valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       She nods once again now, his abilities seem rather easy to use, so she'll try them out a bit later when he isn't around to see her make a fool of herself, her main concern is how the innocence is going to react to his body once he speaks the words she's told him to. ❝ Rest assured you won't have to hold my hand. I would never ask you to worry over me. ❞ His words are harsh, though and she is somewhat hurt at his reluctance to deal with her. But it's only because everything is still brand new..or at least that's what she keeps telling herself.
❝ It's not as if I want you to try this, but they're making us do it to see what it's like to be in another person's shoes, or so they say. I'm sorry. I really..really don't want you to do this, trust me. ❞ Emphasis on the word really as she can feel her stomach tighten at the thought of something going wrong and the innocence rejecting him, destroying him from the inside, and ultimately killing him. It scares her. Scares her to think of innocence taking yet another person away from her. The room was silent now, neither of them speaking. Then it was broken when he'd opened his mouth to say the words and in that instant, her breathing hitched, waiting for whatever was about to come next.
                 Nothing happened at first and she was calm for just that moment, giving a sigh of relief she tried her best to muster up some whatever kind of laugh she could give in an effort to reassure him that everything was fine and the innocence hadn't reacted badly. ❝ See? Nothing hap-- ❞ But then his eyes widened and all at once, she knew.
                 She knew what was happening. The sound of skin splitting apart and the red color now flowed and covered the floor in a puddle which was rapidly growing by the second. She didn't know what to do, didn't know what to say, her face expressed total fear as she sat across from him, watching everything happen. ❝ Y-yukio-san.. ❞ A hushed whisper at first as she tried to calm herself, but to no avail. ❝ YUKIO-SAN!! ❞ Voice shrill as she moved to him, panicking and unsure of what she could do for him. 
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                 Blood pooled at his feet and all she could do was watch and the look on his face was one that was in pain. Tears now begin to form in her eyes as she pulled him down from where he was sitting and onto the floor. All she could think to do was hold him until it stopped and so that's exactly what she did. Craddling him in her arms, she tries her best to calm him down as there's no way for her to stop the bleeding. ❝ Please God, don't let him die, ❞ Voice cracking as she spoke, ❝ Yukio-san..please don't die..you're fine..everything will be fine..I'm sorry..I really am, never again. ❞
»»» { Fast learner. Well, it wasn’t like he was able to give a full-on teacher’s lesson, so obviously the basics would have to do. Being born with it, he couldn’t offer any trips or tricks to help her, so she was out of luck there. }
Good. I’m not going to hold your hand or anything, so don’t expect me to.
»»» { He stares at the blank screen in his hands, taking it as a comforting distraction even with no flashing lights or beeping victory music to accompany him. It does nothing to lesson his shock once she proceeds to explain what he’s been stuck with, the heavy word die hanging in the air like a guillotine. He wasn’t expecting that at all, and the gloved grip on the psp tightens exponentially as she continues. }
You seriously want me to try something that might kill me? You’re seriously more stupid than I thought.
»»» { As stupid as it may sound, he was considering it. If only because the idea of being powerless, vulnerable, made him feel sick to his stomach. In this place where people had all their powers, and his father was a damned hollow, it’d be dangerous. Silence reigned as he thought and thought, and finally, with a swallow, came to a conclusion. Fuck…he couldn’t believe he was doing this. }
»»» { That sounded so stupid coming out of his mouth. For a moment, nothing happened, and then he choked as a feeling like electricity shot through his stomach, body freezing and eyes wide. It traveled down, stomach, knees, ankles, until they were gifted with another second of peaceful silence.
Followed by the sickening sound of skin splitting, blood bursting forth from the area above his feet and flowing down. It pooled on the floor at a rapid pace, staining cloth and leather and dragging a noise from the boy’s throat. }
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       Fullbring, huh? Sounds complicated. She's making a real effort to listen though, chin in hand, legs crossed, eyes attentive as he speaks. What an interesting set of powers she's been gifted with. ❝ Draw the soul out of things...huh, ❞ Oh, she gets it. ❝ I see, I think I understand what I'm dealing with then for the most part. Thank you. ❞ And she once again flashes him another smile before she goes on to nod at his next statement. ❝ Yes..you have my innocence, unfortunately. ❞
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                 ❝ Actually I'm a little bit worried about that. ❞ thumbs twiddling together as she tries to think of a logical way to explain what could possibly happen to him if he were to activate it. ❝ You see..innocence can only be used by accommodators, ❞ As if he could go off of just that alone. ❝ If you aren't an accomodator and the innocence rejects your presence, you could die. ❞ She winces at the last word as she speaks. ❝ It's a cursed weapon, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. ❞
                 ❝ So...by using it, you could possibly...die..Yukio-san. ❞ Eyes now turned towards the ground, refusing to look at him anymore. So, there's the bad part of things. But now it's time to talk about her actual powers if he survives. ❝ If you survive though..my innocence is actually quite helpful. You see, because of my innocence I'm able to travel faster than the speed of sound and even jump to great heights. It comes in very handy when I'm trying to get away or..fight something. ❞ Helpful yes, but not very special. ❝ I'm sorry I don't have much to offer. ❞ So it's about time to try.. ❝ I think it's time that you..tried to sync with the innocence. It's already inside you, after all. You'll just need to say 'Innocence Activate' ❞
»»» { Wouldn’t. Right. His gaze shifts to the side for a moment before returning to their previous position, keeping himself firmly planted in his seat with hat shadowing his eyes. This was such a shitty situation. Not having the power he was born with and relied on…it made him feel hollow.
