vaahngoh · 8 years
for some reason one of my graphics isn’t showing up in this tag :c
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vaahngoh · 8 years
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WELCOME TO VOLTAIC ARCADIA ▶ ( six feet under )
It’s hazy in the room and there’s a faint scent of the wild flowers that grow on the outskirts of the city. You feel slightly lightheaded, perhaps tipsy, but don’t worry, it’s merely because of the drugs that linger in the air. You don’t mind, it makes you feel somewhat happy, which is something rather foreign.
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vaahngoh · 8 years
NAME: mary
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE: mountain time
FAVOURITE THINGS: cats, video games (overwatch has taken over my life atm), LUSH, rain, flowers, candles, tea w/ honey, good anime (there are some gems ngl)
NOT-SO FAVOURITE THINGS: summer weather (i hate heat), pb&j (i hate jelly/jam tbh), my hourly wage (it sucks guys, so much)
A QUOTE THAT HAS STUCK WITH ME: “Deep down there’s a light that never goes out.” - Sora, Kingdom Hearts (childhood tbh)
CHARACTER ARCHETYPE/TROPE THAT APPLIES TO ME: ummmmm I dunno. cluster f-bomb sums up my life pretty well
CHARACTERS I LIKE TO PLAY:  give me anyone with an angsty past and sign me the fuck up. i like playing the people who hide behind a manipulative asshole facade but deep deep deep down have a heart of gold.  
PARADISE OR DAMNATION: my life is just eternal damnation
WHICH SIDE WOULD I JOIN, BLOOD CRAWLERS, SIX FEET UNDER OR TECHNO LUST: six feet under is the fam, but if it was actual me in this city i’d probably join the blood crawlers
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vaahngoh · 8 years
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it looks like you might be one of us
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vaahngoh · 8 years
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the suffering never ends
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vaahngoh · 9 years
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From the makers of the no-effort character checklist, I bring to you… The no-effort complete character sheet for lazy writers like you and me™! 
Because the extra effort I put in staying up until 3 am to do put this together can save us all a lot of effort filling out longer character sheets ^^
You’re supposed to print it out and fold it in half to make a little booklet but you can save ink and do it on your computer :P
Link to PDF on google drive (fixed typo)
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vaahngoh · 9 years
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C A M I L L E ★ D E L A C R O I X
Lose it by Oh Wonder
Move your feet and feel it in the space between You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be
The moment of taking a pause, taking in everything around her. Then, losing herself, spinning around and around and around as sun beams rain from the sky, laughter in her heart and the creases of a smile on her face. The air rushes around her, silencing everything except for the joyful sounds. A lovebird’s song, the crunching of autumn leaves, the sound of the bell above a bakery’s door. Sunshine’s rays spill into the creases of her skin, adding to the glow that has always been there. Another pause, her eyes wide as she stares at you with wonder and hope, her hand extended. A soft exhale. “Won’t you dance with me?”
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vaahngoh · 9 years
ARTEMIS is waiting outside my window. I shut my eyes tight and whisper to her, but she just puts a finger to her lips and smiles. She is telling me to wait, and I fall asleep with her weaving moonlight into a blanket. HERA sits in my dining room, fingers arched and an eyebrow raised at my dusty wicker chairs. “What’s for breakfast?” She asks. I make pancakes and she doesn’t eat them. Hera never eats them. APHRODITE peeks coyly from my bathroom, and we laugh as she braids my hair and tells me about the boy down the street who keeps asking her for advice. I do her makeup and we put on matching earrings. The boy down the street waves as we skip down the sidewalk. ATHENA is lounging on my couch. She is unreadable, but Netflix is open and I can hear her muttering about a new episode. I make popcorn and she tells me about the time she taught a film class at a community college. PERSEPHONE is lying down in my backyard, and I put up the hammock. We stay there until late at night and she teaches me the names of all the constellations. I tell her I knew someone named Orion once, and she lets out a tinkling laugh. “Didn’t we all?” She says. We fall asleep to the sound of crickets. ARTEMIS is waiting outside my window. I keep my eyes open and I sit on the roof with her as we tell stories about little girls who grow up to be wishgranters.
