valeria-reed · 2 years
open starter !  where: staerdale grounds, new valyria. 
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violet   stared   unblinking   at   the   sculpture   in   front   of   them,   head   tilting   slightly   to   the   side   as   she   considered   it.   it   was   hard   for   the   lady   to   discern   what   creature   it   was   meant   to   resemble,   looked   fierce   at   the   very   least   in   her   eyes.   “   the   crown   has   far   better   taste   than   the   arryns   ever   did, ”   they   spoke,   believing   themselves   to   be   alone.   “   an   improvement. ”   a   dragon,   mayhaps.   prettier   than   any   of   the   garish   birds   that   had   adorned   the   halls   previously.
Beholding the newly finished staerdale was one of the last places Valeria wanted to be at the moment. But despite her fighting spirit, the brunette had been forced into attendance by those who held more power than was contained in her two callused fists. She had never been particularly fond of the Vale, nor any place outside the North really. And the events in King’s Landing seven months prior had only served to sour her attitude further. For the moment at least free to avoid others, Val was wandering the grounds and trying to keep to herself. A want that was proving difficult to fulfill as she stumbled upon the young lady drumm. ‘”If only taste were all it took to keep the seven kingdoms together.”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
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                    aelinor  had  heard  of  her  cousin’s  arrival and  set  off  to  find  her.  she  wasn’t  in  her  chambers  which  left  aelinor  once  again  wandering  the  halls ,  this  time  in  search  of  a  person  rather  than  a  place.  it  didn’t  take  long  for  her  to  run  into  the  reed.    “  valeria ,  there  you  are  !  ”    she  runs  her  cousin  into  a  light  hug.    “  i’ve  gotten  lost  often  enough.  i  find  if  you  wander  around  long  enough  you  either  find  what  you’re  looking  for  or  someone  to  help  you  find  it.  come  along ,  cousin ,  ”    she  loops  her  arm  through  valeria’s ,    “  you’ve  almost  found  it.”
 The Northern woman stiffened slightly when her cousin made contact with a hug but reminded herself there was no need and relaxed quickly. It had been quite some time since Valeria had actually been hugged, or hugged someone herself. Thankfully Aelinor didn’t draw out the moment or make it awkward so she didn’t have to spend too long thinking about what her discomfort actually meant. “Well, thank you for the assistance. I was getting ready to kick something and I imagine our king wouldn’t like that very much.” The brunette replied with a small sigh. “Have your adventures in Staerdale fared better?”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
Location: Staerdale’s library
Valeria wasn’t exactly the biggest bookworm in the seven kingdoms, but the library was quiet by nature and therefore an excellent place to avoid making unnecessary small talk. Unfortunately it appeared someone else had the same idea, or perhaps actually wanted to utilize the space to peruse and read. Carefully and quietly, the brunette started to head back out but it wasn’t quick enough and she ran headlong into someone.
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valeria-reed · 2 years
where: new valyria  when: mid november who: OPEN STARTER (capping at 3 muses) 
Him and his brothers decided it was best that they go. This was their first appearance as representatives of their house in years (his father had chosen to seclude them in Widow’s Watch after the death of his mother, causing a withering of ties and the erosion of their memory in the eyes of the rest of the world). But now, with all three brothers back home, they were slowly but surely moving to remedy this… but that didn’t exempt them from the growing pains of it all. He couldn’t help the discomfort he was feeling, especially in Staerdale. He felt like he was being stifled by ghosts, the festivities marred by the blood that they could no longer see but was still there. 
In an attempt to clear his head, he had excused himself from his brothers’ presence and escaped to the castle’s gardens, wandering aimlessly as he reflected on the months prior. So much to do, so much to fix, so much to unearth and so little time. 
With his eyes trained to the sky, he allowed his feet to direct him, mind still incredibly cloudy, not even realizing that he should probably pay more attention to his surroundings… till his foot no longer found ground, instead falling straight down and plunging him into icy pond water. 
He flailed ungracefully before finally resurfacing, whipping his head around like a fish out of water before finally landing his gaze on the one person that seemed to bear witness to his fumble. 
