vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Honestly the most important video I’ve ever seen…
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Nobody: ...
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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13 + Real Smiles in S12
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Jodie Whittaker Masterlist
This is an updated masterlist of links to watch Jodie’s filmography. All of these are streaming links. Huge thanks to @uwuttaker who was my partner in crime putting this together! Message either one of us if any of the links are broken or if you have a better link (or something we are missing!) and we will add it.
Venus (2006)
St Trinian’s (2007)
Good (2008)
White Wedding (2009)
Swansong: Story of Occi Byrne (2009)
Perrier’s Bounty (2009)
St Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold (2009)
The Kid (2010)
Ollie Kepler’s Expanding Purple World (2010)
Attack the Block (2011)
One Day (2011)
A Thousand Kisses Deep (2011)
Good Vibrations (2012)
Ashes (2012)
Hello Carter (2013)
Spike Island (2013)
Get Santa (2014)
Black Sea (2014)
Adult Life Skills (2016)
Journeyman (2017)
Roar (2009)
Wish 143 (2009)
Mr Dorothy (2009)
Thrush (2010)
Hello Carter (2011)
Two Minutes (2011)
Dust (2012)
Smoke (2012)
Emotional Fusebox (2014)
[untitled] (2017)
Rachel (2019)
The Afternoon Play - The Last Will and Testament of Billy Two-Sheds (2006)
Doctors - Ignorance Is Bliss (2006)
Dalziel and Pascoe  - Fallen Angel: Part One Part Two (2006)
This Life + 10 (2007)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (2008)
Wired (2008)
The Shooting of Thomas Hurndall (2008)
Consuming Passion (2008)
Svengali (2009)
Return to Cranford (2009)
Accused (2010)
Royal Wedding (2010)
Marchlands: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4  Episode 5 (2011)
Black Mirror - The Entire History of You (2011)
The Night Watch (2011)
Broadchurch (2013 - 2017)
The Assets (2014)
The Smoke: Episodes 1-4 Episodes 5-8 (2014)
Trust Me (2017)
Doctor Who (2017 - present) Series 11 Series 12
Got it Covered BBC Children in Need special (2019)
Music videos
All Of You - Riz MC ft. Aruba Red & Plan B
Please Venus - Golden Silvers
Zeroes - Duologue
Antigone (2012)
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
The Day The World Went Away
13th Doctor X Reader
Summary: You're dead. The Doctor visits your grave and tries to have a conversation.
Warnings: Major character death/Person Of Interest Spoilers/ANGST
A/N: Another fic based off of a scene from person of interest! I'm really enjoying doing these, and this one's based off of when Shaw visits Roots grave. As per usual, I've tweaked the storyline and scene quite a bit so it fits better.
Gif: @samosevie
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A figure stands alone in the graveyard.
It's a still day. Grey clouds in the sky cast a dark shadow over the landscape, but there's not a chill in the air. It's silent apart from the birds in the trees, and the grass is still wet from the rain the night before, raindrops still lying on the gravestone. The Doctor counts them. She's trying not to think too hard about the person lying 6 feet below her.
They didn't even bury you under your own name.
Instead there's just a date. 14/03/13, engraved onto the tiny headstone and painted black. The day you supposedly died.
"I figured I should say goodbye," The Doctor says quietly as she stares at the 6 figures. "Just in case this cyberman armageddon turns out to be a full blown cyberman armageddon."
She feels awkward. Strange. She doesn't like goodbyes. She doesn't like it when you're there but you can't answer back.
She remembers the afternoon you died so, so clearly. Remembers how the cyberman's bullet hit you in the side, the gasp escaping your mouth the only evidence that anything was wrong. You'd managed to drive the car two more blocks before the police had caught up with you and the Doctor had told you to stop. You needed help, your face was paleing and you were bleeding onto the white leather of your seat. She had been hopeful at first, but as she was pulled from the car, she couldn't help the sinking feeling in her stomach.
