Hand kisses! Masato is a gentleman and very traditional, when he is in public with his S/O and he feels the urge to remind them he loves them or simply show affection - he will grab their hands and kiss their palm and finger tips. He believes it is intimate and very special.
French kisses! I bet you did not expect that, huh? Masato’s makeout sessions are slow and sensual, hitting every spot just right. His arms wrapping around his S/O, bringing them close as possible to his body while partner’s hands run through his hair. 
E- Domestic
Masato has serious sleeping problems. Although you may think he would be first to stick to a strict sleep schedule, however he has a real hard time getting to bed. Mainly due to exhaustion of the day, because let’s be honest - Masato overworks himself. But also he makes plans in his head constantly of what needs to be done and what he will do the next day. It would be up to his S/O to force him to relax and sleep. 
Although it may be cheesy to some people, Masato thinks it is very cute when his S/O tries to hand feed him. This couple gives off an olde couple-esque vibe due to the constant doting over each other and wiping crumbs off each others mouths. However, it is those moments Masato does not care about what others think and simply views it as caring for his S/O.
Masato maintains a garden! This may not come as a surprise, but maintaining a tea/spice/vegetable garden is a huge stress reliever for him. He enjoys having something to take care of, which is why he has taken the “mom role” of STARISH. He craves taking vulnerable things and nurturing them, so he spends hours a day just digging up weeds and inspecting each leaf. This also applies to his S/O, since he also dotes on them constantly - wanting to care for them the best he can.
F- Children
Masato has thought about having children with his S/O before, which is a a big deal. He views having a family with someone as a big commitment and huge step in his relationship. He would not even consider having children with anyone if he did not see himself having a future with that person. The first time he thought about having children was when he witnessed how well his S/O is around children - especially babies.
The moment he saw his S/O holding a delicate baby in their arms, he would sit and imagine it was theirs. How perfect it would be to have that small happy family with them - only to be woken from his fantasies when his S/O catches him gazing longingly at the baby in their arms. If his S/O offers Masato to hold the baby, he would begin to stutter and even jittery. He does not have any experience with children! He would definitely need their help, showing him how to place his arms and where to hold their head. Once he catches the hang of it rather quickly, he is so happy! 
Masato would like to have 3 children, perhaps 2 sons and a sweet daughter. Of course, he would love his children whatever gender they were, he thinks it would be nice to have sons to play with and perhaps teach them traditions and a sweet daughter that would obviously be a Daddy’s Girl. 
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Can you do a headcannon with Ren and letter T? Thank you so much for doing this!! (/^▽^)/
Ren Jinguji
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It is no surprise that Ren can become pretty territorial over his S/O. Although he is used to women constantly fawning over him, he has become numb to their affections. However, he is absolutely not used to other people flattering his S/O. The first few times, he took it with a grain of salt. He admits, he has a beautiful S/O and anyone would be lucky to have them. However - They are HIS, so this causes something to stir.
Have no fear! Ren has a few tricks up his sleeve to drive off any unwanted attention. One of these methods, though something unconventional - is to constantly be by their side. Ren can be pretty clingy, so being by their side constantly does not bother him one bit. He used to hate those who were clinging onto him, but his S/O is special. If any competitor dares approach him, Ren is ready to defend what is his with his signature suave. 
His favorite method of marking his territory would be love bites. Although this may be viewed as taboo - they are by far the most effective and fun to create. Ren makes sure to love his S/O thoroughly before they leave for work or go out for a night at the town. His favorite places are at the juncture of the neck and below the collarbone - which are the easiest. However, he has secret love bites stored at body parts only he is allowed to see. These are usually just insurance, giving him a peace of mind. These are located at the inner thigh and above the belly button.
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Can I request number 10 for Ai please?
Ai Mikaze
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10. “Fuck me damn it!”