“I-… You-…” What could he possibly say? “You’re not allowed to laugh.” He finally managed through gritted teeth as he attempted to pluck himself up with as much dignity as possible, completely soaking wet. 
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Now that she had finished settling in, Valeria was having difficulty with just sitting around waiting for formal events to begin. The brunette had never been good at being able to be still and in one place for two long. So, without any actual responsibility having set in yet, the lady reed decided to roam around a bit. Hopefully wandering around aimlessly wasn’t a capital offense now. She wouldn’t be terribly surprised though given the recent predilections of the king. 
Finding her way into the gardens, Val started making her way around, when a splash towards the opposite end caught her attention. Hurrying over, she reached the spot just in time to see a sopping wet man emerge for the water’s surface. As tempting as it was to laugh out loud, the lady restrained herself to a soundless grin, offering a small shrug. “The arbiter of laughter, I presume?” She asked wryly offering a hand to the stranger to help him get out. Getting a little water on her cloak was not the kind of thing that bothered the Northern woman. There was something faintly familiar about the man but only just. Valeria wouldn’t even want to try hazarding a guess at his name or where they might have crossed paths before. Besides, given how ruffled he was it would be far more entertaining to hear him try and speak further. 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
Location: Near the Moon Door
New Valyria was not a place the Lady Reed had frequented much under its previous name of the Vale. Nor was she too keen on being present very often despite the name change. If anything it served to make her more wary. Val could understand the king’s rage and desire to smite House Arryn for the pages of history after what they had done, but he had already demonstrated how quickly that anger could be turned on others undeserving. The quicker these performative festivities could be over, the better. As she leaned against the wall in consideration, another figure came into view: Lady Serrett. The brunette was unsurprised that her son was not at her side. Even with the Moon Door under heavy guard, the idea of letting a child wander anywhere near it lacked sense. “Lady Serrett, a good afternoon to you.” 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
Location: Unknown corridor at Staerdale
Valeria cursed under her breath as she found herself back in the same corridor she’d seen not more than ten minutes prior. The lady was attempting to find her quarters and had been given instructions on reaching them but alas, the castle was winning the battle. In fact, the brunette was quite certain the king was more sadistic than anyone thought. Who else would willingly construct such a labyrinth knowing guests were coming? Although she had finally admitted to herself she was lost, Valeria was not interested in sharing such information with anyone else. The last thing she needed was to be gossiped about for apparently having as little directional sense as a child. Under the open sky Valeria could find her way almost anywhere, but in such confines and under the circumstances her confidence in traversing was diminished. Hearing footsteps behind her, Lady Reed whipped around quickly to lay eyes on her cousin. Shoulders sagging with relief the brunette let out a prolonged sigh. “Please tell me you have some idea of how to navigate this blasted place.”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
open starter !  where: staerdale grounds, new valyria. 
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violet   stared   unblinking   at   the   sculpture   in   front   of   them,   head   tilting   slightly   to   the   side   as   she   considered   it.   it   was   hard   for   the   lady   to   discern   what   creature   it   was   meant   to   resemble,   looked   fierce   at   the   very   least   in   her   eyes.   “   the   crown   has   far   better   taste   than   the   arryns   ever   did, ”   they   spoke,   believing   themselves   to   be   alone.   “   an   improvement. ”   a   dragon,   mayhaps.   prettier   than   any   of   the   garish   birds   that   had   adorned   the   halls   previously.
Beholding the newly finished staerdale was one of the last places Valeria wanted to be at the moment. But despite her fighting spirit, the brunette had been forced into attendance by those who held more power than was contained in her two callused fists. She had never been particularly fond of the Vale, nor any place outside the North really. And the events in King’s Landing seven months prior had only served to sour her attitude further. For the moment at least free to avoid others, Val was wandering the grounds and trying to keep to herself. A want that was proving difficult to fulfill as she stumbled upon the young lady drumm. ‘”If only taste were all it took to keep the seven kingdoms together.”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
closed starter for valeria reed ( @valeria-reed ) !