There were officers tending to you, trying to keep you talking and awake. She wanted to be by your side, but she was being taken away by idiot humans who didn't have a clue about the impending cyber invasion.
As she sat in the back of the police car, the Doctor had strained her neck, trying to keep her eyes on you as she was driven away.
It was the last time she'd seen you alive.
Tears spring in her eyes and she blinks them away furiously. Fuck. She hated this.
"Sorry Y/N," She mumbles, turning to go. "This just isn't my thing."
She had always thought that the (inevitable) day you died would have been explosive. Meaningful. She thought you would go out in a blaze of fire and glory, the way everyone else had. Instead, you were assinated by a single cyberman, and had died in the drivers seat of a stolen car.
And here she was. Alone, at your graveside. Rain begins to fall, mixing with the tears on her cheeks and she wipes at them furiously.
"Sorry to interrupt, but you need to get going."
The Doctor jumps at the voice. It's yours, and her hearts leap in hope.
She whips around, expecting to find you standing there in your leather jacket, a smug look on your face like always.
But you're not. And she's still alone.
She looks around friantically trying to find where your voice had come from. Had she imagined it?
Then it dawns on her. She pulls out her sonic screwdriver and presses the button. Hope twists in stomach again.
"Y/N?" She asks into it.
"No, darling."
It's still your voice. But it doesn't make sense - you're dead, buried beneath where she stands now. Her brain is scrambling to keep up.
"Who is this?"
"It's me, sexy." There was a hint of humour in your voice, and then it hits her.
"You took her voice." She breathes in realization. It's the TARDIS interface.
"You'd always wanted me to have a voice. I finally chose one."
"Why hers?" The Doctor demands. Was the TARDIS trying to hurt her?
"I loved Y/N, just as much as you did. It seemed fitting. I miss her."
The Doctor's lip wobbles again as she stares down at the grave. The tiny burst of hope she had just felt now weighed like a stone in her hearts.
"Doc, you need to get going," You - no, the TARDIS - says. "I've materialised outside the church. There are cybermen on their way."
"But they'll take Y/N's body." The Doctor argues desperately.
"I know," The TARDIS says.
"I can't lose her twice - I cant," The Doctor chokes out, the hand holding her screwdriver shaking. "Please just let me have what's left of her, I can't lose all of her. Don't let the cybermen take more of her than they already have."
"Run, Doctor. Y/N always said it was the only thing you're good at."
Bile rises in the Doctor's throat, and she can hear the clanking of cybermen in the distance. She shoves the sonic back in her pocket, before taking one last look at your final resting place.
"I love you." She breathes shakily. She'd always worried that if she ever said those three words to you aloud, the universe would immediately rip you away from her. It didn't matter now - you'd already been taken, and now what's left of you was going to be taken as well. Your fate was already sealed, your dead body would be a cyberman by dawn.
The clanking is only getting louder and she turns away. Her hand covers her mouth, stiffling a pained sob, tears streaming over her fingers. She squeezes her eyes shut and does what she's best at.
She runs.
Taglist: @queerconfusionthings @truthbehindthemysteries
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Some angsty 13 x reader where the reader had been kidnapped and isolated recently and is struggling to get used to normal life again? (Like flinching at loud noises, startling a lot, and avoiding touch) and they don’t know how to open up and be comforted? Also reminder that all your work is amazing and I love waking up to check for new fics, thanks for all you write.
Thank you anon! Honestly I’m still amazed that so many people like my writing :D
Title: Together
Tag list: @v4n1r, @queerconfusionthings,  @yourneighbourhoodclown
The Doctor was concerned about you, even more than usual. She had saved you after the Master had kidnapped you in order to get to her and despite her best efforts you didn’t want to talk to her. You shut yourself in your room and refused to speak to anyone. Even Ryan, who you were closest to, hadn’t managed to get through to you. The Doctor found herself growing jealous of your friendship with Ryan even though she knew she shouldn’t. You were your own person after all.
