valorcode-blog · 8 years
dog memes are best memes tbh
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
pls read this,
outofcharacter. alright, in relation to the anons that i received this morning, and the issue that i honestly was unsure of as the opinions i received, given that two of them were from anons, and there’s no sure way of me to see if either of them are credible seeing that i don’t know if they’re Japanese or not, i decided to sit down, take what they said, and change my tags later on. however, a friend of mine who i discussed this with had reached out to a Japanese friend of theirs, and presented the situation to her. in turn, this was her response. her name has been blurred out for her privacy.
i also had another friend of mine reach out to a mutual of ours on twitter, who is also Japanese, and this was her response.
in order to keep my mouth shut for the most part, as i would like to reiterate, i am not Japanese, so i will let their words speak for me. my apology is no less valid, however, but i....don’t think i’ll be changing my tags now that i have two legitimate opinions from people who can speak on this -- not to say that the anons opinions are less valid -- it’s just that i have absolutely no clue if they are Japanese/Japanese speaking. 
i have therefore updated my rules by stating that i am not Japanese, but that i am trying my very best to research and learn about Japanese culture. thank you very much for reading this !
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
outofcharacter. i want to sincerely apologize to anyone i may have offended for my actions, and to let you all know that it was never, ever my intention to hurt anyone, or to use anyone’s language as an aesthetic. i had done some research and i sincerely hoped that by shiro being japanese, that it would be okay seeing that i thought that since he is, that it wouldn’t be insensitive, but i stand corrected.
i’m apologizing from the bottom of my heart -- i’m very sorry, and i will replace the japanese in my tags with text sparkles instead. my anxiety is flaring up right now, and i will probably not be around for the day to do anything in character. 
again, i would like to reiterate that i am deeply sorry for hurting anyone, and that i will also replace the japanese in my tags for other blog as well. if anyone would like to further discuss this, please, just come off of anon, i promise i won’t bite.
please read this post, this is updated and the issue has been resolved.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
This anon never heard of cultural appropriation tbh - I don't think they're Japanese either, so they have like 0% right to tell someone what is offensive to a certain group of people. Fun fact - most Japanese people enjoy when people from other cultures share interest in the Japanese culture, as shown after many events of protest against stopping Japanese cultural appropriation. Heck, if there was no CA, there would be no culture in countries like America, who are mixed in race/culture.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
hello but i had a question! is the mun ethnically japanese? if not, it comes off as offensive to use japanese as if it was a symbol to be used in tags. in a place where symbols would be used to aesthetic, to use another culture's language seems a disservice. if you are not japanese, please change this out of respect for japanese culture and followers. thank you!
outofcharacter. hi ! no i am not, i’m Jamaican/Russian. it was never my intention to use a culture or a language solely for an aesthetic, so i do apologize for any offense by my actions. the only reason why Japanese is in my tags is because to my knowledge, Shiro is a canonically Japanese character -- i would not have done so if he was not, as to me, a language that does not have anything to do with a character has no business being there.
but i do understand if it is a disservice and disrespectful, so i will do so. thank you for letting me know ! it was not to my knowledge that using Japanese in my tags if i’m not Japanese was offensive. next time though, please do come off of anon -- it would be much easier for me to discuss this with someone with knowledge of this, privately. if you could send me an ask off anon so i can discuss with you how else to make sure an error like this does not happen again, it would be greatly appreciated, thank you !
