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“I have an idea up my sleeve,” Meena admitted. One of the few perks that came with being as old as she was meant that she had more than her fair share of dresses and outfits she had worn throughout the decades that could now be construed together as a costume. But, that wasn’t to say she was entirely set on the idea either, having popped into the local Boutique to skim through the racks to make sure she wasn’t missing out on some hidden gem of an idea and to pick up some last-minute accessories. “But, I’m still going back and forth on it. What about you? Is there anything specific you’re planning on being?”
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As the other woman spoke Valerie watched with curious eyes. She should have clocked her earlier but alas. And it did seem they often bumped into one another. Val’s lips turned from her usual goofy smile into a slightly more muted one. However she reminded herself that the woman was actually really rather kind and friendly to her the last time they spoke. Her shoulders relaxed a little as she turned to sift through some items. “Ah so you have options. Very smart,” she said lightly tapping her temple. “I don’t have any plans, I’m kind of seeing where my evening lands. But I wanted something just in case I stay home and pass out some candy.” She explained with a shrug of her shoulders. 
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Forrest wasn’t sure what he was doing here. He’d never really been one for costumes. He’d always felt like he was wearing one – a mask that showed who people expected to see, rather than who he really was – but a deeply philosophical approach was not what he needed this year. What he needed was something completely nonsensical to take his mind off of everything. “Not really,” Forrest admitted, throwing a glance over his shoulder. “I was hoping I could get away with just wearing my old high school soccer kit but the shorts don’t really fit anymore, so that’s out. So, I guess I’ll just end up as generic off the rack superhero since I waited this late.”
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“Kit?” Valerie repeated the word as she made a face and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Well aren’t we fancy. Shame it doesn’t fit anymore though. Because that could totally have worked.” She shrugged with a slow exhale. She pressed her lips together before slowly humming and nodding her head. “I mean super hero is a classic but if you want to have more fun...I might be available for brain storming.” Val couldn’t help a playfully toothy grin from slipping across her lips. She could smell the vampire on him, but at the moment she was in a rather playful mood.
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Location: Outside the Emerald Hotel With: @valerieximeneswerewolf·
Her jaw had dropped while watching the people–Coven–move in unison to encircle the dance floor and stand in their assigned positions. A hush had fallen over the crowd, and just as, what appeared to be, their Leader was about to speak, Safiye felt chilled to the bone. Screams erupted and the crowd began to run. She’d barely caught a glimpse of what everyone was running away from–the Undead. 
Frozen with fear, Safiye didn’t register to move until a shoulder collided with hers and instinctively she clung to the hand of the person and sprinted out. By the time they were outside, Safiye could barely catch her breath, sprinting until they were in a semi-safe location. “Ok–” She said, letting go, leaning against a tree to recompose herself. “That was–I know magic exists, and vampires, and witches, and something called fae and werewolves…” She rose back up, eyes locking with Valerie’s. “But Zombies?! You saw that too, right? I had a potion but I don’t think it was to see the Undead…”
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Val was certainly rattled by what had just happened. But it appeared Safiye was even more rattled than she was. She had grabbed Valerie’s hand and pulled her through the chaos and into a place where they could take a moment to breathe. Valerie had become pretty good at staying come in a crisis situation. Which she was realizing right now was serving her well. She looked over at the other who was shouting in a panicked state which snapped Valerie out of her emptiness 
“Yeah,” she confirmed with a nod off her head as she became on high alert. She was thankful for her wolfie instincts in this moment. Valerie herself had not been planning on drinking any potions that evening and though she was pretty sure she had not with what they had just seen part of her wondered if she was mistaken. “Thank you for getting us out of there. But we should probably figure out our next step.” She said rolling her shoulders back as she took a deep exhale. “Are you hurt at all?” She asked looking over the Safiye with a concerned expression. 
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“So, uh, any chance you’d care to dance?” Chai offered up with a raise of his brow, figuring that dancing during a ball would be a better use of his time rather than what he had been doing which was something along the lines of awkwardly standing in the corner with one hand shoved into his pant’s pocket, while the other held a drink he was slowly milking over the course of the past twenty minutes or so.
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Valerie was shifting a little as she looked around the ballroom, in an attempt to find a familiar face. So far no luck, she rolled her shoulders back trying to straighten up a little. That was when she heard a voice and a question coming from beside her. She turned to look at the person who had asked. “Sure,” she said giving a warm smile. She actually was a pretty confident dancer so she turned to face him. “Are you leading or am I?” She inquired with a playful smirk tugging the corner of her mouth. 
