#valeria reed
green-fifteen · 1 year
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Hey, another @traincat !!
I'm so happy I get to use this story as part of our VT Mystery Box challenges this year. I'm getting points for doing what I wanted to do, anyway!
This cover comes courtesy of the wonderful @ghostcwtch
Fandom: Fantastic Four
Relationship: Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
“Break up your uncle and Spider-Man?” Bentley said, stroking his chin. “Yes, my young padawan, I think this is indeed a job for … the love master.”
“Take that stupid hat off,” said Valeria.
fake break-up, family
Podfic length: 24:04
MP3 size: 17.5 MB
no M4B yet :(
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armvredfate · 2 years
armvredfate a multimuse for thronesfm by Em
⋆。°✩ current muses ⋆。°✩
Ravenna Caron.  ( she / her )
lady of Nightsong. INTRO. 
Tags| general: ravenn caron // about&musings: eye of the storm // visage: my mirror staring back at me// asks: send the raven
Valeria Reed. ( she / her )
lady of Greywater Watch. INTRO. 
Tags| general: valeria reed // about&musings: they say I did something bad // visage: those ocean eyes // asks: send the raven
‧₊˚✩彡 deceased muses ‧₊˚✩彡
Senya Tyrell. ( she / her )
killed in this plot drop.
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valeria-reed · 2 years
Location: Staerdale’s library
Valeria wasn’t exactly the biggest bookworm in the seven kingdoms, but the library was quiet by nature and therefore an excellent place to avoid making unnecessary small talk. Unfortunately it appeared someone else had the same idea, or perhaps actually wanted to utilize the space to peruse and read. Carefully and quietly, the brunette started to head back out but it wasn’t quick enough and she ran headlong into someone.
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hexhomos · 8 months
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canon btw
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bethanyeliseart · 3 months
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The Fantastic Four Family🩵💫
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why-i-love-comics · 29 days
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Fantastic Four #16 - "Exalt Imagination" (2024)
written by Ryan North art by Francesco Mortarino & Brian Reber
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brw · 2 years
marvel scientists who don't put on safety glasses while conducting dangerous experiments
Reed Richards, but puts them on when yelled at by his wife
Tony Stark
Amadeus Cho
Riri Williams although she's smart enough a helmet on when welding
Hank Pym but he'll put them on when his kids are in the lab with him
Jeanne Foucault
Valeria Richards, but puts them on when yelled at by her mother
Monica Rappaccini
Hank McCoy
marvel scientists who do put on safety glasses because they actually practise basic lab safety
Bruce Banner but only after the Accident ™
Lunella Lafayette
Peter Parker
Bill Foster
Otto Octavius because his glasses double as safety goggles probably he's like that
Victor Von Doom although that's only because his mask counts as protection
Bobbi Morse
T'Challa, although he used to not do so, but started after he saw Shuri keep doing dangerous shit without them and now wears them to try and get her to start. it hasn't been successful so far.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
the Fantastic Four being culturally popular but never getting really past their origin story and early heroing era in the adaptations is so tragic because it means I have to deal with people thinking Doctor Doom is an unrepentant irredeemable villain who would happily kill the F4 if he could and not someone who is literally Valeria Richards' doting godfather
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rakubalka · 5 months
Danny and the Doom shinanagans
I know we all have seen the dcxdp troupe of Clockwork putting Danny in a universe that would work as a rage room BUT hear me out rather than DC he puts him in marvel and tells him to go full gremlin mode
So he does . Either as Fenton or Phantom or maybe as both he becomes a menace . Probably trou pranks and robing planetariums and whatever there is something that has aliens or stars or space - you get my point
Now what I think would be hilarious is if people think he has to have connection whit Dr Doom . Doesn't matter what connection . Examples of theories people have of those two :
*he can be his clone
*he can be a him from a parallel universe that somehow got here
*his son(that he may or may not know about)
*a test tube baby of him and reed rechards
The probabilities are near endless
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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Heartwarming scenes from Fantastic Four #15.
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heckcareoxytwit · 5 months
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A preview of Fantastic Four #16
When a teacher shares a list of inventions a scientist from the 1600s hoped future generations would one day make, Valeria and Franklin Richards decide to go for bonus points…by ticking off some of those unfinished items and inventing the impossible. Enlisting the aid of Jo-Venn and N’Kalla Grimm, the four of them engage in a little amateur mad science that quickly spirals out of hand! Do they go to their parents and ask for help? Of course not! A couple of kids can easily fix this, right? According to the couple of kids involved in this series of bad decisions: yes! Absolutely! Nothing will possibly go wrong. Also featured in this issue: several things going wrong!