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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she makes me weak.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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It’s you. – Kamishiro Rize
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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                                                    crush me between your biceps.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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        ❛ …I know. ❜ Of course he knows, gaze torn from the stars twinkling mockingly beyond glass pane to cast itself downwards instead, chest rising with the intake of deep breath. Inhale, exhale; eyes close, fingers curling inward toward palms and within the whisper that is his speech, there is audible frustration. ❛ But you’d like to pretend it does too, wouldn’t you? ❜
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      ❛    —————— i . . .   ❜ he stills , eyes taken by the simple beauty of endless space, and the unsure notion bleeding into his thoughts, a cause for hesitation. shiro watches keith : the movement in his hands, the breath he takes ——  ( the disturbance beneath the seemingly placid lake. ) ❛     yes. i’m sure all of us would, but as harsh as it sounds, pretending . . . well, it won’t get us anywhere.    ❜  a pause.   ❛     but i’m sure you know that already.    ❜
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
out. a few updates ! very very few.
my shiro’s face claim will be kenta sakurai ! this goes hand in hand with my newly formed hc for my shiro to be biracial ( japanese/mexican ). 
i’ve been thinking about this for weeks now, and i’ve mentioned it to some friends about my shiro having been a violinist and guitarist, but after the events of his galra captivity, sometime whilst discovering the castle of lions, he comes across similar string instruments. upon trying to play them, he finds his galra prosthetic to hinder his playing as the digits are synthetic/metal. i’ll go into deeper detail as to why this is important, but for now you get a preview to suffering.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
callout post for tumblr user severecut bc damn you can’t let this shit die can you
lmao aight, so i thought this specific issue was settled - admittedly, poorly so - but settled nonetheless. i went to bed last night fully considering the issue solved and i was going to leave it at that, but SOMEHOW it’s apparently still a problem! “even if said person calls me out ,  it wouldn’t be fair considering i changed it and complied .” lol okay. just let me say, you earned this. you earned this callout. you earned this callout because of how absolutely grating your “compliance” has been. yes, the issue has technically be resolved after 5 HOURS OF GRIEVOUS LABOR, but only after repeated, REPEATED prompting and explicit help from both me and lily ( @masochisticsadist​ ).
let me restate: the only reason you’re getting this callout is because you had to go an run your vague ass mouth over an issue that was supposedly already solved. you did this to yourself. and yes, your vague ass fucking mouth. because you neglected to show ANY of what actually went down. saying you’re “being honest” but failing to show any semblance of evidence connected to the situation is a bit shady no offense. didn’t even @ me like damn. you think i’m scared of you? apparently so, considering you keep mentioning how you have so many people who will “back you up on the matter.” as if any of that holds any fucking shred of meaning to me lmao. i’m not weak enough to where i can’t stand on my own.
SO LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS I GUESS. let me start this off by saying i don’t go looking for trouble. trouble is hand delivered to me on my front doorstep with a nice little ribbon and letter stating the following: dear ari, literally fuck off how dare you have a good time. yesterday it was brought to my attention by lily ( masochistisadist ) that tumblr user @severecut had very blatantly copied by entire bio layout and when looked at by myself, lily, and SEVERAL other individuals, it was more than obvious that this was the case.
and unlike you, i have a gratuitous amount of evidence to support my case.  i know what the fuck i said, screenshots don’t scare me. i am more than willing to showcase every little itty bitty detail of what went down. and lemme just remind you! you brought this upon yourself. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Keep reading
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
dad when i get a cute alien babe
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when you confess your sins to our lord and savior voltron, son.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
out. this isn’t aimed at anybody but just a heads up -- if you post anything with shiro being shipped with any of the paladins, whether they are aged up or not, i will unfollow. in other words, shieth, shidge, shlance, shunk, or any variation of these. i don’t like being part of the age discourse, but i acknowledge that video of the panel confirming shiro to be 25 and the rest to be minors as canon. sorry but.....to me it’s pedophilia so i’m super uncomfortable.
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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AHHHHH I’M REALLY HAPPY YOU GUYS LIKE MY SHIRO THANK YOU VERY MUCH ; w ; Drawing his fringe is the funnest part!
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
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Lions and their paladins
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valorcode-blog · 8 years
celestial. i’m finally back from my trip !! ;v; it’ll take a few days for me to get back on track with my sleep schedule, but i’m definitely going to start replying here and working on a few odd ocs and commissions very soon. sorry for not being active hjfkls
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