cantfightmoonlight · 7 months
Option 1:
“What do people even put on a bucket list?” Jas asked with a curve of a brow as she turned back towards her notebook in hand. Her pen lightly tapping against the surface of the bar as she continued to milk the drink she had in hand. "If you only had, let's uh say a year or so left to live, what would you top five things to do before you hit the bucket be exactly?" She asked, lifting her gaze up from the page in front of her to the person beside her out of curiosity.  
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Option 2:
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Leyla apologized as she stepped out onto the street of the Daily Drip having just put up the closed sign for the day. "We're actually closed right now," She admitted, motioning over with a tilt of her head to the sign that distinctly read 'Gone to plot some revenge. Be back soon.' "Don't worry about it. But, I should be back in an hour or two though, if you can wait until then?"
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dvsconocvdo · 2 months
closed / not accepting replies
A. after the canoeing event (blood, fainting tw)
Amrita couldn't remember a time she felt so tired, so hot, and so sweaty. After losing in the archery event, she was more than willing to sit out the other events, but when Jonah had mentioned how he wanted to win the canoe race her mindset suddenly changed. After throwing rocks, and duplicating herself she was feeling light headed. Deciding to use shadow magic to fight back against Aiyla's tactics had definitely drained her of any remaining energy. She was thankful things were slowing down a bit. But her nose continued to bleed, and she was sure she might faint soon. Bumping into someone as she attempted to keep her head raised up high, she mumbled a quick apology. "I'm so sorry. I'll get out of your way." A pause. "Actually, do you know where one might finds snacks? I'm a bit turned around."
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B. during horse riding (injury tw)
"So, like did you fucking know we had a whole equestrian set up in town? This has to be a rich person thing, yeah? Like. I can't believe there were this many horses in town." Noel was holding some blue pom poms to cheer for her team as she was definitely sitting this one out. She had never ridden a horse, and today wasn't going to be the first time. "Also, I gotta say. What are the odds of someone sabotaging the other team and causing someone else to just eat shit?"
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C. during the wolf bbq (time soup; alcohol & camera shaking in gif tw)
"All I'm saying is they love to see the underdog win. We just gave the people the performance they wanted." She bragged with ease before taking a sip of her cup. "And just because our team ate it up, I say we do shots then feast like the victors that we are." Noel patted the shoulders of her teammate in comradery.
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moonsongchorus · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure! @lunarcovestarters
Option One Location: The Park
Kadir was totally and completely fine. Kadir was jogging, even though he'd never seen the purpose in running slowly in circles around a park when his vampire speed could have him on the other side of town in seconds flat. He was jogging because that was what normal people did when they were stressed--they released the negative energy inside them through things like jogging and yoga. Kadir was jogging because he needed to believe he could do something that normal, needed to do something to chase away the feeling inside him, like he wanted to rip the whole town apart with his bare hands. He was jogging because he needed to prove he wasn't his sire, needed to prove that he wouldn't leave a trail of blood in his wake the way Theo had. He needed to believe that now his sire, Theodore Moore, was dead, so too was the darkness inside Kadir. He told himself that the insatiable blood lust he'd had for two hundred years had been Theo's doing, a part of his sire he carried with him. He wanted to believe he could be better now, that this could be a clean start.
It was around his 500th lap that he realized this might not work after all.
"You ever heard of runner's high?" he asked the person beside him. "When exactly do you think that kicks in?"
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Option Two Location: The Beach
Anna did not usually let her guard down. She had understood very early in life the phrase "sleeping with one eye open." She kept alert, always, a lifetime on the run teaching her to stay forever on the defensive. But she had gone soft lately. That much had been evident when she'd been arrested. Nearly a century and a half she'd been fighting, running from town to town, running from the law; she'd evaded sheriffs and bounty hunters, police and guardsmen in every decade for as long as she could remember. She had only come to Lunar Cove in the first place to lay low, to wait until the bounty on her head was forgotten. And then one day, she woke up, and she had a cozy mansion on the beach, and she had neighbors she let know her name, and she forgot why she was running in the first place.
This time, Anna quite literally woke with a start. She must have dozed off. She had been lounging on a beach chair, watching the waves gently rising against the sand, a book in her hand, and the sun had been warm overhead, cozy and gentle, and the next thing she knew, she was sitting bolt upright, the soft sound of footsteps in the sand alerting her to someone else's presence. On instinct, her eyes glowed and her magic came to her defense, causing a giant wave to rise from the ocean and smash over the intruder's head.