Ai was feeling cheeky, he felt a sort of pride and smugness within his personality. The night started out innocently enough, with the usual date night going as planned. He had made dinner and rented a movie, nothing special. Before the droid knew it, he was carrying his loving partner to their shared bedroom for a rumble in the sheets. It had definitely been awhile, he confirms. 
With Quartet Night touring Europe, Ai was happy to finally be home. He was glad to finally touch someone, instead of himself on those lonely nights that he did not care to count how many times occurred. However, he felt a twinge of sadism when he finally had his S/O laid out perfectly the way he liked. Their face buried in the pillows and ass up in the ass, perfect view of all there is to see. A certain area Ai knew all too well, burned into his memory. 
“I want you so bad, Ai. Please don’t make me wait like this”, they wailed. 
The idol pulled down his boxers just below his hips and took his cock in hand - giving it a few strokes before teasing the head in the waiting hole. His loving S/O tried to rock their hips back, but was stopped by the droids hands on their hips, solid brace keeping them in place. He pushed his hips slightly further, the very tip just inside before cruelly sliding out.  Ai smirked at their obvious annoyance. 
“Fuck me damn it!” they cried out, or more like ordered. Ai did not have much of a tolerance for ignoring the breathy pleas of his partner. Only a couple more begs and he was already giving them exactly what they begged for. Oh well, the droid thought. Perhaps another time they can work on their misbehavior. 
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A, C, and D for natsuki please!
Natsuki Shinomiya 
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Forehead kisses are a thing. Natsuki is among the tallest of the group, so kissing this giant can be a real obstacle! He thinks it is very cute to watch his S/O struggle on their tip-toes to kiss him, he cannot help but to giggle at their behavior! However, once he hears then huff in annoyance, he will bend over and kiss each cheek and finally their nose before smiling.
Butterfly kisses! These are by far his favorite kisses, and no one can convince him otherwise. He thinks they are so innocent, plus he is very ticklish! So whenever his S/O flutters their eyelashes over his cheek or eyelid he cannot help but to smirk from the tiny bubbly feelings he gets!
Nose kisses are frequent! Although, it would be his S/O that gives him the kisses. He gets really flustered when his S/O takes charge and is the one to make the first move, so when his S/O leans up and kisses his nose - he cannot help but to scrunch his nose and smile from their affection. 
Among the most affectionate member of STARISH! Natsuki is constantly attaching himself to others, especially Syo! He cannot help but to show off his appreciation and love for his band members, and what better way than to tackle them into a suffocating hug? 
Natsuki is a little touch-starved. He freezes and blushes whenever his S/O grabs his hand, interlacing their fingers with his larger ones. It gives him a cute fuzzy feeling in his stomach that he cannot help but to smile about. This is especially noticeable whenever his S/O will bring his fingers up to their lips and kiss every knuckle. He becomes a blushing mess! 
Natsuki can also become sulky and jittery whenever his S/O is gone for long periods of time. It is noticeable by everyone, so they try not to send his S/O off on long assignments too often. However, when they come back he needs to recharge by creating a huge cuddle pile. The nest would include all of his Pyo-Chan stuffies and soft blankets, where both him and his S/O will lay together with that much needed skin contact.
D-Public Affection
Shameless with his affections! He sees no reason to hold back his affections, to show off his S/O is his. Regardless if press interrupt them or how others view the relationship - he is super proud of having a beautiful S/O by his side! Therefore, Natsuki is touching them whenever he can!
The relationship is somewhat close to a grossly cute old couple. Often, Natsuki will sit his S/O on his lap while they both are eating, the couple feeding each other with their hands. It is both cute and gross to everyone else - Syo thinks it is flat out cheesy. However, Natsuki does not mind! 
Whenever, it is just him and his S/O alone in the dorm room - Natsuki will just sit them on his lap and embrace them. Even when his room mate walks in, he will not move and instead amp up the affection! 
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Blog rules still apply to these prompts
Send name of character with letter desired
Failure to follow blog rules will result in the request being purged
Prompt list~
Send me a letter and a ship and I’ll write a headcanon based on it!