The Doctor was sitting in the kitchen one night nursing a cup of tea. She was getting better at making tea and her companions agreed. It was a rare occasion when Ryan, Yaz and Graham had left the TARDIS and she was alone with you. Well, as she hadn’t seen you in a couple of days she might as well have been alone. The sound of the door opening jolted her out of her thoughts and she looked up sharply to see you standing there. You had a panicked looked on your face and you made to leave.
The Doctor caught your flinch and immediately regretted raising her voice slightly.
“Stay. I haven’t seen you in days.”
“And? There have been times when you left me for months before popping into my life at random.”
There was a harsh and bitter undertone to your voice. The Doctor never heard you speak like that before and her mind raced with vicious thoughts about what the Master did to you.
“You’ve been locked up in your room for days,” she said quietly, “We’re concerned about you. I’m concerned about you. Please, I just want to talk.”
You looked over your shoulder at her and gave her a curt nod. You sat down at the other end of the table and the Doctor wished you were nearer. She wanted to hold you and reassure you that everything will be alright. That you’re back with her and she will protect you. However, the fact that you were sitting with her now was a big improvement.
‘Baby steps, Doctor,’ she thought, ‘We can’t afford to scare y/n off now.’
“So,” she said, “How are you feeling?”
“How do you think I’m feeling?”
“Shocked,” she said, “Still scared. Paranoid I expect.”
“How about betrayed.”
“Betrayed? What do you-“
“Do you know how long I was held captive by him?”
“About a week. I know it took a long time to-“
“I was held for six months.”
Oh. Oh no. The Master must’ve held you in a time distortion bubble. While it was only a week on the outside (a week too long in the Doctor’s opinion) it felt like six months for you. No wonder you’d been so distant with everyone.
“Y/n,” said the Doctor reaching across the table and grasping your hand, “Time was different for you in there.”
You pulled your hand out of the Doctor’s.
“I know that,” you said, “I learnt that the hard way when I realised what the real date was. Do you have any idea what it felt like to go through that?”
When the Doctor didn’t answer you continued,
“I was stuck with only the Master for company. The things he said to me. How you weren’t going to save me. That you didn’t really care about me. That he was the person who saved me from being neglected by you. Then you burst in,” by now tears were pouring down your face, “I was almost ready to go with him, to give up when you appeared. How do expect me to go back to normal after that?”
The Doctor stood up and walked over to you. She knelt down in front of you and held your face in her hands. When you tried to pull away she refused to let you, forcing you to look into her eyes.
“By not going through this alone,” she said firmly, “Everything the Master told you were lies. I’d never abandon you. You’re my friend, one of my best friends, and I can’t afford to lose you because…”
The Doctor trailed off.
“Because what?”
“Because I love you y/n. More than everything I love you and want you to be safe and happy.”
“Is that why he took me?”
“Maybe. I’m sorry,” the Doctor moved away, “I shouldn’t have told you this. I shouldn’t have put you in danger.”
You stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. The Doctor turned around and saw you smiling at her.
“Didn’t you think that it might be possible that I’m in love with you?”
The Doctor pulled you into her arms and pressed a kiss against your forehead. You smiled happily and for the first time in weeks welcomed contact with another person. You knew that the Doctor will help you recover from being kidnapped. You’d get through this together.
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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bts pics from season 12
i love her so much💕
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Reblog if you’re
Queer/ an LGBTQ+ ally
A feminist
A supporter of the BLM movement
Everyone should reblog.
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Does anybody know where i can get a girlfriend? I want a girl i can hug and kiss, wake up too, make breakfast together.
I'm almost 24 and my luck hasn't been the best in the love department. I'm moving to toronto next year for school.
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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Went to the waterfalls with a friend not too long ago and ong it was BEAUTIFUL!! I would like to get a girlfriend that i can bring there next time
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
TRAYVON MARTIN was walking home with an iced tea and Skittles. He was shot by George Zinneman, who was found not guilty.
KEITH SCOTT was sitting in a car, reading. He was shot by a police officer, who was not charged.