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V A L E R I E  ✿ X I M E N E S  ✿ O U T F I T 
Monster Masquerade 
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Efe did not exactly dislike Halloween; he did not really dislike any holiday, although for the past decade or so, each had felt progressively more lonely. He had friends, of course, partners, a current one waiting for him back home. But as Lunar Cove was beginning to get into the spirit, he found that he felt far too old and far too serious to still be dressing up. He, nevertheless, was perusing the racks now halfheartedly, having wandered in on something of a whim to avoid a run-in with a high school classmate. He looked up to offer a laugh. “Oh, hey. What’s up, Chicago?” he smiled good-humoredly, shaking his head. “I…uh, well, I don’t know. I don’t think I was going to. Maybe I’ll dress my dog up. He’ll look a lot better than I would anyway.” He shrugged. “Of course, he’d probably hate it. He’s sort of…rough around the edges. Not like a sweater dog, you know what I mean? Are you costume shopping?” 
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Valerie registered to whom she was speaking to and her smile widened. “Well hey right back at you!” Valerie was once again happy to see someone whom she had now felt rather familiar with pretty quickly. It had been a long time since she met someone whom reminded her of home, it was funny to think about it now, she had been so desperate to leave the city when she was ending her teenage years. Now she would give anything to be able to go back and be there. But she knew she was too dangerous, still young and new to being a wolf. Perhaps someday, for now she would just be content with someone who made her think of a place she missed. Her nose crinkled at his words. “I was gonna ask, because my dog growing up hated when we tried to put anything on him. Which was okay, but there is nothing as cute as a dog in a sweater.” His next question got a nod of her head. “Yeah, just to pass out some candy but still its kind of fun to dress up and see the kiddies reaction.” 
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ANA DE ARMAS talks about Blade Runner 2049
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“Anything becomes a costume if you drench it in the blood of your enemies prior to wearing. Though while wearing is far more authentic.” Anna spoke without looking up, flipping through the items on the rack. She had always loved Halloween because she had always loved dressing up. Discusses and elaborate outfits had been a part of her life for so long–at least before the relative “safety” of Lunar Cove–that it almost felt like putting on an old self, only this time she’d be attending a party or handing out candy to annoying children, rather than robbing a bank. Unless, of course, things got interesting this year. “There is little point in dressing up if it is not both terrifying and stunning, wouldn’t you agree?” She finally looked up and now recognized the woman from the water activities on the beach weeks ago. She smiled. “It is important to start with a goal, dear. What exactly will you be doing with this costume?”
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Valerie looked over at the lovely siren previously. Her voice and features were captivating but the words she was using were rather dark. Valerie’s face twisted up as she considered her thought. “Mmmm, while that does sound like it would make a statement, it does sound a little more messy then I was thinking.” She nodded as she moved to fold her arms across her chest. She gave a bit of a small smile and a timidly nervous laugh at the question. “Well I don’t know, I think the fun of it is more that you get to play the role of someone else for one night. It doesn’t necessarily have to be scary. There are so many things I could be if I look at it that way.” She explained with a shrug of her shoulders. Her next question was actually a good starting point to go off of. “Probably just passing out candy. I think all my party girl days are behind me.” The wolf admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. 
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The change in season was always something Safiye admired no matter where she went. It was one of her favorite seasons–the chance to get cozy, warmed mugs clutched between chilled hands, and Halloween had been one of her favorite holidays to dress up for until she became a literal monster. Monster, by her definition–she wasn’t sure who was what just yet…but so far Lunar Cove did seem to 100% embrace the chaos of supernatural creatures. 
Despite not having plans for Halloween, Safiye couldn’t help but look, wondered what potentials she could’ve had if she’d chosen to participate. “Oh–” The voice that spoke up tore her gaze from a costume that she’d been looking over. “Not really. I don’t…participate anymore, really. I mean, I haven’t actively sought out a Halloween party in five years.” The night she’d been bitten and had experience her own nightmare. “You?”
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Valerie could smell the other briefly after she spoke to her. It just made the she wolf smile a little wider. Her shoulders relaxed a bit as she skimmed through the rack. “I haven’t been to a party in a long time either. So we are the same in that regard.” She laughed shaking her head. “But I have to say I love passing out candy. It is for sure one of my favorite things and yeah, I could not dress up and just wear something comfy. But I kinda love the reactions of the little ones or the parents even.” She offered up with a nod of her head. 