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          finally . the man breathed . a northerner to share in his drunken company . it seemed as though none of them had actually met , but there wasn’t a person north of greywater watch that he didn’t know the name and face of . perhaps enough weddings and feasts had provided the lot of them a sense of familiarity . “ lady reed , ” he slurred , beginning to regret that ninth cup of arbor red . “ i’m glad to see you in the crownlands . ”
Watching a wedding take place held little interest for the dark haired northerner. But, as much as she detested certain traditions and rituals of nobility, even Val could understand the importance of at least appearing present. Even still, she was doing her best to avoid getting stuck in small talk with strangers or vague acquaintances. Cayn was an exception though, her toleration for him extended much further, in part due to their shared backgrounds. “Lord Karstark, I suppose that makes one of us. Though I appreciate your warmth.” Taking in the full scene before her, it became apparent almost instantaneously how inebriated her fellow northerner was. “The arbor red a bit too strong for you tonight Cayn?” Valeria asked with amusement. 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
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valeria-reed · 2 years
The parts of King’s Landing Valeria most enjoyed were not to be found within the walls of the Red Keep. Similarly to how it was at home in the North, she tended to feel more at ease around the smallfolk. Or at least nobles that weren’t afraid to run a bit wild outside of castle boundaries. It was in part that reason that had drawn the brunette over to one of the plays being put on by the people of the city themselves. Given that the entertainment was part of overreaching festivities, the play was no farce about the royal family or anything similarly cheeky. Instead the mummers had opted to turn back time with a retelling of stories about the legendary Symeon Star-Eyes. As the work came to an end, Val joined the rousing round of applause. The crowd slowly began to disperse and as she wove through it, the woman found herself face to face with a familiar individual. “Lady Bolton!”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
The weather King’s Landing seemed to be enjoying during the festivities for the upcoming nuptials of the prince was exceedingly pleasant. Although Valeria was more than comfortable in temperatures so frigid some of the southerners in attendance might wilt, even she was not immune to the enjoyment of sunshine touching her face. Still, the brunette certainly wished to be doing something more interesting in light of the good weather than forced chit chat with nobles in stuffy outfits. As a result, the lady of house reed was careful to keep on the edges of the chatter and not get caught in unsuspecting conversation. Her avoidance led to a curious discovery, the soon-to-be wife and princess Shaera Rogare seemingly hiding out at one corner of the garden. Interested piqued, Valeria made her way over quietly so as not to attract further attention. “Do the festivities not please you, my lady?” She asked, an eyebrow raised in wryly. 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
“She was not fragile like a flower; She was fragile like a bomb.”
— Poetry At Most 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
 Location: The Keep’s Garden Maze
As much as Valeria could appreciate nobility finding any excuse to drink and indulge in wanton excess, she was not particularly fond of King’s Landing, or anywhere much further South than House Mallister’s Seagard castle. Eager to find the best way to avoid as many people and conversations as possible, the Northerner had ducked into the massive maze laid out among the palace gardens. Finding herself at another crossroads of paths within it, the brunette pondered her options before deciding to proceed to the left. Almost immediately she came face to face with Lord Brax. Should’ve gone to the right. 
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valeria-reed · 2 years
╰     ┈     [  jessica green , 27 , cis female , she/her/hers ]  in the time of dragons , valeria reed is entering the game of thrones . said to be passionate + earnest , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be defiant + cynical . when asked about them , people are always reminded of the sound of a whip cracking in silent air, shadows moving above murky water, and a sharp, soul-searching blue gaze . though they are the lady of greywater watch , their true loyalties lie with house reed and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support their family / themselves above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .   ──  em , 23 , est , she/her/hers .
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valeria-reed · 2 years
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❧ House Reed of Greywater Watch
“To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater,” they said together. “Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you.”
“I swear it by earth and water,” said the boy in green.
“I swear it by bronze and iron,” his sister said.
“We swear it by ice and fire,” they finished together.
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valeria-reed · 2 years
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House Reed ❧
“If ice can burn,” said Jojen in his solemn voice, “then love and hate can mate. Mountain or marsh, it makes no matter. The land is one.”
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valeria-reed · 2 years
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