ATATIANA JEFFERSON was looking out her window, and was shot by a police officer, who is still under indictment for murder.
JONATHAN FERRELL was asking for help after an auto accident. He was shot twelve times by police, case ended in mistrial.
JORDAN EDWARDS was riding in a car and was shot in the back of the head by a police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
STEPHON CLARK was holding a cell phone, and was shot 8 times, 6 in the back. The officers were not charged.
AMADOU DIALLO while taking out his wallet, 41 shots were fired by four different officers. They were all acquitted.
RENISHA MCBRIDE after an auto accident, she knocked on someone’s door for help. The homeowner was found guilty of second-degree murder.
TAMIR RICE was playing with a toy gun, and was shot by police officer arriving on scene. Officer was not charged.
SEAN BELL was hosting a bachelor party. 50 rounds were fired by police officers who were found not guilty of charges.
WALTER SCOTT was pulled over for brake lights, and was shot in the back by a police officer who pleaded guilty to civil rights violations.
PHILANDO CASTILE was pulled over and told officer he had a legally registered weapon in car. Officer acquitted of all charges.
AIYANA JONES was sleeping and was accidentally shot by an officer in a raid on wrong apartment. Officer cleared of all charges.
TERRENCE CRUTCHER needed help when his vehicle broke down. Was shot by a police officer who was found not guilty of manslaughter.
ALTON STERLING was selling CDs, and was shot at close range while being arrested. No charges filed.
FREDDIE GRAY was beaten to death by officers while being transported in police van. All officers involved were acquitted.
JOHN CRAWFORD was shopping at WalMart, holding a BB gun that was on sale—police officer was not charged for his murder.
MICHAEL BROWN was shot twelve times by an officer, including in the back. No charges filed.
JORDAN DAVIS was killed because he was playing loud music. Shooter found guilty of first-degree murder.
SANDRA BLAND was pulled over for traffic ticket; was tasered and then arrested. Suspicious “suicide” while in jail. No charges.
BOTHAM JEAN was fatally shot in his home, which female officer ¿mistook for her own? (Which I’ll never understand.) Officer found guilty of murder.
OSCAR GRANT was handcuffed and placed face-down, officer then shot him in the back. Officer found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.
COREY JONES was waiting by his car which was broken down, and was shot three times by police officer, who was found guilty of murder.
AHMAUD AUBREY was jogging. He was shot by two racist men who claimed they suspected him of burglaries. Both men were charged with murder and aggravated assault.
GEORGE FLOYD was suspected of alleged fraud. He handcuffed and pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee. He begged for mercy and he was ignored.
ERIC GARNER: Stopped for selling cigarettes on a nyc street and choked by a cop in broad daylight. Complications of the stress put on his throat by the hold caused his death; Openly said “I can’t breathe” several times and pretty much died while three other cops watched their compatriot kill a man. Eric was well known for just trying to sell goods as a side hustle and never actually hurt anybody.
DJ HENRY was fatally shot in his car by police officer Aaron Hess in the early morning hours of Oct. 17, 2010. DJ's passengers say they were doing nothing wrong when Hess ran out in front of them in the road. Hess says he only fired because he was in fear for his life. Hess later admitted to lying on multiple occasions after DJ’s death about the shooting.
These were all murders. They were not accidental. All of these innocent people: men, women AND children. Were murdered because they were black. Not because they were violent. Not because they were threatening, but because they were black. Something has to change. We have to MAKE a change. Black lives matter. Black men. Black women. Black children. Non-Binary blacks. Trans blacks. Every single one of their lives matter. Your friends. Your neighbors. Your teachers. Your brothers. Your sisters. We are the change.
this list isn’t even close to a being a quarter of the wrongful African American deaths in America and if there is anyone you’d like me to add please message me. I will gladly add them because people deserve to know their names.
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
Reblog this if you want a LONG anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
a little survey: reblog if you just need a hug right now
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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lesbians love and support our trans sisters 💖💖
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vall-97 ¡ 4 years
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