utmel · 12 years
One of the Best Love Songs Ever- Common feat. Mary J Blige: Come Close.
Hate to admit it but it makes me choke. Happy new year guys, hope you had a fabulous new years celebration. Care to share your new years resolutions...?
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utmel · 12 years
Hello everyone? Hope you guys like the new theme. Today's a new thing... I want to introduce you to my first of many friends you will be seeing on utmel's tumblr. His names The Addvoket.
A Creative Designer, Rapper, Singer, Songwriter, entrepreneur... There's so much I could say about this guy but, one word to sum it up is "gifted." Listen to this song I dusted off my album archives. I think I should be the only one with a copy hehehe so consider your ear drums blest.
Hear is "I Tried" by The Addvoket. A fun number created for laughs and giving a touch of somethings going on at the time. Shout out to Brian + Bonnez. Good times. Be sure to check out The Addvoket on his blog for more music & links. Check out videos such as 2 Step Program, The Journey and his slice off the Once Upon A Rhyme Project.
Now do share, like, and as usual what are your thoughts on my boy- THE ADDVOKET?
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utmel · 12 years
Hello world! :-) Hope you're Saturday has started off great. Much love to you and yours as the weekend progresses. As usual, I was about keeping myself abreast with the latest in tech and as you know there's been a lot of talk especially in the phone world withe launch of Windows 8 for Mobiles and having 2 titan brand phones pioneer on the OS, namely: Nokia withe 920 & 820 which also are the 1st devices to offer wireless charging technology (yup! look it up nyurr) & HTC withe 8X & 8S which offers very cool colours, slick body and great generally feel... wow!
Anyhoo, saw this guy's review about- I assume peoples reviews about the Lumia 920 being too bulky &thick etc- Hehe! so what started off as an ordinary talk got heated and got competitor handsets inheriting interesting nick-names. It had me laughing cz he's so passionate putting his thoughts across and praising Nokia.
His zeal for Nokia makes you feel like you're caught up in one of those heated soccer club arguments at the pub. Lol! Enjoy. And as usual like, subscribe and share!
Just a thought: wouldn't this guy make awesome t-shirt prints with phrases like "Nokia Nation!!" or "Samdung Galaxy Shit Tree"?
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utmel · 12 years
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My 3 Mushiest 2012 Movies
Just watched Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (poster above) starring Keira Knightley (hottie from Pirates of the Caribbean, A Dangerous Method & Atonment etc) & Steve Carell... of course from The 40 Year Old Virgin, Date Night & Get Smart) mushy moment but all of a sudden a sense of purpose for life to do something.
It was a good movie. I love the clever scripting! and how it makes you put yourself in their situation. Throughout out the movie I was just listing what I'd do &totally be contrary to the stars but seems at the end of it I'd end up doing everything like them. I think this has made it into my all time favorites to share with kids like "long long loooooooong time ago in 2012..." hehe so weird that what we're dubbing the future will be like the way we feel about 1842 to them- nokia lumia920 & HTC 8X will be a phones you don't pull out in public else face ridicule & embarrassment.
Anyway do check out the trailers and head out to the DVD store to grab a copy if you haven't watched Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, The Amazing Spiderman (which I wish I went to the cinema & watched) & The Three Idiots.
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utmel · 12 years
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Hi there! :) Thanksgiving is way over November 22nd but some weeks back, I believe the week of Oct 14th & 20th, I was approached by a very dear friend of mine to design a poster(s) for a client we'd previously worked for. Despite being a little reluctant to go ahead, 'cause previous interactions with the client had put strain on our friendship, I listened. Now, it's good to point out here my friend (taking note of our 1st encounter) had consulted withe client, considered the offer as one I'd accept in tie to nature of work, quantity, complexity & quality. Great! Ok so I took it, it'd be an easy pinch.
Now, not to go into detail how awfully this ended, in respect for the people involved, I'll say this: I'll never work for that client again. It's not the 1st time the job ended up frustrating & infuriating cz the client was indecisive at my expense (beyond our agreement), took advantage of the connections involved, demanded redrafts (which aren't applicable at their offer), said the work didn't catch their eye not considering posters are meant for their target audience and to add on top they have the most -ve things to say to the connect (my friend) weeks after not taking my advice (which also happened to be made free for them) about the work!