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somniumuse · 10 months
{ @lunarcovestarters / to all vampires } 1:27am on a Friday, at Clan HQ
"I just hope it’s enough to buy a miracle, that’s all," Arturo said to the vampires that were sitting near. He likes to hang out in the lounge with his fellow vampire denizens at least once a week. He was the Deputy after all, he had to make himself visible to all--but life with the mundane could drain the psyche. Plus, here they had better blood options (more fresh as least). Since the turn of the last century, Arturo hasn't drank straight from source; that act could gives him a touch of the ripper. However, being a Clan Member entitles him to as close as he wants without losing control.
"I never thought I'd see the day were I was more worried about holiday ribbons than I was today. I thought being Deputy would be romántico--not just paperwork..."
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dahliaxreed · 2 years
Who: Open Where: Luke's Hardware
While Dahlia normally had no problem bothering her landlord with every little thing that broke in her apartment, said landlord was not answering her call for help in fixing her leaking toilet. It wasn't exactly an emergency -- it wasn't as though her bathroom was in danger of flooding, but it was just driving the woman nuts having to wrap a towel around the base of the toilet every day to keep it dry. Dahlia was not handy, not in the least, but she was tenacious, and she was trying so hard to be more independent, so why not try this project on for size? How hard could it be? According to a quick Google search, all it really needed was a new seal, and she felt confident enough that she could figure it out with the help of some online videos. As she perused the aisles of the hardware store, however, she found herself overwhelmed. Why were there multiple toilet seals to choose from? Did that part even matter? And did she need special tools to actually get the toilet up? She was lost in thought as she stood there, biting her lower lip. Maybe she couldn't do this after all.
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Location : Blush Boutique  Who : Open 
Valerie loved fall, autumn was certainly her season. The leaves changing and the cool weather was always right up her alley. She also always loved throwing together a costume and passing out candy. It was one of her favorite things about the season. She decided it was time to get herself a new costume. She skimmed through the racks carefully as she wandered around the boutique searching for inspiration. She gave a sideways glance at the person beside her. “So,” she said decided to make small talk. Maybe they had some interesting ideas she could bounce off. “You got plans for your costume?” She wondered aloud as she tucked her hair behind her ear. @lunarcovestarters​
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georgianaortiz · 2 months
OPEN | @lunarcovestarters
A. Capture the Flag [ The Cove's Jail ]
The retreat events weren't the kind of games Gia liked to play. Still, the vampire participated on behalf of the clan. Her loyalty to her people unassailable but questionable with everyone else. "Well I study prehistoric archeology, mostly, but a colleague of mine is a maritime archaeologist. Brilliant in his field." The brunette commended. "But bless his heart, he's a mess of a man. Steps out on his wife who gave him five children. He can't keep an assistant, either, and no one has to guess why." Head still shaking in disapproval, Gia continued on. "So this colleague, he told me that the bottom of the ocean is called the abyssal plain and isn't made of sand but sediment from everything that's ever lived in the sea. How interesting!" The exclamation was followed by an abrupt change in her tone as the eyes in the back of her head, from motherhood, told her someone was trying to escape. "Sit back down."
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B. Canoeing [ During the Vampire's bracket ]
Wearing a long, flowing skirt, and kitten heels with a parasail and picnic basket in hand, Gia declined her canoe's paddle and settled into her little boat. The only thing she knew about boats was how to float down river. Which was a favorite past time of hers, growing up, as a young girl in Savannah. The middle child of a dozen and one siblings, they all loaded into oak boats with picnic lunches to bask in the southern, summertime sun. Today filled Gia with nostalgia and champagne, which she packed in lieue of her childhood's picnic lunch. She popped the bottle the second she set sail, bubbling with delight as the liquid poured over the top. "What a lovely day this will be!"
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C. Bonfire [ Opening Night ]
They were all just stories at the end. Stories and bones; two of Gia's great loves. Scary stories her favorite kind, ever since childhood when she'd sneak out of bed, wander down the hall, and eavesdrop on her older siblings attempts to spook one another. In a sort of poetic irony that Georgiana amusedly appreciated, she was a ghost story. "They say I haunt the house where I died in Savannah. The story seems to change every few decades. I tripped down the stairs, my husband's misstress pushed me, an evil spirit from beyond did the deed.." A laugh, half-hearted in sound, proceeded the recount. "All are false, of course. They do have my portrait up, though the artist's rendition is hardly as damning as a photograph." Her tongue clicked in audible annoyance, as she grumbled something about stupid cell phones.
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D. Werewolf BBQ
Why the clan was invited to a werewolf BBQ was beyond Gia's knowing. Once more, she joined in on the festivities like a good sport and brought baked goods for the food table. One look at the cuisine and she knew she wouldn't be eating anything she hadn't brought herself. Georgiana had a particular palette for human food these days, and it did not include anything that could be prepared on a BBQ. She resigned herself to drinking and people watching, making observations in her mind until someone was in ear shot to hear her commentary. "That guy.." The vampire gestured at someone, random, in the crowd. "..is a beer shy of being able to start a brewery. I give him another half hour, at best. That's being generous." Not so quietly she scoffed, "Light weight."
