eyedolism · 10 years
all dressed in white; momo & erika
《♪》 Before now, Momo hadn't ever thought about marriage. Her childhood -- the time during which her over-active imagination perhaps could have conjured up such an image -- had been cut tragically short by the incident, and life couldn't very well proceed as normal, not with the sudden influx of attention she received and the isolation the undeserved attention brought upon her.
Naturally, the news of an engagement certainly caught her by surprise. 
She peeked out from under the hood of her jacket, caramel-colored eyes glancing quickly from the slip of paper in her hand and the number on the apartment door. This was it, time to brace herself; nervousness was replaced quickly with curiosity as she turned the knob, testing to see if the door was locked. She jiggled it once, twice, only to be met with resistance.
Huh. Better knock, then.
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❝Um, hello..?❞ She rapped her knuckles against the door and strained to her tip-toes to try to peek into the peephole. ❝Anyone home? If you're not I'm just going to use my key -- err, not that you can hear me if you're not here..ahaha..❞
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arachnidsgripppp · 10 years
☼ !!!!!!!!
to lolitapop
      [ recieved 43 seconds ago — press to hold ]
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clearcoded-blog · 10 years
⊙﹏☉ & ☂ !
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What flusters the character?
Anything relating to sex/love/relationships can fluster Clear, although half the time Clear does get flustered, he probably can’t even understand why ( because the concept of human emotions perplex him ), though he can figure it out eventually. Anything to do with what he really is and his actual face can make him fluster easily also, for personal reasons relating to self-conscious issues and his background history, typically though Clear can get flustered at the smallest of things too — depending on the circumstance.
Weather the character enjoys.
Clear doesn’t necessarily have a particular weather that he enjoys most, but he feels most comfortable in the sun seeing as if it was to rain then there can be quite a few complications, though he then can have a reason to use his umbrella ( despite using it anyway ), so perhaps it’s the rain that Clear most looks forward to.
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fxyumine · 10 years
❄ -  Favorite season and why?
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Winter. She likes to keep covered up, if at all possible, so cold weather is her ideal environment. Plus, snow is pretty and stuff.
♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy?
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Naoto’s not really a music-listener, to be honest. She always seems to have something better to do than sit around and listen to tunes. She enjoys some piano pieces, though, and energized workout music is always good to have when she’s training.
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caninusvictor-blog · 10 years
☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy.
Answered here!
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why?
Answered here!
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gxleforce · 10 years
✸: How is your character adjusting to their new life? Do they find what the government is doing necessary or pointless?
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She's doing as well as anyone else. It's all very confusing and overwhelming for her, but in the end Robin is going to try her best to make things as comfortable for herself and her new family as possible. She isn't one to half-ass anything even if the odds are against her or the situation itself isn't favorable. 
And it isn't that she finds this government project to be pointless; in fact, rebuilding a nation after war through the people seems, to her, a very proactive way to go about it. But Robin finds that the fact that they made people ultimately come here by force to be taking a step backward in what it is they're trying to do.
The meaning behind what Hydread's government is trying to do resonates with her; the means in which they are going about it make her side eye them hardcore.
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
♠ - What are they afraid of?
UM PEOPLE IN GENERAL. they scare her a lot!! but you would be too if you lived 100+ years by yourself im sURE. plus she’s always been warned never to look people in the eye bc they’ll turn to stone - and i guess her powers also scare her (or mostly….it used to scare her not very much anymore). AND THEN she’s afraid that she’ll loose all the people that she has become close to - her family rly and that just rips her heart in two just thinking about it.
♕ - Do they trust easily?
i’d actually have to say yes on this one. even tho strangers scare the life out of her, once she gets to know someone, she bonds with them pretty quickly. as long as they’ve proven to her that she CAN trust them, u know. she’s rly just a ball of fluff tho i just can’t
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valsebrouillard-blog · 10 years
Do they miss their old family? What are their views on families, in general? 
Sadly, yes she does. Being away from her brother for long periods of time and this being somewhere she can't exactly well, leave, makes her feel very uncomfortable. When she's alone she probably cries about it. Not in front of people though.
As for her view on family, she thinks family is very important because she lost her family at a very young age and has no memories of them. Her brother became her reason for living back home, so it's fair to say that family is a very treasured thing among Lenalee.
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heatdazing · 10 years
Hiyori is adjusting fairly well actually! In the beginning she wasn’t to happy about coming, but she’s been adopted into a nice family and she’s already on the verge of making some new friends! Of course she still misses her old home, but that’s to be expected. As for the government… well she’d twelve, so she doesn’t really think much of them. She does hold a tiny grudge against them for making her restart her life though.
She doesn’t necessarily enjoy it per se, but she doesn’t hate it either. She did at first, but as time goes on she’s gradually becoming more comfortable with it. In Hiyori’s old home, she alternated between living on the countryside and living in the city, so she’d pretty adaptable. She thinks her old home was probably more crowded, but this place seems clean and cozy enough to satisfy her. 
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