Written by: Ryan North Art by: Francesco Mortarino, Jesus Aburtov Cover by: Alex Ross Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: January 17, 2024
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cada4us · 1 year
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VAL WITH HER OLD MAN ‼️ Except I didn’t give her blonde hair and blue eyes because SOMEONE needs to take after Reed 😹
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armvredfate · 2 years
Valeria Reed
Nothing to see here, bio under construction
full name :  Valeria Reed
alias / nickname : Val, Vale
age & date of birth :
place of birth :  greywater watch, the north, westeros.
gender and pronouns :  ciswoman and she/her.
orientation : pansexual, panromantic.
title / occupation : lady of greywater watch 
father : tbd
mother : tbd
siblings : tbd
Relationship status : single
significant other : none
offspring : None
religion : the old gods of the forest
languages : the common tongue
faceclaim :  Jessica Green
height  : 175 cm / 5′9″
hair : chocolate brown, typically braided or hung loose and falls to mid back
eyes: ocean blue, sharp and soul-searching
positive : passionate, earnest, adroit, resilient
negative :  defiant, cynical, withdrawn, moody
character alignment : neutral good
inspirations :  Emma Swan (OUAT) ; Jo March (Little Women) ; Fa Mulan (Mulan) ; Lagertha (Vikings) ; Tonks (HP), Maeve Wiley (Sex Education) ; Letty Ortiz (Fast and the Furious) ; Wanda Maximoff (Marvel) ; Jyn Erso (Star Wars) ; Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp) ; Ygritte (GoT)
wip wip wip
wip wip wip
wip wip wip : wip wip wip
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valeria-reed · 2 years
Location: Unknown corridor at Staerdale
Valeria cursed under her breath as she found herself back in the same corridor she’d seen not more than ten minutes prior. The lady was attempting to find her quarters and had been given instructions on reaching them but alas, the castle was winning the battle. In fact, the brunette was quite certain the king was more sadistic than anyone thought. Who else would willingly construct such a labyrinth knowing guests were coming? Although she had finally admitted to herself she was lost, Valeria was not interested in sharing such information with anyone else. The last thing she needed was to be gossiped about for apparently having as little directional sense as a child. Under the open sky Valeria could find her way almost anywhere, but in such confines and under the circumstances her confidence in traversing was diminished. Hearing footsteps behind her, Lady Reed whipped around quickly to lay eyes on her cousin. Shoulders sagging with relief the brunette let out a prolonged sigh. “Please tell me you have some idea of how to navigate this blasted place.”
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superectojazzmage · 1 year
Today’s issue of Fantastic Four is one of the best summations of Doctor Doom as a character in the entirety of Marvel Comics’ history, because after learning that Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman’s kids have ended up lost in time, his immediate response is to barge over to the FF gloat about how he will save Valeria and Franklin and prove himself superior to them once and for all. Then he goes back in time to try and rewrite history so they’re never in danger…
And he fails.
Every rewrite of history fails horribly to achieve the result he wants, usually because instead of telling the FF what he’s doing or what’s happening, he just shows up and kills everything in sight that could be a threat. When he repeatedly fails to alter the initial incident, he tries to stop the incident from happening in the first place. He fucks it up again repeatedly, either creating worse timelines where the kids die horribly or improved timelines that he immediately undoes because the good timelines are ones where he doesn’t get everything he wants and he refuses to accept that he could ever be in the wrong. Rather then change his approach, he just goes back further and tries to erase the Fantastic Four from ever existing in the first place while still ensuring the kids are born somehow… and he fails again because it just creates a timeline where Galactus eats Earth because the FF aren’t there to stop him. At that point Doom just snaps and starts repeatedly killing all the superheroes over and over again, and it still fails to get what he wants.
Doom comes to three conclusions. Either he is God’s most favorite creation (obviously) or the original timeline was already the optimized version created by his own future self. He rejects these hypotheses, the former because Doom thinks he’s better than God, the latter because “this surely isn’t the best I could manage”. The third and final conclusion Doom reaches is that he made a mistake trying to improve upon “perfection” and that his present self was already optimized by the fact that he is Doom, so he goes back to the exact moment where he began all this time travel shit and sabotages himself, with the time traveling Doom getting erased from history while present day Doom just stands there baffled as to why he isn’t time traveling away.
Then the FF beat up Present Doom like always, and he throws a temper tantrum and flies off while screaming at them about how he totally still won and also they better save Valeria and Franklin or else he’ll come back. He never realizes that he thwarted himself.
It is the funniest fucking thing to read in the strangest way possible and it perfectly explains who Doctor Doom is.
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Reed: Victor, you really need to give up these games of petty one-upmanship. Doom: Doom is never anything as small as petty, Richards. Reed: Oh yeah? When we got Val a toy castle for her birthday, you gave her an actual castle. Doom: And now she's a home owner without a mortgage to worry about. You're welcome. Reed: And then when we got her that Scientist Barbie doll, you got her Margot Robbie. Doom: She said she wanted to take a break from acting.
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