It's annoying so I withdrew all my business with them to post up this weeks after. A day after the back & forth, they on-passed a message that they'll get another designer, well I wish them "good luck & au revoir Shoe Shinner [Shosanna]" Because every job/item has a price & mine- unfortunately- will no longer be aimed at the lower segment especially those who are quick to claim dibbs on "The Client Is Always Right" claim while I’m giving professional advice as a bonus. I'm sure doctors have a field day with that one so do architects, engineers, designers, and advertisers who often take the heat just to stay in business.
So to cut to it, I was curious what the other designer gave them and alas! The designer jacked my design! But what did I expect if a client came in sobbing through my doors of the troubles they'd faced under a previous big bad wolf designer who'd emailed them these awful sample posters for their VERY BIG BUCKS and got mad when they said they didn't interest them? I'd use my professional eye see the previous designers work, see they’d obviously done all the ground work & simple as 1-2-3: replicate another version so I make easy money. What effort is there? It was as easy as taking candy from a baby!
So share what you think-
Is the customer always right?
If you were me would you choose: Money Vs. preserving you're rep as a professional?
And is the other poster (#3 & 4) a direct bite at my poster or I'm I bitching cause I got my design whooped? Let me know.
Subscribe, Comment and let me know if you like the poster. I will post the other designers' designs for comparison when I get them.
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utmel · 12 years
Posted video: "Clap / One Day" the extended ver. off Pharoahe Monch's 3rd studio album- W.A.R. (We Are Renegades) released 22nd Mar. 2011 Order at iTunes today: http://bit.ly/hO5DHo
Ok, it's common to hear or say that so & so is the most under-rated rapper but, it's now official: Pharoahe Monch to me is the MOST under-rated rapper alive. I used to think THE GAME- now just "GAME"- because he never got his fair share of acknowledgement or sales but, if I compare that to Pharoahe Monch smch GAME got it good.
First time I heard Pharoahe, was when my dad bought me the Wyclef's solo album" "The Ecleftic: 2 Sides II a Book" which bore the "Simon Says" track (dubbed #3 "Kenny Rogers - Pharoahe Monch Dub Plate" on the tracklist). Next was the "Simon Says" video that played on TV about the same year Beatnuts had "No Escaping This",  Big Pun was out withe "Yeeeah Baby" album, MOP with "Cold As Ice" single, Talib Kweli with "Move S'mthing" etc -oh the really good old days when Rap was creative and cool. Well, seems all that stayed with a few dudes and Pharoahe Monch is one of them.
Next was back in 2009 when a couple friends & I got hold of his "Desire" album. We listened to that sh** 3months straight. To date I rate that as one PERFECT RAP ALBUM! I swear. It rates closely to my heart as Notorious BIG's: Ready to Die & Juicy/Missin You singles, Nas' Still-Matic, Em's : Slim + Marshall Mathers LP, X's: entire collection & Dr. Dre's: The Chronic. Desire delivered: humor, rhymes, beats, dramatization, transition, audibility, originality- man it deserves album is 7mics (over the common 6 mics)-- moreso he has no criminal record nor do his lyrics suggest he does crime or suggests u do crime to get by. Yup! Talk of a clean slate.
So randomly was googling rap music with nothing inspiring to listen to (Lupe where is the MUSIC???) so checked out Nas' new video off "Life is Good" Cherry Wine feat. Amy Whinehouse then remembered "at time like this, back on campus I'd be blasting Pharoahe-- wait! Pharoahe Monch!" so found his really being active last year and with 2 wonderful videos :-) so check out:
Still Standing feat. Jill Scott
Black Hand Side feat. Styles P (of The LOX) & Phonte
and for my boys for the good all days we shared (checking out hot girls in tight jeans & fabb-ulous butts walking by) enjoy!
3.      Body Baby
So what do you think of Pharoahe Monch as compared top industry acts such as JAY-Z, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, etc he shouldn't he be just as huge if not larger?
And if top producers as Dr. Dre worked with Pharoahe Monch album would it help him get more recognition in terms of fans, sales, views and commercial play worldwide? Share your thoughts.
As usual support Pharoahe Monch, Subscribe, Comment and like.
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utmel · 12 years
Questions not to ask the iPhone 4s app
Siri, "will you marry me?"
LOL! The vid speaks for itself. Seriosly now im off to bed...
"... only the horses..." good night world!