“I’m Val by the way,” she said with a warm smile as she tossed the other a smile. “I don’t think we’ve met yet.” Valerie was always hopeful when meeting another wolf that there might be a potential for friendship, but she also didn’t want to come on too strong, especially since she had been learning all wolves were different. 
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Laughing as the woman complimented her name, Kitty said, “Thanks, it was a gift.” One of her older siblings was the first to start it, back when she was too small to even know what was going on. Her older sister Millie said that she sneezed like a kitten, and the nickname Kitty stuck. She couldn’t get rid of it if she’d tried. Kitty recognized being tired, the way it clung to the body, dragged the features down. “Long day, huh?” she asked. She tried to get to know her customers, at least a little bit. “Friendly, personable” waitress was a lot better than “moody with the bad attitude, and, hey, I thought your eyes were brown, not blue” waitress. “Patty melt, fries, and a cherry coke,” she muttered, mostly to herself as she wrote the order down in careful handwriting. “Not a problem, I can have that out to you ASAP.” 
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Valerie smiled at her response, something about her aura and energy reminded Valerie of her younger sister. She tired not to linger on that thought too much, because as warm as those thoughts were there was still always a slight sting of remembrance. She let out a slow exhale but gave a lazy little smile as she nodded her head. “Very busy, but good, I like a productive day, so I can’t really complain.” She shrugged as she moved to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. She watched as the young waitress jotted down on her notepad the order that Val had requested. “That would be much appreciated, but no hurry, especially if you’ve got a busy night yourself. I used to be a server so I get it.” She assured her in a gentle tone. 
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He stared at her, small uptick of his brown in question at that, “New. Fresh. What’s the distinction?” He could’ve let it go and not questioned further save himself the trouble, but his pedantic mind demanded an reasoning of exactly why one was preferred over the other, and were he to regret that question, he could only blame himself. And that feeling only seemed to grow the more she talked. This was a new thing he was trying, seeing how long he’d last without pissing people off, and in some cases there were good outcomes, he hoped this was one to add to the list and yet, her mannerisms began to itch for his regular personality, maybe he might be the one to win this bet after all. It was an effort to not his eyes, and really, he deserved an award for maintaining a neutral expression as she spoke, “Sure, confidence, okay,” he replied, the filtered version of his thoughts, and moved the conversation right along before the words found their way out, “What’d you like to drink?” 
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Valerie couldn’t help but find it a bit amusing how he seemed very interested in having on name over the other. It made her give a small quiet chuckle. “I like the way Fresh sounds. I think it makes it sound a little more...fun. New makes me feel like I’m young, and I don’t think of myself as young really. I’m Fressssh,” she said elongating the ‘sh’ before she clicked at the side of her mouth. She gave a playful wink before she moved the swing her arms beside her. The more she interacted with him the more Valerie seemed to sense he was a bit grumpy, but kind of in the fun way. The way he seemed to begrudgingly disregard her statement about positive affirmation made her consider laughing, but once again she bit her tongue to stifle any sound from coming out. “Hmm,” she considered for a moment as she leaned against the bar. “I think I’ll have a manhattan.” She said with a nod of her head. 
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Location : Blush Boutique  Who : Open 
Valerie loved fall, autumn was certainly her season. The leaves changing and the cool weather was always right up her alley. She also always loved throwing together a costume and passing out candy. It was one of her favorite things about the season. She decided it was time to get herself a new costume. She skimmed through the racks carefully as she wandered around the boutique searching for inspiration. She gave a sideways glance at the person beside her. “So,” she said decided to make small talk. Maybe they had some interesting ideas she could bounce off. “You got plans for your costume?” She wondered aloud as she tucked her hair behind her ear. @lunarcovestarters​
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open starter
location: the pendulum playhouse 
Dressed in her best dress, Allegra looks immaculate. Her leather gloves, present in every outfit that she wears, provide a barrier for any liquids that might attach themselves to her skin. Used to them from years of wearing the garments, she pulls them off effortlessly. In fact, much of how she carries herself speaks of an effortless grace and beauty that few possess. She’s charming like that, quick witted in conversation and always ready to engage with others. Like now as she opens the door for someone coming out of the theater behind her. “Enjoy the show?” She asks, a grin falling quickly onto her lips at the idea of engagement with another. 
