valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Everyone getting desperate
Because of all the finals?
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Nothing special. Just an usaul weekend. I hate spending weekends at school and my parents live far so my uncle it is almost every weekend. So how was your weekend?
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I'm back
Welcome back! Not much has happened since you were away, so there’s nothing to report. Did you have a nice trip?
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
I'm back
Had a long weekend at my uncle so here I am again. 
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
It's more like why would you do a snow project in may? 
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Oh look...
How?  The snow isn’t even real.  If it were real snow then I’d be concerned.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Still weird.
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Oh look...
It’s a project silly.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
"I think it's still using me. Not that I mind but using someone or something to get what you want is still using the other person. Like how do you know a brush hates brushing and still you say that you use it." He paused for a moment. "Yes I'm aware that I just compared myself to a brush."
When the girl layed on top of him and quickly pulled her shirt off. He just stared to her, her body and her eyes, And he smiled. He didn't cared anymore that it was just sex without all the other benefits it was still sex and he had a feeling it would be awesome sex. 
"The point was having casual sex right? Then why shouldn't we cut all the bull shit?" 
His hand layed on the back of the girl and he slowly moved the top of his fingers across her back. When he slowly went down with his hands when he finally fellt her butt and he squished a little. His hands moved back up and over her bare back. He continued to kiss her and with his hand he started to play with the edges of the pants of the girl. 
Sex date || Stella & Valerius
"It’s most defiantly not considered using you, not when you also want in on the casual sex." She pointed out as she smirked at the boy. She didn’t know that what she was about do next would be the right thing. She didn’t want to rush things with Val, but she was usually the type of person to get down to business when it came to sex. The young girl crawled her way on the bed until she was on top of the boy. While keeping her eyes locked with his, she slipped off her shirt and pressed a deep and long kiss to his lips, cupping his face while doing so. She pulled away after a couple seconds and looked down at the boy again.
"Am I going too fast or?" She asked him.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
You must be high or something because snow in may is weird. 
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Oh look...
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It’s snowing!
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
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★ Meet Valerius Duke, he is 16 years old from Columbia, South Carolina and looks a lot like Colton Haynes. Valerius is studying at Culver Creek and is an ORIGINAL CHARACTER  ★
“When I’m sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead! True Story…”
★ Biography:
On the outside Valerius seemed to be born in a perfect family, rich parents, sweet sister a happy family. But very few know that Valerius mom isn’t the woman who raised him. His dad had an affair and insisted of raising him. But the woman who raised him never really liked him because he wasn’t here and threated him badly while his sister got all the love she could dream of.
The family never had to worry about a dime, his parents worked his butt off so they could pay for an amazing house and that they could visit places from all over the world. Every year he and his dad would visit another country, for Valerius those weeks of being somewhere else together with his dad were amazing. His dad would give him love and time and they were like a normal family. But when they came back home his parents got back to work, his mom was there to hate him again and Valerius was left alone with the maids and his sister. Not that the maids didn’t gave him love but it was different and not enough for the young Valerius. Eventually his adoptive mom convinced his father that it was best for Valerius to go to boarding school, a place where he wouldn’t be so alone and that the family didn’t had to spread the love over two kids. At the age of 12 it started and he was sent to a boarding school near Washington, DC. 
Because his dad went to Culver Creek when he was young, Valerius had to go to. So at the age of 14 he was sent to Alabama and quickly became friends with the ‘weekday warriors’. Unlike the other weekday warriors his parents aren’t from the Birmingham area but from Columbia. His grandparents lived in Durham near Duke university and the tobacco industry but since that’s over they moved to Columbia. Over the weekend he usually stays with his uncle or his friends, because staying at school with the other losers is not really an option.
★ Personality:
Because Valerius always got what he wanted he isn’t used to being rejected. So when someone says no to him he thinks it’s personal and he wants revenge or he just gets angry. Same goes for losing, losing is just something Valerius doesn’t do.
His parents never really gave him love so he usually keeps his distant, the only things he learned about love is that girls are good for kissing and he usually gets the girls when he wants, with all the years of boarding school he learned to manipulated people so they eventually gave him what he wanted. 
★ Traits:
✔ Confident, good with words
✘ Can’t control temper, distant
★ Relationships:
- To be developed -
★ Extra Information:
- Loves spending time in the gym
- Room Mate: TBA
- Week day Warrior
- Sexuality: Heterosexual (But open to experimenting)
★ Resources:
Icons:  X
Gif Hunts: X | X | X
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
I just have faith in the lack of confidence by teenage girls. 
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Confident are we? Or stupidly cocky?
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
He still found it weird for a girl to just want casual sex. They were usual all about talking and emotinial shit. He would never say no to casual sex but another great part of having casual sex with hopeless girls was the not calling back and to feel wanted but have the power to say no. It may was evil but Valerius felt great doing so. 