No pun intended. }
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»»» { He waits until she’s actually sitting and done talking before sighing softly under his breath. Time to explain..as best he could, anyway. That had always been Ginjo’s schtick, not his. }
It’s called a Fullbring. It’s hard to explain how you become one so i’m not going to, but basically you can draw the soul out of things to use it differently. Like walking on water or pulling liquid out of a glass into your mouth. Stuff like that.
»»» { Basic examples. As long as she got the gist, it was good enough. Asphalt, glass, liquids…it was pretty versatile if you knew how to use it. }
If you get fond of something, like a necklace, you can change how it looks or works. Depends on who you are, though. If i’m stuck your…innocence or whatever it is, you probably got my Fullbring.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       Right. She should get to explaining how the whole thing works..before he hurts himself or even worse. The power innocence was something that ought not be trifled with after all. ❝ Hehe.. ❞ He doesn't seem too happy, but then again who would be with something like this? 
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                 ❝ You know, if this could be avoided I wouldn't rope you into this. ❞ Being an accommodator is a curse after all and she wouldn't wish it on anyone. With great power, comes responsibility and with resonsibility comes to possibility of sadness. ❝ Monsters? Oh dear..that could be a problem. I might startle myself if anything. ❞ There she goes laughing again, leave it to her to try to lighten the already ruined mood. ❝ Right..right! Go on ahead then. I'm listening. ❞ She should probably sit down for this, as she feels it's going to be quite the explanation. ❝ And after you're done, I can teach you how to use innocence and..other things! ❞
»»» { This was different, unfamiliar, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like not being in control. It didn’t help she suggested he might end up in orbit. }
Sure. I’ll stick ‘don’t launch myself into space’ on my to-do list, right after ‘figure out how not to do that’.
»»» { He decides to ignore the missing comment, or rather, he doesn’t know how to respond, so he opts not to. He should deal with the fact she’s stuck with his fullbring powers. Maybe if it was just Invaders Must Die, it wouldn’t be too much of a problem since he’d refuse to part with the psp in his grasp, but since the power-sharing ordeal, there was something else a bit more dangerous. }
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I guess I should probably tell you about it, just so you don’t go accidentally summoning monsters in the middle of the street. I’d rather not have to deal with any screw ups you might make.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       Eyebrows furrowed as she looks at the Bookman. ❝ I'm well aware of what's going on, actually. ❞ A sigh now as she leads him inside. Arms crossed over her chest as they stand in front of one another. Honestly, to bother her for something like this in the middle of the night. Not that she was upset, she could never be upset with him. Here they were, somewhere peaceful, somewhere that they didn't have to worry about their duties, they weren't tied to the duty that had brung them together. Yet he still cared about her and came to her when he was in need. ❝ You didn't get anything...hm well your spouse must not be very powered then. Consider yourself lucky. ❞
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                 ❝ I'm stuck with an ability I have no idea how to use and I'd probably hurt people if I tried. ❞ He's complaining that he has nothing useful, how rude. He's lucky that he has nothing at all. ❝ You're so lucky. For a week you have nothing to worry about, you can live as a normal person. ❞ Though this may prove worrisome... ❝ But I suggest staying inside..or next to your spouse, as you now have no way of defending yourself against the many threats we're now facing..with this switch. ❞
           Oh, Lavi knew all about Lenalee’s newly appointed father and her living arrangements, as well as her mother. The moment he had arrived at this place, he had gathered as much information as he could. Memorizing the lists of spouses and fiances, as well as the housing of anyone he knew. Which included both the girl standing in front of him and Allen Walker, the Noah and exorcist who had been as close to them as anyone ever had. The only one who had seemed to be missing from their loose quartet was a certain aggravated swordsman, though the Bookman could guess he would turn up sooner or later. Not that that was the problem at the moment. No, no, he had a much bigger one at the moment.