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This certainly was not typically Valerie’s scene in the least. But somehow she got wrangled into this sort of setting when a regular customer offered her tickets after a great meal. Though she considered giving them to someone else, but at the last minute she had really been pushed into going. She had enjoyed the show, and it was sort of fun to have a reason to get dolled up. She headed out with the rest of the crowd when she heard a voice from a rather glamourous woman speak to her. “I did.” Valerie said with a nod of her head. “I don’t usually get a chance to get out much so this is fun!” She explained with a nod of her head. 
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open!! location: Outside Starlight Bar @lunarcovestarters​
It’s not so much that the party scene has lost its appeal, it’s more that he now feels out of place in these settings. So used to dingy pool halls and dive bars, the cutesy lowlights and lack of cigarette smoke was an unfriendly reminder he’s not in his home territory. So he fidgets as he mingles with his friends, and their friends, finally finding a lull in their night and uses it to excuse himself outside for a ‘well deserved’ smoke break of his own. 
The irony of running from the situation isn’t lost on him.
It actually makes him laugh as he slinks out the door and pulls his vape out of his pocket. He takes a long hit as his head rests against the structure behind him, staring up at the clear sky as he let the nicotine calm his nerves. Too lost in thought, he almost doesn’t even notice his new company, quickly waving his hand through the new plume of smoke before the wind carried it the wrong way. “Sorry ‘bout that!” He lets out an apologetic laugh. “Didn’t hear you comin’ up!”
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Valerie had come to the Starlight bar a few times since her first visit, but not often. She typically spent her free time back at her apartment tending to her herb garden. The petite wolf had decided to take the evening to go exploring as she walked over she was heading in and smelt the smoke, her nose crinkling as she shook her head. She waved it away with her free hand before looking at the dragon whom puffed her direction. However her expression softened as she took in who it was. “Oh, no worries,” She said giving him a smile. It was always nice to see a friendly face. 
“Are you being moody and hiding out here?” She whispered in a teasing tone as she folded her arms across her chest and moved to stand beside him. “I could stand here with you and we could look like the misunderstood cool kids at the party.” She joked as she wiggled her brows. 
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Efe returned the smile, giving a nod of his head. “You know, I guess I’m not either. But I do live in Chicago most of the time. So it’s not exactly Vegas.” He furrowed up his brow, as if thinking better of himself. “Wait, no, I guess sports betting counts, doesn’t it? My buddies and I are into that sort of thing. I’m no good at it.” He gave a weak shrug at that, managing a laugh of his own. “But, uh, hey. I’m Efe. And I feel you. It’s brutal out there, don’t you think? I don’t remember it being like this growing up. But…you know, global warming and all that, I guess.” This brought out a very deep sigh. He shook his head.
Efe sniffed. “Well, I did used to know a lot of witches. I think some of them can…like, do magic stuff with computers. My point is, I don’t actually know what the limits or boundaries are anymore. And I’m also not all that tech savvy myself. So maybe the automated ones could secretly be magic anyway. Am I making any sense whatsoever?” He laughed once more, but upon hearing the time, his brow shot up. “God. You really do lose hours in here, don’t you? Has it been that long? I guess that means we should do it now before it’s 6:00, don’t you think? I’m sorry. I’ve been away from Lunar Cove a long time. I think my tolerance for…general weirdness might have gone down. You…uh, local or visiting?” 
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Valerie’s eyes widened a little as he said that he had been living in Chicago. “Wait really? What a small world, I grew up just outside the city.” Valerie felt herself relaxing a little, it was always so nice to find someone with some small sliver of similarity to herself. “That is really cool, its always exciting to meet another Midwesterner.” She nodded as she folded her arms across her chest. “I don’t know, I have never bet on sports but if you do it on an app then I don’t really think it counts...maybe.” She shrugged as she gave a playful goofy laugh. “Nice to meet you Efe. Yeah, and to be honest I’m more of an autumn so this is not my element.” She admitted as she fanned her face with her hand. 
Valerie listened but couldn’t help crinkling her nose. She covered her mouth as she took in what he said. “I mean I think I get what you are saying but it sounds a little conspiracy theory,” she explained as she lightly tapped a finger to her temple. “But who knows. Maybe you are right! Technology and Magic could be one in the same as far as I’m concerned.” Val continued to listen as she nodded her head. “I’ve been here for about four years I think. I guess I would like to think I’m on my way to becoming a local. So are you passing through this time or is this a more permanent movement?” 