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utmel · 12 years
Can't Sleep cause I'm thinking of "ma babeee" & this song! :)
Scissor Sisters is now my mission to be on my vibe playlist alongside Empire of The Sun, Gorillaz, OK GO, Jamiroquai, Daft Punk, Lana Del Rey, Kylie Minogue, La Roux, Owl City, Belle Adair, The Bird &the Bee, Frank Ocean, BOY, Blink 182 & Neon Indian (let me not even describe how I love the jam on that particular jump. I.N.S.A.N.I.T.Y!) and lets not forget Imogen Heap but you know her better for Hide & Seek yup yup yup I wana gobble all those songs.
(... it feels so good to just get lost sometimes.../ only the horses... / can find us tonight... / only the horses... / can bring s back home...) I'm going crazy jiggin' to this song at this hour. Fire!
Feel free to share your vibe bands that probably nobody cares about but are totally fire! As usual, comment, share & subscribe. Goodnight!
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utmel · 12 years
I'd rather deal with this snake than a lot of people I know. - Steve Irwin
Steve Irwin handling the Inland Taipan Snake: http://youtu.be/HXh0rLQPK5g
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utmel · 12 years
Steve Irwin Plays With Inland Taipan Snake
Ok don't ask why I was "googling" about snakes -- I just got up in the morning with a lot of complications and I was trying to take stuff off my mind. Anyway, this video is crazy ... no lie ... :-O wah!
It had me screeching further & further from my desk though his last words ice the cake: "I'd rather deal with this snake than a lot of people I know." What a time to be genius witty :) i like him...
Went further reading about the guy in the video & found he's the guy who- as stories were told to me- got stung by a 'puny' FISH' known as a "stingray"... Bullshit! Banking on 2nd hand info is AWFUL! Fact, to put it in perspective for those who never bothered to dig, it happened while he was shooting a documentary film titled "Ocean's Deadliest." If that doesn't add emphasis to how deadly that 'puny fish' is: it R.I.P'd a world great animal expert more so one who just cuddled with the 2nd most venomous snake & called it "sweety"! wtf even more shocking!! :-O now. that. is. gansta. period. WOW!
Much respects to Steve Irwin and his family.
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utmel · 12 years
I Enjoy Fighting Gravity
Confession time- not to brag or anything but, I don't normally dream much (or rather can't remember when I often do) but when I do, its often about gliding. I get so many gliding dreams I wake up in the morning with my back feeling so funny & my knees aching.... Guess now you have a glimpse into what that says about me LOL!
Anyway, this was one heck of a performance by dancers. Earlier in the blog I brought your attention to but now I bring your attention to Fighting Gravity. I simply believe they stole the show from a talent searching to a show where the entertainment part was watching their performance. Check out their official website and of course love em- especially their jumpers & t-shirts wow! CREATIVE. Wish I could get one!! HINT HINT
Anyhoo also found these other dudes called Team iLuminate who also bring it just as hard. But since Fighting Gravity came 1st they get the Title of the post but Team iLuminate stole my jaw with the more smooth transitions they were really good. (well what do expect the student of en becomes the master right?) Enjoy yourself and check Team iLuminate on their official very stunning clean & colourful website... (wow! That caught me off guard)
So tell me who do you pick: Fighting Gravity Vs. iLuminate?
(Random thought- imagine if the Jabbawockeez went Tron to go toe-to-toe withe above groups on an ABDC "Titans" Edition who would win?)
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utmel · 12 years
Hi guys hope you're all well. :) Now quick one, I was randomly checking out stuff on youtube as usual and went following a chain of prank vids & came across the video above. Now WARNING- its content are / may be graphic and upsetting so don't check it out if you easily get upset (as I do)
Honesty, I'm uncertain how I feel about sharing this video but, owing I like unraveling truths & diminishing doubt I had to... Not to say much / ruin the 'intended effect' (i guess) let me know- tht's if you're bold to watch it- to answer the title of this post. Link / video response much appreciated!
Until next time: live, love, laugh, & let loose: share, subscribe & comment. :)
God bless!
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utmel · 12 years
Lil Wayne shows love for DMX at LIV Nightclub. Then DMX performs LIVE! 1/1/12
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utmel · 12 years
DMX Talks About Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, Drake, Rick Ross, and Young Jeezy on MTV's Sucker Free
when Hip Hop/ Rap was great some of the reason it was real good was DMX! I can't even begin stating how greatly talented in rhyming & delivery DMX is. His back from prison with a promise not to put his fans through that drama again. X has really come out stronger. But what else could we expect of him, his survived the worst, seen the top, loose it all, sink into depression (i suppose) and look at him: raising strong despite his online buzz not being as huge as it could be but, its good nonetheless.
