valerieivess · 5 years
New York traffic had been kind to them so not half an hour later after they’d left the Italian restaurant they reached their destination. “Theaters are actually spooky during the day, aren’t they?” Lara murmured softly to her friend as the two of them made their way through the quiet and dark place, following the woman Lara believed to be Mara. The backstage had the old house smell but the actress was actually looking forward to doing some exploring. After a maze of corridors and halls, a vast room appeared before them– cluttered with clothes from all periods, shoes and wigs of different shapes and colors, all types of props lying around. “… Does anything in here catch your eye?”
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“They are! Sometimes we would stay late for the rehearsals, it’s very scary when no one is around.” Valerie confirmed with a nod, following Mara to the backstage, surprised by the resemblance between Mara and Lara, but she quickly shrugged it off. Valerie had a chit chat with Mara, asking about Fiona and Matthew (the only two actors she genuinely liked from the troupe). Since Val was familiar with the space, Mara left the backstage.
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With a smirk on her face, she immediately went for a ridiculous magenta dress that Fiona wore in a play, it took a place in 80s, so the color choice made so much sense. Next to the magenta dress, there was a bright orange one. “What do you think of these two?”
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valerieivess · 5 years
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valerieivess · 5 years
“Look dude, I swear to god I get there and she throws a shoe at me.” Athena said as she laughed a bit. “Not just any shoe, but like one of those 9 inch stilettos that can totally take your eye out. I thought being overseas was scary, nope apparently the rich housewives of New York City are.” She laughed a bit harder as she shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. “And that’s not even the weirdest story i’ve had.” @cityofdreamsstarters​
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“What the fuck?” Val made a face, confused. “What did you do? Why did she throw a shoe at you? I am so confused and more importantly, curious.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
“If you’re having trouble making a decision, there’s room at the back of the line while you make up your minds,” he retorted. They were all having a bad morning and he had to admit, it was wrong of him to even open his mouth in the first place. He had nearly had enough, the temptation to follow her suggestion out the door and off to the next coffee shop was strong, but he was also pathetically hard-headed. “I will literally pay for everything you’re ordering if you speed this up.”
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“I am not having any trouble, I already decided. I am just waiting for my co-workers to decide.” Valerie purposefully avoided calling those girls as friends, she didn’t think anyone to think she could ever let those idiots to be her actual friends. “Then what? I am not going to carry all those drinks to the office. I have only two hands.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
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“And, have the two mafiosi left any secret messages written on the wallapaper? Are there any secret passages or rooms? Torturing devices left behind?” Lara wiggled her eyebrows playfully, focusing on what was possibly a fun aspect of Val’s job. She took another sip of the cappuccino which earned the bartender with his hair slick back another glare. As her gaze returned to her companion, her expression sobered a bit and she gave an eager nod. “No wonder you’re not as motivated. No wonder it became redundant or boring for you because it’s not what you’re meant to be doing. It’s not your true love’s kiss of professions, if you will.” Lara arched an eyebrow, questioning her own metaphor– thankfully she didn’t have to be good with words; she wasn’t a writer, unlike… “Valerie Ives! That’s a brilliant idea and you’re a genius,” the crazier the idea was, the better. “I‘m down, I’ve always wanted to rob a theatre of its finest and silliest outfits. When can we go?!”
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“There’s actually a secret tunnel in the basement, they used to transfer booze through those tunnels.” The building had a history itself, before its speakeasy years, it was a brothel. “It’s definitely not but not all of us are lucky enough to do what they are meant to do.” She wasn’t resentful nor bitter, after all it wasn’t anyone’s fault, not even hers, sometimes it was all about being born with a luck. “I sure am.” When it came to taking short cuts, Valerie was much more savvier than average person. Her ideas were usually coming out of sheer laziness. “We can go right now. Mara is not busy, there’s no show tonight. She can let us in and if we were lucky, you would get to meet Matthew and Fiona. They are actors too.” She quickly grabbed her bag, already ready to leave.
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valerieivess · 5 years
“I mean, I don’t know. I haven’t really thought it out thoroughly.” Fallon admitted, biting at one of her nails. “I get it, the luxury thing, I do, but like, I dunno. It’s probably just a pipe dream and I should be happy to be in the modeling field at all.”