A- Kissing B-Bathing C- Touching D- Public Affection E- Domestic F- Children G- Dates H- Sex I- Arguments J- Cuddling K- Injury L- Teasing M- Modern au N- Crying O- Mornings P- College au Q- Nightmares R- Lazy days S- Lingerie T- Territorial U- Going out V- Wedding W- Weaknesses X- First time Y- Training Z- Pregnancy
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Blog rules still apply to these prompts
Send name of character with numb34 desired
Failure to follow blog rules will result in the request being purged
100 NSFW Prompts
Some stuff came from my own smuts, you guys are probably going to recognize them.
“You’re such a dirty girl, of course this excites you.”
“Please fuck me.”
“You gotta beg for this cock.”
“Scream for me, princess.”
“Get on your knees.”
“Use that sexy toungue of yours.”
“If you touch me I’m going to cum all over your sexy face.”
“Have you been naughty tonight?”
“I want to shove myself so far up inside your pussy.”
“Fuck me damn it!”
“Earn it!”
“You like that? You want more?”
“I want to be your slut.”
“Cum inside me.”
“Mmm, yeah baby, just like that.”
“Open up.”
“You little sex bomb.”
“You’re just creaming yourself.”
“Please, let me cum.”
“You can cum when I say so.”
“Suck harder, you slut.”
“I’m going to fuck you for five minutes, if you cum during that time, five more minutes will be added.”
“Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to.”
“Choke me.”
“I want you to fuck me hard and deep.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Oh fuck, yeah baby, cum on my cock.”
“Your tight little pussy is mine.”
“Get undressed.”
“I like to watch.”
“Give me a show, babygirl.”
“Why are you still dressed?!”
“Good girls ask for cum.”
“Cum before they come back.”
“Don’t scream.”
“You like it when we both fuck you at the same time, isn’t that right, babygirl?”
“You’re a good little slut, aren’t you babe?”
“Mmm you’re a good little cocksucker.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“I’m a dirty girl.”
“Cum for me right now.”
“How’s your little pussy?”
“I want you inside me.”
“I’m so close to cumming from eating your hot little cunt.”
“Cum with me.”
“Just fucking suck me!”
“I want you to fuck me again.”
“Mmm I love your cock!”
“Bite my clit.”
“Choke me harder.”
“You want me to go faster?”
“Let’s fuck.”
“We could make love or we could just fuck.”
“You wanna fuck me?”
“I want you to fuck me hard until I lose all my senses.”
“You’re so hot when you take charge.”
“Tie me up.”
“Spank me.”
“I want to fuck you hard. I want to penetrate your tight little pussy deep and fuck you again and again while you beg for more!!”
“Mmm yeah, eat my pussy just like that.”
“I’m going to teach you a lesson.”
“Fuck, I love your pussy.”
“I can’t wait to cum inside you.”
“I want to lick chocolate syrup off of you.”
“Please, let me touch you.”
“Let’s make a list of each other's kinks.”
“Taste yourself.”
“I need to ride you.”
“Please, fuck my ass.”
“I want to eat your pussy all night long.”
“You bad little slut, no cum for you tonight.”
“You better fucking swallow!”
“You look beautiful with my cum on your face.”
“Fuck yeah, baby, choke on my cock.”
“You want me to record you?”
“Let’s make our own movie tonight.”
“I found your dildo, you want to use it in front of me?”
“You’re so big!”
“Fuck me harder.”
“I want to watch you fuck yourself.”
“Have you always been this kinky?”
“Sex with you is so amazing.”
“You like the way I flick my tongue?”
“Can we fight so we can have angry make up sex later?”
“I bet the neighbors know my name.”
“Scream as loud as you want tonight.”
“Play with my breasts.”
“Don’t make me angry.”
“I want to hear you beg.”
“You can ride my face until you drip in cum.”