Anyway, if you are a fan like I am, listen to Cold World feat Adreena Mills audio track he posted on his youtube channel of his new album UNDISPUTED (2012) now available grab copy off itunes, or CD store cz it's a good bet it'll re-tune your eardrums back to what Hip Hop should sound like.
When I get a copy I will review it. I look forward to seeing DMX re-unite with artists from a respected palette like Eminem, Nas, Busta Rhymes, Dr. Dre, Missy, Eve, Tweet, MOP, 50Cent, new acts like Adele, Nicki Mnaj (this would be epic to see) & even see beautiful acts like Ashanti pulled out the bag as a sign of squashing the Murder INC-Ruff Ryders feud with JaRule. I could go on and on but... I'm sure he'll surprise us while on work to reclaimin his title.
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utmel · 12 years
Posted video- Hilarious Speech Fails: George Bush JR. & Bill Clinton
As Kenyans draw nearer our Election day the media is getting more creative ways to help people (especially those in the rural setting) make better decisions to not get tricked with the usual "we are from the same tribe" &/or " I'll pay you to vote for me" old-day tactics thus avoiding the P.E.V's we saw in '07/'08. One of the methods is adopting the famous AmericanTV Political debates where Presidential & Governor hopefuls contesting for the seat, have a go at each other while getting toughly grilled & trying to keep cool under the pressure of Kenyans watching them being made ass-of. American nominees with years experience and their advanced media frenzy have adapted to smartly cross all the T's & dot all I's all eyes watching-- but recent behind the scenes footage shows not all have mastered the craft & a lot of smoke & mirrors is done before we see the result. Enjoy! ... And Vote Right & Vote Peacefully! As usual SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE.
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utmel · 12 years
Who Who Cares of Enemies When You Have Friends like These?
I really miss the great person Michael Jackson was so I always keep on checking up on his old performances and music esp. when I feel down or want to celebrate good times despite them being hard. For a while I had looked for Chris Tuckers take about MJ's sudden demise because, I've never seen MJ laugh wholeheartedly as Chris Tucker made him behind the scenes of the You Rock My World video (see from 1:38). Michael just seemed light around Chris so it was obvious they were good friends.
Chris Tucker goes on to show his respect for the man. And you can tell he loved Michael Jackson sincerely both as the super megastar & just Michael Jackson the 'simple' person as he makes dear jokes of him and dances with absolute disregard he has an image to uphold. LOL! Chris is great. I picture Michael looking down that night happy & proud of the performance... :) *sigh*
So, I hand it to u to be genuine friends always despite whatever. God bless Chris Tucker for showing us love + true friendship to someone the world abused, called him "Wacko", invaded his privacy, & critiqued to death while the rest of us just wished we could meet & hug him in appreciation for inspiring us with great music, performance & dance that'll never be seen again. God bless + Forever Michael Jackson.
Enjoy another great true performance to Michael Jackson tribute by Usher Raymonds* at "The King of Pop Memorial Service" in Los Angeles, Staples Center , July 7th 2009. God Bless, care for each other & be genuine.
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utmel · 12 years
Shaolin Monk harnesses Qi to drill his head
Weeks after I finished high school, my dad sat me down for a career talk to help him 'figure out' what I wanted to do with my life & fit into one of the universities that'd help me reach that goal. So I listed down a couple of things I wanted to do but he shot them down 'cause (at the time) they seemed weak / flimsy & things I'd probably grow out of (haha! shock on him).
Anyway, long story short, my entire list was struck out and I was staring at the red biro lines across my list. My temper was flaring and there was obvious tension in the room. After some brief silence, my dad trying to lift the mood asked "is there anything else?" & owing I have had such a bad temper + thinking people always try gauge me I said " Kung FU." He might have thought I was joking but, my mind was set a long time ago when I was about 14. I knew what I wanted & where I was going but as usual people tend to think I'm kidding (smch) anyway enjoy the video. I hope to learn some martial art sometime I'm balling.
I dedicated the video (however please note I don't own the rights or in any association with etc.) to my girlfriend  who thought Shaolin martial art is just Hollywood b.s. NYEEEEEE! :-P
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