my house is a love story (via fl0wer-kids)
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vaahngoh · 9 years
In one timeline we kiss but the stars don’t come down. In another you set a world on fire for me but I perish in the flames. Another and we’re strangers on a busy street, brushing by close enough to send each other reeling off balance but not stopping. Somewhere there’s a final space where your hand on my face is the punchy climax to an epic saga, where the way our mouths meet takes the breath right out of people’s throats. One universe has us right, of all the millions stacked on millions. So it’s not this one. I can live with that. The world is full of wonders and a hundred years ago the moon was too much to dream of touching. Look how far we’ve come. Turn over your shoulder and just look. Maybe we’ll come across each other at the turning of the century, racing across the breaches between worlds. I’ll build my life on that maybe.
elisabeth hewer (via elisabethhewer)
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vaahngoh · 9 years
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magpie aesthetic pt. 1
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vaahngoh · 9 years
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beauregard manips (feat. both sophie neliesse and soni nicole bringas as sofia because i couldn’t make up my mind)
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vaahngoh · 9 years
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  A VERMILLION ZEST & COBALT POISE – relished passion, messianic & halcyon
She wore cerise on her sleeves, the colour of spirit & vim vigour of heroism. A direct parallel, a contradiction of her brother; for while she fashioned fortitude & tenacity into her animated principle, he had fashioned himself (or, perhaps he had been fashioned) an intellectual intensity of docility as his sister’s lateral. Aligned side by side, she was the sun and he was the moon. Lucent & ablaze as beams of the sun, feeding into the glaring crescent which exuded his enigmatic quandaries. For while they were opposites, different as a bringer of light & the silence of night, contrast was a necessary balance. As yin & yang, he was yin while she was yang – when pieced together, the runaway children born of legislature & affairs of state gave rise, interrelating. When fused, melted as one, they fabricated much more than just a Chinese philosophy in which’s image they have been chisled or the most venerable stars that paint the night sky. 
                                   They were so much more in their halcyon days.
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vaahngoh · 9 years
Writing Alcoholics
Okay, real talk about a sensitive subject: Tony Stark is an extremely high functioning alcoholic.
High functioning alcoholics can function like normal people, for the most part, even when smashed. They don’t slur their words or stumble or show any real overt signs of drunkenness until they are WAY past the normal threshold. The tipoff is the smell. You can smell the liquor on them even if they haven’t spilled a drop. Sometimes, I think it comes through their pores.
Alcoholics usually have a higher tolerance for alcohol, built up like an immunity to poison…because that’s basically what it is. Often they will begin their day with alcohol, for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the ever present hangover. Some can’t function normally without it. But high functioning alcoholics will generally seem normal while intoxicated.
If you suddenly remove all alcohol, some of them experience delirium tremens (DTs), which you’ll need to look up if you want to use; they are rough and can be fatal if not experienced under the care of a medical facility.
Now, not all Tonys are alcoholic, I’m just taking about the ones who are. High functioning alcoholics are not silly drunks or cartoonish. They can walk a straight line, they can even operate vehicles (they are still impaired, they just hide it better).
He doesn’t slur or slide his consonants. He doesn’t fall down. Hell, drinking might actually calm normal mood swings for him. He could still be charming. He could be MORE charming while drunk.
And remember, people are alcoholics for REASONS. It’s self medication. Nobody is addicted to alcohol for fun. Nobody gets there on purpose.
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vaahngoh · 9 years
↳ This gif hunt includes #1,100+ small/medium, textless gifs of Willa Holland as requested by anonymous. She is best known for her role of Thea Queen on Arrow. None of these gifs belong to me, so credit goes to the rightful owners. Please like or reblog if you find this useful, enjoy! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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vaahngoh · 9 years
I really don’t know if I can handle another tidal wave of emotions. For how many times can one drown?
Malcolm Moon   (via wnq-writers)
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vaahngoh · 9 years
        oɴce a killer,                  ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs a killer.
               my hands are ᴄᴏᴠᴇʀᴇᴅ in blood.                                       and not even your salty tears                                            of ƒσяgινєηєѕѕ and ℓσνє,                                                                       can ωαѕн away                                                                 the PAIN I have   c a u s e d .
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vaahngoh · 9 years
Underestimate me so I can embarrass you.
(via dope-fashion-style)
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