"You know that is technically using me? No that I mind"
He stood up and slowly pulled of his shirt and walked towards her. He stood in front of her and waited just a few seconds before he sat down next to her. Their arms just millimeters away from each other but not yet touching. He put his hand on the bed just behind her and leaned backwards. 
"Happy now?" He asked while smiling slightly. 
Sex date || Stella & Valerius
"Oh really?" She raised a brow in curiosity as she kept her eyes on Valerius as she then took a seat on her bed, pulling her knees up to her chest and biting her lip slightly. "What was the boy doing?" She was asking herself. She was honestly confused. Usually when two people wanted to hookup with one another, they just got down to business. Did the boy actually have manners and wanted to get to know her better before anything happened? All the girl knew is that she had to ask before getting any answers.
"Thanks, and I think it’s really nice of you for wanting to sit down and talk with me before we rip our clothing off." She giggled out a bit and took a breath. "But just incase you were wondering, I’m not using you, and I’m not being desperate. I just honest to god love causal sex, and haven’t had causal sex in awhile." She explained to him.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
He saw her opening the door. It still felt too good to be true a random hook up with a girl when he just got back here. He usually was the dick who didn't called. He had always learned that something seemed too good to be true it was. So he stepped a little bit sceptic inside the door. But as far as he could see there were no wicca symbols or anything so the change that he was being offered to some weird god seemed small. 
"Well because the creek is my home this is technically my home already but I will do my best." 
He had no idea if he was suppose to hug her or anything but he just walked straight pas her and straight to her desk and sat down on the chair. He felt like they first needed to have some sort of date he knew this was always his goal when it came to girls but it still felt wrong. 
"I like your room."
He just felt like he needed to say something instead of just sitting here. He looked the girl in her eyes. and smiled slightly. He had no idea what to do right now. Should he stand up and kiss the girl, just pull of his shirt an be the pretty perfect boy he always was. So he just sat and stared trying to look the best. 
Sex date || Stella & Valerius
Stella Hedrick was never a huge fan of relationships, it was all bullshit to her. The thought of knowing someone on a personal level, and sharing every god forbid details of their past not only terrified her, but also didn’t appeal to her. In her honest opinion, have meaningless sex and hookup’s were the way to go with life. Ever since her parents messy divorce, the young girl has had a warped meaning on what a real and honest “relationship” should be like. So, instead of actually having respect for herself and trying to find the right guy for her, she’d rather just sleep around and have friends with benefits type of relationships. At the end of the day, it seemed to satisfy her. 
Stella heard a knock from her dorm room door and an evil smirk instantly spread across her full lips. She was always the type of girl to get what she wants; especially an excellent hookup on only her second day on campus. She made the short walk from her bed to the door and opened it for Valerius.
"Hey there," She said outloud to him. "Come on in, make yourself at home." She added on.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Ooh don't worry I know I will get a shot. 
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I’m sure you’ll get your shot, man. It seems like sex is advertised around here.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Sex date || Stella & Valerius
The moment Valerius read the question if he should come to her dorm he knew he wanted to come. He didn't felt like replying so he just stood up and walked towards his mirror. Although he usually is the 'standing in front of the mirror but thinking everything is flawless' type right now he had no idea what to think of his own image. It was weird having a girl to say she wanted sex with him. He knew he was smooth and was able to get in girls' pants but for some reason he felt that he was being used. Not that he mind but he knew it was true. 
He grabbed a different shirt out of his closet and closed at the buttons except the top one so you were able to see the top of his chest. And his chest hair if he had any. He just loved when girls unbuttoned things. Maybe it was weird to put something on because he liked the way it had to be taken off but nevertheless he did it. 
He walked towards his door grabbed his key and wallet because you never know where you mind end and he walked into the hallway. He thought he knew where her dorm was but when he walked towards her he wasn't sure anymore. When he arrived at the possible dorm of Stella he looked around the door to see any clues it really was her. He layed his ear against the door and listened. He didn't really heard anything so the only thing that he could think of doing was just knock. So he slowly lifted his arm and knocked on the door. 
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Why is somewhen having sex when I haven't? But guess at least they could put on some decent music. But hey some people have weird fettishes.
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Oh my god, what is this bullshit that I hear? It’s the sound of mainstream, pop music blasting loudly from a dorm room in order to conceal the fact that the nasty is happening. Bom chicka wow wow, my friend.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Course I am, a hot chick that doesn't want to know any emotinal layers about me, that starts the topic of sex offers to test how much we both like it. What is not to like?
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So here I am.
So, are you in or not?
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
I guess it is. 
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So here I am.
Yeah, of course they do.  And if they don’t that’s their problem.
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valerius-the-duke · 10 years
Probably most people think you are likeable already, all colorful and bubbly you know. 
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So here I am.
Yeah…….if that’s what you want to think go ahead.  But I think I’m likeable enough as I am.
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