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aiylabaysal · 9 months
Where: Magnolia Inn
Who: Anyone @lunarcovestarters
She watched with calculated and quick unfurling understanding as a chaotic round of family drama dumping turned into something far more sinister. Aiyla quickly discarded the green shaw of her sweater and let her wings unfurl to move above the chaos. She made note of the Court and outliers marking those seemingly unaffected from those affected. "All court members get back to your home or place of safety right away. This is not a negotiation. Get home as quickly as you can. As safely as you can." Aiyla shouted knowing not all would hear her. Buzzing around the room she shoved the doors open and knocked into a tailspin as running locals made their way out. She skidded across the carpeted floor knocking over the table of cookies as she stood angry and frightened grabbing onto the nearest for balance. "Go go!" She shouted practically pushing them out of the door and away from the chaos the best she could.
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prescottreese · 1 month
who: open | @lunarcovestarters where: wherever makes it interesting when: saturday evening
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"What do you think about just a little? No limitations on if it's just for a minute, though."
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nyraxodeyer · 2 months
for: fae court (others absolutely can reply too! flick me a dm pls, might cap it) @lunarcovestarters time & location: after all the events, wolf bbq or anywhere else that works!
Despite the loss of some of the sporting events Nyra could not settle down with the defeat in a pout even if she wanted too, she couldn't let herself falter or give into that feeling that began to brew, an equal mix of disappointment and defeat - not just of the loss, but a deeper thing that had the potential to be all encompassing thing if she didn't nip this in the bud. Taking a break however was needed after the long day, a quick respite before pulling up the composure and poised nature she presented the world. Soon enough, comforts of the hotel were left behind as she headed back into the crowd of people, her aim was to find the Fae folk check up on them, thank them for their effort the past two days, this however, did not mean she avoided everyone else, polite smiles and bites of conversation meet all those that stopped to talk to her, congratulatory handshakes were offered too, more giving than receiving, but it was fine overall, such things were expected. She retreated into a quiet spot eventually but found it came a familiar face. "Mind for some company? Or do you prefer to be left alone?"
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ernieernieboi · 4 months
@lunarcovestarters who: everyone where: anywhere when: anytime (after the event)
It wasn't the attack at the ball that had Ernie on edge, it was the fact that he didn't know what the fuck was going on. Ernie was delusional enough to think he could protect himself against whoever The Catalyst was, so he wasn't worried about danger. He was more concerned about what they wanted, and is he to expect them to crash a party every time someone throws one?
A few feet away, he noticed someone he thought he had seen that night. "I saw you at the ball the other night." He said. Of course, everyone was wearing a mask so he could be making a fool of himself, but it was worth a shot if he wanted some answers. "Are you, you know, good? Do you know what that was about?"
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cantfightmoonlight · 2 months
Option A: After Canoeing
"Hey watch it," A rare and deep laugh escaped his lips as he splashed the other who had just sent a splash of their own his way. Slowly wandering out of the water, he collapsed onto the beach. The little grains of sand already began to cling to his back as he sprawled out across the ground. He had dived in to distract the sirens and help push the CONS canoe towards the finishing line and they nearly won too, even though the odds had been completely against them and, for the first time in a while, he found himself actually having fun for once which was as much of a shock to him as it seemed to be for everyone else.
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Option B:
"Hold on, sorry," Meena apologized as she interrupted them mid conversation. She had been trying her best to ignore the way one of her vamps had been visible running around in the Castillo house with a slingshot in hand, just the way she had predicted he would. But, when he aimed the slingshot at another, she snapped her head to the side and shouted over at him like one might scold a child, "Ralph, I swear to god, what did I tell you? Don't aim at people! Now," Letting out a breath, she smoothed out her jacket before she turned to flash the person before her a smile. "What were we talking about?"
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dvsconocvdo · 11 months
@lunarcovestarters CLOSED! please don't reply
Option A Location: anywhere, on a line of a coffee shop, near the bus stop, the Rec Center, literally anywhere.
"How difficult do you think this whole DIY stuff is? I'm thinking about doing a laminated backsplash. Should I hire an expert?" She sighed, deep in thought. "Or do you reckon it's more of a get drunk and just figure it out kinda situation?"
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Option B Location: Wore-drobe
"On a scale of one to ten, how warm do we think leg warmers would be in this type of weather?" In the midst of all the chaos and all the bad news, Noel was looking for new designer projects to start. Maybe to sooth their mind, maybe because they weren't getting much sleep since the eclipse. "Cause warm nude tights are a bit expensive, but I just wanna wear skirts in the winter. Surely, it won't be that bad." She knew harsh winters, she grew up in New York, but she still liked to tempt fate. Hands moved hangers, so they could look through the sweaters. "These could be cute leg warmers, no?"
