vacatus · 10 years
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Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. Groß für jede Mahlzeit, die Sie können in den meisten Fällen vielleicht sogar zwei oder drei Flaschen zücken eine Flasche von Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. Der durchschnittliche Mensch isst 400 Flaschen versteckten Tal Ranch Salatdressing in einem Jahr, die nicht eine gebildete Lüge. Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing in meinem Mund.
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vacatus · 10 years
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vacatus · 10 years
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       Gales are okay. They're very strong winds. Winds that strong tend to scare people, but I like the sound of them. I... Yes. I'm still following you. Should I stop? I could do that if you want me to. I don't really care. You just seem familiar to me, that's all. I can't remember anything, but when I see your face I feel like I've seen it somewhere before. Hmm... I guess. As long as I get to pat a beluga whale on the head I don't mind. I've been fascinated with them ever since I can remember. I want to see the real thing. I'll be fine if it splashes me. Your life sounds very... calm. It sounds nice. Sleeping in until 1pm is one of my favorite things to do. I tend to sleep until 4pm sometimes. I don't know if most people do that though, I doubt it. They taste good together? I'll have to try that sometime then. I never thought of combining foods before. This opens up a realm of endless possibilities. I would buy better headphones, but I'm tight on money at the moment. There are a lot of things I need to save up for, like a house and a trip to the aquarium. I can put up with my ears hurting until I get enough money. I don't mind.
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       I don’t know. It’s Gale.. like Gale. I never really thought about what my name actually meant. Yeah, people tend to expect you give them your name in return for theirs. Alright Licht, this is the second time I’ve run into you? You aren’t still following me around, are you? Places like that are also really expensive… and crowded. But maybe the whales like the company. If you’re worried about getting splashed just wear something that you don’t care about getting wet. What do I know about? I’m best at doing nothing and sleeping in until 1pm. I spend most of my time… not really doing anything. Nope. I do know that chocolate tastes good with potato chips- the salty and the sweet make a good combo. I’m not so sure about that, if I walked down the street and everyone was singing I’d probably never walk down the street again. That’s bad. Get some better headphones. 
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vacatus · 10 years
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       At any given time there is a whale somewhere in the world.
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vacatus · 10 years
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        Gale? Like a strong wind? Or like gales of laughter? Hmm... Gale. Gale, Gale, Gale. I'll be sure to remember that. This is the part where I tell you my name, right? At least, I think that's the correct thing to do. I'm Licht. Licht Kappel. Yes, places like that exist. I want to go to one of those some day. You can pet the whales, swim with them, and feed them. Sometimes the whales will even be kind enough to kiss you. They might splash you though. Hm... People tend not to like one-sided conversations. What do you know about? Is there anything you enjoy talking about? That's... That is strange. People should sing in public more. Music is nice. I like the noise.My ears are always hurting from my headphones though.
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        You’re right, I am somebody. Just not someone average, that’s a good way to describe it. If you’re asking about names then mine’s Gale. It’s not the animal’s fault, it’s more or less mine. Isn’t there an amusement park for that sort of stuff? Where people to go to swim and touch whales and whatnot. Oh, so I was wrong about the most popular one- whatever. If you really want to talk about whales, I won’t stop you but it’ll be a pretty one-sided conversation since I know next to nothing about whales. Yes. Yes you can sing anywhere. People think that constant singing is annoying… but they listen to music all the time. It’s pretty weird but that’s just how it is. 
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vacatus · 10 years
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what’s my dream you ask? maybe it’s not getting my memories back? perhaps it’s getting my emotions back?
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i want to pet a beluga whale
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vacatus · 10 years
what's my dream you ask? maybe it's not getting my memories back? perhaps it's getting my emotions back?
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i want to pet a beluga whale
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vacatus · 10 years
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vacatus · 10 years
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        Hm? Who are you then? If you're not a lot of people then you have to be somebody. Most creatures of the water might not like you but... Beluga whales are friendly. People pat beluga whales on the head everyday. Hmm... The gray whale was the most popular whale, last time I checked. I can tell you all the most popular whales, if you really wanted. I... I can really do that? I can sing anywhere at any given time? Interesting. I don't understand why I would get yelled at though. Do people have something against singing?
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        They do but, I’m not a lot of people. I just don’t get along very well with water and the stuff in it. What’s the most popular? The Orca? That’s the only other whale I can actually name. You can sing while doing anything… standing, sitting, taking a shower, folding the laundry… any time. Not very many people do though, if you sang everywhere I’m sure you’d get yelled at almost immediately. 
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vacatus · 10 years
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vacatus · 10 years
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         Really? I thought a lot of people liked them. I read somewhere that belugas were the fifth most popular whale. My information must've been incorrect. I... don't sing. I've never done anything like that before. It seems very complicated. Do you have to get into a certain position to sing? Do you have to be standing, or can you sing while sitting down? This is all very new to me.
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       I didn’t know that. I never really paid attention to animals that lived in the ocean. You don’t know how to sing? It’s not hard or anything… you just do it. Explaining how is difficult, though. 
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vacatus · 10 years
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Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. Groß für jede Mahlzeit, die Sie können in den meisten Fällen vielleicht sogar zwei oder drei Flaschen zücken eine Flasche von Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. Der durchschnittliche Mensch isst 400 Flaschen versteckten Tal Ranch Salatdressing in einem Jahr, die nicht eine gebildete Lüge. Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing in meinem Mund.
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vacatus · 10 years
isolatir replied to your post:Whale facts: The average size of a Beluga Whale is the size of a Beluga Whale.
Why do you like Beluga Whales so much?
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     Hmm... They're very... expressive? I think that's the right word. They can smile perfectly. Oh! They can sing too. I can't do things like that. I don't know how.
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vacatus · 10 years
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Read More
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vacatus · 10 years
Whale facts: The average size of a Beluga Whale is the size of a Beluga Whale.
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      Oh… This one is my favorite.
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vacatus · 10 years
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vacatus · 10 years
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