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           ”Lenaleee… do you know what they did… they switched them… our abilities… with our spouses…" A slight pause, one that gave her a moment to absorb the information. "They took my Innocence and I didn’t even get anything useful in return." Not that that was entirely true, but the variety of battle moves at his disposal didn’t even compare with his hammer in his own mind, his only thought on getting it back.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       A knock at the door causes her to jolt awake from her sleep. Hands move over her eyes, rubbing them before she turns over and tries to go back to sleep, but again more knocks. Who's even out this late at night anyway and what business do they have with anybody in this house? Hesitantly, she throws back the covers, moves her feet to wear her slippers and slowly gets up out of bed. Whoever this is, it had better be good. She opens the door now and her eyes widen as she sees who it is. Red hair, green eyes, without a doubt, it's him. ❝ Lavi? ❞
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                 Confused? Very much so. ❝ What are you doing? How did you even find..where I lived. ❞ Actually, that's not what's important right now. ❝ You look terrible, is something wrong? Don't just stand there..come inside. ❞ She moves to the side, allowing him to step inside if he wanted. Thank God she was the one who answered the door, if her faher had gotten to it, there would've been all sorts of trouble.
           And here he was. The inevitable situation, the one where a single gloved hand hovered over a plain door that belonged to a plain house, one that he would normally never come to. However, this one was special. This was where she lived, his comrade. The girl who walked on water and danced through the stars with more grace than anyone he’d ever seen. The girl with the midnight hair and the restrained smile. And why exactly was he here? Well, the missing hammer, usually strapped to his leg, was definitely one of them. This whole “abilities swap” had definitely gotten Lavi all worked up, and he needed her help.
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           A few knocks were all it took before he dropped his hand back to his side, weight shifting to one leg as he waited for an answer, his obvious distress radiating off him in waves.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       Switching abilities shouldn't be so bad, in fact it should be rather easy...if he's an accommodator because if he's not, well..things could get a bit tricky from here. ❝ Well, Yukio-san.. ❞
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                 ❝ I don't think there should be any real problems..but just be careful to not shoot off into outer space, okay? ❞ Because she's certain he wouldn't like for that to happen, so it's better to warn him beforehand. ❝ I think I'd miss you if you did. ❞ Did she need to say that? No. Probably not. ❝ Is there any danger I should know about..perhaps? ❞
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       Fingers move over shelves nervously as she makes her way around the store. She'd wanted to do something nice for her fiancé, since he always seemed to be uninterested in just about everything. But there was one problem, she hadn't the slightest idea about what he liked when it came to video games. What was it that boys his age..from his..era like anyway? She's just about ready to give up, until it dawns on her that there's a service desk in which questions can be asked. With a bit of hope, she moves over to where the nearest employee is situated, nervous all the while. ❝ Excuse me.. ❞
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                 ❝ Would you happen to know which kinds of ah.. ❞ Chin in hand now as she tries to think of the word... ❝ Games! Yes, games. Which..games are popular with young men? ❞
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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{  ✿  }       Very worried. Very very very worried.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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{  ✿  }       Allen..
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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{  ✿  }       Lavi.....
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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{  ✿  }       Lavi...
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general? 
Sadly, yes she does. Being away from her brother for long periods of time and this being somewhere she can't exactly well, leave, makes her feel very uncomfortable. When she's alone she probably cries about it. Not in front of people though.
As for her view on family, she thinks family is very important because she lost her family at a very young age and has no memories of them. Her brother became her reason for living back home, so it's fair to say that family is a very treasured thing among Lenalee.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
What's your character's new job? Does it resemble their old one, or is it something completely different?
She works at a tea shop now because it's something to keep her mind off of having a fiancé and new family. 
It doesn't resemble her old one at all. She was an exorcist dedicated to fighting akuma and finding an essence called "The Heart" and her life was at risk daily because of that....haha really big difference from working in a tea shop. Much more safe.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
UN questionnaire.
✸: How is your character adjusting to their new life? Do they find what the government is doing necessary or pointless?
❂: Is your character enjoying their new family? Do they get along or butt heads?
☁: Does your character enjoy Hydread? Is Iunctum very different from their hometown, or just about the same?
❥: Was your character in a relationship back home? Can they let go or are they struggling?
✥: Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general?
✰: Are they okay with their new apartment? Is it spacious and cozy enough for them?
✦: Will they sleep with their spouses in one bed straight away, or is someone ending up on the couch (and if so, who)?
✄: What's your character's new job? Does it resemble their old one, or is it something completely different?
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
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This army is our family, oh- this is our family, and family comes first.
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
{  ✿  }       A nod now. ❝ Yes..and I look forward to getting to know him before we do anything else. I like to hope that he feels the same but.. ❞ It was one thing for her to want to put forth an effort, but it takes two people. But nevermind that, it's rude to spill your worries out to a stranger who seems more troubled than you. ❝ Ah, enough about me! ❞
                 She's shaking her head now, her worries aren't important anyway. ❝ Aside from husbands and fiancés..are you going to look for a job or have you already found one? ❞
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            Her life back in Kou Empire wasn’t great, but it was surely better than her new life here. The one thing she’d feared had come true here. A look of disgust probably hung on her face, but it left as quickly as it came; she’d hoped the girl hadn’t taken notice.
            "He sounds… likable…" She nodded. ".. The fact that you two are engaged does make it easier to bridge up a friendship. " Or so she thought, Kougyoku wasn’t too familiar on how friendships worked.
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