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Kitty arrived in Lunar Cove at a weird time, she figured. Everyone was talking about some black out, some serial killer, some disaster or another. Sure, that all sucked, but Kitty wasn’t too worried about any of that stuff. She was pretty capable before the Change, always ready to knock some heads if they needed it, used to rough housing with her siblings. And now she was stronger, faster, more durable. More dangerous, too. She didn’t have to worry about anything, she thought, except for the little things. Providing for herself. Figuring out the cool places to hang out. But she was getting there. She’d already found a place to stay, even though it was shitty and kind of run down. She’d already found a job. Small towns always had diners, she’d found out, and Kitty had a personable smile and a knack for small talk, making tips a shoe in. She was just starting her shift at Peggy’s, tying her apron around her waist and making sure she had her pad and pen on her. Someone was already sitting in her section, so Kitty put on her most winning smile and headed over. “Howdy!” she said. “Name’s Kitty, and I’ll be your waitress today. Are you ready to order, or do you need a minute to decide?”
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Every now and again due to being absolutely exhausted Valerie had no interest in cooking for herself. So she decided to head over to the dinner and get something greasy and tasty to indulge in. She bopped in and pulled her ponytail out as she moved to sit in a booth. She shook out her hair and scooted into her seat exhausted. He leaned back as she skimmed over the menu briefly before deciding what she wanted. The waitress came over with a warm smile, similar to the one she used to wear when she was a server. “Hey,” she smiled back as she folded her arms across the top of the table. “Nice to meet you Kitty, that is a pretty cute name you know.” She shifted her shoulders forward. “You know what I think I know what I want. I’ll get an order of fries, a patty melt, and a cherry coke please and thank you.” She looked around the diner at the rest of the customers. “No rush though, well on everything except the fries.” She nodded as she gave the waitress a soft but tired looking smirk. 
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Lunar Cove was a strange place. 
As Alcher walked through the downtown, she listened to the people that passed by her and idled around the buildings. Stark padded along next to her legs, always stuck to her side, never leaving her. He was a very good, obedient dog. Intelligent and sweet. She was taking in the scents of the place, and it was so strange, the mingling of human in with supernatural. The openness of it all. Alcher had spent most of her life in hiding. In Germany, in Poland, in Nepal. When she traveled across the continent and over to Canada and the Americas– she was a shadow, a whisper, a lone wolf. She wanted to change that. The Alpha of the pack here had died, which meant there was a vacuum of power. Except…she could tell that wasn’t quite true. There was a scent in the air that followed her everywhere and tickled the back of her neck. 
Something wasn’t right.
But she’d have to find out more before addressing any of it. And so she would walk the town and familiarize herself with the streets and some of the people. She stopped when Stark suddenly did, too, and heard him sniffing, smacking his lips. She turned to gaze towards what he was sniffing and saw a bowl of dog biscuits in a window. When she strained to look up and see the storefront sign, she found it to be a pet shop. She looked down at Stark and smiled. “Why not? We can have a look.” The bell chimed over her head as she opened the door, and Stark eagerly shot in, sniffing and trotting to his delight. Alcher could sense another person in the shop with them and she lifted her head to try and pick them out. 
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Valerie was out for a walk after a long day of work. Her hair still tied back in a sleek ponytail. It was always something she did, tied back her hair, a standard for someone who was handling food. The wolf was a little spacy, the way she got after getting out of a high intensity kitchen setting that she loved so much. It was a good way to keep herself distracted when things were like this. She could place her mind elsewhere than on her worries for her pack. She knew her status and her newness to being a wolf didn’t really allow her much say in anything that was happening. In truth she didn’t really want to get into the politics involved in the setting of things in Lunar Cove. But still there was part of her that felt as though if she carried in creating a sense of community she would need to be paying more attention.
As she walked she passed by the pet store and paused for a moment. She had a bird feeder hung outside her kitchen window. She remembered it was running low on feed. Right now she was looking for anything to distract her mind from more serious things. As she pulled the door and stepped inside she heard the sniffing and the wet nose brush against her hand. She couldn’t help but laugh at the sweet face wagging its tail at her. “Well hello friend,” she smiled as she knelt down as she let the animal give her a sniff. She looked up at the other she canted her head to the side noticing their scent. “Hi there,” she smiled before straightening up. “Who’s the pup.” She asked as she scratched behind the dog’s ears. 
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