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Option C Location: Follow My Lead
"How was it?" They asked with a smile. It hadn't been too long since they started offering pole dance/fitness classes, and they had been worried no one would show up or sign up. There could be a stigma around it, but every time Noel was pleasantly surprised when people did show up regardless of how many. The important thing was someone came and they hoped they enjoyed themselves. Of course, that didn't mean Noel would take it easy on them. They were all here to workout and break a sweat, so they were stern. "I have a balm for friction burns if you want. I do hope I see you again here next week!"
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altanonder · 4 months
altan & open ; @lunarcovestarters location: lunar cove beach, sunny harbor
It seemed almost as if Lunar Cove was under a curse, each event that was supposed to bring joy resulted in even more tragedy, only this time around, death would be permanent. No resurrection or transformation able to change what had befallen Mason, their death a stark reminder that magic and immortality were not options for them all and that life could be fleeting even if well-lived. He'd gone on an early morning run, an attempt to clear his head and stop the grief from spiraling, although the heavy weight in his heart remained even as he came to a brief respite.
The ocean, while so often bringing with it a sense of calm and serenity, seemed agitated too. Rough, choppy waves that seemed to mirror his own spirit, and Altan hardly noticed the footsteps approaching until they were standing next to him. "Which do you think is more likely, that the ocean will turn red tomorrow or that we'll be able to have a celebration that doesn't end in disaster?"
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cecevandoren · 3 months
who. open @lunarcovestarters
option one.
where. town green, the gazebo
There were plenty of locations within the town of Lunar Cove that Cecile had claimed as a comfortable place to sit and read. The Daily Drip and the local library, just to name a few, but on a sunny day accompanied by a breeze? That practically begged Cece to bring a blanket with her to sit on the steps of the Gazebo and get lost in a few chapters.
However, today was exceptionally windy.
Like, she couldn't remember the last time her skirt whipped around her ankles in such an aggressive fashion. Not to mention her hair. It was a constant battle between being pushed to cover her eyes, or tugged behind her, as if the wind had invisible claws that intended to pull the strands from her scalp.
Originally Cece intended to ignore it. Once she was deep enough into her book, she would forget about the world around her. But that didn't happen. She was distracted. Actually, it was when she had read the same page four times and realize she hadn't retained any of the information that she was compelled to bother the person nearby. "Hello. I am so sorry for bothering but do you perhaps have a hair tie? Or a scarf? I seemed to have left the house unprepared today."
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option two.
where. outside of bliss yoga
Cecile had learned a few years back that moving around did her body good, specifically stretching. She wasn't sure which one of the staff members at Verdant Vale suggested she try yoga, but she silently thanked them every time she left a class. it had taken a few months for her to work on her balance for most of the poses, but now she definitely could say she felt like she could hold her own in one of the intermediate classes.
Between the deep stretches and the calming music, it felt like one of the only places she could clear her mind and just exist. And after all the chaos surrounding the town in past months, it felt good to just focus on her breathing and nothing else.
The class ended too quickly for her liking, but she didn't linger. She rolled up the sea foam green mat she had brought with her, tucked it under her arm and said goodbye to the instructor as she followed many of the other students out of the building.
Once out of the humid studio, Cece began to walk towards where she would meet the family chauffeur to take her back home. But she paused when she saw the person in front of her drop something. She hadn't noticed if they had tripped or if it merely slipped out of their hand, but she didn't think as she began to bend down to help them. "Oh here, let me..." she began, reaching for what had fallen between them.
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nate-windsor · 4 months
OPEN @ starlight bar ( @lunarcovestarters )
Nate was pleasantly buzzed, existing in that place between sober and sloppy with just enough of a hum between his ears that he couldn't hear himself think about everything he was currently avoiding thinking about. It did not, however, stop him from hearing the unmistakable opening chords of First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes as it filtered out of the speakers. The pleasantness of his buzz was gone in an instant. This was a cruel joke, right? It had to be. That song was old as shit and definitely not the vibe of a place like the Starlight Bar. And even if it was, no it wasn't.
The only reasonable explanation was that the universe hated him and enjoyed watching him suffer. He tossed back the last few swallows of his whiskey, hardly feeling the smooth burn on the way down, and plucked up the specialty cocktail menu as he set his glass down with a thud, eyes scanning without comprehending what he was reading. All he could think about was his wedding song as it played on like some manifestation of his worst nightmare. He turned to the person next to him, desperate for both a distraction and a recommendation, stabbing a finger against the menu as he did so. "Hypothetical question. If I was trying to find that sweet spot between temporary deafness and full blackout, which one of these would I order?"
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