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“I am not in a place to call your dreams a pipe dream.” Except, she kinda did with her previous statements but we were talking about Valerie here, she always denied her wrongdoings. “I agree. You get to make money out of something like, that’s a luxury.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
     “I suppose stimulation’s subjective.” she said, eyes sort of hazily narrowing at the bright of the light in the bar’s newly dimming garden, the girl had such a strong hold on even the tiniest of topics—maybe in this case, there wasn’t such a thing. “Life or death even…” Taking a sip of the outsider paid cocktail, it was getting watered down and she wondered if that meant it was time to go, “And what do you do to keep from dying slowly of boredom or depression?” 
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It wasn’t really that subjective, the line between what’s boring and what’s stimulating was pretty evident for Valerie but that wasn’t the case for everybody. “I keep myself busy. With work mostly.” She shrugged. “When I am not working, which is quite rare because I have two jobs, but if I have time, I write.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
mj gave an affirming nod of her head, a grateful grin evident upon her lips, “RIGHT. plus i’ll totally owe you so if you ever need saving, i’m your girl, babe.” at the mention of tinder being full of creeps she gave a shrug of her shoulders, “the sex is good though.”
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“I will keep that in mind.” Valerie had a good bullshit detector, so she always managed to keep creeps away from herself, she highly doubted she would need any saving but still appreciated the gesture. “I am sure but is it worth it? Like dealing with all of these creeps? You gotta find another app.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
Am I cute? No. But do I have a nice personality? Also no
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valerieivess · 5 years
“Q   U   I   C   K !   i   need   you   to   pretend   like   we’re   dating   for   the   next   like…5   minutes!   a   creep   from   tinder   has   been   STALKING   me   and   he’s   here   and   just   PLEASE.   i’ll   repay   you   with   cuddles,   kisses,   alcohol   or   d.   all of   the   above.”
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Valerie agreed without giving a second thought, when it came to pretending and tricking strangers, she was always on board. This also felt like a great opportunity to bring her friend Austin’s dating app, which had a great option to keep creeps away. “No need for any of those. Girls gotta stick together, right?” She shrugged. “This is why you should stop using Tinder, it’s full of creeps, not safe at all. There are better options, you know?”
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valerieivess · 5 years
Stuck in line for who knows how long, he was nearing the end of his rope, impatience clear as day on his features. The cafe was usually short-staffed but they were the only ones he knew who could get do their coffee right in this city. He idled momentarily, fixing his gaze down towards a selection that would no doubt be hard as nails by the time he reached the front. 
“Choose faster so the rest of us can get on with our days.”
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(( @cityofdreamsstarters​ ))
This was why Val hated when her co-workers wanted her to bring their coffee too. The decision phase should’ve been made before she left the building but seemed like the girls couldn’t make their minds. It was a goddamn coffee, not a wedding dress, how come they couldn’t pick one right away. 
Latte.  Wait no, no, no make it cappuccino.  Wait, no latte!
Valerie kept staring at her phone, waiting for the girls to finalize their oder. As if she wasn’t annoyed enough, some impatient asshole started bitching. Hell no, she had no time for another, she’s reached her limit for today. “You know what, I don’t have time for this.” She scoffed. “If you are in such a rush as if we are not, then go find another place to get your coffee.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
Too late, the wheels in Lara’s head already began to turn and she imagined the other as a 1920s gangster, in dark grey striped suit, two tone shoes, leather gloves and a walking cane which also happened to be a weapon. The image elicited a tiny chuckle from the blonde before she shook her head and looked up, catching some of Valerie’s explanation. “Mh, yes. You get to interact with them too, which is also interesting?” A beat. “Do you find them inspiring at least, visitors and their anecdotes?” Some people were born to perform, others to create, observing the world around them. Lara liked to tell herself she belonged to the first category but in reality she had no clue whatsoever. “Please, I’ve had enough of fancy events. I don’t want fancy. So let’s just go to some vintage shop and do our worst.”