“Blindfold me.”
“How long have you been standing there watching me masturbate?”
“I want to french kiss the lips between your legs.”
“You’re so wet and we haven’t even started yet.”
“I don’t want you to make love to me, I want you to fuck me.”
“Let’s make love tonight.”
“That feels so good.”
“I want you to pull my hair and fuck me as hard as you can, be aggressive, alright?”
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Hi! I love your blog❤️ can I request a headcanon on how the Starish and Quartet Night boys would behave when they meet s/o parents for the first time?
STARISH and Quartet Night meeting their S/O parents:
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Otoya Ittoki would be among the most nervous about meeting the parents. Although he may stutter here and there from questions about their relationship, Otoya has a natural way of making people warm up to him and smile. He is glad to answer any questions given to him and offer to help around the kitchen if needed. Overall, their parents end up adoring him and practically adopt him. 
Masato Hijirikawa is very traditional and would be very polite. Although it may get awkward from how polite and formal he is, but even the parents must admit Masato is a very responsible and charming young man. He would be one of those who would bring a small gift before attending and would pick out the perfect sweater a week in advance to the meeting. 
Natsuki Shinomiya would be looking forward to it more than his S/O! He insists on baking them a cake before attending, only for it to mysteriously burn in the oven. His radiant personality would warm up the parents into liking him even more. He would be the one boyfriend to ask about embarrassing stories and look through baby photo albums, must to the S/O dismay.
Tokiya Ichinose would be among the most confident of the group. You would almost think he forgot about the whole thing, until he asked his S/O if they are ready to leave. He does not show any sign of nervousness - but on the inside he is screaming. Unsurprisingly charms the parents to the point they forget their own child and focus all on Tokiya. The S/O does not know what to think.
Ren Jinguji stays cool and charming when meeting the parents, because he sees them at the future in-laws. The parents may think he is overly confident, and if the S/O has any siblings they may take a minute to warm up to him - but Ren is seriously a vibrant person. He makes the whole family fall in love with him. Once the meeting is over, will he reveal he was nervous the whole time!
Cecil Aijima this boy is sweating bullets! All he wants is the approval of the parents, because he views them as future in-laws. He is so nervous, Cecil does not know much about courting in other cultures except his own countries. He remains very respectful with constant bowing and formalities. However, once the conversation is flowing does Cecil return to his playful self! 
Syo Kurusu would be nervous no matter how much his S/O would convince him otherwise. Should he bring a gift? Does he dress formally? Help this poor boy! Syo would view this as a new challenge, and boy does he love those. The meeting overall goes great - He really bonded over the father with his love of sports. They both now meet up weekly to watch sports games together.
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Reiji Kotobuki is a very goofy person, so he would break the ice with horrible dad jokes and memes. The parents at first may think he is a bit immature, but Reiji can be really sharp when the situation calls for it. He is more scared than nervous, in case the parents do not approve of their relationship. However, once everyone has broken the ice everything is smooth sailing. 
Ranmaru Kurosaki would try his best not to be overly tsundere. He views this as an important step in his relationship and wants everything to go well. It may take a lot of convincing of his S/O to make him go, but he will do it because he wants to make his partner happy. Like Tokiya, he may not show he is nervous or even excited over the meeting. He overall makes a great first impression.
Ai Mikaze does not view this as a big deal, and would try to get out of it. Why would he meet the parents of his S/O? Is this a tradition? He needs to do more research. Once he comes to the conclusion that it is a big deal, he makes this an objective that must go perfectly. Plans out an entire evening filled with scheduled conversations and food. His S/O may need to tell him to chill out a bit.
Camus is the one his S/O may have a bit of trouble with. He will need to put aside his proud behavior to meet the parents. Although, Camus is fairly a polite and charming young man like Masato. He will also bring an expensive gift when meeting them, because he views this as tradition. The parents may feel intimidated by his cold glare, but after the ice has melted it all goes well.
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