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“Oh yeah, we allow 10-12 people per tour because the place is very small, it’s actually located upstairs from a former speakeasy, Al Capone and Lucky Luciano would visit it all the time.” Another unnecessary information Val had known way before she started working there. “At first it was was inspiring, then it became sort of redundant, because you tell the same story every weekend and there’s not really room for improvement since it’s history and you can’t make shit up. Sure, in plays actors play the same character everyday but I always believe every performance is different than other, depends on your mood, depends on your co-star’s mood, hell even depends on the audience’s mood.” She shrugged. Knowing all about how theatre worked was the main reason why Val was intimidated, if she knew nothing, it would be way easier to jump right in but now that she knew what would interest the audience and what wouldn’t, she kept judging her work. Lara’s idea seemed ridiculous and that’s exactly why Val was much more interested now. The event was going to be full of people she didn’t know, so it didn’t really matter if she made a fool out of herself. “You know what? I have a better idea. We don’t need to spend money, I can just go to the theater I used to work for and ask my friend Mara to hand us some vintage clothes. They have a giant wardrobe, there are tons of options.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
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valerieivess · 5 years
“I wholeheartedly agree, we’re doing the whole country a favor as it is. Worshipping it whenever we can, exposing coffee shops who serve bad cappuccino,” she sent a mock glare to the barista. The invitation to take up residence at the Palazzo with their names was on its way, Lara was certain. “The museum of the American Gangster– random and fucking awesome but not enough.” The blonde said at the same time as the other woman and stayed quiet for a moment of knowing silence before she scrunched up her nose. “Do they make you wear costumes?” Lara asked lightly and then dismissed the idea of a fancy dress up with a wave of hand. “Oh, no. If we’re dressing up, we’re dressing up together.” A beat. “Seriously, why don’t we dress up for the hell of it? Go to some antique shop and go wild.”
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“It’s in St. Marks, one of my favorite place in Manhattan.” After Greenwich of course. “Fortunately, they don’t. They just tell you to use gestures and funny punchlines while giving the tour, it’s all about holding people’s attention. Kinda stage work, just without a text. I wouldn’t be able to get this job if I didn’t do acting in college.” Technically Valerie dropped out in her fourth year but she still had enough stage training to do theatre if she really wanted to. The thing was, she wasn’t really interested in being on stage, she decided it wasn’t her thing, she’d much rather writing or telling stories. “See, that’s the thing, I don’t have anything fancy.” Why would she anyway? “I can’t pull that off like you do. I would look ridiculous.”
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valerieivess · 5 years
4, 36, 56
some asks 🌿
4. have you ever had a penpal?
36. have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes I have. Back in high school I had this pink hair phase, which is something I deeply regret now because I looked atrocious.
56. what is/was your favorite class?
It was history. I really enjoyed gossiping about dead people. 
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0 notes
valerieivess · 5 years
6. 18. 28. 34. 57
some asks 🌿
6. what color are your eyes?
They are light blue, almost icy. 
18. what is your favorite pastry?
Panettone for sure. I am literally obsessed with it. If you know a place that can make a proper one, please send me the address. 
28. who is your best friend?
My best friend is Trent, he also happens to be my distant count. We grew up together, he’s a total idiot, he’s also a few years older than me but brain wise he’s practically a child. I also had another best friend called Beatrix but unfortunately she was murdered when we were in high school. 
34. do you enjoy reading?
Reading is my favorite thing to do. Thanks (!) to my crazy work schedule I don’t have much time to read but I make sure I read at least one book or a play every week or two. My favorite writer is Oscar Wilde. I also love Harold Pinter and Martin McDonagh.
57. what color shirt are you wearing?
I am wearing a blue sweater right now.
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0 notes
valerieivess · 5 years
46, 49, and 69. Are you DTF?
some asks 🌿
46. do you have a skincare routine?
I do have a skincare routine. It’s not very fancy nor detailed because I know some people have one for the morning and one for the morning. Mine is very simple. I wake up every morning and wash my face with lukewarm water, then put some moisturizer with suncreen since I am a pale ass bitch. In the evening, I wash my face with a balmy cleanser, then put a night cream and spray a face mist, that’s all.
49. how tall are you?
I am 5′7. While I am much taller than average, I wish I was taller a little bit more. 
69. Are you DTF?
Nope, never. 
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